One Punch Man: Genos x Reader...

By erenfangirlomg

17.4K 323 243

Short stories all about our very own demon cyborg! GENOS \(°0°)/ Disclaimer: I do NOT own One Punch Man (T-T) More

Just The Way You Are
Author's Note

Valentine's Date

4.6K 89 108
By erenfangirlomg

Hello again and Happy Valentine's Day to you all! \(°0°)/ so heres another short story i wrote for Valentine's >w< so enjoy ^-^

"Oh god, oh god WHAT AM I GOING TO WEAR?!" you said to yourself while looking through your closet, a variety of clothes scattered everywhere.

Today is the day every couple would go crazy, the day where girls give out chocolate to their crushes and boys and girls confessing their love to the ones they like:

Valentine's Day

You and your cyborg boyfriend already plan to go on a special date. You two were going to meet up at the park at 2:30, which you had an hour left to get ready.

You kept throwing your clothes in all directions, unsure which outfit was perfect for you to wear for today. Your heart beat faster at every second that pass. You were excited, but at the same time very uneasy. Here you are, all a nervous wreck while searching for a cute outfit. You were still looking for it until you got a text message for Genos.

You picked your phone and looked at the screen:

Demon Cyborg: Happy Valentine's Day

You replied back:

You: Happy Valentine's Day to you too! ^-^

Demon Cyborg: I have a surprise for you

You: Ooooh tell me! OwO

Demon Cyborg: you'll see when we meet up at the park

You: Awww ok T^T

Demon Cyborg: You're so cute :)

You: O/////O

Demon Cyborg: well I'll see you there

You: ok see ya \(^-^)

You put your phone down and continued your scavenger hunt. You didn't have much time, so your sped up your pace into super sonic speed.

This went on for a few minutes longer until you found a flowing white and bright pink summer dress with no sleeves with a floral design to it, along with a silver ribbon to tie around your waist.

Since it was the best thing you could find, you went into the bathroom and took a quick shower. After that you put on your dress and started fixing your hair.

You let your (h/l) (h/c) hair down, dried it with a towel and brushed it gently, untangling it. Then you curled the ends. After curling it, you put on a little bit of makeup and looked at the time in your phone:


Did I really took THAT long?, you thought to yourself as you put your shoes on and looked at yourself in the mirror.

The dress went down to your knees and the ribbon was tied behind your waist. Curly strands of hair fell down on your shoulders. You hoped that Genos would like it. Your heartbeat sped up some more due to how anxious you were.

You got your phone and put it in your handbag. Now you only had ten minutes left so you used that time to head to the park.

Let's just hope a monster doesn't show up and ruin your special date.

You went out and locked the door to your house and started walking to the park. You feared that you didn't have enough time to get there, so you started to run, but since you were wearing heels, it slowed you down.

While heading to the park, you saw your friend Mumen Rider riding on his bike (as usual). He sees you and waves.

"Hey (Y/n) happy Valentine's Day!" he said and smiles as you head towards him.

"Happy Valentine's Day to you too!" you responded.

"You're all dressed up, are you going on a date or something?" he asks.

"Yeah im meeting up with Genos at the park, but I won't have enough time to get there..." you said with a hint of disappointment in your voice.

"Hop on I'll take you there," he said.

"Omg thank you so much!" you said with a smile of your face and climbed on the back of his bike and held on.

"Happy to help!" he said and started riding his way to the park.

As you two were heading there, you see girls giving chocolates to guys, couples going out on dates, and other things you would always see on Valentine's.

After a minute, you made it to your destination, thanking Rider for his help. You sat on a bench and waited for your boyfriend to show up.

After a few minutes of waiting, you finally stood up and saw Genos walking towards you. You couldn't believe your eyes when you saw him.

He was wearing a sleeveless white dress shirt with a black vest over it and black dress pants with matching shoes. He was holding a small bouquet of red and white roses. He smiles gently at you while you stared, red all over your face.

You couldn't help it since he looks so hot.

Genos thought the same for you, how you were so gorgeous. How your dress fits you perfectly and your curly strands bouncing slightly on your shoulders as you walk, your hair shining under the sunlight.

Your heels click as you take a step forward towards him.

He couldn't help but chuckle at the sight of you, heat rising in his metallic chest.

"Hey baby!" you said as you waved and kiss him in the cheek.

"Hey happy Valentine's Day," he said and hands you the bouquet, which you gladly took.

"So whats the surprise?" you ask.

"You're going to have to close your eyes," he said as you pouted a little and does what he says.

He reached out of his pockets and took out the gift. "You can open your eyes now," he said.

You open your eyes, and there in his hands are tickets to this amusement park you have always wanted to go.

"Oh my god you bought those tickets?! But they're so expensive!" you exclaim.

"Nothing is too expensive for you (Y/n)," he said as he pulled you into a sweet kiss. With no hesitation, you kissed back.

When the kiss broke, you two headed to the amusement park, holding hands.

*Timeskip* ~(^w^)~

You two entered the park, your (e/c) eyes sparkling with excitement, scanning through the many rides and game booths you just can't wait to visit.

Genos smiled, happy to see you in such a good mood.

"Hey lets go over there!" you said, pointing out a game booth. He chuckles and follows you there.

"Hey wait up," he said as he catched up.

"Sorry sorry it's just that im so happy!" You walked over to the blond cyborg and hug him. "Thank you so much Genos I love you," you said, blushing.

He hugs you back, kissing you forehead. "I love you too," he says.

You two let go and you look at the prizes. There you saw many stuffed animals until your eye caught sight of a pikachu doll holding a pink heart.

"I want that doll!" you said to Genos as he paid and handed you 3 balls. "Good luck," he says.

You threw the ball to the target, making sure that it will hit.

It misses.

You tried again, this time you look straight to the target, aiming the ball directly to it. You throw it once again.

It misses again.

"Awww man I'll never get that doll!" you pouted.

"Let me try it," he says as you hand him the last ball. He looks at the target, scanning it to find the right angle and distance so he can hit the target. He takes a step back and throws the ball.

It hits the target.

"Yay you did it!" you said excitedly as the man that works in the game booth handed Genos the pikachu doll. He hands it to you, and you happily accept it, hugging the doll close.

"Thank you!" you said with joy and kiss him. He kisses back, leaving both of you all flustered but happy as well, grinning ear to ear. A few people were looking at you two, some girls were fangirling and others watched with jealousy in their eyes, but you didn't care, you have Genos with him so it didn't matter if they stared or not.

You two went on rides and played more games. After eating lunch and strolling around the park, it was starting to get dark.

"Lets go to the Ferris Wheel!" you said. You two headed there until you hear screaming taking place in the park.

There you saw a monster attack the citizens with it's spider-like claws, destroying the game booths around it.

Right when it was heading to the Ferris Wheel, a blast of fire burned the monster, killing it in the process. Genos was standing there, his hand pointing at the monster, death written all over him.

"Nothing will get in the way of our date," he says darkly, with a glare on his face.

Everyone cheered for the Demon Cyborg for saving the day. Genos walked towards you and apologized for what happened and lined up with you, waiting to ride the Ferris Wheel.

When it was your turn, Genos paid for the ride and lead you to the carriage.  You set the pikachu doll on your lap and sat next to the cyborg. The Ferris Wheel started moving, slow lifting the carriage from the earth.

"Wow its so beautiful down there! Come and take a look!" you pull him next to you and he looks out the window, gazing down at the park.

"It is beautiful, but not as beautiful as you..." he says as he pulled out a small, velvet color box.

He opens the box, revealing a shiny silver ring with a blue heart-shaped diamond.

Your eyes widen in surprise, starting at the beautiful jewel you see right before your eyes.

"(Y/n)...." he said. "Let this be the symbol of our love. I love you with all my heart, you are gorgeous no matter what you are on the outside. I will protect you, even if it means giving up my own life. I won't let anything or anyone take you away... you are everything to me.

"Genos...." you started. "Y-you don't know how much that make me happy to hear that. My heart belongs to you.... i love you too."

He holds your hand and slid the ring into your finger. You lean in and kiss him. He kisses back, wrapping his arms around your waist, lifting you so you sat on his lap. Your hands ran through his soft blond hair, deepening the kiss. He hugs you closer to him and starts nibbling your bottom lip. You put your hands on his chest as the cyborg licked your lips, asking for entrance. You parted your lips slightly, and started dancing your wet muscle against his own. Eventually, he managed to enter his tounge in your mouth, exploring every inch of it. You pouted a bit but forgot all about it as Genos ran his metal hands through your (h/c) hair.

After breaking the kiss, you and Genos were a hot mess. Your face was beet red and the cyborg's chest was glowing hot.

You noticed that the ride was about to end so you got off his lap and picked up the pikachu doll that you dropped.

When the ride was over, you two got off the carriage and start heading home. Genos walked you to your house just to be safe.

"I had alot of fun," you said to him as you looked up and smile.

"Me too (Y/n)," he answered back, wrapping his arm around your shoulder.

After a few minutes, you reached to your destination. "Goodnight my prince, Happy Valentine's Day," you said softly and kiss him once again.

"Goodnight beautiful," he responded as he headed home himself. You unlock the door and entered your home. You changed into your pajamas and went to bed, holding the doll close to you as you drift off to sleep.

Thanks for reading! \(^w^)

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