⋆The Survivors [UNDER CONSTRU...

By lolagreen_

130K 5.4K 1.6K

In the last few centuries, humans have pushed themselves almost to the brink of extinction with wars, famine... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen
Chapter eighteen
Chapter nineteen
Chapter twenty-one
Author's Note

Chapter twenty

2.8K 168 38
By lolagreen_

An explosion shook the ground which startled me awake. I let out a short scream of terror and searched around confused and scared. The sun was setting and I saw that there was rubble everywhere, the battle seem to have spilt to where I was but something wasn't right. The building next to me had been blown in and there were chunks of the building lying all around me. In the back of my mind, I thanked anyone who was listening for not allowing anything to hit me. There were no gunshots anymore or any cries of helplessness and death. It was eerily quiet and I had the impression that we hadn't been the victorious side.

Pushing myself onto my knees, I cleared my throat trying to clear my throat from dust and dirt when I noticed something in the waistband of my tights that was digging into my stomach. Frowning, I pulled out a small gun and saw that someone had put the letter D on it.

Prince Drax.

I shuddered and reached around to feel any cuts or wounds on my back and sighed in relief when I felt nothing. Suddenly, as though my body was still waking up, the pain began to radiate through my entire body as I suddenly felt the full force of my injuries. My left cheekbone was swollen so badly that my eye was semi-closed. My hands were full of cuts and grazes on both sides and in both ears, there was a distinctive clicking noise that wouldn't stop.

As I went to get to my feet shots began firing in my direction. Thinking fast I slumped back to the ground as though I'd been hit, I tried to control my breathing as footsteps raced towards me. Holding my breath, I closed my eyes and stayed perfectly still, my hand underneath my body. My hand curled around the gun and slowly clicked off the safety.

Please have bullets in it, I prayed as I felt two people standing behind me.

"Think it's dead?" A male asked sounding laid back and I fought myself not to move a muscle. My muscles were beginning to cramp in my legs and bit down on my bottom lip so hard so I would cry out.

"I don't know, I'll turn her over."

"I think it's so weird you use pronouns for them."

I felt hands grip my shoulders hard and as I was turned over, I held my arm out and shot them both square in the face quickly. They dropped to the ground and I sighed as my heart pounded against my rib cage.

Get up Olive... I told myself but my body was aching so much that I couldn't be bothered to move. Would anyone really miss me if I wasn't there anymore? From the looks of it, we lost since they were just randomly checking bodies on the ground.

Closing my eyes tightly, I heaved myself off the ground and pushed myself to my feet. Seeing as they had heard gunshots, I expect someone will come looking so checking the bodies for anything sustenance like food or water I grabbed whatever I could find.

Looking around, I saw that in the walls surrounding this fortress a hole had been created by the explosion. Wasting no time, I ran to the wall and eagerly climbed through before sprinting straight across towards the building that was still there. It looked to be a small milk bar and it was one of the few buildings that were still there. I swung open the door and quickly locked myself in as I backed away from the door.

Looking around I almost cried to see the fridges were still full and not even bothering to look at the dates, I grabbed a bottle of water and drained it in one go. Moaning in appreciation, I grabbed another one and emptied over my head and frowned when I saw blood and dirt fall to the ground.

Rubbing my hands over my face, I pulled the now dead comm from my ear and stepped on it as I began to think about what I was going to do. I knew it wasn't far to the ball of twine and since this town was so small I'd make it there in no time at all.

Going through the store to the back, I body slammed into the back door to open it and poked my head around before making a break for it. I knew once I got far enough away from the fortress, I'd be in the clear.

Sprinting through the city, I followed the signs to Wisconsin Street and sighed when I saw the ball of twine before laughing to myself. I'd never thought I'd ever be so happy to see the biggest ball of twine. Looking around before knocking against the twine three times hard. I remembered that we had some secret code, but I didn't remember what it was.

I heard someone coming up the stairs and when they were near the top I spoke, "It's Olive! Let me in before someone sees!" I whispered harshly and the twine opened as hands pulled me in quickly before shutting the door. Suddenly arms were wrapped around me so tight that my ribs began to protest in pain. Pulling away, I saw a red-eyed James' looking so happy to see me.

"We all thought you were dead or worst!" He exclaimed and I sighed heavily as I made my way down the stairs, "Be warned, we lost a lot today and many came back injured. So prepare yourself."

"How'd you all get back?" I asked as I stepped into the main area and tried to keep my face natural as I possibly could.

The entire main foyer was covered with blue tarps and people were scattered on top of that. Lots of them were wailing in so much pain, I was surprised that I couldn't hear it when I was standing outside. Everyone had either yellow or red tags on them while too many were had white covered over them. I looked away as I went looking for Ollie and the rest of my squad.

"We have several entrances so we all split up, the most injured coming through the closest gate while others had to take a longer way around." He choked and I nodded as I continued to walk clenching my jaw. Many people came up to me asking if I needed to be treated but I shrugged them off. I wasn't dying right now so I could wait.

"Did everyone make it back?"

"Only a handful didn't, we did a roll call before and before you go in there," James stopped me and I frowned at him, "They think you are dead or captured. Depends on the way they are thinking so you need to be mindful when you walk-"

"James it's fine." I pushed him aside as I entered the quarters where I had been staying in. Everyone from Las Vegas was in there so it was crowded with everyone sitting on their cots in silence which was fine. I cleared my throat only a few looked in my direction.


"Oh my god!"


I was swept away as everyone jumped to their feet as I walked past, grabbing my hand and hugging me. A few even kissed me on the cheeks and I smiled at them. The room spoke in hushes and as I moved to where I slept and sighed heavily to see Frankie, Spencer, Robin and Ezra sitting on their bunks as though they had just seen a ghost. Their faces were gaunt and pale as they stared at me with despair.

"Guys I'm fine, seriously." I smiled at them and I suddenly realised there were two people missing, "Where are Michael and Ollie?"

The moment I spoke their names a hush went through the group and I looked at everyone as they dropped their gazes. My heart began to race in my chest and my mouth suddenly went dry as I stared at each of my friends before I asked again.

"Where are Michael and Ollie?" I stared at Frankie who wouldn't meet my eyes and I watched as her bottom lip began to tremble. Spencer wrapped his arm around her shoulders but didn't look at her, just kept his eyes on his feet. Robin was staring at the wall blankly and Ezra, for the first time, looked sad. "Ezra! Where are they!" I screamed causing them to jump and he sighed shaking his head.

"Michael... he left. The prince came and he just went with him, left us in that place without looking back." Ezra choked out and my chest began to ache as the realisation of Drax's words suddenly hit home.

He doesn't love you, Olive, he doesn't know how to feel. His words caused physical pain in my chest and I struggled to breathe as I shook my head.

"And... and Ollie?" I spat out as I kept my breathing short.

Suddenly everyone's eyes glanced in someone's direction and I looked up to see Katie crouched down in a corner, her face tear stained as she tried to muffle her cries. I blinked a few times as I looked back at Ezra whose eyes were shut tight as he forced himself to spit the next words out. Tears began to form as I slowly crouched down next to Ezra who looked like he struggling not to cry.

I didn't want to hear them. I didn't want to hear those words come out of anyone's mouth.

"He's dead." Ezra hissed through his clenched teeth and my chest began to constrict my breathing as I started to hyperventilate. I tried to catch my breath but I couldn't and I looked at Ezra in panicked eyes and he fell to his knees beside me. He wrapped his arms around my body and instead of promising it would be alright, he cried with me.

I couldn't hold back the wail of pain that began to pour out of me as tears ran down my face. My chest burned for oxygen and I felt as though my body was tearing itself apart. Ezra tried to hold me together but there was no use, my heart wasn't breaking it was being torn to pieces. I thought of all the bodies in the main foyer and wondered if I had walked past him. My body shook with the possibility as clenched my fists and began to dig my nails into my bloodied and cut up palms. I didn't care that I was in pain from my injuries, I would rather feel that than this.

I wanted to scream, I wanted to scream so loud that the Golik king would hear me. I wanted to kill everyone in the room, I wanted everyone dead. I wanted to find the Golik who was responsible for killing my baby brother and torture them for hours. I wanted revenge.

"How?" I whispered to Ezra and against my back I felt his fists tightening in anger. I pulled away from his chest and wiped my eyes dry as I looked at him, "How?" I repeated and again, his eyes wandered over to Katie who was now hysterical.

"What?" I asked sniffling as I sat up right, "Why do you keep looking at her?"

"Because he died to save her!" Frankie cried out suddenly causing me to jump as what she said sunk in.

"What?" I asked again and she looked up to stop the tears from coming as she spoke.

"We had made it out, we were finally out and Sarah had called a retreat and this bitch," she pointed to Katie who was becoming louder by the second, "thought she was all that and didn't follow orders. A Golik was about to shoot her in the back when your brother... Ollie pushed her out of the way but caught the bullet instead."

"We couldn't get there in time and-" Spencer started talking but I was in shock.

"He saved her?" Was all I said and Frankie and Spencer nodded, "He died because she was trying to prove something?" I asked and again they nodded.

Suddenly my blood thirst took over as I leapt out of Ezra's embrace and sprinted over to Katie who shrieked back against the wall. I grabbed her collar and lifted her off the ground before slamming her against the wall.

"I'm going to fuck kill you!" I screamed as I pulled out my gun and pushed the barrel against her forehead and everyone started screaming. From behind me, I heard weapons being drawn but I didn't care, I would happily die after I killed her. Her brown eyes were full of sheer terror as she cried louder begging me not to kill her.

"Don't you fucking dare!" From beside me, I felt a gun being pointed in my direction and looked to see her twin brother, Craig standing there his hands shaking like a leaf. Behind him was Ezra who had a knife out ready to strike the moment he pulled the trigger.

Everyone was pointing a gun at someone and I didn't even care. We could all die so long as I could kill Katie. I needed to kill her. My finger was on the trigger and I closed my eyes for a moment as I made my peace with dying.

I'd always been ready to die and if that meant I could join my mum and brother then it didn't seem so bad.

"Wait!" Robin's voice rang out and I could hear him pushing his way through the crowd to stand behind me, "Olive cmon, you know this isn't what Ollie would have wanted. You knew Ollie and he would be ashamed of what you were about to do. He risked his life for her and you are about to kill her."

"He died to save her! She's a fucking moron who should have stayed home and now my brother is dead!" I screamed and she whimpered against the wall which seemed to be holding her up for support.

"Are you going to let his death be in vain! And what about Eli! He is lying in a bed and when he wakes up he'll have lost both his siblings, one a hero and another a murder. If you kill her, then he would have died for nothing, do you want that?" He raised his voice at me and it was the loudest I'd ever heard him speak to anyone.

My hand began to shake then, as uncertainty began to wash through me and my anger fell away as I knew deep down that he was right. Ollie would have been so mad at me if I killed Katie and as much as I was dying to kill her in every way possible, with much reluctance and will power, I lowered my weapon.

I felt the whole room sigh with relief as I backed away from her and Craig rushed in to cuddle his sister. I turned around and walked out of the room, grabbing a jumper from my bed as Ezra and Robin following close behind me. James was waiting outside of the door and when he saw me, he looked as though he was going to speak to me but I kept walking as I went to the command centre where I knew Sarah was.

"What are you doing Olive?" Robin asked hesitantly and Ezra told him to be quiet, "What? I don't want her shooting up the place?"

As I entered the room, everyone stood up in shock and Sarah looked pissed off that she had been interrupted.

"Simpson, glad to see your alive." Sarah nodded shortly before continuing on with her presentation, "Now if we try-"

"How many did you kill today?" I asked her and she jerked her head up to stare at me. The room fell silent as Sarah looked at her generals before turning back to me.

"I beg your pardon?"

"How many Golik did you kill?"

"I don't see how-"

"My brother is dead." I spoke evenly which was surprising because I was breaking inside, "My brother died a hero because he literally jumped in front of a bullet to save some stupid bitch who was afraid to fight. She was only here to prove that she could and she failed. Now how many Golik did you kill?"

"Again how-"

"Because you are a leader and a leader should be followed by example. You didn't draw your weapon once today and whenever I did see you near the front line you were running away!" I screamed and everyone around the table started whispering amongst themselves, "You see our leader is Duke and he leads by example, he is always in the front line ready to put his life on the line for another soldier. You literally ran away from the battle today. You aren't a leader, you are a pathetic and weak who is afraid of death." I spat out at her and her face was red as a tomato, "If I were you lot, I would seek new leadership."

Turning on my heels, I walked out without another word as Ezra and Robin followed once again.

"Why did you do that?" Robin asked and I didn't say anything.

I didn't do it for any reason other than to make sure that these people were following the best possible leader, not someone who was afraid of a bit of gunpowder and bullets. If they were smart enough they would get another person to lead.

"I'd bet money that wasn't a real major." Ezra whispered to Robin and I walked back to the main foyer area. I didn't look at the bodies, this time, I kept my head up and walked around until I finally found who I was looking for.

"Martha?" I called out and the little old women frantically handed out bottles of water and fresh bandages. Her hair was out of place and her eyes were full of worry as she walked through the crying people who were in pain. "Martha?"

"Yes dear, I'm kind of busy right now trying to make sure people don't die so if you could make this quick that would be-"

"Where do you keep the explosives?" I asked and she stopped so quickly that I nearly fell over trying to stop. She turned around and stared at me oddly as though assessing me, "From today, we were going to plant explosives and-"

"I know what you mean, why do you want them?" She asked as she gave the tray of water and bandages to someone passing through. She crossed her arms giving me a stern look on her face that kind of annoyed me.

"Because I'm going to blow up the fortress."

"And how are you going to do that?"

"There are buildings around the fortress if I could find a way to the sewers I could collapse the entire thing on itself. Why knock the buildings over when you could blow up the ground and create a hole killing thousands upon thousands of Golik." I thought out loud and the more I spoke the more genius it sounded.

Martha stared at me for a moment longer before turning to Robin and Ezra, "You'll be going with her?"

"Of course."


They both answered instantaneously and Martha nodded before jerking her head for us to follow her. Walking through the beds of people, I looked back to Robin and whispered, "Can you ask someone to find Ollie's body and make sure no one moves it."

He nodded and walked away as Ezra and I followed Martha through the winds and turns of this underground maze. Looking around, she stopped at the only metal door that I had seen and pulled out a key from her breasts. Raising my eyebrow at Ezra, I helped her pull the door open before stepping inside.

"All those duffel bags are full of explosives, all remote accessible and have gel on them so that you can stick them anywhere and they'll stay." She pointed to a stack of bags before moving towards the back. After a moment of searching through her files, she pulled out a map and held it out for me. At the top in bold letter's was 'CAWKER CITY SEWERAGE LAYOUT'. Nodding she grabbed out a black marker from one of her pockets and using Ezra's back as her table, she began to draw where the fortress was and where to go through.

By the time Robin found us again, we were ready.

"You'll want to go out the back because if someone sees you especially Sarah, people will want to come and we've lost enough people for one day." Martha sighed and it was like I had turned off my emotions. I would have time to grieve once everyone in that place was dead.

As she showed us out back, I turned to the boys who were both carrying the explosives, "You don't have to come."

"We know." Robin replied and I frowned at him as Ezra started whistling.

"I can do this alone."

"We know." He repeated and I grunted as Martha opened the back door.

"You do realise that this is kind of a suicide mission. Like I'm not intentionally going out to kill myself but if I die I won't be bothered."

"We know!" Ezra rolled his eyes up, "That's why we are coming. To make sure you come back."

Shaking my head, I stepped out into the darkness and began walking through the night. It wasn't a far walk until we were near the base. Looking on the map, Robin lead the way as we crouched down not wanting to draw attention. Looking up at the roof I noticed that there was no one on lookout and I suspect they were mourning their loved ones. We found the entrance for the sewerage and Ezra and I began unscrewing the hatch lid. We didn't really have a plan, they were just here to make sure that I came back alive.

As we opened the hatch, I held my breath and slide down the ladder. Even though the sewerage hadn't been used for a while, the lingering smell of human waste was enough to make me gag. As soon as the boys came down the hatch, we turned on the torches that Martha slipped us and began walking. Robin lead the way as he found it easier to navigate and we followed his lead as he told us where to put all the chargers. By the time we were finished putting chargers everywhere, underneath every building and the perimeter, the stars were out in full force and the moon was shining light everywhere as it sat in the middle of the sky.

I inhaled fresh air as I came up through the original hatch and sat there at the top helping both Robin and Ezra out of the trap. All three of us stunk so badly that even with the cool winds blowing through, you couldn't escape that disgusting smell.

"God I'm going to be sick." Robin muttered as he walked away from us and Ezra and I took the time to close the hatch and lock it down.

"Think this will really work?" Ezra asked off-handedly to me and I sighed as I pulled the remote from pocket, I spun it in my hands.

"I really hope so."

We had decided in the tunnels, we would go to a building with roof access so we could watch the entire place burn. As we walked up the stairs to the roof, though, I felt my hands shaking as a small voice in my head told me what I was doing was wrong. My heart ached and as much as I didn't want to admit it, I was terrified that Michael would still be at the complex. The thought of Michael burning with the building made my stomach heave and pain to my chest.

"You okay?" Robin asked as I stopped to lean against the wall while I tried to catch my breath. I felt like I couldn't breathe and I looked at the boys shaking my head as I began to hyperventilate again. Without a word, Ezra scooped me up into his arms and we continued our way up while I held onto Ezra like he was the only thing keeping me together. The moment we reached the top I jumped out of his arms and sprinted a few metres away to empty my stomach onto the floor. Acid burned through my throat and I forced myself to keep going until there was nothing left. Taking a few deep breaths, I stood up and tried to wish away this pain in my chest. It was though someone had put a weight on my chest that made it hard to breathe.

Or something had been taken away, making hard to breathe...

Shrugging off Robin's voice of concern I stood at the edge of the building. It was just high enough to see the entire walls and pulling the remote from my pocket, I stared at it for a long time. I knew I had to do this, everything in my being told me this was the right thing to do but... in the back of my mind was that tiny little voice that told me it was wrong and it wouldn't shut up. I wanted this so badly, I wanted them all the die. I wanted them to experience the pain of lost that they were making me endure now.

"Want me to do it?" Whispered Ezra and I shook my head, taking a deep breath through the nose.

"No." I muttered as I pressed the button and I felt it.

The ground let out a small shudder and after a moment of silence, the walls began to fall. The earth began to open up and the walls caved in upon themselves. The walls tumbled on top of each other and something happened then. I felt it before I saw it, a bigger shudder ran through the earth, so big I thought it was an earthquake. A silent explosion occurred on the other side of the fortress and the sky lit up so brightly that I had to look away. A loud bang filled the air and on instinct we all dropped to the floor quickly. Peeking through my hands, all I could see was fire and black smoke. The walls had fallen and the earth had opened, eating them it whole.

"We did it." Ezra murmured and I nodded silently as we watched it burn. We could hear the cries of those begged for help from anyone but we didn't move from where we were. I didn't know about Ezra and Robin but I didn't feel an ounce of remorse or feel like I needed to help. In that moment, I was glad they were suffering and I revelled in the chaos I had brought onto these people.

From the distance, I heard a hovercraft nearby and I frowned into the sky. My smile slipped off my face as I stared at the hover and I felt my teeth grit together.

"Robin is that an imperial plane?" I asked through my teeth and Robin stared at me before looking up. He stared for a while as the hover circled the sight and he sighed.

"Yeah, the signs on the side." He answered and I knew in my chest that Michael was on that hover with the prince.

"Let's go before they spot us." Ezra suggested and I nodded before taking one look at the mess we had created and suddenly there was something I needed to do.

"You guys got the map?"

Moments later I was sprinting towards the milk bar where I had sought refuge only so many hours before, back when I thought everything was going to be fine and we would be alright. Shaking the thoughts away, I kept sprinting as I reached the back door and walked through. As I searched for what I was looking for I grinned as I found it and quickly grabbed it before running through the entrance. I kept jogging until I was standing two hundred metres away from what used to be the entrance of the fortress. From here I could feel the heat of the fires and I noted that it was silent now, there were no cries for help or anything. It was dead silent. Taking a deep breath I looked up in the sky, seeing their plane was hovering above the wreckage and somehow I knew they were watching me; I knew Michael was watching me.

Keeping my face straight as I possible could, as I pulled out one of my blades and stabbed it into the ground hard. Slowly letting go, I made sure it would stay up by itself before reaching for the rubber bands I'd grabbed from the milk bar and the map, which I had folded numerous times to make it smaller and wrapped it around the hilt of the blade.

After making sure it all held together, I stared up at the plane, glaring at the windows hoping Michael knew I was glaring at him. Holding my thumb out, I ran my thumb across my neck slowly before turning away and walking away. I knew they wouldn't follow me, they couldn't kill me and I knew that now. Drax had made that obvious when he had neglected to kill me today.

That night when we had got back, we went through the back door again and this time, we were met with crowds of applause. Everyone was shouting in happiness and I was so confused until I realised they must have heard the good news. We were being treated like heroes for killing thousands. Shaking my head, I pushed through the crowds killing me head down and no one stopped me.

I saw Frankie and Spencer standing outside of a room and I frowned at them as I spoke, "Where is he?"

"In here, we moved him and we thought you'd want privacy with him." Frankie spoke with no emotions and even though she wouldn't meet my eyes, I saw that her eyes were puffy from crying. Taking a deep breath, I touched her shoulder in thanks before going inside.

"We'll see you in the morning." Spencer patted my back and I nodded in thanks and I quickly walked in closing the door behind me. They were giving me time to mourn in peace without interruption and for that I was grateful.

Leaning against the door, I looked at the roof not want to see that white linen covering his body. In my mind, I knew once I saw his body it would all become real, that he would be really dead and I would be forced to accept that. Taking a controlled breath, I forced myself to look forward and let out a sob as I saw him.

His body lay on a cot and his body was covered in the white linen but even then, I could make out his features. Stumbling forward, I fell to my knees near the cot and with a shaky hand, I pulled back the linen and gasped in shock.

"No..." I begged as I shook my head begging for this to be all a cruel dream.

There he lay and even in death he was still beautiful, my beautiful little brother. His hair was nice and curly which he would have hated. His cheeks had a few cuts on them by apart from that he just looked like he was sleeping. As I pulled the sheets all the way off, I didn't see any blood but I knew that underneath his fresh clothes there was a hole, a hole where the bullet had torn through him and killed him. With tears racing down my face, I let my shaky hands run through his hair as I kissed his forehead.

"It's all going to be okay Ollie." I sniffled as I tried to breathe through the oncoming breakdown that was trying to crush me. "You can't be hurt anymore and you're with mum. Tell mum I said hi and that I love her. And I love you and I want to come back to me because I can't do this without you. I can't go back to Eli and tell him I didn't protect you, that I let you die! Please come back to me Ollie, I need you! I need you please, wake up! Wake up I'm begging you, I'll let you go on as many missions as you want just open your eyes please!" I shuddered and I waited for his brilliant green eyes to open but nothing happened, he stayed in his peaceful state.

The tears fell down my face as I pressed my forehead against his chest praying I would feel his heart beating, that he was only dreaming. I gasped in shock as the weight of all the emotions I had pushed aside to do my mission came crashing on me, making it almost impossible to breathe. I shook like a leaf as I started screaming in pain, crying out for someone to bring him back.

I didn't care how loud I was, I screamed so loud my throat burned. My body shook so hard that I thought there was an earthquake happening. So emotions ran through me; anger, pain, sadness, despair, rage, regret and guilt. It was like a cycle of emotions that was draining me.

In my hysteria, I pulled Ollie from the bed and cradled him against my chest, pressing his head to my neck as I whispered words of comfort. I rocked him slowly and played with his hair the way I knew he liked it and I didn't speak after that. There was nothing else to say.

During the night, the endless painful night, someone came into the room and sat behind me, holding me together as I fell apart. I didn't care who it was because they didn't talk, they were just there and I knew I was thankful that. I felt like I was dying little by little inside like he had taken a piece of me with him.

It was the longest night of my life. And the worst.

Because not only had I lost Olive my baby brother but I had lost Michael too.

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