♨ rivals, nalu

By peachmochiii

132K 4.5K 4K

**currently editing "She was smart and beautiful. Everyone loves her and she was at the top. Well... until he... More

❀第1章 ❀
❀第2章 ❀
❀第3章 ❀
❀ 第4章 ❀
❀ 第05章 ❀
❀ 第06章 ❀
❀ 第07章 ❀
❀ 第08章 ❀
Chapter 9 What's Going On?!
Chapter 11 Nali?! What's Nali?!
Chapter 12 No Way!!!!
Chapter 13 The Things That I Never Expected
Chapter 14 This Class Is...Weird
Chapter 15 Like I Care
Chapter 16 My First Date With Mr.FireBreath
Chapter 17 What Was That About?
Chapter 18 You Two Are Dating?!
Chapter 19 The Truth Is Now Told, Well Most Of It
Chapter 20 Liars Are Just Liars
Chapter 21 The Past
Chapter 22 Visiting The Cemetery
Chapter 23 Never Trust Anyone Ever Again
Chapter 24 Locked In
Chapter 25 The Person Behind It All
Chapter 26 JUST-KIDDING-!!
Chapter 27 The Secret's Behind The Door (Pt.1)
Chapter 28 The Secret's Behind The Door (pt.2)
Chapter 29 Your A Good For Nothing Brother!
Chapter 30 Friends?
Chapter 31 Dinner With The Dragneels & The New Student?!
Chapter 32 Romantic Feelings Or NOT?!
Chapter 33 Catching Juliet
Chapter 34 Do You Like Me?
Chapter 35 A New Love Starts To Blossom
Author's Note~!
The Big Announcement~! Yay~!

Chapter 10 Natsu Is Hanging Out With Lisanna?!

3.9K 142 218
By peachmochiii

Lucy's P.O.V

I didn't even sleep last night. I kept on thinking of what happened yesterday. And yet here I am, still in bed. Thinking, that maybe...I shouldn't go to school today. So that way...I don't have to see his face again. That sounds kind-of harsh, doesn't it? It was all my fault that me and him ended up like this. I know it was me...

I was the one who started this whole mess...

If only we can turn back time...

If only that was possible in this world...

If only...

We can turn back time...

Where everything was fine...

Where everything was happy and pleasant...

Where everything wasn't a huge mess...

Where everything was...was...perfect and fine...

Where everything was just how it was before... 

So...here's my question...

Is it possible that we can turn back time?

Is it?

Many questions flew in my mind. Then all of a sudden, I heard someone knocking on my door.

Knock, Knock!

" Miss. Lucy! Please wake up or else you'll be late for school! It's already 8:00!! " I over heard Virgo yelled. Wait, did she just say that it's 8:00?! 8:00 am?! SHOOT!!! I'm gonna be late for school. Then I got up from bed and then I yelled. " Okay! Got it! Thanks for telling me Virgo! "

Then I rushed over to the bathroom, to take a quick shower. After that I brushed my teeth, then I changed into my school uniform. Then I went back to the bathroom to comb my hair. Then I put on little lip gloss on my lips. Then I left the bathroom and I headed over to my room. Then I grabbed my phone and slowly putted in a little pocket in my school bag. Then I zipped it up and then I took my school bag and headed downstairs. 

I thought that my dad was waiting for me at the dining table, but as I passed by the dining table, he wasn't there waiting for me. " Miss.Lucy, you better hurry. " Virgo said.

" Yes, I know. Where's dad? " I asked her.

" Oh, he left early for work. " She replied.

" I see. I gotta go! " Then I rushed out the door.

Of course he would leave early, he only cares about money, his company, himself and nothing else. The truth is, I really hate my dad. I'll explain why at another time. 

Virgo closed the door behind me, and Capricorn opened the door to the car for me. " Good morning, Miss.Lucy. " Capricorn said to me, as I walked over to the car.

" Good morning Capricorn. Thank you. " I said, as I entered inside the car. 

" Anything for you Miss.Lucy. " Capricorn said, closing the door behind me. Then I put my seat belt on. Safety First! =)

Then Capricorn walked over to the other side, opened the door, entered in the car, closed the door, then he puts on his seat belt and he started the car. Then he took me to school. As we arrived to the school's campus, Capricorn opened the door for me. " Here you go Miss.Lucy. Have a wonderful day at school. "

" Thank you. " I said, as I got out of the car. Capricorn closed the door behind me. Then I watched the car go away by another car. 

Then in the corner of my eye, I can see a boy with pink spiky hair. Then I turned my head to the right, to see who it was. It was...Natsu. He was looking in a different direction, and he was smiling. Then he looked at me and both of our eyes met. And that smile on his face, slowly fade away. I wonder why, the more I look into his eyes, the more I feel like the world around us just stopped. And me and Natsu are the only one's controlling the whole universe. It feels like me and Natsu are in another world and it's only me and him. Then a breeze passed by us. Then my hair was flowing softly like the wind. His hair too. I feel like I can't move. Not even a muscle. 

Then a girl with white short hair ran up to Natsu and yelled. " Oh My Mavis! I thought I was the only one who was gonna be late! " Is that-?! Don't tell me-?! Lisanna?!

" Lisanna?! " Natsu asked. Then I realized that they were both holding hands. Are they dating or something?

" Walk me to class? " Lisanna asked Natsu, smiling.

" Yeah, sure. " Then I looked at his face, it was kind-of red. Is he blushing?! 

Then they both walked away. What is going on?! Then Lisanna looked at me and she had an evil grin on her face. What did I do to her? Then I saw Levy running up to me. 

" Oh Thank God! Your here! C'mon! Were gonna be late for class! " Levy yelled, as she took my hand and we both started running. 

" Wait! " I yelled, but Levy kept on running.

" Levy! Please stop! Your running too fast! " I yelled. Then It wasn't long after we passed by Natsu and Lisanna. And they both looked shocked. I wonder why. 

Natsu's P.O.V

" Wait! Lucy! " I was about to yell that, but...I just realized that I just said that in my head. 

Then I stopped walking and I realized that Lisanna was holding my hand. So then I let it go and pushed her away from me. " Wait, what do you think your doing, Mr.Dragneel?! Aren't ya gonna walk me to class?! " Lisanna asked, trying to act all cute and stuff. Like I'm gonna fall for that. 

" You got some nerve calling me Mr.Dragneel. Just leave me alone Lisanna. It was all your fault that this happened to me and Lucy. " I said, walking away from her.

Lisanna's P.O.V

" Natsu... " I began to say, as he walked away from me. The only reason why I told him that, is because I like him. And I don't like it how some of my friend's in my class, bragging about, how cute Natsu and Lucy are.

So, if I got a way to separate them, my friends will start shipping me with him.

Maybe, that was a bad idea.

And yes I know...

It's all my fault...

That this happened to Natsu and Lucy...

It's all my fault...

It's all my fault

~Chapter 11 - Nali? What's Nali? - Preview~

Later in class, I can over hear my classmates, saying how cute Natsu and Lisanna are. 

Then Levy whispered to me, " It seems like Natsu and Lisanna make a good couple. Wouldn't you agree? "

I don't know what to say. I have mixed emotions right now, I'm sad, mad, but yet happy. I feel like crying, but I don't want to.

I don't know what to say. I have mixed emotions right now, I'm sad, mad, but yet happy. I feel like crying, but I don't want to.

Don't cry! 

Don't cry!

Don't cry! 

Don't cry!

Don't cry!

But then...I ended up crying...

Author's Note

Hey minna! Sophie here! Happy Valentine's Day!!!!!! <3 =) 

But, probably by the time you read this, it's not even close to Valentine's Day or it already passed. =)


Happy Valentine's Day!!!!!! <3 =)

And here are the people I wanna thank! =)









Thanks guys! Your the best! I need to watch some anime that I am dying to watch! Again, Happy Valentine's Day! See ya in the next chapter! Ja Ne! =)

                              - Sophie (A.K.A Sophie_Otaku123)

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