Hetalia and the Philosopher's...

By AnimeFan152

31.7K 937 691

England accepts a request from Professor Dumbledore to go to Hogwarts and protect Harry Potter for 7 years. H... More

Author's Note:
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7: Wands
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Author's Note 2
Author's Note #3
Chapter 11
Good News and Bad News
I'm sorry
A continuation!

Chapter 2

2.5K 91 117
By AnimeFan152

Hello! So this story is getting somewhere (I think)! I have lots of plans for future chapters! Anyway, I hope you enjoy this chapter! Constructive feedback is welcome!

Diagon Alley was exactly how England remembered it from many years ago. The bustling crowd of wizards young and old, the many shops it had, and so much more. England had their money converted into wizarding currency and they were split into groups.

Group 1: Italy, Germany, Russia, and Canada- starting at Ollivanders

Group 2: England, America, Japan, and Spain- starting at Madam Malkin's

Group 3: France, China, Romano, and Prussia- starting at Flourish and Blotts

"Remember everyone, we have to use our human names in public or we'll cause suspicion." England said. "When we are done shopping, we can meet at Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlor. And yes America. We will have ice cream after we shop."

"ICE CREAM!!!!!!"

Group 1's POV

As the four nations entered the wand shop, an old man smiled and welcomed them.

"Ah, welcome to Ollivanders young children. I assume you four are first years going to get your wands?"

"Si!" Italy said.

"Alright then. Who would like to go first?"

"U-umm... I-I would..." Canada said while clutching Kumajiro.

"Ok, just step forward young boy, don't be shy. I'm not going to hurt you." the man said in a soothing voice.

The old man went to one of the shelves stacked with boxes of wands and took a box out. He opened the box and gave the wand to Canada.

"Give it a swish, go ahead."

Canada swished the wand a little and boxes of wands floated off their shelves, then placed themselves back organized.

"This wand is perfect for you! 10 inches, unicorn hair, a little bendy, and oak. Who would like to go next?"

Italy's hand shot up.

"Alright young lad, come here and we'll find a wand suitable for you."

He took a box out and opened it, then gave the wand to Italy.

"Go ahead, just a swish and flick!"

Italy gave it a flick and all of a sudden, the windows shattered.


"Now now child, it's okay. The windows breaking means that this wand isn't suitable for you. I'll find another one."

The shop owner took out his wand. With a swish and flick, he said,


The windows fixed themselves.

"Uwa!!! How did you do that?!" Italy said in awe.

"That was a spell to repair things. You will learn that spell when you go to Hogwarts."

He took out another wand and gave it to Italy.

"Try this one. Give it a wave."

With a swish and flick, Italy waved his wand and blew a hole on the ceiling.

"Ah ah ah, not that one either!" The shop owner panicked. He took out his wand again and said,


The ceiling fixed itself just like the windows.

The wand shop owner took out another wand from the shelf.

"Try this one." The wand shop owner crossed his fingers for his shop to not be destroyed.

He gave it a wave and instead of destroying the shop, little golden sparks came out.

"Uwa!!! So pretty!" Italy's eyes lit up in awe.

"Ah, that one is perfect for you! 11 inches, sturdy, birch, and phoenix feather. Now, who would like to go next?"

"I would." Russia chirped.

The wand shop owner took a wand out and gave it to Russia.

"Give it a wave."

With a wave, Russia's wand shot out snowflakes. He began to dance around while the wand was shooting out more snowflakes. Soon, the whole shop was a winter wonderland.

"Ah, that wand is perfect for you! 12 inches, oak, unicorn hair, and sturdy! I guess that leaves you, young one." He looked at Germany, gesturing at him that it was his turn.

The man took out a wand and gave it to Germany.

With a swish, there were no more snowflakes, but instead, there were red, black, and yellow sparks shooting out of his wand, dancing like snowflakes in the air.

"11 inches, birch, a little bendy, and phoenix feather. Fun fact, the phoenix feather in your wand and the phoenix feather in his wand, (he pointed towards Italy) share the same phoenix."

After they paid the man the money, they left the shop and headed over to Madam Malkin's. When they entered the shop, they saw Group 2 at the entrance with robes in their hands.

"Kiku!!!!" Italy hugged the Japanese nation.

"F-F-Feliciano.. I don't understand.. What are you doing?!" Japan pushed Italy away.

"Hugging you of course!" Italy said.

"I expect you to take responsibility!"

Group 2's POV

After leaving Madam Malkin's and having Italy hug Japan, the group of nations entered Flourish and Blotts. There were bookshelves everywhere and there was even a staircase that led to more books. There were display tables with new books being released to the public.

Spain looked at his list. "Okay, so we need:

The Standard Book of Spells Grade 1 by Miranda Goshawk, A History of Magic by Bathilda Bagshot, Magical Theory by Adalbert Waffling, A Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration by Emeric Switch, One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi by Phyllida Spore, Magical Drafts and Potions by Arsenius Jigger, Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them by Newt Scamander, and The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self Protection by Quentin Trimble."

"Do you boys need some help finding your books?"

The nations turned to see the shop owner.

"No thank you. We're fine." England said.

*time skip*

After buying their books, they left the shop and went to some more shops and sometimes, they would see other groups at the entrance. This lasted for an hour or two and when they were done, they entered the ice cream parlor to see group 1, group 4, and group 3 waiting for them.

"Fratello! Spain!" Italy hugged the both of them.

The nations started to order their ice cream.

"I would like a scoop of vanilla ice cream." France and England said at the same time.

"No, scratch that, a scoop of chocolate ice cream." They said in unison again.

"NO, scratch that! Strawberry!"


"IT'S NOT MY FAULT! IT'S YOURS!" France argued back.

"Get the one with the huge eyebrows a scoop of vanilla and the one with the long hair a scoop of chocolate ice cream." America said while England and France fought.

After eating their ice cream, the nations went home. Term started September 1st so they had a long time to prepare and pack their bags before they went to Hogwarts. They were changed into their normal sizes and will be changed to 11 year old kids a few days before term started.

Author's Note: I'm sorry this chapter was rushed!

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