Super Short Horror stories

By Echolessvoid

143 4 0

some of the early ones are edits of others I've read online More

Echolessvoids short horror 2016

Echolessvoids 2015 short horror stories

109 2 0
By Echolessvoid

He was trying to type his own short horror story,

when I slit his throat then wrote this for him.


I looked at the ground to see a little girls shadow next to mine,

reaching for my hand,

but I'm alone in the park....


Every day I place small love notes around the house for my wife to find

to show how much I love her

she seems soo down lately I can't help but try to cheer her up,

it's not my fault I died 20 years ago.


I found a movie camera on the floor in the living room

i picked it up and the T.V. suddenly came on showing what the camera sees

only it showed a dark figure standing behind me,

staring at the camera with hatred,

I spun around to see nothing but a scorch mark on the rug where the

figure once stood...

who's camera is this anyways?


Nothing beats the single life hangin with my friends late night watching TV

when the power goes out,

and all we can hear is a child's xylophone faintly playing.

we didn't have much time to dwell on that for the floor suddenly

gave way dropping us into darkness.


We all heard a loud thump in the hallway of our new home

when we investigated, we found an old doll there.

thinking this was a silly prank I picked up the doll and looked at its face

the right eye started to roll back into its head

displaying the message "HELP ME"

carved into the back of the eye....

that's when all the shutters on the house violently slammed shut.


I hated waking up to the sun shining on my face in the morning

But now I regret hating it so very much

for I awoke to remind myself I'm still chained to a wall,

naked and bleeding from the torture the night before in a pitch black hell.


I like to think I'm quite the photographer

when showing my photos to my friends

they noticed a black shadow like smudge,

it was in every picture, as if it was watching me...

what worried me most is it seems to be getting closer.


 I sat in the waiting room

rocking back and forth with anticipation

shaking with excitement the waiting is unbearable

the doctor stepped into the room and called "number 83"

Finally! it's my turn to die!


Every month another hospital trip

every month another finger or toe gone

my parents think I'm crazy

when I tell them the walls of my room

demand rent and forcibly take a piece of me.


With shampoo in my eyes I fell in the shower reaching for a towel

I braced myself for the impact that never came


The executioner raised his axe to deliver the final blow

the man about to die just sat there laughing

it was too late by the time we realized our blunder

as the axe hit his neck everyones heads in the crowd rolled instead


In our house everything 6" from the floor is clawed up,

every night it comes out at 11pm sharp,

we awoke to a furry bloody mass on the kitchen floor,

I forgot to lock up the cat.


Everything was silent after the last song on my playlist ended.

Then from my earphones,

I heard a girl whisper "help me".


I was suddenly jarred awake by someone dragging me down the hall by my ankle

kicking and screaming did me no good my parents didn't answer,

once outside near a van surrounded by officers, one said

"good haul tonight, the prisoners will be well fed this week"


I reached into my pocket to get my car keys and was suddenly crippled with pain as I pulled out 

intestines instead....


Tink tink tink tink - scrape.....

tink tink tink tink - scrape.....

tink tink tink tink - scrape.....

the arm of a porcelain doll pulls itself down the hall again

every night it appears in our house

every time with a different organ sewn to its elbow

tink tink tink tink - scrape.....

tink tink tink tink - scrape.....

tink tink tink tink - scrape.....


  I lay on the ground bleeding, among the wreckage of my car

a stranger comes to my rescue, ah yes, a new body at last.


As she lay asleep, peacefully dreaming with a smile on her face

I caress her cheek and think of all the years we spent together

my last thought, before I pulled the trigger,

was "till death do you part"


On a dare I stayed in a graveyard for halloween,

I thought I was doing well until I saw a black cat amongst the tombstones... 

as I followed it I realized it was far larger than I thought

a panther, hollow eyes and mouth, filled with only shadows...

its "glare" passed over me filling me with a feeling

of being frozen and burned alive simultaneously,

what was only seconds felt like hours

when the pain disappeared, so to did the panther.

the panther I believe, is the living embodiment 

of all the pain and suffering that kept the spirits of the dead from moving on.....


my secret Santa from work got me an elf on the shelf,

I wonder how it moves to a new place every night on its own.


I ready myself and my tools for tonights torture session,

I smile to myself for finding his achilles heel,

the boogyman doesn't have a choice,

he has to show up.


We used to get a lot of door-to-door salesmen

but since we got our new neighbors down the block

none have made it this far


Waking up to sleep paralysis is bad enough,

waking up to sleep paralysis and a masked person approaching with a knife is far worse.


I never thought I'd see her go out that door and out of my life...

but the suction from the open plane door was too great.


My best friend died and in her will I was to recieve a letter she's written to me

"I'll always be right behind you..... Always."

it's written in blood.


Sitting at the kitchen table hung over from the night before

the chair next to mine suddenly pulls away and pulls back into place

the spoon in the coffee mug begins to stir and I hear a familiar voice

"talk about a rough night eh?"

it was my roomates voice,

turns out he died last night from alcohol poisoning.


I rushed to my wifes side after hearing a blood curdling screams

to see her panicking with blood red skin and eyes solid black, holding the shredded remains of our 

newborn child,

her hands now made of metal and her fingers now blades.


I wake early in the morning to Siri on my iphone talking

"one, two, satan's coming for you"

"three, four, no point locking your door"

"five, six, your soul will do the trick"

"seven, eight, time to meet your fate"

I ask "siri what was that?"

Siri: "ha ha ha ha ha....."


To find out the girl from the ring was real as she stood in front of me,

to find out there's something that even scares her standing behind me.


While doing my daily ritual of browsing my facebook page

I get a friend invite, their name is "Don T. Luke bak"

I clicked their page and their profile pic was me,

as I am at this very moment,

looking at my computer screen,

with a demonic shadow looking over my shoulder.


Do not stare into the shadows soo intently

for there are things in the shadows

staring back just as intently

trying to see you too.


A moment before I died,

time rewound to my birth again.

I actually was a demon's child


My friend pushed me off the dock with a mischievous grin

the moment I hit the water it was replaced with insects

gnawing and burrowing into my body.


I was having the best sex of my life

she was on top riding me with sheer need

she suddenly sprouted 2 extra sets of arms

she embraced me and began to feed


Daddy slow down! you're scaring me!

where are we going? you forgot sarah at home.

"I'm not your Daddy"


I went inside to answer the phone while mom and dad played with Evan in the kiddie pool

when i came back whey were all gone,

all that was left was blood in the pool and my dads left foot.


My lungs burning, I run for my life

the rebar in the parking lot cement rips free and impales me repeatedly,

as I bleed out the rebar puts me into a pose,

as I die I now know, I'm just another sculpture in her twisted art gallery.


I screamed like a little girl as i dropped the jar of nutella

it oozed out of the jar and stared at me with its one unblinking eye

suddenly it sprouts 2 sharp claws and scuttled to the heating duct leaving a smear across the floor and disappears inside.


Hello, can you believe we're related?

I'm your parasitic twin

been seeing the world through your left eye my whole life

I'm getting the hang of controlling your body while you sleep

soon we'll trade places,

exciting isn't it?


I have a thing for the nerds and outcasts

hardly anyone goes looking for them


I awoke to what I thought was surprise sex from my wife

when I opened my eyes to my surprise no one was there and I couldn't move

but with every thrust I felt,

an image was slowly coming into focus,

and with every thrust I became weaker,

as I came to climax I let out my last breath,

and as I died I could finally see the succubus climaxing with me.


Day 201 in the inverted world

the followers of "the shrine of Ouroborous" have captured me

soon they'll come to drain me of my blood

for they need fresh blood to link their portals to our worlds portals.

play Ingress they said,

It'll be fun they said,


As I lay here dying in this hospital bed

I look back at my life,

no accomplishments,

no dreams fufilled,

no soulmate,

no fame, or fortune,

and to think I gave up my soul for this second shot at a better life


"Death is only the beginning" it growled as it ripped off my head,

as my soul left my body the demon tore into me with its vile claws.

"death is only the beginning" it said once more,

as it dragged me to hell.


I was jerking off to porn and was close to climax when my dick turned green and crumbled away in my hands,

the rest of me soon followed


you need to wake up, you're dying,

this is just your life passing before your eyes

come back to us

we can't imagine a world without you in it


The last man on Earth sat alone in a room. There was a knock on the door

he picks up his machette mumbling to himself

"Apparently I missed one"


As the school bus comes down the block

everyone hopes and prays it doesn't stop in front of their home

today, it stops in front of the Taylor's house

I'm gonna miss them.


Every time I killed someone a tally mark was burned into my flesh

the distant voice in my mind telling me to "keep going".


The funeral went off better than expected,

it was hard for everyone to pretend they didn't notice

the coffin shaking and bouncing with muffled screams

as it was lowered into the ground.


We all walk around, doing what we are told

we can't fight it anymore than a marionette can fight its strings,

if we knew wifi could be used this way, we never would have used it.


Bored out of her mind the teacher sits there grading papers

half way through the stack, pinned to a paper is a photo of her

tied to a chair, lifeless, covered with cuts, with her intestines all over the floor...

it was time stamped 2 minutes from now.

a little freaked she looks at the name on the paper

it reads "you should have run".


Really upset that john didn't want to sleep over

she goes to the freezer for some comfort food

pulling out the icecream container and opening it

she pulls out a human heart,

pouting she thinks to herself  "it's my last one" 


He hugs his teddy bear tightly as it thunders outside.

the bear suddenly grows a ghastly mouth across its stomach,

and begins ripping away at the boys chest.


I let the unknown number ring till it goes to voicemail,

all i hear is a cryptic laugh followed by "you're gonna die"

when I check my voicemail right after to replay it

nothing was there.


While hiking in the woods I found an abandoned church

investigating it, all that remains

is the stone walls, the decomposing pews, and a statue

I decided to pay my respects and kneelt down, and clasped my hands in prayer

once finished however I could not stand or pull my hands apart,

all I could do is look on as each finger

suddenly bent back with a sickening snap,

so this is why it was abandoned.


I set the hamper on the floor and open the dryer to get the clothes

the moment I open the dryer shrieking fills the air,

inside is a young girl with long white hair

screaming at the top of her lungs

she has no eyes, just empty sockets.


As the school bus sank in the frigid waters

it was difficult to break a window and escape

but I had to make it look convincing

after all, 

I'm to be the only survivor.


Coming home from school to see the house decked out for halloween

mom and dad really went all out this year,

they even hung life like dummies of themselves from the balcony

it must have cost a lot for the warm dripping blood effect.


In the news a family down the street were brutally murdered in their own home

but the bodies have yet to be found.

I chuckle to myself thinking:

"I can't wait till spring when the snowmen melt"


I wake to my bedroom ceiling filled with red balloons on valentines day

my boyfriend is soo romantic,

I grab a note that's tied to the nearest balloon

it reads: "he's not the one for you"

the police found him in the end...

piece by piece...

inside each balloon...


Being left alone in school is all I ask,

got a pie to the face as I stepped into class this morning,

I went home early, killed the pricks family and their dog

"who's laughing now?" I think to myself

as I wait for them to get home from school.


Moving day at last,

all the boxes are loaded into the truck

so we begin moving furniture

when we got to my small dresser we found a large hole in the floor beneath it

inside the hole is a tunnel,

it leads to a tiny room with a pile of my old clothes,

and a pile of pictures...

all of me...

some as recent as last night.


"You're right, I've got a lot to live for, I don't wanna die"

"Atta boy" I say as I pat him on the back,

after hearing the screeching of tires

and the smash of a windshield breaking

I think to myself:

"It's hard being a serial killer when everyone you want to kill

already wants to kill themselves"


Out in the cold arctic air searching for the perfect picture

that's what we photographers live for,

I chanced upon a fox that wasn't overly afraid of me,

now's my chance for some close up shots

once in range its entire body "unraveled" into ribbons of fur and flesh lined with teeth

as sudden as it unraveled, it wrapped around my leg and sawed it off in seconds.


A man came into my office today with constipation,

he said no medicine helps.

upon inspection his ass was swollen and red

I place a finger inside to see what I can feel when I hear an unexpected *pop*

suddenly thousands of spiders pour out covering me,

I fall backwards fighting them off.

"OH GOD IT HURTS" the patient screams

as something large starts to push its way out.


As I pretend to sleep I stare at my wind up alarm clock,

counting the minutes till morning when it leaves,

I look on as a bony finger reaches over to my clock,

passes through the glass cover, and turns the clock back.


I shot and killed a man in the line of duty today

rattled by the whole thing I go home early

as I close my front door I hear a voice behind me say

"my turn".


As I sit here in my cement tomb

with only my head showing

the crows feast upon my eyes, my flesh, and my tongue daily,

"I'm in hell" I think to myself.

why did I ever want immortality?


While harvesting our potato crop I pulled up a skull,

shocked I kept digging and found clothes that

belonged to my son who disappeared 3 years ago.

the last thing I saw was my husband putting an axe into my skull,

while I still held our sons skull in my hands.


The naked man slowly bobbed to and throw as it walked towards me

his head, limp, flopped around as he walked

I didn't even have time to scream, 

when his gut ripped opened and a shadowed creature sprang out and onto my face.


my phone rings and it's mom, then it stops before I can answer it,

I call her back to hear a raspy male voice say

"the number you've called is currently unavailable"



I saved a little girl from falling off a bridge last night,

I wish I could rewind time and stop myself

for the demon girl threw me off instead.


I'm constantly followed by a child no one else can see

a boy, lips sewn shut, eyelids removed,

and missing the top of his head with no brain inside...

some nights he just stands next to my bed humming.


"What did you bring for show and tell Chris?"

"A knife" he said,

before he began his killing spree.


I shut everything in the house off trying to pinpoint the noise

it seemed to never fade or get louder, I thought I be going insane,

I search the house high and low and in the attic finally it sounds louder,

digging in old dusty boxes I find an old rotary dial phone off its hook.

placing it to my ear I can make out the sound of an old woman repeatedly saying "hello? hello?"

suddenly spooked by what I'm hearing, I hang it up, 

it starts ringing.


While staying the night in an abandoned cabin during my hiking trip

curiosity got the better of me so I explored the house,

while in the kitchen I opened a cupboard and found an old teacup and saucer.

surprisingly clean for where it is,

I reached for it only to see it slowly slide back away from my hand.


The floor bucked and heaved as I tried to escape the shrinking room,

they found my body crushed against the ceiling,

flat as a pancake.


The whole family showed up for thanksgiving this year

my sisters even brought all their kids,

its been ages since I've seen them, my how they've grown,

we're all sitting in silence as dad carves the turkey

it's not going well,

his strings keep getting tangled.

it's hard controlling this many puppets at once.


They say if a wolf is stuck in a trap

they'll chew off their own leg to escape

I wonder if the pack of wolves surrounding me

might chew my leg off first.


I tucked my son into bed and grabbed a book for a bed time story

when I opened the book it only had pictures of my son yelling

the words read "help me daddy! that's not me! help me!"

I flipped through the pages as the pleading continued,

to hear my son I tucked in let out a demonic chuckle.


To rush out of my room on Christmas day expecting presents,

only to find the bottom half of my mom on the stairs

and a bloody trail leading to the fireplace.


A boy was walking around the local walmart with a paperbag on their face

I said "you should at least have eye holes" as I pulled the bag off his head.

I view a grotesque face beyond describing,

suddenly I feel my heart stop beating as I fall to the floor,

Looking up at the boy I finally notice his shirt read "DON'T LOOK".


I race down the alleyway and around the corner

"knock knock"

I find a rusted ice pick and prepare myself

"knock knock"

he takes a step past the corner and I slam the pick

through his chest and out his back,

stepping back in horror as he just stands there smiling

"knock knock" he says,

as he continues his hunt.


You will have to face your own mortality one day,

everyone dies with regrets, some more than others,

there is no definitive proof of what the afterlife has in store for us.

you will pray you die in your sleep or instantly,

for when you die awake,

you will feel your own blood flush ice cold with fear of the unknown.

whether you believe in a god or not,

you will die knowing as time passes no one will remember you,

you'll be nothing more than another name on someones family tree.

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