It Never Rains (Thugly Love...

By _Princess504

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If you're not following me you won't be able to see all the chapters. The Last time you heard of Dayiona... More

It Never Rains ❤ (Thugly Love Sequal)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Followers Only.
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Fan Choice
Chapter 11
Chapter 12 pt 1
Chapter 12 pt 2
Chapter 12 pt 3
Chapter 13
Chapter 14 pt I
Chapter 14 part II
Chapter 14 pt 2 ?
Chapter 15
Chapter 15 Part II
Chapter 16 pt I
Chapter 16 pt II
Chapter 17 part 1/2
Chapter 17 2/2
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21 1/2
Chapter 21 2/2
Characters Look Like
Chapter 22
Last Chapter Questions
Baby Names


66.3K 1.1K 808
By _Princess504

Dre Question #1: are you going to try to get back with even though she is engaged????


Dre's Answer: yeah imma fight for mine.

Dayiona Question #1 : do you still have feelings for dre are you willing to give up your new life for him?? If not will you make it difficult for dre to see phat??

Dayiona's Answer: I don't have feelings for Dre. I'm happy in my new life & I wouldn't give it up for him. Him seeing phat is not going to happen .

Dayiona Question #2 : Do You Still Love or Has Feelings For Dre?

Dayiona's Answer: feelings ? No

Love ? Yeah he was my first

Corrine Question #1 : where were you when Ky got hit by the car?

(@MichelleBlandMentali )

Corrine's Answer : I left to go to the hospital because what happened to Slim.

Dayiona Question #3 : will you ever go back to Dre?

(@Ayo_Lica )

Dayiona's Answer: no

Slim Question #1 : will you forgive Daranique ?

(@Ayo_Lica )

Slim: eventually.

Chis Question #1: Chris are you going to respect dre in the fact that phat is his real daughter and not yours??? Are you going to except the fact that him and day will have to have a relationship no matter what you are to her?? will you be ok knowing that day will always have some type of love for dre because of what they've been through and that fact that they have a daughter together??? And next time your mom disrespectes day are you willing to stand up to her and let her know that she is your wife and she has know right to cross the lines that she crossed before?? And even when things get ruff do you plan to remain faithful because we all know game can get to you and your actions speak way louder than words

( @sunshine8981 )

Chris Answer: I know she's not mine & I love her. Dayiona and Dre won't have a relationship , because Phat isn't going to see him. My mom is my mom , it's not my job to correct her. & yeah Imma be faithful no doubt .

Dre's Question:Why Did You Cheat On Dayiona? Were You Ever Really In Love With Her? If So Do You Still Love Her?

Dre's Answer: *sighs* I don't know why I did it mane.But I love her .

Slim's Question: do you think you was being kinda harsh when you said that stuff to Nique ?

(@Spiffy_YaDigg )

Slim's Answer: not really

Nique's Question: what's with the change of heart I thought you wanted to live the easy life ?

(@Spiffy_YaDigg )

Nique's Answer: I want to become a better person .

Chris's Question: why you acting so fake in front of camera ?


Chris's Answer : I don't at all

Yellow's suppose to be Question: You need to leave for an old dusty ass !

Yellow's answer : *laughs*

Dayiona's Question: Dayiona Do You Still Love Dre ?


Dayiona's Answer: absolutely

Dre's Question: Dre Why'd You Leave Dayiona High And Dry In The First Place ?


Dre's Answer: I thought I would be happy with Kendall .

Chris's Question : Chris Do You Really Love Dayiona As Much As You Claim Too ?


Chris: ofcourse

Slim's Question: Slim Will You Ever Forgive Darrinique? Will You Ever Consider Getting Back Together W/ Her ?


Slim: uhh, I don't know

Daranique 's Question: Darrinique Why You Told Slim That If You Know You Didn't Mean It ?


Daranique : I meant it but I didn't mean to say it like that .

Yellow 's Question : Do You Ever Wanna Get Back With Corrine ?


Yellow: as of now we're still together .

Corrine 's Question: Where Were You When Ky Got Hit ?


Corrine 's Answer : *rolls eyes*

Takari's Question: Takari Whose Your Father Sweetie ?


Takari's Answer : Cwis

Destiny (Dre's not real daughter ) Question: Why You Don't Likeee Ms.Dayiona ?


Destiny's answer : cause she not my mommy !

Shay's Question: Shay Are You Really Considering This Break ?


Shay: sadly, yes I think it's for the best.

Robee's Question: Do You Likeee The Fact There Is Gonna Be A Break?


Robee's answer : nahh, I hate it.

Ky's Question: Ky Whose Your Mommy ?


Ky's Answer: not Corrine

Dayiona's Question: do you still talk to your siblings ?

(@JamilaLovinRocroyalC )

Dayiona's Answer: I text them everyday , but yeah we keep in touch.

Slim's Question: why won't you give Nique another chance ??

(@MarissaSimmons7 )

Slim's Answer: I don't want to.

Dayiona's Question: will you really stay away from Dre this time??Or go back again??

(@MarissaSimmons7 )

Dayiona's Answer: Imma stay away.

Nique's Question: why did you say that to slim??

(@MarissaSimmons7 )

Nique's Answer: I had too , I wish I woulda said it nicer.

Dre's Question : are you still in contact with destiny even tho she wasn't your child?


Dre's Answer: sometimes not often though

Corrine's Question: are you weak?? Is that why you couldn't get a hit on shay??


Corrine's Answer: that bitch caught me while I was down. Whack ass hoe.When I catch her on the streets its OVERR!

Ky's Question: Ky do you still love your mommy Rin?


Ky: mommy told me I have to love Rin no matter what. I don't like her , sometimes

Slim's Question: do you still have feelings for nique?


Slim: yeah

Chris Question: are u cheating on day??


Chris: fuck no !

Nique's Question: do u want slim back????


Nique's Answer: yeah !

Dayiona's Question: are u going to tell ur daughter about Dre????


Dayiona's Answer: maybe when she's old enough to understand

Dre's Question: Dre: do u know about Chris ??


Dre: yeah , he a baller I see him playing sports & shit .

Dre's Question: what are some of your plans for when you get out .... Do you plan on trying to get your own family ?


Dre's Answer: Imma work on putting my family back together.

Dayiona's Question: why wont you try to work out things with Dre ?


Dayiona's Answer: he had his chance... Put your self in my shoes ..

Slim: do you really love Nique ?


Slim's Answer: yeah , but she don't feel the same

Big Mama's Question: why dont you bail Dre out of Jail?


Big Mama's answer: not everybody post bail. Only 15 percent out of 100 post bail. *rolls eyes*

Chris's Question: are you Bi-Polar ?


Chris: nahh , I'm perfectly fine !

Dre's Question: Dre why did you think it was ok to do what you did to Dayiona ? And if you could back in time would you stay with Dayiona instead of messing up your good relationship?

(@KaylandhasswaggGreen )

Dre's Answer: idk, but if I had to do it all over again I would stay with Day.

Dayiona's Question: What Are Your Feelings Towards Dre ? & Do You See Yourself Leaving Chris For Dre ?


Dayiona's Answer: my feelings towards Dre is hurt. Very hurt. & no I don't want to ruin my family.

Chris's Question: do you really love Dayiona ?

(@prettyflvvkox3 )

Chris: yeah !

Nique's Question: Why would you doubt your boyfriend and didnt even get the chance to talk to him about his dreams ?

(@prettyflvvkox3 )

Nique's Answer: we talked about what we wanted to do, but I didn't think he would get out the game

Dayiona's Question: Has Chris ever beaten on you?

(@prettyflvvkox3 )

Dayiona: no...never !

Corrine's Question: corrine: why are you so stupid? why would you not give a d@mn about your son when he was hurt? can you honestly say you love your son and are you really ready to be a great mom to both your kids??


Corrine's Answer: first off I'm not stupid get it right. & yeah I am I great mom, & I love my son.

Dayiona's Question: i know Dre hurt you bad but do you think when he gets out you might wanna rekindle that love?


Dayiona: absolutely not

Dre's Question: do u regret anything you've done? If u could go back in time and change anything you've done what would it be ?


Dre's Answer: yeah, I would stay with Dayiona !

Dayiona's Question: Do You Regret Not Talking To Dre That Day At The Hospital ? If You Would Have Gave Him A Chance Too Explain Everything, Do You Think Your Life Would Have Been Different Or Would You Still Be With Chris ?


Dayiona's Answer: I'm not really sure. I don't regret it though.

. Dre's Question: How Stupid Do You Feel That The Hoe(Kendell) Was Playing You From Jump? If She Ever Comes Back Will You Let Her Be In Demi's Life. And When The Hell You Getting Out?


Dre's Answer: Imma kill that bitch . & hopefully I'm getting out soon .

. Yellow's Question: Why The Hell You With Rin Dumb Ass? Do You Think She Care About Your Daughter? Cuz We Know Damn Well She Don't Care About Ky. She Is Not Meant To Be A Mother.


Yellow's Answer: I'm figuring that out.

. Chris's Question: Are You Cheating On Day And Living A Whole Other Life ? Or Just Gay ? I Think You Gay.


Chris Answer: gtf .

Dayiona's Question: Do you love Chris or Dre?


Dayiona's Answer: I'm in love with Chris , but I love Dre..

Dre's Question: Why did you leave Day and your child ?


Dre's Answer: I ain't know she was pregnant

Slim's Question: Will you ever talk to Nique again?


Slim: I don't know yet .

Nique's Question : Are you sorry for what you said ?


Nique: yes .

Corrine's Question: Can you go die slowly in a hole full of leeches and snakes ?


Corrine's Answer: bitch please .

Dayiona's Question: why have you kept dre away from his daughter? Why you so stuck up now like you forgot where you came from?


Dayiona's Answer: I'm grown I can keep my daughter away from him if I want . He the one who made me almost have a miscarriage . Put your self in my shoes bbg. & stuck up *laughs* please explain in the comments . & I know where I came from, so gtf please.

Dre's Question: Did you really love Dayiona like you say you did? If yes why did you leave her for Kendall?


Dre's Answer: yeah I loved her & I still do. I just wanted a family .

Dre's Question: even though destiny is not your real child do you still love her like she is your on? when you get out of jail will you still treat her like your daughter or forget about her?

Dre's Answer: I honestly don't know .

Dayiona's Question: why are you with chris,do you really love him or are you just with him because he treated you better than dre did ?


Dayiona's Answer: I love Chris , I really do .

Dre's Question: prince do u plan on putting Day as wifey?


Dre: you already know .

Dre's Question: How do you feel about Dayiona and Chris being engaged?


Dre's Answer: I don't like that .

Dre's Question: Dre Why did u leave a perfect family after u took Dayiona virginity for Demi's mom knowing you did her wrong and since Demi's mom left u now u want to mess up Dayiona happy family ?


Dre's Answer: *sighs * I messed up but Imma work things out.

Slim's Question: do u think you kinda did Nique wrong ?


Slim's Answer: I think she did me wrong.

Kendall's Question: Kendall where are you ?


Kendall: someplace , with a rich ass nigga

Dayiona's Question: do you think Chris is the one or are just marrying him to try and convince yourself that your over Dre?


Dayiona's Answer: Chris is the one..

Dayiona's Question: why are you not goin to take Dre to see his daughter ?


Dayiona's Answer: I rather not .

Dayiona's Question: Why do you let your daughter call Chris her dad ?

(@Young_MuslimaH )

Dayiona's Answer: I don't see nothing wrong with that.

. Royalty's Question: Do You Want To Be With Dre ?


Royalty: nahh, im all about my money , not niggas .

Dre's Question: are you willing to fight for the love you have for Dayiona?

(@KaylandhasswaggGreen )

Dre's Answer: yeah , ofcourse .

Nique's Question: , Do You Regret Breaking Up With Slim? And Are You Pregnant ? Lol


Nique: Yes, I honestly do & pregnant? I'm only 17 & I always stay protected.

Big mama: why do you like day so much?


Big Mama's Answer: she was different from other people, so I liked her .

Dre's Question: If you loved Day from the start, was the point of leaving her for Kendall ? Did you even love Kendall?

(@AriShevette )

Dre's Answer: I wanted a family . & yeah I think I loved Kendall...maybe

Nique's Question: are you pregnant ??


Nique's Answer: omg ! No .







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