What Does Forever Mean to You...

By Kyreece13

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It's the end of senior year and Harry and Louis's relationship is at an all time high. High school is over an... More

What Does Forever Mean to You? (Sequel to "When I Said Forever, I Meant It")
Chapter 1: Graduation
Chapter 2: Goodbyes Part One
Chapter 2: Goodbyes Part Two
Chapter 3: New Beginnings
Chapter 4: House Meeting
Chapter 5: Secrets and Promises Part One
Chapter 5: Secrets and Promises Part Two
Chapter 6: Drunken Mistakes
Chapter 7: Going Home
Chapter 8: Please...Don't Leave Me...
Chapter 9: Fights
Chapter 10: Another One Bites the Dust
Chapter 11: The Letters
Chapter 12: Back Home in Doncaster
Chapter 13: Some Resolve
Chapter 14: Therapy
Chapter 15: Progress
Chapter 16: Trigger
Chapter 17: Too Deep
Chapter 18: Blood, Sweat, and Tears
Chapter 19: Forgetting
Author's Note

Epilogue: One Year Later

895 68 40
By Kyreece13

((So I totally forgot I had to write an epilogue. Sorry guys! I hope you still love me. But here it is. I can finally say that the Forever books are over. I'm quite sad. But my Niam book is starting so I'm not too sad. Hopefully you all read it after this story :) 

Also, there will be a person mentioned that you guys should know instantly. I wanted to change her name but I figured that it would be best to keep it the same. If you are confused you should understand in a few paragraphs. Love you guys <4))

~~Louis's POV~~

"LOUIS WILLIAM TOMLINSON!" Eleanor shouts from the other side of the door while knocking like she is the whole police force. "You get out here this instant! You will not be late to your own funeral! I did not drive all the way across town to watch you be late for your wedding."

After finishing doing my bow tie, I talk over to the door and unlock it and let Eleanor in. She shoots daggers at me with her eyes. I smirk at her and make my way to the bathroom to do my hair. 

"Don't you smirk at me, mister!" She states rather sternly. "You know one of the conditions of you, Harry, and Darcy getting your own place was that you would be on time to your wedding since I wouldn't be there to wake you up."

"I know, Eleanor. I know," I say rolling my eyes. "Gosh you are more freaked out more than me and I am the one getting married." I smile at her in the mirror and she sticks her tongue out at me. 

"You know how I am. I just want everything to be perfect. We have known each other for forever. I never thought the day you got married would happen so soon. I am so overwhelmed," she says. She walks up behind me and takes the comb out of my hand. She runs it through my hair a couple times, somehow fixing what I couldn't. 

"Well then you can probably imagine how I am feeling. Can you believe that just a couple years ago Harry and I hated each other, and now we are getting married?" As I ask the mostly-rhetoric question, my mind flies through the time Harry and I spent together, and apart. The first day we met; the summer he left; the day he said he loved me, too; our first date; the day I thought I was watching him die; the day he asked me to marry him. 

"Well, you are finished, Lou," El say, breaking me from my daydream. I look in the mirror and see my hair is perfect. My clothes are perfect. So far this day, is perfect. I turn around and hug Eleanor tight to me. Squeezing like my life depends on it. 

"Thank you, El," I say as I release her. "Thank you for everything. I don't think I would've gotten through high school without you. I love you so much."

"I love you, too, Lou," she places a kiss on my cheek and then walks out of the bathroom. "Now we have a wedding to get to!" She shouts from my room. I laugh and follow her. 

We walk down the hall and enter the kitchen where my mum and sisters are waiting for us. When we walk in everyone stares and as if on cue my mum starts crying. I rush over to her and cradle her in my arms. 

"Gosh, mum, it's okay. We aren't even at the wedding yet," I say to her. She laughs through her tears and looks up at me. 

"I know, I know. It's just...my little BooBear is growing up. First he moves to London, then he gets engaged, then he adopts a little girl, now he is getting married. God I am getting old." She starts crying again and I continue to hug her. 

"Okay, okay. Jay you are going to get tear stains on his tux. Please break apart," Eleanor says, using her arms to separate us. She pulls me away from my mum and towards the door. She really knows how to ruin a mother-son moment. 

"Could everyone please make it towards the door? We have a wedding to get to," Eleanor states crossly. She spins around with her hands on her hips. We all see her death glare and know she isn't joking. Simultaneously we rush to the door and out of it, making are way down the sidewalk to the limo. 

"Okay, so Louis, you, your mum, and your sisters can get in the limo. I have to drive ahead of you make sure everything is going okay there," she shouts to us as she makes her way to her car. She disappears into the driver's seat and the car roars to life. In almost the same moment the car pulls out of the driveway and speeds down the road. 

I join my family in the limo buckle myself in. My mum tells the driver to go ahead and he follows the same way Eleanor went, but slower. 

The drive is short since the park we are having the ceremony in is only a few miles from the house. We chose it because it reminded us of our park back home. The moment we stumbled across it on a walk with Darcy we were in love with it. I remember looking into his eyes and knowing he was thinking the same thing. A week later we got a call from the park owner and they were more than happy to let us have it for the day.

When we pull up to the park the driver stops and comes around to open the door. My sisters get out and my mum and I follow them. As soon as we get we here screams from in the distance. 

"HARRY EDWARD STYLES!" Eleanor's voice echoes through the trees. "Take one more step towards that limo and it will be the last step you take!"

"But I just wanna see himmmm," Harry shouts out her, sounding a bit childish and whiny. "I haven't seen him in soooooo long! I think I will die if I have to wait any longer."

"It has been less than twelve hours. You can wait fifteen more minutes. Now get your butt to that altar. He will be there in a minute." We hear Harry sigh loudly and assume he gave up. Soon Eleanor walks out of the woods through the marked path. 

"Sorry about that. You guys ready to have a wedding?" I turn to my mother who sniffles a little bit and nods her head. She and my sisters walk past Eleanor and disappear into the woods. 

All of a sudden a huge pit opens in my stomach. I feel like I am going to throw up and I get super shaky and sweaty. "El..." I say my nervousness obvious in my voice. 

She rushes to my side and wraps her arm around me. "It'll be okay, Lou. You just have a case of the cold feet. Just remember that you love him, and he loves you, and everything is going to be okay."

I nod my head and flash a small, non-assuring grin at her. She rubs my back and then let’s go. I wobble for a little bit trying to find my balance, but steady myself. 

"I have to go on ahead and get everyone in place. When you hear the music start, you can begin walking. Stay in the woods until everyone is in place, okay?" I nod my head slightly and take my place at the beginning of the path. Eleanor hugs me one last time and rushes down through the woods.

A few minutes after she leaves the music starts. My body shakes again and a double over. With my head in between my knees I try and calm down. 

"It's okay, Louis. Everything is okay. You love him. He loves you. You can do this." I say to myself out loud. I slowly rise again and walk down the path. As I near the edge of the forest I see the ceremony. A few hundred people are sat on either side of the aisle. They are sitting in white chairs with lilac satin ribbons tied to them. The altar is a tall white archway with plenty of real lilacs wounded through the trellises. 

My heart melts as Darcy walks down the aisle, throwing flower petals occasionally. We originally weren't going to have a flower girl, but Darcy begged and I couldn't say no. She reaches the end and throws the remaining in the air, spinning around in it. Everyone laughs as they watch her and my heart grows warm. If there is one person I love more than Harry, it is definitely her. 

I turn my attention from my little girl to everyone else. Liam and Zayn are standing on the right side as Harry's best men. Niall and Eleanor are on the opposite side. They all stare at me, their faces glowing. The rest of the crowd stands and turns to look at me. I look between everyone and smile. Then my eyes turn to the person I have been waiting for. 

He is standing right in front if the altar; his black, silk tux winkle free. He turns his head and his green eyes penetrate mine. I get lost in his and almost trip. Hopefully no one noticed though. His hair is messy but perfect at the same time. 

I finally make my way to him and he takes my hand, helping up on the platform. We smile at each other and our eyes are both spilling over with lust. Thankfully, we both resist our urges and turn to face the priest. He asks the crowd to be seated and begins the ceremony.

"Today, we gather to unite Harold Edward Styles and Louis William Tomlinson in marriage. Before we begin does anyone have a reason they shouldn't be wed?" Silence falls, thank god, after he says that. No one says a word, so the priest continues. 

"Now the couple has written their own vows and Louis has requested to go first," I smile at the priest and pull the piece of paper with my vows out of my pocket. 

"Sorry for the paper," I say blushing like crazy. "I wrote a really good set of vows and didn't want to mess anything up. So, Harry. We met when we were just little kids. We instantly clicked somehow, even back then, I knew I loved you, and that I was going to love you forever. We definitely had our problems, but our love prevailed in the end. I was so honoured just to say I knew you, and now I get to say you are my husband. I will love you for as long as my heart beats. I am beyond ecstatic that I get to spend my life with you and our daughter, Darcy. You have given me a lifetime in just a few short years and I cannot wait to see what an actual lifetime is like with you. I love you more than you could ever imagine." I finish my vows, and place the paper back into my pocket. I wipe a ton of tears from my face and turn back to the priest. 

"Thank you, Louis. That was beautiful. Harry?" The priest looks at Harry and gives him the cue to go. Harry smiles and turns to me. 

"Hey..." he says quietly. The crowd chuckles and I smile through the tears. The happy tears of course. First off I want to say you look absolutely gorgeous today. Even though you always have. Today just enhances your beauty due to the occasion." The whole crowd cues and I smile at the ground, overcome with emotion. 

"So, during one of our rather intense fights you asked me question. A question that has echoed through my mine ever since that day." He says. I look at him puzzled, not knowing which question he is referring to. 

"You asked me, and I quote, 'what does forever mean to you? Because what you did last night does not count as forever to me.' I thought that today of all days would be the best time to answer you that question. To tell you exactly what forever means to me," he says, letting our eye contact break to pull something out of his pocket. 

"Here I have a pocket dictionary, courtesy of Oxford. And Oxford says that the definition of 'forever' is:

'For all future time; for always.'

And that is exactly what I plan to do. I plan to love you for all future time. I promise to love you for always. I will love you forever. Even though forever isn't long enough for me, I will take what I can get. 

I love you so much, Boo. It took my years to realise my true feelings for you. Sometimes I remember the things I did to you and ask why I even deserve you. And whether I deserve you or not I'm going to love you anyway."

He finishes his vows and the whole ceremony is dead silent except the chirping of the birds. Harry looks back at the priest, signalling he is done, and the priest clears his throat. 

"Thank you, Harry. Now, we have to move on to the more traditional vows. Please repeat after me:"

"I, Louis William Tomlinson,"

"I, Harold Edward Styles,"

"Take you, Harold Edward Styles,"

"Take you, Louis William Tomlinson,"

"To be my husband."

"To be my husband."

"To have and to hold,"

"From this day forward."

"For better, for worse,"

"For richer, or poorer,"

"In sickness, and in health,"

"Till death do us part."

"Till death do us part." He says. Finishing the final line. 

"By the power vested in me, by the country of Great Britain and the Queen of England, I pronounce these two married. You may now kiss your husband." The priest finally says. The words I have been waiting for finally leave his mouth. I turn to Harry and our eyes connect. 

All of the love and passion is told through this connection. All doubt and nervousness I had before is obliterated. I know now this IS exactly where I belong. There is no other place for me. If I'm not with Harry, I might as well not be live. 

Harry is the first to lean in after the priest grants permission. I meet him halfway and our lips connect. It isn't a lustful kiss, but one filled with all the caring, compassion, and love in the world. It lasts only a few seconds, but that's all I needed. We break apart and stare at each other, tears forming in both of our eyes. The crowd erupts around us but we don't notice; we are both caught up in each other. 

One thing breaks our barrier, however. That is the only thing that could: Darcy. She is tugging on Harry's pant leg, begging to be picked up. Harry grins cheekily and swoops her up in his arms. She rests on his hip and wraps an arm around both of us and brings us into a hug. 

"Daddy," she says to me. I'm the Daddy and Harry is the Dad. Not be our choosing, but by Darcy's. 

"Yes, my love?" I say kissing her on the cheek. She blushes and looks down. Quickly, she resumes her previous state and continues her question. 

"Will all three of us he together forever?" She asks. She looks between Harry and me waiting for an answer. Harry decides to answer first. 

"Of course, honey. Remember when I said my vows I talked about forever?" Harry reminds her. She thinks about it for a moment and then nods. 

"Well, when I said forever, I meant it."

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