The Static Correspondence (Sl...

By SpiritusRaptor

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What is my concept of a god, you ask? For me it is someone who is feared by many. Someone who can bind you do... More



560 40 7
By SpiritusRaptor

Maybe I should give you a few history-interlaced hints about my beloved organization, and also to make clear of the existence of my Lord.

If you are thinking that The Order was a group of crazy cultists, well, in a way you're right.

Just scratch out the word 'crazy', because most of us don't actually look like asylum patients at all. We are teachers. Office secretaries. College professors. Home makers. Baby sitters. Office workers. Pharmacists. Students.


 Maybe we fill out any occupation that you had already heard of, a proof that we are still bound to the eternal and undying rules of the society and the norms.

Just think that perhaps, you have already crossed paths with one of us. In the cafe? In the bar, or maybe you had seated beside one of us inside a bus? Who knows? Nevertheless, this is just a proof that we don't claw eyes out of poor, unaware strangers. We are not violent people, really. Nothing to be feared of, for I don't usually stick a blade in someone's throat.

Except when it calls for a decent sacrifice in His name.

We are everywhere. We are just divided into Chapters. And These Chapters were also divided into Enclaves.

The Princeton Experiment was conducted years back into the historical existence of World War II, and portrayed a huge, major role in the existence of The Order. Like how it was stated in the name itself, it was merely a US government-funded experiment regarding ancient Egyptian rites. The authorities behind the so called procedure hoped that it will work, for aside from being able to make a new discovery, answer a few supernatural questions regarding this Egyptian tablet that fell on their hands, being able to summon a godly being can mean that they will gain an edge on the Soviet Union as well. 

Their goal was to open the Rift and summon Gorr'Rylaehotep.

The ritual called for sacrifices, and they used notorious criminals for the bloodshed. But it was deemed to be so early. The first attempt for the procedure had failed, and left a magnetic field surrounding the area of the Atlantic Test Site where it was conducted.

In 1957, the second attempt of summoning was successful. But if they think that they can subdue a god...

 ...they got it all wrong. A god will certainly NEVER yield to the will of puny humans. Like me. Like us.

That taught them a lesson.

The being who emerged out of the Rift slaughtered the people who witnessed the events. All, except one. The last one was spared; his aging was slowed by great means, or if not mistaken, stopped at all, because of his exposure to the procedures. He was the seer of Truth, and The Order's Overseers turn to him for the greatest of information. But eventually, he left.

In this organization, we believed that this being that you all feared and you call Slender Man had the ability to grant us the elusive and the well adored gift of godhood, if He took us to the 4th World where He really resided.

With this knowledge, we refer to him as our Master. Our Lord. Our Redeemer, the only one who can take us to that treasured Eternal Paradise.

Crazy? Insane? No. Not really. If you are a firm believer, a person of faith in your own religion, no matter how tiny your belief is,  you will surely understand what I mean.

You will surely understand the feeling. The infatuated feelings of having your well-worshipped deity turn to you and choose you from the multitude of believers to carry out His orders.

Not all people are granted with this honor.

Although most of our practices in The Order were frowned upon by the authorities and by the people outside our organization, I had expected this all along. You cannot certainly please everyone. You cannot earn the approval of everyone, especially if they never understood your motives in the first place. All along we had believed that the numerous sacrifices and execution of the Harbingers that we did in His honored name was just…righteous.

Well, it depends on the perspective of the person who witnessed this, though. But for me, everything that we did in the rituals for our deity makes me feel this connection. This absurd tug that confirms that in every action that I took, I’m getting closer to Him.

But it was Him who came to us, and chose me.

That event certainly turned the heads of the Overseer and the Archvassals in our Chapter. But like what I had expected, there are only three reactions that will come from the others regarding this attainment. Happiness for my fate, Envy, and the last, Suspicion.

 I shall be dealing with more of this. And I'm ready, for His sake.


So…the first three chapters were more like an introduction, because this is such a complicated plot. xD *cough cough* I hope I can actually deal with this. With my grades going downhill and tumbling down with me, I hope… I can finally have a decent excuse to shift to embalming, lol.

I’m gonna say that DarkHarvest00 wiki must have the credits for this (that's my reference. XD). I don’t actually expect that the characters will make an appearance here, because this will be later on focused to the life of the main character as a proxy, but…oh well. *sigh* vote and review, if this update pleased you.

; 3 ;

~SR <3

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