Near To You *Completed*

By WritersUnblock

79.7K 2.3K 295

Harry Styles, dealing with a painful breakup, must try to learn to open his heart again. But he feels no one... More

Near To You (a Narry fanfic)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Author's Note(it'll be quick)
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Just a last Note......


3K 143 29
By WritersUnblock

Niall and I have just celebrated our one year anniversary as a married couple.  We dated for two years before he proposed.  We were married after I graduated from college.  In total it has been just over five years of happiness and I wouldn’t change a thing. 

Niall never went to college.  Not because he didn’t want to or he didn’t get accepted anywhere, but his life has taken a different turn.  About a month after my one and only open mic night performance, we were at the bar and he was singing like every Saturday night and I guess word got out about him and the following he had made just from open mic nights.  A rep from a record label came in and heard him sing and he was given a record deal about three months later.

He has been doing quite well in the UK and Ireland and he is now breaking into the American market.  It was quite strange and surreal having a famous singer be your boyfriend and then fiancé while attending college.  Some people wanted to be my friend, only because of him and some people, mostly girls, just screamed whenever he would come to visit me, but overall, I had a great experience.

Our relationship hasn’t been without its difficulties.  We have had fights, arguments and disagreements, even times where we would go a week without seeing or talking to each other because we were both stubborn and unwilling to make up.  But we made it through.  Anyone who says that you shouldn’t have to try in a relationship and marriage, it should just work, is absolutely mental.  You have to put in work to keep the relationship going.   

Because of Niall’s career, we are now living in London, which I don’t mind.  I actually quite like it here.  Louis, Liam and Zayn all live in London as well, so when Niall is away, I have them to keep me company.   

I graduated with a degree in music business, because I knew I wanted to have something to share with my husband.  I know that I can sing and Niall tries to get me to sing for his management, but it’s still not something that I am comfortable with.  I don’t want the spot light.  So I work for his record label in the management department.  I am not on his management because that would be a conflict of interest, I think, but I assist with up and coming artists.  I love every minute of it.

“Welcome home baby” I say to Niall as he enters our home and places his suitcase down and pulls me in for a hug and long passionate kiss.

“I missed you so much, Harry.”

“Me too.  These past two weeks have felt like years.  They went by so slow.  How did you enjoy America?”

“It was really good, but you that, we talked almost every day.”

“I know I just like hearing you talk about it face to face.  I love you, baby so much” I said and pulled him in for another kiss.

“I love you too.” And we made our way to our bedroom for much needed married bliss.

The next morning I woke up to the smell of breakfast cooking.  I love when Niall is home.  He always makes breakfast.  It’s his specialty.

I walk into the kitchen to see his amazing body that I can’t get enough of only covered by his boxer shorts.  His back muscles are tensing and relaxing as he is working.  I make my way up behind him and wrap my arms around him and place kisses along his shoulder blade.

He leans into me, his head resting back on my shoulder.  “Good morning handsome” Niall says and turns around to face me.

“Good morning.  It smells delicious!” I exclaim and begin setting the table.

As we are eating I feel Niall staring at me.  I look up to see him smirking.

“What? Do I have something on my face” I ask and begin to wipe my face with my napkin.

“No, it’s just that I have a surprise for you and I am very excited about it!  So hurry up and eat, we have to get on the road.  We are going home to visit your parents.”

“Really!  That’s great.  I haven’t seen mum in a few months.”

“Yes, so hurry up and let get ready.”

My parents still live in Holmes Chapel and I got back to visit every few weeks or so, but recently I have been so busy that it has now been about three months since I have been back.  Niall’s parents moved back to Ireland not too long after Niall got his record deal, but he sees them often.  He flies them down to London or we fly up to see them every few months.

The drive to my home town is familiar.  I love seeing the ‘Welcome to Holmes Chapel’ sign as we enter the village limits.  We pull up in front of the house I grew up in and I hop out of the car to greet my mother who is currently waiting at the door.

“My baby” she says as she pulls me in for a hug.

“Hi mum.  I missed you”

“I missed you too” she says and let’s go of me to pull Niall in for a hug.

“Hi Anne” Niall says as they embrace.

“Hi sweetheart.  How was your trip?” She asks referring to his trip to America.

“Really good.”

“Well come on, let us go inside.  I have some tea ready for you.” Mum says and we make our way into the house.

After a few hours of visiting I notice that my mum and Niall are sharing some crazy looks like they are have their own silent conversation.  My mum and Niall have always had a great bond, but even this is weird.

“Ok, ok, enough with the looks” I say to them.  “What is going on?”

They both just laugh a little, but stop when they take notice of my annoyed face.

“I just have a surprise for you, is all and your mum happens to know about it and has been helping me out while I have been away.”

“You mean coming home wasn’t the surprise?” I ask.

“No, there is more” He replies and my face lights up.  Niall and his surprises.  He surprises me with one thing or another just about once a month.  Some are just little things like flowers or romantic dinners out, other times have been vacations and my Range Rover I got for my birthday a year ago. 

“Ok, let’s go.  Here.  Put this on” He says as he hands me a blind fold.

“A blind fold.  Really Niall.  Is this necessary?”  I groan.

“Yes.  Now put it on.”

My mom laughs and helps tie the blindfold on me. 

“Have fun boys!” My mum exclaims as Niall is walking me to the car.

I sit in the seat and he helps with my belt and after a few moments I feel the car moving.

“Where are we going?” I beg. 

“You’ll see” re replies

“Really, cause I can’t see anything right now!” I huff and he chuckles.

“Good!” he responds and takes my hand in his.

After about twenty minutes I’m guessing, because about four or five songs have played on the radio, the car comes to a stop. I hear Niall’s door open and the second later my door is open and I feel him undoing my belt and helping me out of the car.

“Ok.” He says as he is untying the blindfold. “Are you ready?”

“Yes.” I saw with nervous anticipation and then my eyes are free and I squint to get use to the light.  After a few moments I am looking at a beautiful two story, white house with blue shutters and a wrap around porch.   Niall stands there silently as I take in the surroundings and this place seems familiar but I can’t quite put my finger on it.

“Niall this is beautiful!”

“Glad you like it.  I had it built for us.  This is our second home.”

I smile at him and pull him in for a hug.  “I love it, baby.  Thank you so much.”

“You’re welcome.  Should we go have a look inside?” He asks and takes my hand.

“Yes” I reply and we make our way to the front door.

The inside of the house is beautiful.  It is decorated to perfection and I love every inch of it.

“This is really amazing Ni.”

“Your mum helped with the decorations and the final touches while I was away.  She did a really good job.  This is my first time seeing the finished home.”

“How long have you been building this?” I asks while still looking around.

“The construction started about four months ago.  I bought the land and had it cleared out and then hired the home builders and the rest is history!” He responds.  “But you haven’t seen the best part”

“There’s more.  I don’t think this could get any better.” I say as he takes my hand.

“You’ll see” he say with a knowing smirk and leads me into the kitchen.

There is a large sliding glass door that takes up basically an entire wall in the very large kitchen.  At first I don’t notice it right away or it just doesn’t sink in, but when I take a second look at the very large back yard and over some bushes, I see it.

“N-Niall.”I whisper and cover my mouth and tears begin forming in my eyes.  He grips my hand tighter and opens the glass door and pulls me outside.

“Oh my God Niall.” I say and he is wiping away the tears slipping onto my face as we are making our way to the covered bridge that has so much meaning to us and is now in my back yard.  The familiar sound of the waterfall comes to my ears.

“Do you like it” he asks.

“Niall this couldn’t be more perfect.  I love it so much.  I love you so much, baby.  I love you, I love you, I love you.” I say over and over while placing kisses all over his smiling face.

He leads me onto the bridge and we lean against the side and look out one of the arch shaped openings that show off the waterfall.  He has his arms wrapped around me and his chest is tightly placed against my back.

“I love you, Harry.  I love you so much.” he says and places a kiss on my neck.

I lean into him, taking in everything.  We have been through a lot.  Had ups and downs, highs and lows, but our love will never falter.  He is my whole world, my life, my everything. 

“I love you too, Niall.”

(That's all.  My first story completed.  I am almost finished with a second story.  I like it better than this one.  It's entitled "Anything For You"  It's another Narry fic.  I'll post the description and Prologue maybe later today or tomorrow.  Thanks to anyone who has read this.  I very much appreciate it.)

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