Up In Smoke → Liam Dunbar [1]

By ummhiya

265K 5.6K 4.3K

"I saw! I saw you, and I saw how scared you were. I saw how terrified you were about hurting anyone. I know h... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Four

15.2K 364 324
By ummhiya

"Liam, I really don't want to go to a party."

"But you owe me!"

Addy gave Liam an annoyed look. He had just got asked to a party by a junior, and asked her if she wanted to go. Which she really didn't. She was having enough trouble staying awake during the day, so there was no way she could stay up all night during a party.

"Liam, just not tonight, okay?" She walked past the pleading boy to get to her brother's car. She fell asleep during math, and not to mention she was extremely anxious about that project she handed in. She needed to do good on it in order to stay passing that class. Her family didn't know how badly she was doing in it. 

"Please!" Liam grabbed hold of her hand and pulled her back towards him. He had a small pout on his face, which Addy found downright adorable. He swung their interlocked hands together, still begging for her to go with him. It would be a fun way for them to get to know each other - and he wanted to drink. 

"Liam," she sighed. She really did not want to go to some party. Partly because she wasn't a big fan of loud music and sweaty, horny teens, but mostly because she couldn't even stay up on her feet. She just wanted to go home and watch her series on Netflix. "I am completely wiped. Just not tonight, okay?"

"There's time to go home!" Liam tried again. He wasn't giving up so easily. "You can take a nap and be all rested up."

Addy knew a nap wasn't going to get her awake. She also knew if she didn't agree Liam would continue to bug her until she went. She sighed, and checked the time on her phone. Her brother would be waiting for her. "What time is the party?" Liam grinned at her.

"I'm not sure. She said she was going to text me," Liam explained. Addy raised an eyebrow at him. Why would he want Addy to go if he was going with a girl as it was?

"Liam," she seemed to be saying that a lot lately, "look, I really have to go, but I'll text you, okay?"

Addy could see the sadness cover his face as soon as she said that. She felt bad as soon as she said that, but she really did have to go. Liam nodded, and gave her hand a final squeeze before she moved to her brother's car. She would talk to him later, there was no point in getting his hopes up if she didn't plan to go. 

"Hey." Addy yawned as she closed the door to the old car. Brayden raised an eyebrow at her and turned in his seat. She had her eyes closed and didn't notice him until she realized that the car wasn't actually moving. The keys were rested on the dash and he made no move to even grab them. 

"Hey? Is that really all you have to say?" Brayden snapped. "You're fucking lucky that you never got detention today Addison. Twice? You fell asleep in class twice?"

Addy looked down at her lap. She knew her brother would be disappointed if he found out. He was still mad about last night, and Addy was lucky that he wasn't telling their mom about what was going on. The only reason she didn't know was because she had enough stress as it was working all the time.

"Ads, I love you, but you really have to smarten up," Brayden sighed. He turned forward and started the car. He was going to have to hurry if he wanted to make it to work on time. "Mom is working late again, and I've got a shift at work, too. Are you going to be okay at home?"

Addy nodded. She just planned on sleeping anyway. Her head leaned against the window as the high school went out of sight. The buses were leaving the parking lot, along with the few cars that were left in the parking lot. Brayden glanced over at her, "so, what's going on with you and Liam?"

Addy smiled for a second, but she didn't let her brother see it. He would have made fun of her for days. She like him, for the short time that they had known each other, and she was pretty sure that he felt the same way as well. They just clicked so well. "There isn't anything going on. We're friends."

"Yeah, I'm sure," Brayden scoffed. He was proud of his sister for finally stepping out of her comfort zone and talking to boys. At the same time, he was really unhappy that she was talking to boys. He knew what they were like. He knew what he was like. There was no point in trying to stop her, it was bound to happen one day. 

"Really!" Addy defended. She liked Liam, even if they only met yesterday. He made her happy. She saw her brother smirk as he glanced between her and the road. "Shut up!"

They arrived in their driveway. Brayden didn't have time to go in. He was already going to be late if he didn't break the speed limit. "Make sure you lock the door!" Brayden yelled out the window. Addy rolled her eyes and flipped up her middle finger. She knew to keep the door locked, but he seemed to remind her every day.

Addy opened the front door and walked straight to her bed. She didn't even take off her jacket as she flopped down. Thankfully, Brayden had made her bed that morning, but she couldn't exactly say the same about his. Addy rolled herself under her covers and immediately passed out. 

No dreams crowded her sleep, not that she complained. Often times she dreamed of crazy unrealistic things that would happen to her. She didn't even get an hour of sleep when her phone obnoxiously rang. She groaned as her hand looked around for her phone. Her eyes were still closed as she pressed the accept button.

"What?" she muttered. She was beyond cranky that someone interrupted her much-needed sleep. She sat up from her bed and stretched out her arms. Her blinds were wide open, she hadn't taken the effort to close them earlier. The clothes she wore that day were rumpled but her hair was still manageable. 

"I've been calling you for the past ten minutes. We have a problem." She was surprised that the call wasn't from her brother, or Liam even. Not very many people called her - or texted her for that matter. She kept to herself quite a bit. 

"Scott?" Addy pulled the phone away from her face. She didn't have his phone number, so it was just a bunch of numbers she didn't recognize.

"Yes, and we still have a problem," he urged. She didn't see how this had anything to do with her. "Liam isn't going to the party anymore."

"Scott, why the hell is that a problem?" Addy questioned. She felt even more tired than she did before.

"Because it isn't an actual party," Scott explained. Addy could hear people talking in the background, probably Stiles. There was a muffled sound going on followed by a loud thud and some swearing. "It's the full moon tonight."

"Yeah, I know." She glanced over at the calendar on her wall. She didn't see how it being a full moon was relevant to the situation. 

"Yeah, well, you wanted an explanation? I had to bite Liam to save him. He survived the bite, and now he has to survive his first full moon. He-he doesn't believe us that he's changing, and we made up a party so that he doesn't hurt anyone tonight. He said he didn't want to go because you aren't going."

"Fine, just come pick me up," Addy groaned. Everything that happened that morning was beginning to made sense. His shifty mood, Scott' attempt at a monologue, and the constant need for Scott to be around Liam all day. He was turning into a werewolf and there was nothing that he could do to stop it. 

Addison got off her bed, and stumbled out of her room. She was starving, since she never got much to eat for lunch. 

"We're actually right outside your house." Scott chuckled nervously. Addy looked out the window above the stairs to see the blue jeep in her drive way. She banged her head against the wall. Addy just wasn't getting a break today.

"I'm going to need two things if you want me to do this," Addy told him. She hung up the phone before he could say anything else.

She changed her boots for a pair of Vans, and grabbed her phone off the counter. Addy hesitated at the door, and quickly hopped back into the kitchen as she shoved her shoes on.

'Went out to a party. Scott invited me. I'll text you when I'll be back. Love you.'

She pressed the sticky note on the fridge, knowing it was the first place Brayden went when he got home. Scott leaned on the door of the jeep as Addy walked out.

"You owe me a pizza and about five energy drinks if you want me to go to a fake party." Scott smiled and shook his head in disbelief. He opened the door and gestured for her to slip in the back. Scott didn't think she was serious until Addy threatened to get out of the jeep.

They stopped at the closest pizza parlour, and ordered her a small pizza for herself and an energy drink. As they waited for the pizza, Addy was determined to get the full story.

"Okay, so last night at the hospital, after I got knocked out by the wendigo? Yeah, that knocked Liam off the side of the roof, and he was going to fall, unless you bit him?" Addy covered. "Oh, and a guy with no mouth killed the wendigo with an axe?"

"Pretty much." Scott shoved his hands in his pockets. It was a lot to take in, and she still didn't know everything.

"Oh, this night just keeps getting better and better," Addison muttered sarcastically. She just made the lacrosse team and just happened to get dragged into all this? Maybe it would have been easier if she didn't try out.

Thankfully, her pizza was ready. Stiles and Scott piled up enough money to buy it for her. It was worth a few bucks for Liam to agree to go to the party. Addy stuck her hands out for them to give her the pizza, but Scott stuck it in the air before she could grab it.

"You have to call Liam first," Scott demanded. She sighed as she pulled out her phone and quickly dialled Liam's number.

"Hey Addy," Liam picked up on the second ring. "What's up?"

"Well, uh, I thought about the party. And, what the hell, I'll go." Addy glanced between the two boys. Scott could easily hear Liam through the other line, and actually hear his heart rate pick up when Addy said she was going to go.

"Really?" Liam asked. He didn't really want to go to the party if Addy wasn't going to go. He didn't know Kira, who had asked him in the first place. It was a junior party, and the only juniors he knew were crazy.

"Yeah, I'll meet you there at," she looked at Scott to decide a time. He mouthed an eight, "at like ten-ish?"

"Yeah, that works." Addy nodded her head until she realized he couldn't see her. She could feel her cheeks heat up as Stiles held back his laughs.

"Okay, well, I've got to get ready, so I'll see you in a bit." Addy just wanted this conversation to be over before she could embarrass herself anymore.

"See ya Ads." She pressed the end button on her phone, and shoved it in her back pocket.

"There, now he's going to your stupid party. Can I have my food now?"

"Fine, but you still have a lot of explaining to do." Scott passed her the pizza along with the Monster drink. She quickly chugged half of it, and the buzz started filling her brain. The warm smell of pepperoni pizza filled the jeep, making the two boys think they should have gotten one for themselves.

"Okay, so fill us in." Scott turned in his seat.

Addy took a deep breath and wiped her fingers on her jeans. One slice was already gone. She could eat fast when it came to pizza.

"I don't really know much. It started when I was ten. I barely even remember it. I woke up one night and went to the bathroom, and when I looked in the mirror, my eyes were glowing. I was so freaked out, I ran back into my room, and I guess I fell back asleep."

Addy had tried to remember all the little details off that night. There really wasn't much to it. Her mom was working, and Brayden was fast asleep at that hour. It was rare that Addy got up to go to the bathroom. She was always so comfortable in her warm bed.

"I thought it was a dream. When I woke up, everything was normal. The week went on the same, until another night a few days later. My mom and I were fighting, probably over something stupid, but I ran up to my room and my eyes – they were glowing again. I must have been scared or something, because I ran straight into my door trying to get away from my mirror.

"I broke my wrist. I didn't want to face my mom, and Brayden was out, so I just sat there. It wasn't even two minutes later that I stopped feeling the pain and my wrist looked normal. My eyes had stopped glowing. I did the first thing anyone would do: I googled it. There was nothing, absolutely nothing at all about whatever the hell I am. I searched for months until I finally gave up.

"I heal almost immediately. I don't know what's wrong with me." Addy set the box of pizza next to her. She just wasn't hungry anymore.

"There isn't anything wrong with you," Scott told her. She wasn't a freak, and she wasn't a monster. She was Addy. "We're going to help you. We're going to teach you to control it, just like we're going to teach Liam."

"What about your family?" Stiles asked. "Do they know or–"

"No. I never told them. I don't think they have the same thing either. Brayden broke his wrist in eighth grade, and it took him the normal time to heal," Addy told them. She hadn't mentioned her dad. She didn't like mentioning him to anyone. She hated him for leaving them. He never told anyone why either.

"You said this started when you were ten?"

"Yeah. I guess it's like an age thing. And before you ask: no, I've never got bitten by some werewolf." Stiles closed his mouth, and raised an eyebrow at her. He was just about to ask that.

"Is there anything else? Like, any other abilities?" Scott questioned. He needed the whole story if he was going to help.

"Fast reflexes, I guess? I think that's just because I've worked on them, though." Addy shrugged. Lydia Martin's lake house came into view. The sun was setting and it left a beautiful view of the lake. There was another car outside, which Addy assumed was Lydia and possibly Malia.

Addy passed the leftover pizza to the two boys. They easily scarfed down two slices each. Scott's phone rang, so Stiles and Addy left him outside and walked into the house. Lydia and Malia sat on the couch talking about random things.

When the werecoyote saw the young freshman walking in with her boyfriend, she jumped up off the couch and instantly locked lips with him. Stiles was shocked for a second before he kissed back. Lydia rolled her eyes as she stood up from the couch. "Lydia." she stuck her hand out for Addy to shake which she did.

"Addison." At first, Lydia thought she said Allison, and her smile faltered for a second as she thought about her best friend. It had been a few months, but she still missed her like crazy. "But you can call me Addy."

"So are you the one Scott told us about? With the peachy eyes?" Addy nodded. She felt her cheeks flush at the thought of juniors talking about her. Of course, the reason was because they knew about the supernatural. Malia and Stiles finally pulled away from each other, and the girl glared at Addy. She flashed her blue eyes, instantly making Addy's glow too.

"Woah," Malia muttered. She was not expecting that to happen. She raised her eyebrow, testing out a theory. She flashed her electric blues quickly, and Addy returned with her peach ones. Addy looked at the girl weirdly. She didn't even notice it happening.

"Okay, I think that's enough." Stiles grabbed his girlfriend's shoulders and dragged her back to the couch. He went on his phone, and seemed to be in deep thought. Addy heard him mutter an 'oh my god' after a few minutes.

Scott walked back into the house right as he put his phone back into his pocket. "I just talked to Kira. She's on her way. She said it's all going fine." So it was Kira who asked Liam to the party. Addy didn't know too much about any of these girls, just the few rumors that had went around, and what her brother told her.

"I have to tell you something." Stiles stood up from the couch. "I asked around about Liam earlier. I know why he got kicked out of his last school."

"This is going to be bad, isn't it?" Scott said. He knew there was something up with Liam, but he didn't exactly know what. Besides, it couldn't be that bad, right? He was only fifteen.

"He kind of got into it with one of his teachers. And the kid's got some serious anger issues," Stiles finished. He glanced over at Addy. They were close – well, she was closer to him than anyone else there.

"How serious?"

"Well, that's his teacher's car." Stiles passed Scott his phone. Addy peeked over his shoulder and gasped. "After he took a crowbar to it."

The blue car was completely destroyed. Each light was smashed, and the tires flattened. It was covered in dents along with the windows busted. What caught Addy's eye the most was what was engraved into the doors.

This is all your fault.

What the hell had she gotten herself into?

It was less than twenty minutes when Scott heard Kira's car pulling in to the driveway. Addy had gotten a text from Liam a little while ago, saying that he was almost there. Scott grabbed Addy's wrist before she could start making herself bleed again.

The front door opened, revealing Liam and Kira, dressed and ready for a party that wasn't happening. He groaned as he saw the two boys that had been bugging him the past two days. Kira quickly shut and locked the door before he could leave.

"What the hell is this?" Liam met Addy's eyes. She could see that he was hurt that she was involved in all this. She looked down at her feet. She really didn't want Liam to hate her.

"Think of it as an intervention. You have a problem Liam."

"And we're the only ones who can help."

)(       *         )(

"Werewolf? Werecoyote. Banshee. Fox?"

"Kitsune, but fox works too."

It took twenty minutes for Scott to explain everything that was going on. He even made a point to say that Addy wasn't part of it, besides actually getting him to go. She was a victim like him. She needed the help that Scott could give the two of them. Liam just needed to understand that.

Addy was still learning, too. She had no idea what the hell a banshee was, much less a kitsune, which she barely even knew how to pronounce.

"What are you?" Liam pointed towards Stiles. Addy didn't think the hyperactive spaz could be anything supernatural, but then again, she didn't suspect Scott either.

"Uh, for a little while, I was possessed by an evil spirit. Very evil," he explained.

"Really?" Addy asked, shocked. Stiles nodded at her, almost seeming proud that he survived the supernatural.

"What are you now?" Liam crossed his arms. He still hadn't looked at Addy, or at least she thought he hadn't. Even Lydia noticed how every time she would look at her shoes, Liam would look at her, and he wouldn't look away until Addison's head popped back up.


He didn't bother asking what Addy was. He was too scared to make eye contact again. Instead, he asked about the chains that laid on the table. "Are these for me?"

"No, they're for me." Malia flickered her eyes, making sure not to look at Addy so hers wouldn't do the same. Liam took a step back, shocked.

"How did you do that?" he asked. It was actually pretty cool if he thought about it. Addy wished she could learn to control it, too. She was tired of having to hurt herself whenever it happened. Sure, she healed right away, but it still hurt.

"You'll learn. But first, you need to get through the full moon," Scott told him. He could hear Liam's heartbeat race.

"The moon's already out." Addy yawned. She was tired of being tired.

"And you're starting to feel something, aren't you?"

"I feel like I'm surrounded by a bunch of psychotic nutjobs. You guys are out of your freaking minds. I don't know how you did that eye thing, and I don't care. I'm walking out the door right now! If any of you try to stop me, I swear to God, I'm gonna–" he cut off his rant, and grabbed hold of his ears. Liam fell to the floor in pain.

Addy was worried about him. She didn't know anything about werewolves, besides that cheesy crap in the movies she's watched, but she didn't think they were supposed to be in that much pain, leading to falling to the ground, screaming.

"What's wrong? Liam?" Scott was worried, too. He never had to go through that on his first full moon. Liam was his responsibility now.

"You don't hear that?" Liam asked as he looked up at Scott. His breathing was ragged, and Scott could hear his pulse skyrocketing.

"Did you tell anyone about this?" Lydia asked.

"My friend, Mason." He looked between the two girls. "You said it was a party."

"Who did Mason invite?" Stiles asked. He was jumpy enough as it was, being the only person without any supernatural abilities in the room. He had gotten used to it, but it would be nice to have an actual human, someone who could understand what he went through.

Addy hesitantly moved the curtain aside. A huge crowd of cars were loaded in the long driveway. She closed it before anyone could see her. "Everyone."

Liam's newly found claws dug into the floors of the lake house. "The floors! Get him off the floors!" Lydia panicked. She took a step closer to Liam, only for her to meet golden eyes.

He let out a roar, startling Addy. She made the mistake of looking into his eyes, making hers glow instantly. She could feel it this time; she knew they changed. It was the first time that had ever happened before.

"We need to get him to the boathouse! Now!" Scott grabbed one arm while Addy grabbed the other. She could heal a lot faster than Kira could, and they were probably equally as strong. The kitsune trailed behind the two as they struggled to drag Liam into the small boat house.

There were chains down there already, so they just had to get him calmed down enough to actually get him tied down. They quickly got a single loop around his chest, although his hands were still free and trying to claw Addy and Scott's face off.

"I got him. Get his hands!" Liam was snarling and snapping his jaws at them. He couldn't control it, and he really did not like the feeling. No matter how much he disliked Scott, he didn't want to hurt him. And he really did not want to hurt Addy.

Liam broke free from the chains as Kira tried to get his arms back. He attacked Addy and was extremely close to scratching her with his claws until Scott tackled him off her. He was struggling with Liam's strength. Kira saved the day with a paddle. The force of the hit knocked him out cold. Addy laid on her back, breathing hard.

"Oh god. I didn't kill him, did I?" Kira exclaimed, leaning over the freshman. His wolf features went away, and he looked peaceful.

"No. He's out cold." The hit would have given any human a concussion. But Liam wasn't a human anymore. He was a supernatural creature.

Since Liam wasn't struggling anymore, it was easy to tie him to the support beam. Addy rested her head on his lap. The half of an energy drink had done its job to get Liam tied up.

Her eyes were closed, making Scott and Kira think she was asleep. "They look so young," Kira commented, looking at their sleeping figures.

"They are. They're only fifteen." Scott smiled. Addy was a strong person for going through whatever she was for three years all by herself. Scott wouldn't have made it if he didn't have Stiles and Derek.

"What are we going to do with them?"

"We're going to help. Addy's been through so much already," Scott answered.

"What if he doesn't want our help?" Liam was going to be hard to convince to let them help. He seemed to let Addy in pretty easy, but Kira thought it might just be because she was a pretty girl.

"He will."

Addy smiled as she felt darkness take over her vison. She didn't want to, but there wasn't anything she could do. Liam Dunbar was too damn comfortable. Addy woke up when her head hit the ground. Liam was no longer sitting on the wooden floor, but standing and growling yet again. His sharp teeth were bared as she stood up.

"Those chains are going to hold him right?" Addy asked. She was nervous. Her fatigue washed away and was instantly replaced with adrenaline.

"Uh, yeah. I think. Definitely. He can't be that strong," Scott stammered. Liam was strong as it was, but being a werewolf made him question whether or not the chains would hold.

Their question was quickly answered as the chains around Liam snapped. He stood for a moment before charging at the three teens. Addy and Kira jumped to the side right as Liam pushed past them and out the window.

"Ah, bitch," Addy muttered. She followed behind Scott. He was way faster than she was, and it made her rethink the idea of going out in the woods with a rouge werewolf. She didn't know how to defend herself, and she didn't have weapons or claws. She could only heal herself.

After a moment, Addy was pushed to the ground. Liam's eyes glowed above her. His claws dug into her chest, leaving fours long scratch marks along her collar bone. Addy screamed in pain. She felt tears form in her eyes as Liam brought his claws down again.

"Liam! Liam! Stop!" Addy yelled. She knew he could hear her, but he just couldn't stop his actions. He hesitated for a second. It gave Scott enough time to push Liam off the poor girl. He was stronger than Scott, who was holding back, and it was easy for him to pin him to the tree.

"Liam! Liam, wait! Stop!" Scott held onto his wrists. It was the only thing stopping him from being torn to shreds right then.

"What did you do to me?" Liam continued to fight against the alpha. "This is your fault. It's your fault! This is all your fault!" He got one of his hands free, and brought his claws up to strike. A loud bang, followed by bright lights got Liam off Scott. The freshly new beta ran off. His eyes felt like they were on fire. It hadn't affected Addy, although she didn't have werewolf eyesight either.

She scrambled up to her feet and followed after Liam. It probably wasn't the smartest idea considering he nearly killed her early, but she was completely healed. It was hard to see in the minimal amount of light she got from the moon, but Liam was really loud as he broke branches and crunched leaves.

Addy stopped as she heard him scream. She panicked. What if something got to him? She was only learning about the supernatural world, god knows what else there could be. Addy followed the sound and was quickly brought to a clearing.

Four metal sticks were in the ground, surrounding Liam. Addy couldn't hear anything. It must be sensitive to supernatural ears. She made quick work of finding the off switch on each of the devices and sat down next to a quivering Liam.

He was back to normal, not with fur out of his cheeks or fangs extended from human teeth. Just regular, ol' Liam. Addy wrapped her arm around Liam's shoulder and pulled him in close. He sobbed into her shoulder. He was scared. "It's okay, Liam, you're okay," Addy rubbed his back. Scott rounded the clearing, he stopped at the sight of the two. They hadn't seen him yet, they had their backs towards him.

"What's happening to me?"

"The same thing that's happening to me." Scott made his presence known. He knelt down in front of Liam. Scott was a year older than Liam was when he got bit, and that wasn't even two years ago.

"They can't know about this. My mom, my stepdad: I can't do this to them again." Liam muttered.

"What do you mean, again?" Addy asked. She held onto Liam's hand, and rubbed soothing circles into his wrist. He hadn't noticed the dried blood on her skin yet.

"I got kicked out of school, and I deserved it. The way they looked at me when they saw what I did to that car," Liam sniffled.

"Liam, it's okay," Addy whispered. She leaned her head against his shoulder, and looked up at him.

"They can't see me like this," Liam repeated. He gave Addy's hand a squeeze. He was really broken up about this whole thing. Addy knew it was for the better that Scott bit him instead of letting him fall off that building. He would know that soon too.

"Like a monster?" Scott questioned. He stood up from his spot, Liam's and Addy's eyes following as he went. "You're not a monster. You're a werewolf. Like me." His red alpha eyes glowed as he gave a hand to help Liam up.

Liam looked down at Addy, and her eyes lit up with their unusual peach color. Liam thought it was beautiful. She was beautiful. "Wow," he mumbled. Liam helped Addy up from her spot, but kept a grip on her hand. Scott walked ahead of the two, overhearing their whole conversation.

"Did I do that?" Liam asked, pointing to the blood stained shirt. It was one of her favourites, but she was almost positive with a little soap and cold water it would come out.

Addy shrugged. "I healed. It's okay, Liam."

He shook his head and stopped walking. "No, it's not. I hurt you." Addy was one of the last people he would ever want to hurt.

"Liam, really, it healed. You weren't in control. It wasn't a big deal." Liam looked like he was about to say something else, but Addy gave him that look, the one that immediately shut him up. His mom had that same look. It must have been a girl thing. "I'm fine."

Addy leaned her head up and lightly pecked Liam's cheek. Scott could hear his pulse rise, and the alpha grinned. He was happy to be helping people, in maybe more ways than one.


Word Count: 5468

February 15, 2016




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