1 Step At A Time: A One Direc...

By Shaydaluvspie

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Jackie Kelly: Is a very different girl. She suffers from Depression, Anxiety, Insomnia and ADHD and Learning... More

Chapter 1: About me, my sister and friends!
Chapter 3: After Uni, Finding a place and a job!
Chapter 4: Moving to England, after Uni and finding a job, part 2!
Chapter 5: Do I wan't to take this job or not?

Chapter 2: Early life in Canada.

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By Shaydaluvspie

Evelyn, Natalie and I have always went to the same school. Because Michaela is a few years older than us. She went to a different school and started university before we did.  It was pretty hard for Evelyn, Natalie and I to handle the fact that Michaela was gone. We wouldn't be able to see her for a few years. We loved her very much. She was like our sister... I never really knew what Michaela wanted to be when she grew up.

Her taste in music was a bit different than mine. She likes pop. I do too.  But not a whole lot. Michaela likes One Direction and Ed Sheeran for sure! I do too but I'm not obsessed like other girls are. I'm pretty sure she likes Bruno Mars also. I love Bruno Mars. She told me about One Direction and Ed Sheeran. I mean it's nice to hear their songs for a change because most of the songs I hear on pop stations have a lot of DubStep, Skrillex and autotune. Which I can't stand all the time.

Michaela told me that when we finish University that she wanted to go to New York or L.A. , with me and try out for Broadway or a movie. I thought that was a good idea. Evelyn never really knew what she wanted to be when she grew up. Her parents would make her take a lot of extra carricular classes when she wasn't at school. They pushed her too much. Evelyn barely had time do to her homework. And she always looked very tired and sick. When Evelyn finally had some time do to her work, she would be a very smart student. She really is.

Evelyn's taste in music is cool. She's not a big fan of pop. But she likes some of it. She loves Avril Lavigne and Pink. And she loves a popular rock band named Green Day! I love them too. Evelyn doesn't really like One Direction. She loves writting and seriously wants to travel the world!

Natalie wants to be a doctor. She said that any kind of doctor would be great. Her music interest is pretty much pop. As long as there's not too much autotune, DubStep and Skrillex. She does not like remixes. Same here!

Me? Well I like any music genre. I like pop. But not too much as I said earlier. The pop artists I love the most are Lady Gaga, Bruno Mars, Cher Lloyd  Little Mix and of course Michael Jackson. Of course, Michaela told me about Cher Lloyd and Little Mix. And I do like One Direction (She told me about One Direction), just not obsessed. I love Jazz and Amy Winehouse. And I really like Rock Music. Especially Glam Rock and Punk Rock. What I want to be when I grow up? Well.. I would either want to be a cop, journalist, activist or a performer. I love singing, acting, dancing, writting and designing. My mom bought me an electric guitar for my grade 8 grad. She has an accoustic guitar that her dad bought for her grade 8 grad (Cool, ehh?) Sometimes I would play that as well. And we have a big piano at home.

For  work, Natalie, Michaela, Evelyn and I would go down town, hold up signs, talk about charities that raise money for people's rights, equality and for people who live with tough lives. We tried so hard to get people to sign up and donate. But that was very difficult because people would often ignore us. "COME ON! HOW WOULD YOU FEEL IF YOU LIVED LIKE THAT??! YEAH YOU WOULD FEEL SHITTY AND LIVE A MISERABLE LIFE. THAT'S WHY WE'RE HERE TO RAISE MONEY!!!" I would often yell at people. 

Sometimes, we would volunteer at a hospital to take care of sick children who live there. In High School, Me, Evelyn, Natalie and Michaela were tough, brave and we did lots of crazy things. I was the most energenic. I wore lots of crazy/interesting things. I was very different than everyone els at school. Natalie was the most femmine. She was pretty energenic too, but not as much as I was. Natalie would wear anything that was pretty, comfortable and not slutty. Michaela and Evelyn were the tomb boys. They were always calm. If anyone tried to bully us, we would beat the living daylights out of the jerks!

After High School, Natalie and I finally decided that we were going to Italy. We've been wanting to go there after High School since we were 11-12 years old. And since Evelyn wanted to travel the world, we told her that she could come with us. So she did.

Then... Sadly... University started. We all went to different universities. I went to U. of T. (University of Toronto) Natalie went to York and Evelyn went to University of Waterloo. It was so difficult to live a new life without them. Thankfully, I became a calmer person and I worked very hard. I honestly enjoy life at University. I never knew what  Eveylyn or Natalie's courses were because I was too busy focusing on my own courses.

The courses I took were psycology, Criminology, Journalism and Politics. Yes I am a musical person and I love everything about the arts. But I took so many courses for those things since I was a child. I started Dance when I was 4 years old. I started playing Piano when I was 5 but didn't get proper lessons untill I was 10. I started taking Acting/Drama when I was 7 and I started playing guitar when I was 13. And I've basicly been writting and drawing, my entire life. But the courses I'm taking now have always interested me for many years. That's why I'm taking them right now. And you know what. I will figure out what I want to do with my life after University!

And you're  probably wondering how I did all of this while I've had so much school work to do at the same time. I actually don't know. Well I mean, yes I did get ovewhelmed at times. Especially because I have ADHD (Attention Defisate Hyperactive Disorder) and Learning disabilities. I suffer from depresion and anxiety and I am an Insomniac. But I do take my medication (Anti depresant/anxiety), lots of herbs and herbal tea so I could get some sleep. I try to excersise a lot and keep a healthy diet. I also see my psychiatrist (Shrink or Counsellor) So I guess that is what helps me get through tough times. Well and Music too. I do everything I can to get the help I need. And I am a hard worker. So that's how I did it!

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