Random College Story


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Unsure of what to expect two best friends head off to college together. Through a roller coaster of a first y... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

     Chelsie stared out the window as they drove over the New York turnpike and then realized that it was officially midnight on Thanksgiving morning, she knew why she hated holidays it was because they always brought bad days with them.

     “Happy Thanksgiving everyone,” Chelsie smiled looking into the backseat.

     “It’s Thanksgiving?” Colin asked shocked.

     “Yeah its midnight,” smiled Chelsie.

     “Oh well happy Thanksgiving,” Aiden said kissing Chelsie’s hand since he was driving.

     “I know its midnight but do you think we could get food?” asked Heather.

     “Ditto I’m starving,” Chelsie said. Aiden looked at her puzzled then remembered what their dinner plans had been and then understood.

     “After we check in we should get food,” Colin suggested.

     “Smart idea,” Aiden said nodding his head.

     As they drove into the city everyone discussed places to stay and decided on the Crown Plaza. Since it was the weekend the group decided on staying two days instead of just one and got a small suite for everyone to share. It was huge for the Crown Plaza to call it small. Stepping up two steps to enter a large living room of rich brown furniture and white accents. Behind the living room was a small kitchen area and to the left and right were the bedrooms with separate bathrooms.

     After quickly unpacking everyone went to get breakfast at small corner diner that was still open surprisingly. Once finished they went back to the hotel to take a nap before waking to watch the parade out of their windows. When the parade was over they fell right back asleep before going out for dinner at Chelsie’s family restaurant, if not they would have been eating room service if they could have gotten through the busy tone. Afterwards Chelsie decided to surprise Heather to make up for ruining her date.

     “Where are you taking me I’m freezing,” complained Heather.

     “We just walked to the corner if you turn around you’re right back at the hotel,” Chelsie said annoyed.

     “Well I’m sorry I didn’t dress warn enough.”

     “You’ve lived in New York your whole life cold is not something new,” Chelsie said crossing the street.

     “How much farther?” Heather asked.

     “We . . . are . . . here.”

     “Wait I’ve seen this place before.”

     Chelsie smiled as Heather turned around in circles trying to figure out where she had seen the building before finally she had to tell her. “It’s the old Total Request Live building,” she laughed.

     “Wait this was where it was filmed?”

     “That’s above us but in front of us is the MTV store,” explained Chelsie.

     “I love you!” exclaimed Heather hugging her. She loved MTV and always had tried to figure out where Chelsie had gotten all her things from now she knew she was in heaven.

     “Hurry up the store closes soon,” Chelsie warned.

     Chelsie enjoyed watching Heather run around the store like a chicken with it’s head cut off trying to buy everything in sight but that joy was soon killed. They had barely been in there twenty minutes when Colin called about Aiden being in a craze drunken fit and Heather had their room key. By the time Heather and Chelsie got to the hotel Colin had lost Aiden and they had to look for him before they could get him to the room. Once Colin and Chelsie got Aiden to the room he past out as soon as his head hit the pillow. Frustrated they all called it a night tired from the drive and the long night.

     “Did you have the nightmare?” Colin asked sitting next to Chelsie on the couch.

     “For that I would actually have to sleep Aiden is stretched out on the bed,” Chelsie said in disbelief.

     “Yeah I didn’t realize how loudly Heather snores till tonight,” laughed Colin.

     “Well I’ll share the couch with you,” Chelsie said being nice.

     Colin smiled and let her lay her head on his shoulder, as they got comfortable on the couch. The only thing that made Chelsie’s Thanksgiving bearable was knowing that she had people like Colin in her life. As they laid there talking about all the crazy things that had happened in the past two days the nightmare disappeared and they were able to have a good night sleep for once since the drama began.

     “Here is some breakfast,” Chelsie said walking into the bedroom.

     “Thanks but no thanks,” Aiden said turning up his nose.

     “You can’t take medicine on an empty stomach,” she said annoyed.

     “What happened last night?” he asked rubbing his tempels.

     “From what I heard a midlife crisis at the age of twenty,” said Chelsie. “You talked about doing things you knew would piss your parents off so you go to the university to keep the peace.”

     “What the hell?” Aiden asked faking like he didn’t remember.

     “What is happening to you? Do your parents really have this much of an effect on you?” Chelsie asked frustrated.

     “I don’t know what got into me last night,” Aiden said feeling bad.

     “I’m going to go check out from what I was told you need to think about some things,” Chelsie said grabbing her bag and walking out. Aiden had royally pissed her off and he was definitely not getting any sympathy about his family from her. Last time she checked his family hated her not him. If anyone should have gone on a crazed drunken rant it should have been her not Aiden.

     “Chelsie what’s going on? Neither you or Colin will tell me what’s happening,” said Heather.

     “I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Chelsie said leaning against the car.

     “Then why did the boys have to take a different elevator?” she asked concerned.

     “Oh look it’s the boys,” Chelsie said looking at the hotel doors.

     “Are you guys ready to leave?” Colin asked.

     “More than you know,” Chelsie said looking directly at Aiden.

     The ride back to school was very awkward and tense as Aiden kept trying to show Chelsie affection and she moved farther away from him. Colin would not tell Heather anything because it was not his business to tell and Heather definitely was not going to ask Aiden what was going on in fear of making things worse.

     When they got back to school Aiden tried to kiss Chelsie goodbye and she just walked away. Heather tried to tell him just to give Chelsie time to calm down and Aiden proceeded to yell at her. Colin was watching from the car and by the expression on their faces he could tell something was wrong so he went to see what was up. Aiden and Colin started arguing over what really happened and the fact that Colin had told Chelsie what Aiden had said when Colin socked Aiden in the face. He did not say another word just got in the car with heather and drove off. Heather could not believe her eyes at what had just happened right in front of her and knew when she told Chelsie she would not believe either.

     “Who is it?” Daniel asked walking up to his door.

     “Santa Clause and I think I’m a quarter Thanksgiving turkey,” joked Chelsie.

     “I hate when you do that,” Daniel said opening the door and hugging her.

     Chelsie felt bad that she had left her brother at school for Thanksgiving. They hated the holiday but she did not feel good about leaving him without any family. If things had happened slower between her and Aiden’s nightmare of a dinner with Aiden’s parents she would have realized what she was doing.

     “What’s up?” she asked clearing a spot on his couch to sit.

     “Nothing I stopped by your dorm yesterday and no one answered,” Daniel said just sitting on top of papers.

     “Yeah I was in the city I just got back,” she said pulling them from underneath him.

     “So you left me to eat cafeteria food so you could celebrate in the city?” he asked laying on the guilt.

     “It was not planned trust me and you could have gone to the restaurant just like I did so don't guilt me that bad,” Chelsie said knowing she was right.

     “Yeah I know,” Daniel chuckled.

     At that moment Chelsie’s phone started to ring. It was Heather calling and speaking a thousand words per minute. Once Chelsie got her to slow down Heather was able to tell her that she need to come to the dorm right away, there was something she needed to know. Hurrying Chelsie hugged her brother goodbye and almost ran to the dorm to find out what had happened that she had missed that was so important.

     Chelsie got to the dorm and found out some of the craziest news that she never expected. Heather had tried to give Aiden some advice and then he started yelling at her. When Colin had come to her aid Aiden had call her a bitch and then Colin socked Aiden in the face and walked away. Chelsie was so angry by what she had heard she grabbed her keys and stormed out of the dorm.

     “Hey I’m sorry about everything,” Colin said walking into Heather and Chelsie’s dorm, “I just needed to calm down before I deal with anyone else.”

     “Its okay,” Heather lied.

     “No its not these past two days have been nothing but drama one thing after another,” Colin said pacing and waving his hands around.

     “Colin look at your hand,” exclaimed Heather.

     “I’m fine,” Colin said ignoring the throbbing.

     “It’s swollen I think it might be broken,” said Heather. “You are going to a hospital now.”

     “Fine,” Colin said annoyed. The last place he wanted to go was the hospital. What he really wanted was to just stay as far away from Aiden as possible and just have a good happy moment like when him and Ace slept on the hotel couch. Nothing bad or drama filled happened at that moment it was just peaceful and calm.

     Chelsie was beginning, no had lost patience with Aiden and his idiotic behavior. She thought she was going to be able to work through everything that had transpired in the past two days but after everything that had happened she knew she would not be able to do it. He was being foolish and doing nothing but drowning his sorrows in the bottoms of scotch and whiskey bottles. That was not the man she knew or the man any one else knew. If a big shock was what Aiden needed to get back on the right page then that was what Chelsie was about to give him whether he needed it or not it was coming.

     “Ace hey,” Aiden said shocked to see her on his doorstep.

     “Let’s get a few things clear you are one of my best friends and without you I would not have made it through that orphanage but you calling Heather a bitch will never happen again. You can tell your father he doesn’t have to worry about having me in the family we are done.”

     “All of this because I called Heather a bitch?” he asked shocked.

     “No you have your drunken rant to thank for that calling Heather a bitch was just the icing on the cake,” Chelsie said walking away.

     She never thought she would have had to end a relationship with Aiden. There was just way too much drama going on from the start of their relationship. Once the dust settled she hoped they could somehow get close to their old friendship but at the moment Chelsie needed to get away from him. When she had broken up with Channing it was to find out who she was without a boyfriend and she was starting to figure out whom that person was somehow.

     Heather was driving Colin mad, the throbbing in his head was louder than the throbbing in his hand. Ever since the doctor had confirmed that his wrist was broken she had been gloating about being right. Thankfully Chelsie had called and found out he was in the ER and was on her way. If luck were somewhat on his side she would keep Heather busy for a while.

     “Hey Chelsie,” Heather waved.

     “Okay so if I pull my pants down I would be mooning her?” Colin asked with his back to Chelsie.

     “Colin please don’t,” Heather begged but she was too slow. Before Heather could stop him Colin was mooning Chelsie and she was gasping in shock and horror.

     “Wow you have a white ass. Haven’t you heard of the sun?” Chelsie asked as Colin pulled his pants back up.

     “Oh hey Ace,” Colin blushed. “Why didn’t you tell me she was there?”

     “I tried but you wouldn’t believe me,” Heather laughed.

     “Someone want to clue me in on why I just saw an albino?” Chelsie asked trying not to be traumatized by what she had seen. She was trying to be a good friend and keep Heather and Colin company while they sat in the ER but not at the price of being mooned by Colin.

     “It would be retaliation for a made you look,” Heather said feeling bad but not able to control her laughter.

     “Next time keep the made you looks PG please,” Chelsie begged.

     The doctor came in a little later once the laughter had died down and took Colin to get his cast and sign his discharge papers. Chelsie and Heather went to the cafeteria while Colin did that and made sure that he knew where they were going to be once he was finished so they did not have to go looking for him.

     “So?” Heather asked curious.

     “So doesn’t help I mean I can tell it’s a question but what’s the rest of it,” babbled Chelsie purposely to irritate Heather.

     “Come on,” Heather said throwing a French fry at Chelsie.

     “Don’t throw fries unless my mouth is open you know better,” joked Chelsie.

     “Just tell me please I’m dying here.”

     “I broke up with Aiden and before you flip out let me explain. He has a lot he needs to think about and deal with when it comes to his family. Things are harder when you are adopted sometimes and he is dealing with the sometimes.”

     “So you broke up with him over that?” Heather asked shocked.

     “Things didn’t feel right anyways I didn’t have that feeling I normally get,” Chelsie explained.

     “Oh yeah and who gives you that feeling?”

     “Hey guys are you ready?” Colin asked walking up to the table.

     “Wait its photo time,” Chelsie giggled pulling out her regular digital camera. She knew Colin hated it but she had to take a photo to remember another crazy unpredictable moment in her college experience.

     “Wow you’ve reached a whole new level of craziness,” Heather laughed.

     “Whatever. I’m going to the store do you guys want anything?”

     “Is it cool if I ride with you?” Colin asked shocking Heather.

     “Um yeah, Heather do you need anything?” Chelsie said unsure.

     “No I’m good.”

     Heather was not exactly sure how to handle Colin wanting to ride with Chelsie. It was a shock that he was so blunt about it but she knew things were not going to work out between him and her. When they were in the hotel and she woke up to find Colin cuddled with Chelsie in the middle of the night she knew. Now Heather was just waiting for the right time to finally end things.

     “Oh I have something for you,” Colin said pulling an envelope out of his back pocket.

     “Money!” Chelsie joked.

     “No its your copy of the Halloween and masquerade photos,” he laughed.

     “Thank you,” Chelsie smiled heading down the frozen food isle. “So why did you go out to California?”

     “I found my birthfather. Its not like you would expect though,” Colin said. “There are a lot of kids who get lucky and have amazing birthparents and adoptive parents but I didn’t get that.”

     “Wow I’m sorry,” Chelsie said feeling awful about the whole thing. She had thought about finding her birthparents but she did not do it because Daniel did not want her too and it would be a joint effort or nothing at all.

     “It’s ok.”

     “So I broke up with Aiden,” she said nervously. “Chocolate or Vanilla ice cream?”

     “What?” Colin exclaimed.

     “Chocolate or Vanilla ice cream,” Chelsie repeated.

     “You know what I meant.”

     “It just got way too complicated way too fast he needs to work through some things anyways,” Chelsie said digging through the ice cream.

     “Are you okay?” he asked nervously. Colin had a sister and whenever she broke up with a guy or got dumped waterworks flowed like Niagara Falls and it always freaked him out. If Chelsie did it he was not sure if he could handle it ever, he had never seen her cry in his whole life.

     “Yeah come on we still have to fight over and decide on movies and the store closes in nine hours,” joke Chelsie.

     Chelsie was a little off on the time frame but they did exactly that. They fought over every movie each one of them picked out and then finally decided on four. They did not get back to the university for another hour and half even though part of the reason was because of icy roads.

     “There you are,” Heather growled when they walked in.

     “What put a stick up your butt?” Chelsie asked scared.

     “You!” Heather exclaimed.

     “Us?” Colin and Chelsie asked shocked.

     “You’ve been gone for over an hour,” she said.

     “We went to the store and picked out movies,” Chelsie said holding up all the shopping bags.

     “It takes over an hour to do that?” Heather asked.

     “Yes seeing how we had an argument which I still think I’m right about by the way,” Colin answered.

     “You are so not,” Chelsie said moving past Heather to the kitchen.

     “Hello! Yeah see even if you did that it would only take id say forty-five minutes,” Heather said being neurotic.

     “You are aware there is snow and ice on the road?” Colin asked in awe.


     “I swear five minutes outside in the snow and I’m sure I can knock that stick right out,” Chelsie said getting annoyed. She was finally in a good mood after the Aiden fiasco and Heather was ruining that over something as trivial as taking too long at the store.

     “How about we take turns?” Colin asked.

     “Uh oh she’s mad now,” Chelsie said looking at Heather.

     “How can you tell?” Colin asked looking up from unpacking the bags.

     “See how her face is red as a tomato and her nostrils are flaring?”

     “Oh yeah whoa,” Colin said moving pass Heather to the couch with some of the bags.

     “Discussing my skin tone is not helping,” Heather said stomping her foot. She hated when Chelsie pushed all the right buttons to make her angrier. Just once Heather wished she could not do that and just hold a normal conversation with her.

     “Oh hey throw me the candy bars out of there,” Chelsie asked standing up from the fridge.

     “Catch,” Colin warned throwing right past Heather.

     “Tens across the board,” cheered Chelsie.

     “This isn’t gymnastics woman,” Colin said trying not to laugh. “You say your out because catching is in baseball WWDJD.”

     “What would Derek Jeter do,” Chelsie smiled.

     “Hello? What are you doing?” Heather exclaimed. She was getting angrier by the second the longer they ignored her. It was as if she were invisible to them, they were in a completely different world or something.

     “Getting ready to watch Rickey Bobby,” Chelsie said walking past her to get on the love seat.

     “You never did answer my question,” Heather said annoyed.

     “Yes we did,” Colin said feeling the throbbing in his head again.

     “Wait I got this,” Chelsie said seeing how angry Heather was getting, “what was your question?”

     “Why did take so long,” asked Heather.

     “It took so long because there is ice and snow on the road so I decided to drive slow,” answered Chelsie.

     “Thank you,” Heather said feeling calm already.

     “Didn’t we say that?” Colin asked in awe.

     “Don’t get me started,” Chelsie said shaking her head. The craziness that was Heather always made her head hurt. Chelsie just dealt with it as best she could and went on with the normal parts of her day.

     As luck would have it Heather got a mystery and had to leave the dorm. It felt so good to get away from Chelsie and Colin it was weird to Heather to feel that way. Normally she loved being around them but after Chelsie ruining her date and then seeing them on the couch in the city Heather felt differently about them both. For a quick second when she got back to the dorm her annoyance almost turned into anger.

     “Stop,” Heather heard Chelsie giggle when she got to the door. “Stop that tickles a lot.”

     “Nope,” she heard Colin say next muffled. Heather walked in at that point and the way the couch was position she could not see what they were doing but she had a feeling she knew what the hell they were doing.

     “What the hell are you doing?” Heather shouted.

     “Oh sorry Colin was tickling me,” Chelsie said as they sat up.

     “Yeah I got that part,” Heather said walking around the couch.

     “She won’t agree that Stepbrothers is funnier than The Hangover,” he explained knowing how things looked.

     “I think I’m going to go run some errands,” Chelsie said finding an excuse to leave. The look on Heather’s face told Chelsie that she was at the end of her patience rope and Colin and her closeness was pushing her too far.

     “What’s wrong with you?” Heather asked annoyed.

     “Nothing we were having fun and you just started shouting,” Colin said shocked. “What is wrong with you?”

     “You are what is wrong with me,” she said. “You and Chelsie and that closeness it’s annoying!”

     “Well I don’t know what to tell you it’s not going to change,” Colin said firmly.

     “Maybe you and I need to change then,” said Heather.

     “Works for me I’m done,” Colin said grabbing his coat and walking out.

     Heather was so frustrated with her self not even Colin. She knew from the beginning that there was something between Colin and Chelsie even if they couldn’t see it but she still agreed to date him. Seeing how cuddly they were and how close made Heather want it and tried to get the same thing from Colin and failed. Now she was man-less and possibly friendless too. Her Thanksgiving weekend was coming to a horrible ending more than anyone else’s.

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