You'll Never Know

By SimplyAWriter_D

2.5M 47.6K 3.1K

Broken...A word Alex Mathews never really understood. Alex was always the happy, popular, confidant girl. Tha... More

You'll Never Know
New Home
First Day In Hell
I'll Be There For You
A Terrifying Discovery
The Obvious
Guess Who's Back
I know you remember me!
My Baby
Out In The Open
Encounters with the past
A Chance
Secret Meeting
Freak Out
An exhausting day
Not Ready To Make Nice
what I've done
Take Care Of Her
Broken Mate
A New Start
An Alliance
He's Not Sane

Weird Things

100K 1.7K 144
By SimplyAWriter_D

  Pic of Kyle over there ------------->

Yumm *drools* 

Alex's P.O.V.

It's amazing how the three simple words I knew I was going to say could effect my life. Three simple words might make Susan want to send me back to my parents. 

"I'm keeping it"

Susan and Logan stared at me in shock, I wouldn't blame her if she wanted me gone. This was way more than what sh bargained for.

"Kind of expected you to say that" Logan said with a weak, sympathetic smile. 

"Okay then we have to take an doctor's appointment and I'm sorry dear but you'll have to tell your parents and--" Susan started but I interrupted her, shocked.

"You mean I'm staying?" I asked and she looked at me confused.

"Why wouldn't you?" she asked walking back towards me

"Because you were never supposed to deal with this too." Is said "You didn't even argue me about keeping it my mom would have--" I trailed on. My mom, she would have made me have an abortion. I know it. Susan gave me a knowing, comforting smile.

"you've always been like a daughter to me" she whispered "besides. It'll be fun having another baby, Oh Sam is going to be ecstatic"

I smiled at her but inside I was still screaming. I was going to have a baby, at my age. The baby of a person who scarred me more than anyone ever has. I know I had another option, abortion. But I never was a big fan of it. Born or not abortion was murder, and the baby shouldn't pay for what a bastard did.

My decision wasn't an easy one but I spent hours in my room after I woke up, and found out that Logan and Kyle chased the wolf away, don't ask me how they didn't tell me, and took me home, I couldn't stop thinking about the baby. An abortion was out of the question and I couldn't give him away, I knew I couldn't.

 How would I deal with everything? I would be the talk of the school, and if Tyler and Kyle were bad before I can only imagine what they'll be like.

Kyle, what would he say? he already didn't like me now he'll absolutely hate me. And somehow the thought of Kyle hating me was depressing, but I couldn't think about that. I had a baby to take care of.


In the next few days things definitely changed. I told El about the baby and she was all for helping me. Susan made me replace my bike--saying it was too dangerous for a pregnant teen-- and made me buy a safe BMW instead. Oh well...

no one knew about the baby, not even Kyle. Which was infuriating him, to say the least. He kept telling me I could tell him anything and he was actually being nice to me, all that would be gone if he found out.

"Come on Al we're gonna be late" Logan said  as I was puking my guts out in the toilet. You gotta love mornings (note the sarcasm)

Apparently Logan noticed I was throwing up because the door opened and he held my hair for me.

"What's wrong?" I heard Kyle ask from the door  

"She feels a bit sick just get her some water" Logan said as I pulled away and put a hand to my stomach.

Logan handed me some tissues and Kyle came in and I took a sip of the water.

"I'm good now. Let's go" Kyle eyed me suspiciously

"You've been puking a lot lately" he said with concern."what's going on?"

"Must be a flu or something" I said smiling weakly as Logan changed the subject and led Kyle out of the room.

I got ready and as I made my way outside I heard Logan and Kyle arguing.

"Stop bullshititng me okay? You're all hiding something about her. Even mom and dad know, why am I out of the loop?"

"It's not out right to tell you how many times do I have to repeat that? She only told me because she had to"

Kyle growled, which really sounded, well kind of like a dog, it made me shudder. "I have the right to know" he said angrily

"She doesn't want to tell you" that earned another growl "Could you keep it down she might hear you"

"Logan" Kyle said but something about his voice had some sort of...authority? "You will tell me now what everyone is hiding"

Logan was the one to growl now. Seriously what was up with these boys and growling?

"You know if it wasn't for the whole mate thing I would be madder that you would order for me to tell you alpha" wait what mate thing? and why did he call him alpha?

"Wow. This must be some serious thing if you had dad order you not to tell me so I wouldn't know" Kyle's tone came out harsh 

"I told you it isn't our place to tell you" Logan said

"You have to understand how worried I am" Kyle sounded worried, anxious. Could he really be this worried? must just be because we were raised together, I mean he had to care at some point "Just tell me this...ok please? Is she sick?"

"She just feels sik sometimes but she's not don't worry" Logan answered in a softer tone. I decided it was time I got out so I took a deep breath and opened the door. Logan and Kyle looked at me and logn smiled. Kyle just smiled weakly and went to the car.

Kyle was silent the whole ride to school while Logan told me, just like everyday, to go to him if something's wrong. I noticed Kyle's hands were clenched and his body stiff.

I shook my head, just as Logan stopped in the school parking lot I got out but Logan got to me before.

"Remember to get me okay Al?" he said anxiously

"Logan I can take are of myself you know" And what good has that brought you I thought to myself but shrugged it off "Okay I will"

Logan nodded and went to hang out by his friends and I headed to El. "hey Els" I said smiling. She hugged me 

"How are you today?" she asked a hint of worry in her voice. El was great at cheering up and never mentioned anything that bothered me but she still showed worry every once in a while.

"Just dandy" I smirked "And you?"

"Tyler alert" she said making me groan. Though Kyle has been nicer, Tyler hasn't. He just avoids being mean in front of Kyle that's all.

"Well if it isn't geek"  he said with a smirk "how you doing on this fine day?"

"She'd be better if you leave" El said and I was grateful.I never answered him.

"Come on El. Doll face can answer for herself" he said

"Yes struggle. Makes it more fun for me" he said thrusting deeper into me 

"Pl-ease" I said crying "Stop"

"come on doll face, enjoy it" he said hitting my rib.

"Geek? Geek? hellooo" Tyler said waving his hands in front of me. "Aww I made the geek cry"

"Shut the fuck up tyler" El said "Al are you okay?"

"I'm fine" I said wiping away my tears. I felt anger now as I walked towards Tyler and slapped him "Don't call me that" I said through clenched teeth. Tyler stared at me in shock which quickly turned to anger. 

Before I could pull away he grabbed my arms and lifted me off my feet. I saw his eyes and they had changed black. How could his eyes change color? He growled at me and I tried to pull away but he was holding me in a rather painful grip.

"What are you doing ?let her go" El said frantically hitting his hands but he kept his eyes locked on mine. I took a deep breath trying not to freak out.

"TYLER" Kyle's voice boomed from across the parking lot and somehow managed to run over to us in a matter of seconds "LET HER GO" I looked over Tyler's shoulder and saw a very angry Kyle and I could have sworn his eyes were the same as Tyler when he looked at me but he quickly looked away "NOW" his voice held the same commanding tone as before.

Tyler let me go instantly and  I fell to the floor. I saw Kyle turn Tyler to face him roughly

"I should kill you for that" Kyle said, his voice so cold I almost couldn't recognise it. "Take him to calm down" he said to no one in particular still staring at Tyler. Out of nowhere three guys came and helped a very tense Tyler out of the parking lot.

 Kyle was still mad as he looked at me but his expression softened "Are you okay?" he asked crouching down to my level I nodded but the tears were still coming, let's blame the hormones for that. I was never an easy crier, but then again I never was a lot of things that I was now, if that makes sense.

"Al don't cry" he said wiping my tears frantically with a pained expression "I can't see you cry, please" he mumbled something that sounded like 'i'm gonna kill him' but I wasn't too sure.

"you called me Al" I finally said smiling "you haven't called me that since I came" 

he smiled genuinely "Yeah sorry about that. I was a bit of a jerk about it" he said placing his hand on my cheek leaving tingles when he pulled away. 

"It's okay now" I smiled at him, and got up almost forgetting we were at school, he was the only person who could do that. Make me forget.

"Thanks Kyle" I said as El stood beside me 

"We're going to be late for class" she whispered. I nodded and thanked Kyle again. As I left I noticed his hand, the hand that touched my cheek was clenched, I didn't know what to make of it so I brushed it off.

But somehow I know, there was something different about Kyle Blake.


Sorry for the late upload but you know, starting school so my uploads might take more time.....Hope you like this chapter :)

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