Surrender to Love (Sequel to...

By foreverlovingnemi

85.1K 2.9K 608

In this story Demi must pick up the pieces after, yet another fight, turned her world upside down. Her ex boy... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34 (Final Chapter)

Chapter 17

2.2K 89 11
By foreverlovingnemi


As I got closer to where I heard the screams, I realized they were sex screams, then I saw Delta's SUV moving. At first, I thought someone was being hurt, which is why I went to investigate. I had gotten out of my car & was walking toward the gym when I heard them. I got to her SUV & realized she was inside of it, fucking someone. Probably Carter & I really didn't want to see him. The screaming stopped, so I started walking away. My phone buzzed in my pocket, so I stopped walking, to check it. It was a text from Michelle telling me she was free that night, because Jay was going to the bar to keep Nick company. Just reading his name, made me miss him. I sighed, putting my phone back in my purse. I would reply to her when I got inside the gym. I started walking again, then heard the door of Delta's car open & I heard a low male voice, but for some reason, it didn't sound like Carter's tone. I turned around just as Delta & Nick came around the car. They froze when they saw me, probably thinking no one would be around. I felt like I wanted to be sick. He fucked her. He was single, he could do whatever or whoever he wanted, but it still stung really bad to know that he had sex with Delta.

I stared at them, not believing my eyes, even though it was right in front of me, screaming at me. "I heard someone scream & I thought someone was hurting you." I said, in a hoarse whisper. "Glad you're okay." I said, then turned & started walking toward the gym. I needed to get away from them as fast as I could, but I didn't want to look like I was running from them.

I heard footsteps & heard Nick yell out my name. I ignored him & kept walking, but he caught up to me, still saying my name. "Please stop, Demi. I need to explain."

I turned around to face him, trying not to burst into tears. I was emotional now that I was pregnant, so I was crying at the drop of a hat, these days. I blinked a few times. "You don't have to explain. You're a single guy. You can do whatever you want in the back of a SUV."

Delta came running up to us, now, looking worried. "Demi, I was pleasuring myself & Nick heard me & wanted to make sure I was okay. I let him in the car & then we got out just as you happened to be there."

I gave Delta a side smirk. "I'm not stupid. I know you were fucking." I looked at Nick, who could not have looked more guilty, if he tried. I gave him an 'I told you so' look & he looked away, quickly. "I really don't need an explanation. Nick isn't my boyfriend. If you cheated on Carter, then that's your business."

"Carter & I aren't exclusive." Delta said in a quiet voice.

"Then you two did nothing wrong." I waved my hand over them & started to turn, but Nick grabbed my arm, stopping me.

Nick held onto my arm as he looked at Delta. "Can you leave us, so I can talk to Demi alone, please?" Delta nodded, then walked off. "I know this looks bad, Demi, but it's not what you think." 

"Nick, we aren't together. You don't have to explain."

"Yes, I do. I don't want you to think that I was doing that because I wanted to."

I narrowed my eyes at him & clicked my tongue. "Oh, you didn't want to have sex? Did Delta rape you?"

"No... it was more like blackmail."

I let out a surprised laugh. "Blackmail?"

"Delta said she would take your place at King Beast... but she wanted to fuck me. So I did it so you wouldn't have to fight."

I swallowed, shocked by this information. I don't know why I was shocked, because it sounded like something the daughter of a snake would do & I knew how bad she wanted to fuck Nick. I smirked, nodding my head. "She finally figured out a way to get what she wanted. She got to fuck you."

"Yes, you were right. She has wanted to fuck me since she met me." Nick pressed his lips together as he nodded, his eyebrows up. "I know I shouldn't have given in, but I was desperate. I couldn't find anyone else. I didn't tell her why you wanted out, though. But... now you won't have to fight." He smiled, softly, looking so happy.

I couldn't help but to laugh at how naive he was being, that he actually trusted Delta. "We'll see what happens, but I'm not counting on that until I hear Chuck, himself, tell me. I need to get inside, though. One of Joe's assistants is working with me today. Thanks for uh... sacrificing yourself for me, though." I smirked as I turned around & let out a chuckle at how red Nick's face got. "I'll see you later." I shouted over my shoulder, with a wave of my hand.

When I got inside the gym, the first thing I saw was Delta's face & for a moment, she looked scared, especially when I made a beeline right for her. She was protected by the counter she sat behind, but I wasn't planning on hurting her. "You wouldn't want to get in the ring with me today, would ya? I'd love to get some practice in before my match at King Beast." I said, with a sly smirk.

Delta's mouth fell open, a little, as she stared at me, then she started shaking her head, slowly. When she began talking, she was stuttering & I had to try not to laugh. "Uh... I... can't... I have so... much paperwork today. I'm not even... um... sure that I'll be able... to get a workout in...."

"Oh, okay. Maybe another time, then. And don't worry about getting a workout in.... I mean I know what it's like to get fucked by Nick.... you burned off some serious calories, I'm sure." I bit my lip to keep from smiling, too big, before I walked away. The look on her face was priceless & I wish I had a picture of it.

That night I went to Michelle's to hang out & watch a movie. She wanted to drink wine, so that's why we hung out at her place, so she didn't have to drive anywhere. Before we started the movie, she picked up her glass of wine & leaned back on the couch, with a sigh. "So Nick told Jay you're pregnant." She said as she lifted the glass to her mouth.

"Wow. Really?" I nodded my head, holding my mug of tea in both hands. "I'm not surprised, though. Jay's his best friend."

"He was trying to talk Nick into taking you back."

"I love Jay." I chuckled as I blew on my hot tea. "So, Nick fucked Delta today." I said then sipped my tea. I almost spilt it, as I laughed, when I saw Michelle's shocked expression. Before she desecrated Nick's character too much, I explained to her what happened. Then I told her what I said to Delta & she laughed pretty hard at that.

"So, are you upset that he fucked her?"

I shrugged my shoulders a little, looking down at my mug. "I don't love it. The thought of him with anyone else makes me physically ill & then the fact that it's her.... But I believe that he did it because he wanted to get me out of this fight. Don't tell him I said this, but I'm kind of touched that he was willing to do anything. And yes... I know it's sex & he's a guy, but I felt like he really didn't have a desire to have sex with her. I felt like he really felt bad that I found out. He was ashamed." I shrugged again. "We aren't together, though, so I really can't be mad."

"True. But still... you've been broke up for a week."

"Yes, but I was kissing another guy... my ex when Nick was still my boyfriend." I said then sipped my tea, watching Michelle over my mug as she thought about what I said. 

"Do you think he would have done it, if you & him were together?" Michelle asked as she had the glass of wine at her lips & her eyebrows were raised.

I shook my head, frowning. "No, I don't think so."

Michelle nodded then sipped her wine. "Jay thinks Nick would take you back, but he's afraid of getting too close."

"Too close?"

"Yea... he's afraid of getting attached to the baby because he's afraid you're gonna lose it if you fight."

I leaned to put my mug on the coffee table. "What? Really?" I leaned back, feeling my heart flutter thinking of Nick being afraid of something related to the baby. It made me think that he did care about this baby, even if he didn't appear to when I first told him about it.

"Yep... so maybe you'll get back together at some point, once Nick gets over his fear."

"Maybe. I'm not sure it's what I want right now... I can't get past what he said about getting rid of it & then him fucking Delta.... "

"You know you'll take him back." Michelle chuckled & I rolled my eyes as she picked up the remote & pressed, 'play.' We watched the movie, then I went home since Michelle was about to pass out. When I got home, I took a warm shower, climbed into bed, then I started crying. I was remembering that Nick had sex with Delta & that we were broke up & that I was pregnant & that I was alone in my bed, when I really just wanted someone to hold me. I cried myself to sleep & I was pretty sure it wouldn't be the last time.

Sunday, I woke up & needed to do something, so I headed to the gym at some point. I came out of the locker room after I was dressed & saw Nick walk in the front door & head over to where Delta was cleaning some piece of equipment. I knew it was about her fighting, so I headed over there, too. Nick gave me a slight nod as I approached Delta at the same time he did.

"So, Delta. Did you get a chance to talk to your dad?" Nick asked, crossing his arms.

Delta looked at me & Nick, then she frowned. "I did & I just couldn't persuade him. I'm sorry. You're gonna have to fight." She said, looking at me, then started to walk away.

Nick lunged forward, grabbing Delta's arm. "We had a deal." Nick hissed in her face.

"I told you I would try, but I wasn't successful. Sorry." She shrugged like she didn't care.

"Did you even talk to your dad?" I asked, folding my arms across my chest & stepping forward.

Delta pursed her lips like I had some nerve asking her this question. "Yes. Good luck at King Beast." She said then sauntered off.

Nick glanced at me, quickly, then went after Delta, grabbing her arm again. "There's something you need to know." He said & I sprinted to them, knowing Nick was about to tell Delta I was pregnant.

"No, she doesn't need to know."

"Demi, I think she does." Nick said & I glanced at Delta who looked confused.

I sighed, knowing I wasn't going to convince him otherwise. Nick cleared his throat, then got closer to Delta. "Demi is pregnant." He said in a low voice & I watched Delta's face as she listened to him. Her eyes got wide as she looked at me.

"Does my dad know?" She asked & I nodded. She sighed, putting her hands on her hips. "Well, I can't say anything else to convince my dad, so I'll just say to you, be careful." She said, then turned on her heel & walked off. 

I could see the anger in Nick's expression as he turned toward me. I also could see the sorrow in his eyes. I know he felt like a complete failure right now & he felt like he let me down. I could see a hint of fear as his mouth twitched, knowing he was scared for me & probably the baby as well.

"Well, I am not in the mood to work out." He said, looking down at the floor. "Are you training today?" He asked, lifting his gaze.

"No. I was just going to work out, but now I'm not really in the mood either." I gave him a slight smile.

Nick cleared his throat as he looked away, briefly. "Want to do something? I really don't want to be alone because I'll just drink & play video games."

My eyebrows shot up at his question. "Uh... what do you wanna do?"

He shrugged, shifting on his feet. "We can go grab some food."

"Sure." I motioned with my hand toward the locker room. "Just let me go get changed & grab my bag." I said & he nodded. "I'll meet you outside." He nodded again, then I watched him walk toward the door.

Nick was leaning on his car, looking at the ground, when I got to the parking lot. He lifted his head when he heard me approach. "Want to eat at that bar & grille by your house?"

"Yea, that's fine. I'll see you there." I said & headed to my car.

When I got to the cafe, Nick was waiting in his car & got out when he saw me park across from him. He said nothing as we walked toward the restaurant & went inside to find a table. I didn't try to talk to him, since I knew he was upset. I just hoped I could cheer him up a little. I hated seeing him so down.

Nick held my chair as I sat down, then sat across from me & picked up a menu. He still was wearing his sunglasses, so I smirked at him & he made a face of confusion. "Is it bright in here?" I asked, picking up my menu.

He chuckled & took his glasses off. "That better?" He asked with a side smirk & I nodded, before looking down at my menu. We ordered a few minutes later, then Nick leaned on the table to gaze at me, thoughtfully. "I can't believe Delta did that. I should have known."

"Yea, well, she's a snake like her father. She's just prettier."

Nick rolled his eyes, then sighed. "I feel like such a dumbass that I believed her & that I even did it. I should have made her talk to her dad first. What was I thinking?" He shook his head as he looked down at the table.

"You weren't really thinking with your big head." I said, letting out a soft chuckle & he looked up to roll his eyes at me again.

"Cute. Anyway.... I feel really bad because I wanted you to get out of this fight."

"It's okay. I'm just gonna go down the first time my opponent hits me."

"What if she hits you in the stomach?"

"I'll try to make sure that doesn't happen. It'll be alright."

"I'm sorry, Demi."

"Don't be sorry. You tried." I shrugged my shoulders then reached for my water.

"Can I ask you something?" Nick asked, looking up from under his lashes & I nodded, as I swallowed. He took a deep breath before he spoke. "If I think I can get past what happened with you & Carter & think that I can trust you again & want to get back together, is this thing with Delta gonna keep you from wanting that to happen?"

"Um... not necessarily. I mean I don't like that it happened, but we weren't together. You were very single & honestly, it's my fault. If I hadn't kissed Carter, we wouldn't have broke up. If we were together you wouldn't have.... you would have told her no, right?"

Nick winced like I hurt him by this accusation. "Of course it wouldn't have happened if we were together. I would not have cheated on you. I swear. Even as desperate as I was, I still wouldn't have cheated because that could have been the end of us."

"I believe you. Like I said, it's my fault. I have no one to blame but myself. I'm the one who kissed him & then lied."

"I understand it a little more now that I've had time to think about what happened with you two."

"It's funny, if you think about it. It's like we're even now." I grinned, leaning on my hand.

"How are we even?" Nick asked, his forehead creasing.

"You know how I feel about Delta. I hated her from the beginning & you fucked her. That's kind of the same way you felt about Carter & you thought he was trying to come between us & he was. I thought Delta wanted to fuck you & she did. So, anyway we both managed to prove the other right & we both did stuff with the enemy." I giggled, a little.

"But I had sex with Delta."

"I had sex with Carter." I said, with a straight face, then laughed at the face he made.

"You had sex with him?"

"Not recently, but I have before. We had sex many times before, when we dated."

Nick let out a sigh & I laughed even harder. "You're not funny." He said, with a slight smile on his face.

"Sorry. But anyway... we're even."

"If you say so." Nick smirked at me.

I got serious, leaning on my arms. "You have to know that I would not have had sex with him that night if Michelle hadn't walked in. I need you to know that. I need you to believe that."

"I believe you." He said.

The server came with our food & placed our meals in front of us. Once she left, I watched Nick check his sandwich, which he always did to make sure there were no bugs in it. When he was in high school, he bit into a sandwich at a restaurant & there was a large bug in it. He didn't eat sandwiches for quite some time & then when he started to eat them again, he never ate one without checking it first. He looked up & smirked, at me, when he saw me staring. After he took a bite, I waited while he chewed, then asked, "Do you want to get back together?"

He wiped his mouth with the napkin. "Honestly, I don't know. I don't want to get back together because you're pregnant. And I..."

"You don't want to get too attached." I interrupted him.

"Where did you hear that?" He asked, looking stunned.

"Michelle told me. Jay told her."

"My brother has a big mouth. And, yes, I'm trying not to get too attached to the baby & I'm trying not to get my hopes up about us. We'd only been together six months & we broke up twice. That's not a great track record."

"They were extenuating circumstances."

"I guess. I just... I just have a lot to think about. A lot to consider. I mean I think I can forgive you for the Carter thing, but I'm not sure I'm completely there yet."

"Even though we're even now."

He shook his head & laughed, quietly, as he picked up his sandwich. "You say we're even, but uh when you kissed Carter, you were my girlfriend. I can't stop thinking about that." He shrugged his shoulders then took a bite.

"I understand." I nodded, then started eating my salad. After a few minutes passed, I sighed & put my fork down. "I'm not even sure I want to get back together, anyway. I have doubts about things. It's not as simple as just saying, 'yea, let's get back together.' Does that make sense?"

"Of course. I agree with that."

I went back to eating & after a few more bites, I stopped eating again. "Can I ask you something?" I asked & Nick nodded, since his mouth was full. "If I had told you what happened, with Carter, right after it happened would you have broke up with me?"

Nick finished chewing his food, then took a drink. "I can't say for sure, but I was more angry & hurt that you lied to me for so long. If you had told me right after it happened, I might have been hurt, but I probably would have just been pissed for a bit then I would have been okay, because the fact that you were honest would have meant something."

I nodded, my lips together, then looked down at my salad & moved some of it around with my fork. I felt the urge to start crying again, but I didn't want to cry here in public, or in front of Nick. "Well, I'm glad that we can be civil, right now. That means something."

Nick nodded, smiling. "It does & I am glad, too. If we don't get back together, I know we'll be able to raise this baby together as mature adults."

"Yes." I said, then swallowed the lump that was forming in my throat. Thinking of raising this baby without being with its father, made me sad. I needed to change the subject. "You did use a condom with Delta, right? I mean our baby isn't gonna have a sibling the same age, is it?"

Nick nearly choked on his food, then looked up at me. "Yes, I used a condom." He took a drink & I nodded, feeling relieved. "You didn't ask, but I feel like you should know that it wasn't a romantic thing with her, by any means. It was business. I didn't even kiss her." He stated, looking out the window.

"You didn't?" I asked, surprised by this revelation. He shook his head then ate a chip. "Unlike me who kissed someone else." I smirked & he scowled, then smiled.

"Speaking of Carter, have you talked to him?" Nick asked.

I shook my head. "Nope. Not at all."

Nick nodded, pushing his plate away. "So what do you want to do today?"

"I'll probably just go home & relax. I have a fight to mentally prepare for, anyway."

"Right." He nodded, looking down, seeming as if he was hurt.

"I'm sorry. Maybe we can hang out tomorrow night."

"No." He shook his head, barely looking at me. "It's fine. We shouldn't push it anyway."

I nodded as the woman brought our checks. I went to grab mine & Nick beat me to it. "Hey, I can pay for my own meal."

"I got it." Nick said, sounding serious, so I didn't argue. He put some cash in the black binder & when the woman came to grab it, he looked up at her. "Put them both together, please. And no change. Thank you."

"Thanks for lunch." I smiled.

"You're welcome."

I asked Nick about Ryan & we talked about him for a little while before we went our separate ways. It was a little awkward when we were saying goodbye by our cars, which made me worry that it was going to be harder than I thought to work things out with us. I drove home, blasting the radio as I sang along, trying to change my mood. Singing at the top of my lungs always made me feel better. When I pulled into my driveway, I saw Carter leaning on the cement wall at the corner of my house, waiting for me. He must have parked his car, on the street, since I wasn't home. Damnit. I didn't want to talk to him. I was also annoyed that he looked so ruggedly handsome.

I got out of the car & slammed my door to let him know I was not happy to see him. "What are you doing here?" I asked, in a bitter tone as I walked around my car.

"I need to talk to you." He simply said.

I went to reply, when I heard a car pull into my driveway. I turned my head to see Nick pulling in behind my car & he got out of the car, smiling at me. Once he closed his car door, he saw Carter near the front door & his facial expression changed on a dime. He glared at me & I knew, at that moment, he thought I lied about not having talked to Carter. I wondered why he was even here. Did he have something more he wanted to say to me? Did he forget to tell me something? Was he coming to get his navy street hoodie that I loved to sleep in? I saw him reach for his door handle & I knew I had to stop him from leaving. I had to explain what was going on. I just hope he believed me. I didn't want things to be bad with us again, when it just started to feel like we were making some serious strides in forgiving each other.

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