
By Just_Another_Dreamer

213K 4.1K 462

I'm off to go and live with my sister, Amy in New York for a while. I can't wait. I'm expecting a lot of fun... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Ninee
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two

Chapter Thirteen

7.9K 161 11
By Just_Another_Dreamer

Thursday and Friday fly by. Just like Tuesday Mr Denim refuses to look my way.

Does this mean Monday's tutoring is off?

I sigh inwardly and grab another handful of popcorn. I try to focus on the film, but I just can't. I have too many thoughts racing through my mind. All of them about Oliver. I mean, Mr Denim.

As lame as it sounds, I actually want to watch Despicable Me 2. I love Dave, the minion. But I can't focus on the film because when I'm not questioning Mr Denim or getting mad at Mr Denim, I'm thinking about his beautiful green eyes. I've seen green eyes before, but none like his. They're the purest shade of green and they're so clear.

Alice erupts into laughter and I turn my attention to the screen. I try to pin my attention on the colours and moving images on the screen. All too soon my thoughts drift back to him. His perfectly sculptured face... His stubble... His muscles which are hidden by suits, but clearly there. His deep, husky, sexy voice... His ebony messy curls...

And his hypnotising eyes.

The movie finally ends and my thoughts of Mr Denim dissolve as my friend's conversation distracts me.

"We should let me choose the movie every time!" Alice grins.

"To be fair, I'm really glad we went to see that." Heather says.

"Me too." Finn nods.

"It was pretty funny." Kevin confesses.

"Just admit you were all wrong and I was right." Alice says, nudging Kevin in the ribs.

"Never." Kevin smirks.

"Is anybody hungry?" Alice asks once she's stopped poking and prodding Kevin.

"You ate a whole bucket of popcorn!" Heather exclaims.

"Megan helped!" Alice defends.

All eyes fall on me.

"I did help."


"Have my M&Ms." Finn says handing Alice the packet of M&Ms.

"Was it really wise to give the pixie more sugar?" Heather ponders.

"Yes!" Alice sing songs before dropping M&Ms into her mouth.

I chuckle at the crazy hyper blonde girl. My phone buzzes in my pocket and I pull it out.

"Am outside waiting :) xxx"

After reading my text from Amy, I slip my phone back into my pocket jean pocket.

"I've gotta go guys. But tonight was fun. We should do it again soon."

"Yeah we should!"

I hug everybody goodbye and wish them all a good weekend. Then I head outside to meet Amy. I see the black mini pulled up at the curb and pull open the passenger door.

"Hey!" She greets me with a warm smile as I slip in. "How was the film?"

"Really good." I smile. "I had a great time."

"Good! I'm glad. So, I was thinking that because we're going out tomorrow night, we could have a bit of beauty session tonight."

"That sounds great."

"I mean we don't have to. You might be tired."

"No, no. I'd love to."

"Great." Amy smiles.

When we get back home the apartment is empty.

"Where is Adam?" I ask.

"He went over to his mate Tom's." Amy informs me.

"Tom as in Grace's boyfriend?"

"That's the one."

"They were teenage sweethearts too weren't they?"

"Oh yeah. Just like Adam and I. Only they aren't step siblings..."

"They hated each other at the beginning too?"

"Hate at first sight." Amy laughs.

"So romantic." I comment sarcastically.

"Oh you bet it was."

"Random question, but what do you think about me dying my hair bright red?"

"That was a random question." Amy laughs. "But, come to think of it, you'd look ace with red hair."

"You think?" I ask, curing the ends of my hair around my finger.

"Yeah!" She nods. "Ooo actually..."

A grin spreads across Amy's face. Not just any grin. The grin. The grin she pulls when she has a plan. Many fear this grin, myself included.

"Wait right there." She instructs.

"Okay..." I reply, a little worried and unsure.

Amy disappears and then reappears with a bottle of red hair dye.

"Where'd you find that?" I ask.

"Bathroom cabinet. It's wash in and wash out dye. Wanna try it?"



"Okay." I grin.

It's wash in and wash out. What is the worst that could happen? I have thought about dying my hair red for a while now...

"Go change and I'll dye it for you."

Whilst I quickly wet my hair in the shower, Amy dye proofs the kitchen. I throw on an old T-shirt and black leggins. When I go back to the kitchen she's all set up and ready.

"Get any red stains on my forehead and I'll kill you." I threaten.

She chuckles and pushes me down onto the chair.

"Just sit back and relax. It'll all be fine." She assures me. "Time to work some Amy magic."

* * *

I slowly open my eyes and toss onto my back, so I'm facing my ceiling. I stretch my arms up and then admire my nails. Amy did a great job. She'd done each nail yellow, green and pink vertically. She'd then placed some weird wire stuff on my nails in different patters. Then she painted over the whole nail in black. When she took the wires off, I was left with black nails with colourful patterns. They look great.

I stroke my cheek and it feels soft due to the face-mask of last night.

I get out of bed and run my hands through my hair. I stop at my mirror to admire how red it is. I love it.

"Morning!" I greet Adam and Amy cheerfully as I walk into the kitchen.

Adam groans and buries his head in his hands.

"Has somebody got a hangover?" I ask him in a baby voice.

He grunts in response.

I spent the day chilling, and annoying Adam. After dinner, Grace came round and we all got ready for going out tonight. Grace and Amy had dressed me and done my make-up. My eyes have been closed this entire time so I have no idea what I look like.

"And, open!"

I open my eyes and look in the mirror. My red hair has been fully volumized and looks amazing. My eye make-up is bright and silver. My lips are a deep shinny red.

Red, shinny, metallic leggins grip to my legs and my feet are in big black wedges. My top is black and sequined. It's cut like an upside down triangle. My hips are bare and visible. It's slightly gapped up at the top, revealing my cleavage. I turn to look from behind. I have no VPL.

The top is a bit too revealing, but I suppose I am trying to look older so...

"You guys can work wonders!" I say.

"Oh yeah!" Amy cheers and gives Grace a high five.

Amy look great in a plain, off the shoulder white dress. She has a black studded belt on just above the baby bump. Grace is rocking a tight, open back, black bodycon dress. Grace's shoes are gorgeous silver sparkly stilettos.

"So where are we going tonight?" I ask.

"There's this cute little karaoke bar. We thought we'd go there first and then hit some dance places."

"Awesome." I smile.

I follow Grace and Amy out the apartment and to the car park. I slip into the back of the mini and gaze at the gorgeous city lights as Amy drives to this bar.

About half an hour later and Amy parks the car. We hop out and walk towards a quite small building.

There isn't a bouncer or anything on the door so we walk straight in. It's bigger than it looks from the outside, however it's packed full of people.

There's a little platform stage at the front where the performers go. There's a long bar and sofas and comfy chairs.

It looks more like a living room with a giant bar, than a bar or club.

"What would you like to drink?" Grace asks getting out her purse.

"The cocktails here are great." Amy informs me.

"Then an a piña colada for me please."

Grace nods and looks at Amy.

"Diet coke please."

"You got it. Go grab a sofa and I'll be over in a tick."

Grace walks off to the bar and Amy and I find a sofa. We sink down into the comfy and soft cushions.

A man comes up on the stage and takes to the karaoke.

His performance of One Way Or Another by Blondie is quite a show. He really gets into it.

Grace appears with a tray of drinks.

"Here you are." She says placing the tray down.

"Thanks." I smile and grab mine.

I take a sip through my straw and try to hold in a satisfied moan. This is delicious.

Grace, Amy and I sit on our sofa drinking various cocktails. Only Amy drinks coke. We watch the many people perform. It's really amusing.

There is a mix of those who suck, and know they do, those who suck but think they're great, those who are good and some great ones.

The atmosphere is all very relaxed and as the night goes on the place gets even more full of people.

"You should go up there Megs!" Amy suggests.

"I will right after you do."

Luckily for me, Amy, like me, hates singing in public in front of people.

"Fine." Amy says standing and joining the queue.

My heart sinks. When did she overcome that fear? Now I'm gonna have to sing. Dammit.

Amy does an amazing performance of Bon Jovi's "Livin' On A Prayer".

"Thank you!" She says raising her hands as the whole bar clap and whistle.

She gets off the stage, handing the microphone to the man behind her, and then comes to join us.

"Your turn." She smirks.

"I hate our stupid deals." I mutter and stand up.

I join the queue and all to soon I'm next up. When the drunk lady in front of me finishes I step up.

My breath hitches and my heart pounds. I skip through the songs and select one.

The music starts and the lyrics appear on the screen. I don't need them, I know them all. I take a deep breath and close my eyes. My mouth opens and words spill out.

As the song goes on my confidence rises and my eyes open. I scan the crowd who all seen to be enjoying themselves.

"Look what you made of me. Look what you made of me." I sing.

My gaze locks with a pair of green eyes. I don't pull away from the lock and trance they put me in as I continue singing.

"You'll never know what hit you."

The music stops and I pull myself away from his eyes. I get off the stage and fight through the big crowd to Amy and Grace.

"You killed it!" Grace squeals.


I sit down and realise that my hands are shaking.

"I'm gonna get a drink. Anyone want?"

"We've got one." Grace replies.


I stand up and go to the bar.

"A gin and tonic please." I order.

The barman nods and goes to make my G&T. He quickly returns and I hand him the cash and take my drink with a smile. He returns my smile and then goes to serve other people.


I jump at the deep voice and the breath that tickles my shoulder. I squeeze my eyes shut and hold in a groan. I knew he was here. Those were'nt just any green eyes I locked with when I was up there.

"Um... Hi." I say as I turn to face him.

"You've dyed your hair." He comments.

"Yeah." I nod.

"It looks amaz- good. It looks good."

"Thanks." I smile and then take a sip of my drink.

Words can't describe how awkward this is.


"You're not about to have a go at me for being in here are you? Because what I do in my spare time is none of your-"

"Actually," he cuts me off. "I was going to congratulate you on your karaoke."


I mentally face palm myself.

"And also to apologise." He adds. "I was slightly unreasonable yesterday."

"I... Um... It's fine. I'm sorry I was talking."

"So where'd you learn to-"

"I have to go." I say standing and grabbing my drink. 

I walk past him and straight to Amy and Grace, mentally slapping myself the entire way.

I'm such an idiot... I should have stayed there and talked to him. Shown him I'm not a kid. It was just too awkward. The atmosphere was suffocating me.

"Who was that cutie at the bar?" Amy asks wiggling her eyebrows up and down.

"He was the guy from the mall!" Grace announces.

"Oh yeah!" 

"No it wasn't." I say.

"So then who was he?"

"Nobody." I answer.

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