
By fallingintoabyss016

3.4K 87 22


Author's Note
Yumiko Sakamaki
Ai Kiraze
Kira Kuroba
Chi Asagi Komori
Skye Ainsworth
Nadia Komori
Amaya Hayashi
Ayame Komori
Paige Ainsworth
Prince Elliot
Gray Auden
Jasper Auden
Satran Rozenkrants
Lucifena Demony McStarley
Lorcan Sutcliff
Senshi Izuo / Kuran


108 5 0
By fallingintoabyss016

Age: 16 yrs old

Status: Alive

Height: 5'6 ft (158 cm)

Species: Witch - Gethen Genes Hybrid

Occupation: Student of Ryoutei Academy, Sorceress/Mage

Christa (Mother-figure)

Subaru Sakamaki (Brother-figure/ Bestfriend / Boyfriend?? Ohohoho~~ someon's jealous!! *wink*)

Yumiko Sakamaki (Sister-figure when she found out that she is Subaru's twin and eventually warm up to her even though at first she thought she is Subaru in this parallel world)

Appearance: Brown hair with heterochromatic blue and silver eyes.

Personality: Smart, cold on the outside but very sweet on the inside (sounds like a tsundere). She only shows the real her to those people she likes due to some certain reasons.

Likes: Her friends and family, especially Christa and Subaru.

Dislikes: People who hurt those she cared the most.

Skills/Talents: She is known to be good in combat and handling of swords and other weapons as well. Just like Nadia, she is also very stealthy.

Weapon: Enchanted Spell Book (it only allows only her to use it)

Abilities: MAGIC = being a witch, it is natural that she possess such abilities.
SORCERY = she can make powerfull magic from the chants written in her spell book.

History: After she was sent down to the parallel world, she saved a dying sorcerer after being ambushed by a group of demon serpents. He then bequeathed her the spell book before he died and later she helped Kou and Azusa escape from the trolls. She is usually seen in the support and defense unit alongside Paige. She is also the main protagonist of the Diabolik Lovers "Makenzie's Arrival" Fanfic.

Creator: ReverseHaremFan1123

Note: I'm not sure if I wrote her appearance and everything correctly. She just looked a lot like this in my imagination while I read her story. So therefore, I claim no rights anything about her. I only own her role in my fanfic. So please think of it as an actress who passed the auditions and do please read her origin from her original creator if you want to know the real her.

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