Different Way of Tutoring ||...

By stylesfaris

403K 6K 1.5K

She was the popular girl. He was the nerd. She was the 'it' girl. He was the 'geek' guy. She showed him to l... More

Ch. 1: He's Marcel.
Ch. 2: Take a break*
Ch. 3: First time*
Ch. 3: In the Moment*
Ch. 4: Its A Date (Pt.1)
Ch. 6: Its Been A While
Ch. 7: New Friends
Chapter 8: Parties and Unexpected Happenings.
Chapter 9: No jealousy here.
Ch 10: Changes.
Chapter 11: You're Mine
Being Introuble And Found
He's Back.
You're in Danger.
Book Changes.
Protection and Accidents.
Last Moments(Pt.1)
1 Free Cover.
Last Moments (Pt.2)
Waking up to just live the nightmare.
There's no way..
Return to Me, Or Die.
What the hell is going on?
Im sorry..
Leaving Again..
Authors Note.
Why I left..

Ch. 5: It's A Date (Pt.2)

16.8K 215 34
By stylesfaris

Hey loves, I decided to re write this chappy since some stupid hacker decided to delete this chapter. Hope you like! Enjoy reading! It's not finished yet but I'll come to re edit it later!


E l i z a b e t h's P.O.V

"Where are you taking me?" I asked Marcel, curiously, watching the city move passed us in a fast motion.

Marcel was driving us to god knows where. He kept saying that he didn't want me to know until I saw it myself. But me being very impatient, I wanted to know.

"Somewhere." Marcel chuckled. "It's a surprise, remember."

"Oh c'mon, just tell me." I giggled. "I'm going to see where we're going anyways."

"Exactly." Marcel smiled. "You're going to know soon, so shh."

"Alright." I pouted, amusingly.

We had gone into a dark tunnel, and the only thing that could be seen was the car's headlights. Then this gleam of light at the end of the tunnel started to show as we were nearing.

And suddenly, I started to see bright lights and beautiful buildings surround us as we drove out of the tunnel. I stared at them in awe, never had I seen something so beautiful. I hadn't been in the city in a while, mostly in the suburbs or the mall with my friends

Before I knew it, Marcel had parked the car in front of a restaurant. The name la dolce cuisine in big, cursive bold letters on the sign at the top.

I had broken out of my trance as Marcel opened my door for me. I smiled thankfully, before stepping out. My heels being a bit of a disadvantage as I had tripped on a crack.

I had prepared myself for the concretes impact but instead felt strong arms hold me tightly. I looked up to see two pairs of gorgeous, green eyes look down at me. Marcel had an amused smile on his face while I look away embarrassed.

"Be careful where you step babe." His cute little, raspy voice spoke.

Babe. Cue swoon.

I blushed, mentally cursing myself for my clumsiness. I reconciled myself, straightening out my posture to seem that my almost-fall did not affect me. But I'm sure my bright, red cheeks were ruining that.

We entered through the door, Marcel being the gentleman that he is and opening it for me before following behind. An older man walks up and greets us.

"Reservation for Marcel," my date says, giving me a shy smile.

"Right this way," he nods and takes us to a table near the back, thankfully there is more privacy and we won't have to endure other people talking around us.

We sit down and look at the menus. I have a hard time deciding and take a look at Marcel, who is already looking at me.

"What is it?" I ask, blushing a bit.

"You look really beautiful Liza," he smiles, taking my hand in his.

"Thank you, you look handsome as well," I playfully wink and it's his turn to blush.

A waitress comes up and greets us, her eyes immediately zeroing on Marcel. She flutters her eyes, turning her body in his direction. "What can I get for you today handsome?"

"Oh I'm not quite ready yet, have you decided Liza?" He's oblivious to her actions and looks at me curiously.

"I'm not sure either," I say, grabbing his hand again and interlocking our fingers. The waitress stare hardens on me and she ignores me once again.

"Alright, well I'll be back in a minute sugar, just let me know if you need anything handsome." She smirks, lighting brushing her hand on his forearm before walking away.

It puts me in a sour mood, and I glare at the back of her cheap hair extensions head. Looking at the menu once again to calm myself, I go quiet for a couple minutes.

"Hey, are you okay?" Marcel asks, pushing my menu down to look at me.

"I'm fine," I clip. I'm totally not fine.

He doesn't say anything but after a minute, he quickly stands up, "I'm going to the bathroom be right back."

I nod, still a bit mad at the bimbo and how oblivious he was, but I won't let her ruin our night. I take a sip of water before breathing to calm my nerves.

Suddenly I feel a cold splash of water all over my body. Ice goes down my dress and I quickly stand up in shock. The waitress from earlier giggles quietly, before feigning an apology.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry! I tripped!" Her eyes widen, and she quickly grabs tissues to help dry me up. "That's from your little date," she whispers close to me and laughs.

I look around and everyone is now looking at me and my body burns with embarrassment. Tears well up in my eyes but I try to hold them in. I look across the room and Marcel is standing there in shock, but the waitress walks past him and whispers something in his ear before patting his shoulder with a wink.

Anger courses through my veins and I immediately run out of the restaurant, not looking back at Marcel and his stupid slut.


uh oh

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