I don't want to be...Me (revi...

By videogamegirl

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I don't want to be...Me (revised)

32 0 0
By videogamegirl

 Chapter 1

It wouldn’t be long before it was that time of month. The night to hunt. I hated that day with all my heart.

“If only I were human…” I murmured to myself, wrapping my arms around me. The ocean seemed so calm tonight. Peaceful even. The waves gently lapped at my feet, it was cool and refreshing to have the salty air blow my hair away from my face.

I heard a few gulls cries overhead, I looked up at the rocky cliffs to find them perching for the night. I smirked to myself, lucky them at least they’ll be able to sleep.

Long ago I looked at the ocean as a friend, now things were different and I wouldn’t be able to see it like that ever again. Why couldn’t I be ordinary? I didn’t ask for anything special, never. I wasn’t selfish, I didn’t care about my being but others welfare. Now I had the power to take their lives away. 

Off in the distance, the clock tower chimed. I counted them off. Dong….Dong….Dong….Dong….Dong….Dong…Dong….Dong….Dong…Dong… Dong….Dong.

“Happy Birthday, Kanti.” I said, tears streamed down my face. I barely managed to choke out the last of my words without breaking into sobs. “Welcome to your new life as a…..siren.”

(hours earlier)

“Kanti!” My mother called. I skipped down the beach, enjoying the feeling of the sand between my toes. Aw man I just got here, I really wanted to explore. I sighed running back towards the house. Our new home. I couldn’t truly believe this huge beach house was actually ours. I hadn’t the faintest idea where we got the money but I was completely fine with it. Though I had left my friends back in Louisiana, this little town, Dewey seemed pretty nice. I would make new friends, my mom had reassured me.  I ran onto the screened in porch.

“Yeah?” My mom and dad were settled on the couch. She looked nervous and by the way she was gripping my dad’s hand I knew something was up.

“Take a seat dear. We need to talk.”

“Ok…about what?” I asked taking a seat in the couch opposite of them.

“I know there has been a lot of stress on you from the move and I’m sorry but we had no choice in the matter.”

“What your mother is trying to say is we did it for your sake.”

“What do you mean by that?”

“Have you ever noticed how guys stare at you all dazed? Or wondered why they give you lustful stares?” She asked.

“Mom your not seriously giving me ‘the talk’ are you?” I asked, air quoting the talk with my fingers.

“No honey we’re trying to say…” She took a breath and sighed, giving my dad’s hand a squeeze. “You and I aren’t human.”

“Very funny guys.” I said, laughing softly to myself.

“We’re sirens. All those mythological creatures you wish were real, are.” She said, her tone serious. I stared at them incredulously, studying their faces. I saw sadness in my dad’s eyes and no emotion from my mom.

“Your not kidding are you?” They slowly shook their heads. “So what does that mean for me?”

“You have power over the male species, that’s from the story books but you steal their life force.”


“You have to hunt them.”

“I have to kill people?” I squeaked. My dad’s gaze dropped to the floor.

“On a certain day of the month, when the moon in full, it effects the tides of the ocean, making you lustful, you’ll want to be as close to the ocean as possible on that night. You will do anything to get your prey.”

“Mom! I don’t want to hurt anyone!”

“I’m sorry but it’s in our nature…”

“How come dad isn’t dead?” I asked, the words cut my heart like a knife.

“Because he’s my mate, you only find a few people in the world that are able to resist our power. He truly loves me, you will find someone like that someday too.” I was so close to losing my control.

“….When do I have to hunt?”

“The next full moon, your birthday is tomorrow, that’s when your change will happen. As long as you follow certain rules, you’ll live a normal life.”

“How can I live a normal life!?!?!” I shrieked. I bolted from the room. I quickly made my way down the many steps of the porches, running swiftly across the beach. For what I knew, all I could do was run, run from the fate I would never be able to escape.

Chapter 2

I woke to the sound of waves. I had fallen asleep after exhausting my body. Why couldn’t I have been washed out with the tide? I sighed. “Life is cruel….” I muttered.

“Hey you!” I jumped, startled. My sight landed on a blonde haired boy a couple yards away from me, running towards me.

“You alright? What are you doing here all alone?”

“I ran away from home.” I muttered. “Just keep away from me. I don’t want to hurt you.” I looked up to meet his gaze. He looked like he was in a daze. Was he under the spell? The change….I changed in my sleep. The only way I’d be able to help him is if I went back home.

“Come on, I need to go back anyway.” I took his hand and he eagerly followed.

“Please snap out of it.” I whispered.

“I would never leave you love.” He said, sweetly.

“Of course not, sweetie.”


“So how do we fix him?”

“Well now would be the perfect time to demonstrate how to drain his energy though I prefer to call it feeding.”

“There is no way I’m doing that.” I said.

“All you have to do is kiss him.”

“What?” I asked.

“You kiss him, its simple really. It’s suppose to fill your lust which grows immensely for your first time.”

“You mean like….sexual feelings?” I asked in a quiet tone. She sighed shaking her head.

“Yes sweetie, I wish you were human so you didn’t have to put up with this.”

“Well we can’t go back now.” I said, glumly. “You were saying?”

“Ah yes, all you might need is a kiss but sometimes it’s not enough and it will lead to…sex. You may also get urges randomly throughout the month.”

“So what about him isn’t there something we can do to get him out of that trance?”

“Watch this.” She snapped her fingers and his eyes became focused.

“Wha-where am I?”

“Our home don’t you remember? Kanti brought you here. I’ll go get some refreshments.” She acted as if everything was normal. Well she’s had years of practice, I thought. She started to hum a nameless tune and went into the kitchen.

“Um ok when did we get here?”

“Uh Just a few minutes ago.” I lied, horribly at best.

“Why did you run away?” He asked, sitting on the couch, next to me.

“I was upset, that’s all.”

“I don’t think I could handle to see you cry, you’re too beautiful.”

“Don’t say that…” I whispered.

“Why not? You are, why deny it?” He asked. His hand touched my arm and a shock traveled upward making goose bumps trail all over. I shoved him away.

“Oh sorry I didn’t mean to….” A blush crept onto my face and I could slowly see one forming on his. His stormy grey eyes bore into mine. My mom chose the opportune moment to burst in.

“Do you want any lemonade?” She asked, politely.

“Sure.” He replied. My mom handed him a glass.


“You’re quite welcome, where did you find my baby girl?”

“Near the caves, by the cove.”

“I’m so glad you found her, I was worried sick when she didn’t come home last night. What’s your name, young man?”

“It’s Zack.”

“Thank you, Zack. Shouldn’t you be at school?” She asked.

“Um about that….I….well you caught me. I’m playing hooky today because of the nice weather.”

“I see nothing wrong with taking a break from all those school days.” He breathed a sigh of relief. “I don’t want to be a bother, but I was hoping you’d show Kanti around town please? We just moved here and she hasn’t had the chance to get accustomed to it.”

“Sure thing, Mrs.….um…”

“Albony, dear.”

“Mrs. Albony, it’ll be my pleasure.”

“Can I get ready first?” I asked him.

“I can afford to wait the day is young.”

“Thanks.” I left taking the stairs two at a time. I soon found my connecting bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror to see a shocking image. I thought I would have looked a wreck for all the running last night and sleeping on the beach. But no my blond hair was neat and tidy, my face clean and free of sand. Two silver eyes stared back at me which wasn’t the normal blue. I sighed, another part of the change, I guess. I decided a shower wasn’t necessary and turned to my closet wear all my clothes were already neatly unpacked. I stripped from my old clothes and put on a pair of gray short shorts and a blue tank top and flip flops. I quickly made my way downstairs not wanting to keep Zack waiting any longer.

“Ok let’s go.” I said. “You go on outside, I’ll be right out.”

“Um ok.” He answered. I strode into the kitchen.

“How did you do that?” I asked.

“You mean snap him out of the trance?”


“Simply snap your fingers.”

“Thanks, but will it be safe for me to be wandering around in town?”

“As long as Zack is with you, you’ll be fine.”

“But why?”

“I’ll explain later, go have fun.”

“Fine but you need to explain things.”

“Just go. I love you sweetie.” She kissed me on the forehead.

“I know Mom.” I found Zack sitting on the porch steps, leaning back on his elbows to get some sun. Not that he needed any.

“You ready?” I asked.

“Man this sun feels good.”

“Your right it does.” I said taking it in. I never realized how enjoyable the little things were.

“Where are you going to take me?”

“Hmm lemme think, how about the town square?”

“Sure why not? You’re my guide.” He took my hand and led me towards town.

“So where’d you come from?” he asked, taking a lick of his chocolate ice cream.

“I’m from the Louisiana bayou.”

“Oh cool a southerner.”

Ice cream dripped down my chin. I quickly wiped it away with a napkin.

“Do you like it here?”

“I guess, it’s quiet, peaceful, lovely weather. I think I’ll become quite attached to this place pretty quick.”

“I’d be pretty happy if you stayed.” He said, grinning like a goof ball.

“Why would I leave? We just got here.”

“Well you could say there are a lot of weird things that happen around here. Sometimes people disappear and others they have goals set on changing things in town then all of a sudden they change their minds. The last family that was in that house moved out because their son mysteriously disappeared. The town was at for days until they gave up. It’s been 10 years since he went missing.”

“Oh…” I thought about how easily a siren could have fit into that situation and I shuddered.

“You ok? You got real pale.”

“I’m fine.” I reassured him.

“So maybe I can show you around school.”

“I don’t know if my mom will let me enroll this year. Truthfully there’s no need, I’ve ready passed my junior classes at my old school so I’ll join you in the fall. There’s only one month left until summer break anyway.”

“If you want I can visit everyday.” I felt heat rush to my cheeks. He was the closest thing I had to a friend right now. I didn’t want to push him away but was it safe for him to be around me? Then again why would my mom say to stick near him? I couldn’t bare the thought of killing him, anyone even. He was so sweet to me.

“Um Kanti is that ok?”

“Yeah I’d like that.” I smiled at him.

“You’re starting to creep me out.”

“Why?” I asked worried.

“You’re staring at me and smiling.”

“Oh sorry.” I looked at my ice cream. I tried to think positive for the moment but my siren side was like a guillotine hanging over my head ready to strike.

“Hey its all right I didn’t mean it.”


“You’re crying.”

“Oh.” He was right, I reached up to touch my cheek and sure enough tears were present.

“I didn’t mean to upset you.”

“No it wasn’t you, I just realized how much stress has been on me lately and…I’m scared.”

“Do you want a hug?” He held out his arms and I gladly accepted but as soon as I did a craving so immense made me struggle against his grip.

“Okay guess not.” He let go giving me a confused look, “Are you bipolar?”

“No, it’s just I’m not a person that likes to be touched.” I lied, feeling uncomfortable.

“Come on let’s go, I have one more place to show you.”


I could feel cold stone beneath my feet. A cool breeze spread goose bumps down my legs and I shivered. Zack must have seen this because his arms wrapped around me, pulling me into his chest, sending warm waves of heat down my body which I enjoyed entirely.

“You can open your eyes now.” My sight was set on the crystal prisms shining in the sunlight. The cave had pools of seawater scattered around the floor all interconnecting by the small cracks in the rock. The light refracting from the crystals, casted an array of colors across the walls.

“This is incredible.” I said, admiring the cave’s beauty.

“We can only stay here for so long, the tide will come in soon. I stumbled across it through that hole up there, that’s how the sun got in.”

“Thank you.” I said.

“For what?” He asked, holding me close. I felt an urge to kiss him but I quickly pushed it away.

“For showing me this place, I’m sure you don’t take every girl you find on the beach here. And for showing me all around town, you’ve been so nice to me.”

“It’s no problem, its way better than sitting around at home.” I heard a crash from the other end of the cave.

“What was that?”

“I believe that was the tide, we’d better go.” He grabbed my hand, quickly pulling me towards the entrance. I took one last glance at the cave, longingly. I looked back at Zack.

So sweet.

At the house…

“Bye Zack, I’ll see you tomorrow right?”

“Sure thing bye.” I closed the door and sighed. What a guy.

“Have you fallen for him?” I heard my mom ask.

“No, he’s just so nice and he cares about me, that’s all.

“That’s good because he’s already claimed.”


 “We’re not the only mythological creatures taking residence here. There are others.”


“Vampire, fairy, werewolf, sprite, probably others too.”

“There’s a difference between a fairy and a sprite?” I asked, curious.

“A sprite protects a certain thing for their entire life. Fairies are tricksters and very greedy. They will do anything to get what they want.”

“But how is Zack claimed?”

“A vampire has marked him.”

“How do you know that?”

“They usually mark them with a small x on the back of the neck.”

“So he’s going to be someone’s meal?” I shrieked.

“What’s done is done. I’m sorry, sweetie but we can’t stop it.”

“Yes I can, I’ll do anything to keep him safe.”

“You should be rational about this kind of thing. Don’t rush into it.”

“Well how much time do I have?”

“Not much but-” I was out the door before she could finish. “Kanti! Get back here!”

 I wasn’t turning back. The last time I left a friend alone in the dark, they ended up dead.

Tonight that wasn’t going to happen.

“Zack!” I ran down the streets, calling his name. My eyes searched restlessly for him but he didn’t appear. “Zack!” Maybe he’s already back at his house. I don’t know where he lives, shit. I dashed down the beach and saw someone. I blinked a couple times to try to make the person out. The cliff casted shadow on them, making it even more difficult to catch a glimpse of their face. I accidentally slipped on the rocky slope. My scuffle made a loud echo.

“Zack?” I asked. No answer. “Hello?”

“Don’t disturb me siren, I ready have a meal.” A deep voice said. The moon chose now to come out from behind the cloud cover. I paled when I saw Zack’s neck in the vampire’s mouth. The vampire held him visibly tight.

“Let him go.” He dropped Zack and he landed on the ground with a thud. “Why him?” I asked. He sighed. “Your kind always gets in the way. He has a rare blood type, pretty incredible if you ask me. Now why would a siren care for a human, hmm? Don’t you lust for them then kill ‘em?”

“I’m not going to kill anyone.”

“Yeah right that’s how you live.”

“Not me.”

“You must have just changed, that’s how they all are, and you’ll never last.” Slowly we circled each other. I kept my eyes on him. His black hair hung in his face, slightly covering his green eyes which shimmered like a mischievous cat.

“You seem interested, want to come with me?”

“You wish.”

“I don’t think you have a choice.” He was behind me in seconds. I shrieked as his arms wrapped around me. 

“Let go of me!!!”

“You wish.” He mocked. He was off and running.

The last thing I remember was screaming Zack’s name.

Chapter 3

I awoke to find myself chained onto a bed. I struggled against their grip, only coming out of the battle with sore and bleeding wrists. My eyes slowly adjusted to the darkness. I was in a small room, yet it was quite luxurious. The furniture seemed to be dark wood and the covers beneath me were silk.

“My, don’t you waste your energy wisely.” He said, coming out of his hiding place.

“Get me out of these.” I insisted.

“Why you were beautiful sleeping but your gorgeous awake. Maybe you should have stayed asleep or I wouldn’t be tempted.”

“T-tempted to do what?” I stammered, not caring if my fear showed.

“To do this.” He jumped onto the bed and straddled my stomach.

“What the fuck!?! Get off me you bastard!” He leaned over me and whispered in my ear.

“I don’t think you’re in a position to be making requests, sweetheart.” His breath was hot against my neck and I shivered.

“Aw, scared are we?” He mocked. His lips kissed me there. Again a wave of shivers racked my body.

“You like that don’t you?” He murmured softly.

“Hell no, you diluted pervert.”

“Wrong answer.” He said. A sharp pain pierced my neck. I screamed, trying to pull away but his grip held me still. I stopped screaming after a while because I became incredibly tired from the blood loss. I was panting underneath him.

“Please stop…please.” It came out as a whisper.

“I should keep you, you taste better than any human I’ve ever had.”

“Asshole.” I said, weakly.

“You’ll learn to like me, by the way I’m Chris.”

“To me your asshole, that’s your fucking name.”

“Fine be that way but the full moon is tonight and I think your going to need me.”

“I’m not killing anyone.”

“You don’t have to, I volunteer.”

“No fucking way.”

“Suit yourself, too bad Zack couldn’t be your first.” I pulled my leg up and kicked him in the crotch but he seemed unphased.

“Baby I’m too hard from you struggling underneath me for you to hurt me.” He smirked and chuckled.

“I’m sorry about this.” His hand touched the bite mark on my neck. “I hope you’ll forgive me, it’s in my nature. I think you’ll be able to after tonight.” He pulled himself off of me, unlocking the chains. He grabbed both my wrists in his hand.

“Look what you’ve done to yourself.” He said, shaking his head. His tongue ran over the cuts, I sucked in a breath. He licked them again and I moaned. What am I doing!?!? I’ve never done that in my life. NEVER!!!

“Yeah I’m sure you’ll forgive me. You can’t kill me with your kiss. If you came to me every full moon, you wouldn’t have to kill anyone, how does that sound?”

“How can I trust you?”

“You can’t but I could have killed you right now or left you chained to the bed while I raped you.” I gulped putting a slight distance between us.

“Those aren’t my intentions, the reason I bit you was because you stopped me from having a good meal last night. I’m trying to help you.”  I controlled my anger, calming myself.

“You mean Zack could still be alive?” I asked, hopeful.

“Why would you care for a human?”

“Because he was kind to me. He’s alive right?”

“I don’t know.” He said casually. “There’s a small chance he is.” My heart sunk. What if I lost him too? I fell backwards on the bed, covering my face with my hands.

“I’m sorry.” He said. “For all of this.”

“So you regret kidnapping me?” I asked, smirking.

“Ha yeah right, most sirens are stuck up or complete sluts, you’re an innocent angel.” He pulled my hands away, looking into my eyes. I noticed he had a lip piercing and seemed to be twirling it with his tongue. He looked….nervous?

“Is this how you treat all the girls you meet?”

“Maybe.” He leaned over me. My instincts were telling me to get closer but I still had enough sense to push away.

“So what’s your answer?” His breath was sweet and intoxicating. “Will you visit me?”

“I don’t really have a choice do I?”

“No unless you want to go around killing people.”

“….I will.” He beamed at me. “Well then I should show you something.” He got off the bed and pulled back the curtains. The moonlight lit the entire room, bright in all its glory, beautiful, pure and pale. I had to squint my eyes to look out the window. I gazed out at the sea side. We seemed to be close to the mountainous region of the island for I could see the rocky cliffs nearby.

“What’s your name? I never did catch it.” I glanced back at him, who had taken the time to strip his shirt off. He strode towards the bed.

“Kanti.” I whispered.

“Go ahead I know you want to.” He said. I blushed, had he known I wanted to touch him? That scared me, I couldn’t control my thoughts. He chuckled, climbing on top of me and in between my legs. I didn’t even stop him. Instead I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer, brushing my lips against the skin there. A growl escaped from deep within his chest. He started to kiss my neck, making me purr. Wait how the hell am I purring?

“That is really starting to turn me on, how do you do that?” He asked, lustfully.

“I d-don’t k-know.” I stammered. In response to that he pulled my legs around his waist, pressing closer. A burning sensation started to form in the pit of my stomach, never experiencing such a feeling, I trembled.

“Your gonna like this.” He pulled my shirt up but I quickly stopped him before he got it over my head.

“That’s not happening.” He gave me a puppy dog pout which turned into a smirk. With a swift tug he ripped the tank top in two, allowing him to see me in my blue bra. Soon it was too much to bear from all his ministrations to my chest though never removing the last article that kept him from seeing me bare. I forced him to meet my lips. I reveled in his taste as his tongue dominated mine. I wasn’t in control of my body any longer, I had lost it. My hand slid down his chest between us and rubbed his crotch. He moaned into my mouth, bucking against my hand. His lips never left mine. Whatever hunger that had taken over was cooling down. I pulled away from him just as he collapsed beside me.

“Chris?” I asked, worried. “Are you ok?”

He didn’t answer. I noticed a slight nod in recognition to my question.

“Just….weak….that’s...all.” He panted.

“I can’t kill you huh? It seems like I took a lot out of you.”

“You did, all I want to do is sleep. It’d be a pretty amazing way to die. Lucky humans.” He muttered before taking a whiff of my hair. His eyes lazily drifted closed.

“You didn’t call me asshole, what’s that about?” He asked.

“I thought…I hurt you so…” He laughed softly.

“That was…incredible…please stay with me…” I didn’t answer him for I felt a tiredness roll over me too.

“Just for tonight….” My head hit the pillow, sinking into its softness. As I was on the brink of sleep, a pair of arms wrapped around me, pulling me until my back was to his chest. He kissed the back of my bare shoulder.

“I don’t want to be alone…” He whispered.

Chapter 4

My eyes flickered open to see my familiar bedroom. I looked around but Chris wasn’t with me. I noticed in my hand was an envelope, carefully written on the front was my name. I slit it open with my thumbnail, pulling out a note. I read,

‘Kanti, I wanted to say goodbye but I realized I had kept you too long, your parents looked tirelessly for you so I decided to return you. I will not forget our deal, I will see you the next full moon.


I dashed out of my room, running down the stairs, tripping in the process and landing on my butt. I muttered a couple curse words.

“Kanti!  When did you get here?” My mom asked in a surprised tone. I found a worried expression on my mom’s face as if she hadn’t slept. “What were you thinking!?! You could have died.”

“Where’s Zack?” I asked, ignoring her lecture.

“At the hospital, in critical condition, where were you?”

“I was kidnapped by a vampire.”

“I thought so, you were able to escape?”

“No…he brought me back.”

“That’s unheard of, I assume he didn’t like your blood?”

“Oh he did.” I muttered.

“Then why did he return you?”

“Here’s his note.” I handed her the crumpled paper. Her eyes scanned the page.

“Oh this isn’t good.”

“How? It’s better than killing people.”

“You should never trust a vampire.”


“I’m just glad your safe, but you shouldn’t go to him the next full moon.”

“It’s either him or some innocent person and at this point I don’t think I’m getting out of it.”

“I see….” She said, looking out the window, towards the ocean. “I suggest you clean up, we still have to move furniture and unpack.”

“I will.” She gave me a hug. “Can I visit Zack today?” I asked.

“I don’t know, he’s very weak, I suppose you had something to do with this?”

“I stopped Chris from killing him.”

“Ah Chris huh? Sounds familiar…. I’ll go find your father, he must still be worried sick.”



“How long do we live?”

“Well it extends after the change, I’d say two hundred years or so.” My jaw dropped to the floor.

“I thought I’d get you but it’s true.”

“What about dad?”

“Your mate gets extended life too.” She replied.

“How do you know? I mean who your mate is.”

“Someone who can make you laugh, whose goal is to make you smile, who’s touch can make you feel safe. Or the bond appears on your skin.”


“It’s a mark that shows a symbol of each other’s love. Such as the love bite on your chest.” I looked down at myself. “But that mark is different.”

“He bit me!” I shrieked.

“But he drank your blood, doesn’t that mean he had to bite you?”

“No he bit my neck. See?” I pushed my hair away from my neck to show his fang marks.

“Hmm….must have done it while you were asleep.”

“I can’t believe he did that.”

“Are you sure he’s not the one?”

“I doubt it, it’d be too easy.”

“Fate is like that sometimes.” I shrugged it off, walking towards the stairs.

“I don’t believe in fate.” I said.


I felt beautiful today. I wore a bright blue tank, a pair of jean shorts and a wispy blue scarf to hide the bite mark. Simple and comfortable just the way I liked it. I had a surprise for Zack, hopefully he was awake. I stopped by the counter and asked for his room number, counting off rooms as I walked. Soon I found his, it was small, white and plain. A large window took up half the right side wall. He rested on the bed, piled high with pillows supporting his back. He was asleep peacefully. I could have mistaked him for a little kid, him sleeping like that, his blonde hair all tousled in a cute disarray.

I smiled to myself, thinking, hoping he might be the one, so I wouldn’t have to hurt him. He wore one of those ugly hospital gowns, his skin paler than the gown itself. His neck was bandaged tightly, gauze shining from the dim fluorescent light. IV’s were strung up on a rack, sinking into his veins. I felt that it was partly my fault for him getting hurt. If I’d told him to stay longer, just by a minute I could have found him in time. Alas I didn’t.

Fate huh? I mocked my mom’s words. I sat on the edge of the bed, careful not to disturb him. I extracted my present from my pocket. It was a crystal necklace I had made, using a crystal from his cave. I know guys didn’t like jewelry that much but I chose a dark blue-purple crystal hopefully he’d like it. I nudged his arm gently.

“Zack.” I whispered. His eyes jolted open, making me jump. His arm snatched out to grab mine, gripping tightly. “Hey…are you alright?”

“Kanti…did he hurt you?” His voice was weak when he spoke and cracked from a dry throat. His hand cupped my cheek, his eyes shifted around the room.

“No Zack, he’s gone.”  I lied but it hurt doing so.

“But you were kidnapped by him, I remember, you were screaming my name and that awful pain. What was he?”

“A monster.” I replied almost automatically. “He won’t hurt you anymore.”

“Your lying.”

“No I’m not.” I said, nervously.

“I see it in your eyes, your not good at it. He did hurt you, didn’t he?” I looked at the polished floor. How could I answer that? Yes, he bit me but…. he fed my lust. That’s how I survived now. Slowly I nodded my head, pulling the scarf away from my neck to show him. He gasped when he saw the bite marks. His hand brushed against it, I shivered.

“So he kidnapped you because?”

“For fun.” I answered. “I was so scared, so worried that you might have….” I didn’t hold back the tears. “I didn’t want to lose you too.” I whispered into his chest. He smoothed my back, murmuring soothing words in my ears, trying to calm me. His arms cradled me. “Your not going to lose me that easily.” He said. “Not to a vampire.”

“You know?” I asked, surprised.

“Well when you see fang marks like that you kinda have to piece it all together.”

“His name is Chris, that’s all I got out of him before he knocked me out.” I said.

“Are you sure he didn’t try anything when you were out?” He gave me a look that was asking did he rape you.

“No he didn’t do that if that’s what you’re thinking. I was chained to a bed when he bit me then he let me go but I was so tired from the blood loss that I fell asleep there and woke up in my bedroom this morning.”

“Why do I see a hickey on your breast?” I realized my tank top had slid downward just enough to show off Chris’s present to me. Blushing, I quickly replied, “He got me while I was sleeping.” He muttered a fuck.

“Oh I almost forgot this is for you.” I handed him the necklace. “I got the crystal from the cave, I hope you like it. Think of it as a get well gift.”

“Thanks, it’s beautiful just like you.” He said. I blushed again and he took the moment of weakness to kiss me. I fell into the kiss, enjoying the feeling of his lips on mine. It felt wonderful. Oh my god! I’m kissing Zack! I jumped off the bed.

“Oh….I’m sorry….I couldn’t help it….I thought you….felt differently.” The look in his eyes was stabbing a knife into my soul, it hurt so bad like I was being ripped in two. One belonged to Zack, the other Chris, my siren side. I was back on the bed and took his hand.

“You don’t know how much I want that Zack.” My eyes searched his for hope, trust, love. “But I can’t…not yet, not now, I promise things will be different. Will you…..wait for me?” I asked desperate. I needed time to get situated with my siren side. I needed to test my limits, to see how far I could go without hurting him in any way. I ever so slowly brushed my lips against his. A warm feeling spread throughout my body, I occasionally flicked my tongue across his bottom lip, loving his taste. I stopped before I could hurt him further. His breathing was heavy, eyes glazed with lust which closed and he fell asleep again. I had kissed him for too long. I layed down next to him, watching him sleep. I wondered what he dreamed about, what his life was like, how easy it must be to be human. I guess I’d took it all for granted. I wouldn’t do that any longer.

Chapter 5… 3 weeks later….

It became a habit that Zack visited me after school everyday. I loved being with him but my mom kept pushing me to see if he was my mate. Of course I wanted that to be true but it still seemed too easy, so I didn’t believe it. We mostly hung out on the cliff, overlooking the ocean and talked. These I enjoyed the best because I learned so much about him. He told me stories of his school, friends, enemies and practical jokes. As he told me about his life I told him about mine. What I was like when I was young, my favorite things, how I nearly drowned when I was ten and loved swimming afterwards. And also about what happened last year…

“Kanti…” He began.


“I promise,” He took my hand. “I’ll wait for you until your ready.” I twined my fingers with his.

“You don’t know how much that means to me, thank you.”

“I’m so glad I met you.” He murmured in my ear.

“Me too.” I whispered back, leaning my head on his shoulder. He carefully untwined his fingers from mine to wrap his arms around me and pulled me onto his lap. I looked out over the ocean, watching the last of the sun’s rays sparkle on the water. “You know today’s my last day at school. Now I’ll be able to be with you more often.”

“That’s awesome, you’d rather hang out with me than your other friends?”

“Of course, they know I’m with my girl. They can wait and trust me they know how it feels to fall for someone….I shouldn’t have said that.” I laughed.

“Well, you’ve fallen for me huh? Hmm I’ll have to think of something evil for you to do later.”

“As long as it’s not too painful.” He said, laughing too.

“I’ve fallen for you too and I could stay here forever, in this moment.” I said.

“Yeah and I could hurl.” A cool voice said. Shivers went down my spine, remembering it all too well. Zack tightened his grip on me. I turned around to see Chris, hiding within the shadow of the cliff’s overhang. He had a smirk plastered all over his face.

“What are you doing here?” I hissed at him.

“Just visiting my little chew toy.” He replied.

“She’s nothing of yours.” Zack said.

“Is that a threat?” Chris asked.

“No, but she doesn’t want anything to do with you.” He laughed at this, coming closer, Zack pushed me behind him.

“You didn’t tell him?” Chris asked, looking at me. My eyes went wide with fear. He wouldn’t… “Oh you didn’t….” His smile turned into a smirk. His hand lashed out and he slammed Zack into the wall.

“Zack!” I leapt up to stop him but he held an arm up and I froze. He had him pinned.

“Tell him now.”

“But why?” I cried.

“Kanti what’s he-” Zack got cut off.

“Shut up or I’ll break your neck.” Chris interrupted. “I think he deserves to know.”  He said. He was just trying to make my life miserable. I still hesitated.

“You wouldn’t want him to get hurt would you? After all you bargained for him.” Zack was gripping Chris’s arm with both hands to keep himself from being strangled. Chris used his other hand to make Zack face me.

“Go ahead, do it.” I looked at Zack and he gave me a loving look.  

“I’m….not……human.” I whispered.

“What? Speak up girl!” Chris said.

“I’m not human.”

“Good, better go into detail sweetheart.” I shuddered from the pet name he gave me.

“I’m a siren….” Zack looked at me strangely but nodded for me to keep going. “And I have to see Chris every full moon or…I’ll end up killing you…that’s why I can’t kiss you…”

“Why him?” He asked.

“Because….he can feed my lust without dying.”  

“Kanti….I don’t care if you’re a siren, I care about you and if your willing to put up with this asshole for me, there’s no way I’d be upset about it.” Chris glared at him. “Why didn’t you tell me sooner?” Zack asked.

“I…was afraid you’d be scared of me…”

“How cute…” Chris muttered under his breath, probably unhappy about not getting the right response. “But I don’t want anyone to get in the way.” He snarled. He pushed Zack away from the wall and he became dangerously close to the edge of the cliff which led to a straight drop into the ocean.

“Hope you can swim!” Chris shoved Zack backwards. I watched as he helplessly slipped over the edge.


Chapter 6

I tore off my clothes and jumped in after him. I was in perfect diving form, free falling for at least fifty feet. My hair whipped my skin, making it sting. I hit the water, cold surrounding me.  I opened my eyes, they didn’t burn like usual but felt as if I was above the water. I realized didn’t need to breathe either. I saw Zack drifting towards the sandy bottom. I swam downward, faster than I thought possible, I grabbed his wrist, tugging him upward. Even with my new found siren strength it was a struggle to pull his weight and mine. My muscles burned from the strain but it was all worth while as I took a breath of fresh air and made my journey towards land. Finally I collapsed on the beach, next to Zack.

“Zack, baby wake up!” I shook him roughly.

“Zack! Zack don’t leave me, please wake up!” I pressed on his chest, each time counting to three.

“1…2….3!” I whispered. “Zack come on stay with me!” Again I tried but no response.

“He’s dead no point trying anymore.” Chris said from behind me.

“I don’t believe that….1….2….3!” This time he coughed up water, lurching forward. His eyes were wide with shock. He leapt on all fours, coughing up even more water.

“Zack!”  I wrapped my arms around him.

“Kanti…can’t breathe.” He barely managed to say.

“Oh sorry.” He took in large breathes of air before he said anything. Without warning I kissed him, the burning feeling started to form in the pit of my stomach and I quickly backed away. He gripped his head with his hand to support himself. I helped him up slowly. I felt something etch itself into my shoulder. A small blue seashell appeared there. Chris burst into laughter.

“What’s so fucking funny?” I shouted at him.

“You and your luck.” He said simply.

“Why?” I hissed through gritted teeth.

“That’s a bond mark and looky here…” He pulled up his t-shirt sleeve to reveal the same blue seashell printed on his shoulder. “….A bond mark.”

“No….why is it you? Why you!?!?”

“Well sweetheart it seems we’re meant for each other.”

“There has to be some mistake, there just has to be.”

“Afraid not, unless the bond erases itself from your skin.”

“How do you do that?”


“On what? Don’t go all mysterious on me now!” I gave him a death glare. “You kidnap me, drink my blood, nearly kill Zack twice, I fucking hate you!!!” I screamed at him.

“You’ll learn to love me.” He said, placing his hand under my chin. I smacked it away, giving him a punch in the stomach. He fell to the ground wincing in pain, which shocked me quite a bit. I thought vampires were suppose to be solid muscle. I pulled Zack towards the house. We took our first steps onto the porch and my mom helped us inside. She led us into the living room. I quickly set Zack on the leather couch. I looked over at my mom who clearly didn’t seem to care that the sea water might ruin it.

“Kanti! Good God what happened?” Mom asked.

“Guess who gave us a visit on the cliffs?” I asked, sarcastically.

“The vampire boy?” She asked, wide eyed.

“Correct.” I sat next to Zack, pulling a fuzzy blanket over both of us.

"You ok?” I asked, concerned.

“Yeah if it hadn’t been for you, I wouldn’t be alive.”

“If it hadn’t been for me, you wouldn’t be in this situation.”

“Kanti, it’s not your fault some vampire decided I’d make a good meal that night. You had nothing to do with that.” I nodded my head but still felt an overwhelming amount of guilt.

“What’s that?” Mom asked, pointing to my shoulder.

“It’s a bond mark…..and I’m connected to Chris.”

“Oh…” She was silent eyes still wide. “Zack knows?” She gave him a questioning look.

He nodded his head, wrapping his arms around me. I noticed I was still in a bra and panties and I blushed.

“Something’s not right here.” Mom said. “Usually a bond mark would be more elaborate, this looks so simple, it’s either a very weak bond or…it’s not even real.”

“It’s not real?” I asked, gaping at it.

“It’s very possible. Look at mine.” She pulled up her shirt sleeve to show a blood red rose with twining vines threaded through each other to make a heart.

“Whoa….” Zack and I said together.

“I believe that mark was created by magic.”

“How is that possible?”

“I have no idea but I’m starting to think there’s more to this than meets the eye. I’m going to go look at some old documents of my grandmothers to figure this out you can get showered and dressed.”

I tugged Zack upstairs, my face still red because of him seeing me like this.

“Um you want the shower first?”

“I can wait you go on ahead.” I mumbled a quick thank you before dashing into the bathroom.

I peeled off the damp underwear and jumped into the shower, enjoying the warm water wash away the sand. I washed myself thoroughly, lathering my body with honey suckle soap. It was probably the fastest shower I’d ever taken in my life. I walked into my closet, my towel wrapped tightly around me. I just happened to glance into my bedroom to find Zack, sitting on my bed, staring at me. I squeaked and slammed the door shut. I can’t believe he saw me like that! Sure the towel covered me but still that was is embarrassing. I picked out a pair of black pajama shorts and a baggy tee that said “mystery is my master” I opened the door, avoiding his gaze.

“Shower’s yours.” I said, quietly. He crossed the room and I stared at his feet but he pulled my chin up to meet his eyes. “You’re cute when you blush.” His lips met mine and I pushed him back.

“Zack it’s not safe for you to do that…”

“I couldn’t help it, your adorable.” I pecked him on the lips. “Thanks, you too.” I winked at him. He walked past me after slapping me on the butt.

“Jerk.” I muttered.

“What? Want me to kiss you there?”


“Sorry spark of the moment.” He said, smirking.

“Get in that shower boy.” I growled. He laughed, slipping into the bathroom. I layed down on my bed, trying to relax. So many questions were buzzing through my head. Why did Chris nearly kill Zack? Was he jealous? What about Zack’s purpose for being around me? Mom said if I stayed around him I would be safe. And what’s with the mark on my shoulder? Was it really fake? I sighed inspecting my pale ceiling for cracks and chipped paint. I took a glance at my calendar, it was only a couple days before the next full moon and I’d get a visit from Chris again. I knew something was up, I felt it in my gut. Zack appeared in the closet’s doorway, holding a towel around his waist. I sat up, looking him over. I couldn’t help myself. His hair hung in his face, dripping wet. His tan trailed all the way down his chest. He noticed my stare and gave me a growl, which made me see his hidden muscles. I giggled.

“Um you got any clothes for me?”

“Nope your gonna have to stay like that the entire time.” I said, sarcastically.

“Hmm as long as your wearing the same amount as me.”

“I’ll go get some clothes of my dad’s.” I said quickly, skirting out of the room. I heard him laughing and I pulled off a chuckle myself. I snagged a plain white t-shirt from my dad’s drawer and a pair of boxers, hopefully they’d fit. I strode back into my room to find Zack posing on the bed like a model. 

“Your such a dork.” I said, giggling and threw the clothes at him, hitting him square in the face. He pulled the shirt down.

“But I’m your dork.”  I laughed at his comment.

“That was so lame.” I replied.

“Maybe but its true.”

“I still don’t know about that, it’s not safe for you to be around me.”

“I don’t care, I want to be.” He picked up the clothes and went into the closet to change. I sighed, lying back on the bed. He came back out, eyeing me mischievously. I raised an eyebrow, curious. He jumped onto the bed, tackling me. I shrieked, trying to clamber backwards as his arms trapped me between the bed and his chest.

“Zack! Get off of me!” I whined.

“Not until you admit I’m safe around you.”

“But your not!!!”

“Yes I am, and you know it, you think it’s dangerous but in truth all you need to do is kiss me, the last time you did it felt amazing.”

“But-” He cut me off with a kiss. I stopped struggling, he held it for what seemed like an eternity. I didn’t want to pull away he tasted so sweet just like his personality. He collapsed next to me.


“Heh….that was awesome…..” He murmured, softly. His eyes closed and I watched him drift asleep. “….I love you.” He whispered. I kissed him on the forehead to reassure my opinion.

“Kanti! I found something!” I heard my mom shout. She walked in the doorway. “Oh, was I interrupting?” She asked, quietly.

“No he kissed me and fell asleep. What is it?”

“Look here. I found something about bond marks in one of grandmother’s books.” She set the book on the bed. I turned it around to look at its yellowed, ancient pages.

‘In a bond, it is chemically produced by similarities in a couples DNA. As such this allows them to be capable of reproducing but it can also be perfect for paring because of the DNA’s similarities it makes the couple have unique personalities that allows them to be comfortable with each other.

-Bond Marks: Are unique depending on the blood, DNA and other outside effects and the event of when a pair first meets.

-Forged Bonds: Are created when magically enhanced, therefore allowing a less intricate bonding mark to appear but the two are connected. In some cases another species such as a vampire, werewolf or fairy will form a bond with a siren. It is very rare and unnatural to have a bond between those species. A natural occurrence is human and siren because of the similarities between body structures.’

“So Chris used magic to create a bond between us.” I said.

“I believe so. It’s the only way this would be possible and it makes perfect sense.”

“What do I do now?”

“You’ll have to bond with someone else it’s the only way to be free of the forged bond, unless he undoes it willingly.”

“I doubt he would, how will I break free?” I asked.

“Well you could always try to bond with that one right there, he’s seems to care about you.” She pointed to Zack’s sleeping form.

“I’d love that but how?”

“Um… about that if you really wanted to you could….mate.” She suggested. I swear my jaw dropped to the floor.

“Close your mouth you’ll catch flies.” She teased.

“Ew mom what kind of parent are you?”

“A siren one.”

“Your encouraging this?” I asked, shocked and horrified all at the same time.

“It’s the easiest way.”

“He’d think I’m a slut.”

“Honey that is definitely not true. Your a siren it’s kinda our nature to lust and it’s perfectly natural for all humans.”

“Yeah but it’ll be like I’m taking advantage of him.” I said. It was a long pause before she spoke again. I believed the topic became too awkward to discuss with Zack in the room.

“Do you want to know what powers we possess?” She asked.

Chapter 7

“Powers?” I asked.

“Yes we have powers, such as telepathy, invisibility and breathing underwater. The most common is hypnotism which is pretty much singing.”

“I’m horrible at singing.” I said, sadly.

“Not anymore.” She said, her eyes bright. “Come on. I’ll show you.” She tugged me out of the room, she led me through the hallway, turning a corner. At the end of the hallway was a door I had overlooked while I roamed the house. I mean the house was huge and I was still getting used to the rooms and all. She opened it to reveal a balcony that had been hidden away on the house’s roof.

“How come I never noticed this before?”

“The roof hides it in all directions but you can still see the ocean and the town.” She pointed to the town, glowing with all it’s streetlights. It was pretty far away with the beach dunes but it had an amazing view. Many flowers adorned the balcony’s railing and surrounded us in a rainbow of fragrance.


“Ah yes. We start with the basics it takes a while to master any power so don’t be too hard on yourself if you don’t get it right the first time. Every siren is a natural in one power. Ok take a deep breath.” I did so, listening intently.

“Then to warm up…..do, ray, mi, fa, so, la, ti, do.” Her voice seemed to drift lazily through the air, sweet and soft, it left a ringing sensation behind.

“Wow….how come I’ve never heard you sing before?” I asked.

“If I do people around me will fall under the hypnosis, it’s very strong. I want you to try it now.”

“Ok…” I took a deep breath. “….do ray mi fa so la ti do.”

“Interesting….it’s a bit high pitched you’ll get better at this quickly I can tell.”

“If you don’t mind mom, I’d like to go to bed.”

“Sure thing sweetie, I’ll call Zack’s mom to tell her he’s fallen asleep here. I’m sure she won’t mind.”

“Thanks.” I made my way back to my room. I leaned against the doorframe of my room, admiring Zack. I flicked off the light, climbing onto the bed next to him. I kissed his cheek. As I did so, my body became racked with pain. I gasped, shocked and gripped my shoulder tightly. What was the that? I noticed a glowing tint to the bond mark on my shoulder. I cussed loudly.

“Kanti?” I heard Zack whisper. I looked up to meet his eyes.

“Oh did I wake you? I’m sorry.”

“No it’s ok, the question is are you?” He pried my fingers away from the bond mark. “Whoa what’s going on?” He asked, looking concerned. It had turned red.

“I don’t know, it hurts.” I felt a lash against my back. I cried out, curling inward on myself.

“Hey I’m going to get your mom. I’ll be right back, ok?” He murmured. He pulled himself off the bed and dashed out of the room. Another two lashes against my back made me start to cry. It felt like a whip kept hitting me over and over.

“Kanti! What’s wrong sweetheart?” Mom came into the room, Zack trailing behind her.

“I-” Again pain hit me and I screamed.

“Zack I need you to restrain her, something is happening to the person who marked her!” I felt his hands holding me back on the bed. Something frigid and cold touched my burning mark and I stopped writhing on the bed.

“What was that?” I asked.

“Whoever your bonded to just experienced that same pain but I froze your bond mark mentally so it’s temporarily cut you off from feeling anything that he’s experiencing.”

“So I’m connected to him?”

“That’s how it works.” She said. “….Is there anything else you need dear?”

“I’d ask how you did that but I’m so tired right now that I really just want sleep.”

“OK then I’ll leave you two alone.” She quietly left the room. I heard her padded footsteps down the hallway and they soon faded.

“You ok now?” Zack asked, worried. He still gripped my arms tightly.

“Yeah, I’m fine.” He rolled over and layed down next to me, his arm holding his head up.

“How do you break a bond?” He asked. I fell face forward into the pillow. I groaned, I did not want to discuss this now, especially with Zack.

“Can I answer that tomorrow?”

“No.” he said, simply.


“Because you were just got hurt by that thing, don’t you want to get rid of it as soon as possible?”

“Yes but I can’t….”

“There’s no way to get rid of it? Is that what your telling me?”

“There is but….I have to bond with someone else.”

“Then why don’t you bond with me? What’s wrong with that?” He looked slightly hurt. From the moonlight shining through my windows it was hard to tell.

“A lot of things because then we’d have to…” I couldn’t finish. The topic I was about to discuss with him wasn’t the most normal one.

“Have to what?” I looked at him hard, trying to tell him it wasn’t easy for me to say.

“I don’t want to talk about it. I’d love to be bonded to you.  Can I please just go to sleep?” I whined. “You know it’s been a long day for me.”

“Me too but you don’t see me complaining.” I sighed.

“How….do you….feel…about…sex?” I squeaked out the last word.

“What?” I mentally slapped myself.

“How do you feel about…sex?” I asked.

“Huh?” He gave me a quizzical look.

“That’s how you break a forged bond which is what I have right now and make a new one.”

“Oh that’s why you didn’t want to….Kanti I’m sorry.” He apologized sincerely. 

“It’s ok, you were just curious.”

“I shouldn’t have pushed you like that. You’ve been through a lot today.” He kissed my cheek.

“I get it, so….what do you think?”

“Oh no don’t get me into this.” He said.

“I just want to know if you’d be willing to do that. It’s a lot to ask of you and I’m sorry.” He was silent, looking me over to try and figure me out.

“I’m worried about you. This connection you have with that vamp could seriously hurt you but I’m afraid I’d hurt you too…I’ve only done it once and I regret it because I was drunk at the time. It’s not fun when you wake up with some girl naked in another’s person’s bed.”

“Oh…” I blushed. “…..I know you wouldn’t, we’ve only known each other for a month. It’s not right. I’ve put so much weight on your shoulders. Your world was so perfect and peaceful before I came here.”

“And it was so boring without you. This quiet island has no excitement in the slightest. Ever since you came here, I’ve met the sweetest girl, learned vampires and sirens exist, had a near death experience. This is my life now and I want it to be spent with you.” I pecked him on the lips.

“Your too good for me, to stick by me like this.”

“Maybe.” I playfully hit him on the arm.

“Ouch feisty.” He growled. I laughed but it turned into a yawn.

“Ok bed time.” He said, pulling the covers over us. I curled against him. “Thank you.” I mumbled into his chest. “Tell me when your ready alright?” I nodded my head. I breathed in his scent, trying to memorize it. He pulled me closer. I’d never felt more safe in my entire life.

Bright sunlight fell on my face. I still felt the strong hold of his arms around my waist. I turned around to face him.

“Hey your awake.”

“How long have you been awake?”

“A couple minutes.”

“Wanna go get breakfast?”

“Thought you’d never ask.” We made our way downstairs and through the swinging doors to the kitchen. I could smell coffee and waffles. Mom has probably left already to find a job in town and Dad is on a business trip, that means….I’m all alone with Zack.

“She planned this, dammit!” I slammed my fist on the counter.

“Who planned what?” Zack asked, causally taking a sip of coffee. I sighed, “My mom left so she could give us alone time and ‘bond’.” I quoted with my fingers.

“She’s just looking out for you.”

“Yeah she really wants me to but isn’t it a little fast paced?”

“Well I guess…”

“That reminds me, she said the first time we met, that I’d be safe with you, I need to ask her about that.”

“Maybe she just approves of me.”

“Something’s still fishy...” I rummaged through one of the cabinets and obtained a chocolate granola bar. I thought about my dad and when he’d be back. It was only for a few days but I still missed him. He never told me much about his work only that it paid well and was frustrating.

“How come I’ve never met your dad?” I asked. He froze, fear masked his face and I knew I hit a sore subject.

“He’s….dead.” His voice cracked when he said it.

“Oh I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean-” He cut me off.

“Don’t feel sorry for me, I’m glad he is.”

“But why?” I looked at him, his eyes held a look of pure hatred.

“He was an abusive, drunk bastard who only cared about himself. He married my mom for money and…sex, he was street scum. So no don’t be sorry for me, be happy because I might have ended up like him.”

I thought about the time I had met his mom. She was so kind and gentle why would she marry someone so horrid?

 …a couple weeks ago…

“I can’t wait for you to meet her, she’s been excited about me finally spending my time wisely.”

“Aren’t you going to ask, where have you been all my life?” I teased.

“Ha, ha very funny.” He tugged me down the sidewalk. We were on the good side of town, here there was less buildings and businesses. It was cleaner, well kept and flowers and brush grew plentiful. As he pulled more I thought my arm was going to be ripped off.

“Zack slow down, you’re going to rip me in half.” He slowed down his stride and muttered an apology. We took a right at a bright red brick wall, indented into it was a sign labeled with shiny gold letters, “Golden Gate Homes” This was where all the upper class people lived on the island. I never thought Zack to be the rich type but maybe I was being stereotypical. Finally we arrived in front of a new small two story house. Each window was decorated with a planting box of colorful flowers. Some I recognized, others names eluded me. A brick pathway was through the center of the front yard, circling around a water fountain which led straight to the front door. Strangely enough there was no driveway, only a couple weeping cherry trees blooming in its place. The backyard seemed to give way to a large expansive space of lush grass and met the woods. The other side of the house was bordered by a rickety old fence that seemed to hold back all the wild flowers. He opened the oak door.

“Mom! I’m home! And I brought Kanti with me.”

“Oh! I’m in the kitchen.” We walked down the large hallway that was being used as a photo gallery. I saw a young happy couple dressed in wedding attire. The woman wore a white flowing gown which made her red hair stand out proudly. The gentleman next her was tall and muscular, not to mention very handsome dressed in a dashing tuxedo.

The next picture was the couple holding a baby which I assumed was Zack. The woman looked frail?

And in each one the woman, grew more tired, pale and weak like a withering flower. The last one showed a picture of Zack now. We emerged into an expensive looking kitchen.

“Oh hello! You must be Kanti!” This woman was the same one from the pictures but she looked way better and younger. Maybe in her late twenties. She pulled out a tray of cookies out of the oven. She wore a green apron, shredded jeans and loose white-t that made her look like the average stay at home mom. Her red hair was bright and shiny, her green eyes shimmered like fresh cut grass. Not a single wrinkle marked her face. I swear her smile lit up the room and my mood at once. Wow that’s one cool mom.

“You’re Mrs. Balric?” I asked, politely.

“Call me Emily. So how did you meet my little boy?” She asked, scraping the cookies onto a plate and placing the tray in the sink.

“Mom…” Zack hissed at her. She turned around to face him.

“Zack…” She whined in the same voice to mock him. I laughed.

“Why don’t you have a seat dear?” She pulled up a chair at the counter. “Thanks.”

Zack settled himself next to me while his mom resided leaning against the counter.

“He found me on the beach when I ran away from home, I got upset about the move and all.”

“Ah yes, do you feel comfortable here now?”

“I think I’m going to stay here for the rest of my life.” I said, truthfully.

“Well that’s quite a commitment, not seeing the outside world for the rest of your life.”

“I like my world small, it keeps me safe.”

“Very true.” She said in a cheery voice. “Want a cookie?”

“Sure.” She held the plate out to me and I took one. I bit into sweet, sweet chocolate, letting the heavenly taste melt in my mouth.

“It’s the only thing I have to say thanks for taking care of Zack for me. He doesn’t get out much.”

“Mom! That’s not true I hang out with friends all the time.”

“Sure you do but with those pigs. I don’t like them and you know it.”

“Only because there guys.” He muttered.

“Maybe.” She said, shrugging. “But the things those boys get into scare me sweetie, if you got hurt I don’t know what I’d do.”

“ I know.” She walked over to him and gave him a hug.

“Mom your embarrassing me.”

“That’s a parent’s job, to torture, embarrass, nurture and protect.” I really liked this woman. I noticed a white half circle on her arm, almost looking like a….vampire bite.

“Hey what’s that?” I asked. I’d let curiosity get the best of me.

“Oh this?” She pointed to the scar. “It’s just a scar from when I fell of my bike when I was little, had to get eight stitches.” She said, laughing lightly about it. It still gave me chills, looking at it.

“Wanna see Zack’s baby pictures?” She asked, hopeful.

“Of course.” I said. If I could smirk any larger now was the time to do so. He hit his head on counter repeatedly and I laughed.

“Aw it can’t be that bad.” I whispered in his ear and followed her out of the room.

*end flashback*

“Hey? Sorry I got a little carried away. Hello? Earth to Kanti.” I blinked to find Zack waving his hand in front of my face. He was so close it made me jump back a couple feet.

“Um I was just thinking about something, that’s all.”

“Well if your done reminiscing then let’s head to the boardwalk.”

Chapter 8

“You’ve never had cotton candy before?” His face was priceless. “You haven’t lived.” I laughed, ripping a piece off his cone and stuck the fluff in my mouth. It tasted sweet and soon dissolved into liquid.

“That’s pretty good.” I took another piece.

“Thought you’d like it.” After we devoured the last of the candy, we walked down the ramp that led onto the beach. I took off my flip-flops and ran across the sand.

“Hey wait up!” He called after me. That just made me run faster. I tugged off my sundress, revealing my blue-flower print bikini. I chucked off my sunglasses, flip-flops and towel beside it, racing towards the ocean. I dove right in, feeling warmth encircle me with its blue-turquoise color. I resurfaced and looked around for Zack. He had completely vanished from sight. I questioned his whereabouts in my head, frantically scanning the beach for him until someone grabbed me by the ankles and pulled me under. I struggled against the persons grip but then I realized it was Zack. He let go after I kicked him several times and came back up.

“Zack! You scared the crap outta me!”

“That’s what you get for running away from me.” He said stiffly. He crossed his arms and looked away. I shoved him over and fell back into the water. Soon he appeared again, spitting out water.

“Oh you’ll pay for that.”

“You wouldn’t hurt me.” I pouted, fluttering my eyelashes.

“No I wouldn’t but I would kiss you.”

“You know if I was normal that would probably be a wonderful punishment.”

“But your not, I like you because you’re different.” He encircled my waist with his arms.

“Zack…it’s not safe.”

“Punishment…” He hissed. I pecked him on the lips.

“There happy?” I asked.

“No.” He kissed me, holding the back of my head with his hand. I pushed against his chest but he wouldn’t budge.

“Hey man let the girl go! Looks like someone doesn’t want a kiss.” He immediately broke away from me.

“Your one to talk Bryan.” Zack said. I looked over on the beach to see three guys, standing there, watching us. They all laughed but I really didn’t see reasoning to.

“Now are you the pretty face that has supposedly stolen Zack’s heart?” He teased.

“I heard someone moved into the old Indwen House.” The brunette said. “I wasn’t told you were this hot.”

“Would you both shut up! You’re scaring the poor thing.” The blonde said. What the boy had said was right. I was hiding behind Zack the entire time. Zack was probably the only guy I was open with. At my old school I was completely shy around guys. This was the first time since the move I’d met strangers.

“Hey it’s just the guys, they won’t hurt you.” Zack whispered. Ever so slowly I came from behind Zack and slipped my hand into his.

“Meow pussy cat, ain’t that a better view.” The one I assumed was Bryan said. I blushed looking at the water, swirling around my feet. The blonde smacked his forehead while the other just smirked.

“You guys coming in or what?” Zack asked.

“Nope dude, we were gonna go get pizza want to come?” Bryan asked, eyeing me.

“Sure man.” Zack said.

“I wasn’t talking to you.” Bryan said.

“What?” He asked confused.

“I was talking to your lady friend.” He said, pointing to me Zack growled gripping my hand tighter.

“I’m not going without Zack.” I said, politely.

“Ugh fine bring the downer.”

“What the hell Bryan!” Zack shouted.

“Sorry man I’m chickless, you can’t blame me for trying.”

“Well if someone decided not to say girls are screw toys on the last day of school then maybe you might have a lady.”

“Oooooh you just got burned!” The brunette said, laughing. I laughed, walking out of the water. I dried off with my towel and slipped into my sundress. I noticed the guys staring at me.

“Um hi, I’m Kanti.” I introduced myself. I watched Zack put his t-shirt on, shaking his head like dog.

At Pizza Palace…

We had settled ourselves on the boardwalk, in the noon sun. The umbrella provided cool shade as did the sea breeze. Whenever I tried to focus on the guys’ conversations my eyes always wondered off the sea.

“Oh I’m sorry we didn’t get proper introductions, I’m Bryan, that’s Gabriel and that’s Lyric.” Gabriel was the one with the blonde hair while the brunette was Lyric. Gabriel was tan, seemingly lacking in the muscle department. His eyes seemed an odd electric blue. Lyric was muscular and pale. His chocolate brown eyes made me want to stare into them all day. Bryan had dark brown hair, was tall and tan from head to toe. His sunglasses perched on his nose to show off his green eyes. Though I didn’t like this one, he had a bad vibe coming off him in strong waves. It was as if he reeked of evil. 

Gabriel though was the complete opposite, he seemed to give me the impression that he had a kind heart. But Lyric remained a mystery to me. He didn’t do anything to show off how he acted or what his personality was like and that kinda made me want to find out more about him.

After a while I couldn’t stand the horrid vibe coming off of Bryan and excused myself to go the bathroom. I came back quickly and hid behind the wooden fence in front of our table.

“So you fuck her yet?” Bryan asked.

“Of course that’s what you would ask.” Zack said.

“Well?” Gabriel asked, eagerly.

“No and I don’t want to.” There was silence.

“What the fuck!?!? Why?” Bryan shouted.

“Hey! Keep it down sheesh!” Zack hissed.

“She is so damn hot and you’re going to let her slip away?” Lyric asked.

“Listen guys, I don’t want to hurt her. She’s the most innocent thing I’ve ever come in contact with. You don’t understand what she’s going through.”

“Uh-huh and what would that be?” Bryan asked, suspicious.

“Her last guy friend died a year ago and she’s still upset about it. He wasn’t her boyfriend but they did…have relations with each other. I doubt they had sex so she’s probably a virgin.”

“That beauty? A virgin? Pa-lease she’s probably faking the whole thing.” Bryan said.

“Trust me she’s not.”

“How do you know? You’ve only known her for a month.” Lyric asked.

“She told me herself.”

“Yep she’s not faking it.” Gabriel said. “I can see it in those silver eyes of hers, purity in its truest form.” I walked back to the table, acting like I had heard nothing of the conversation before.

“What’s pure?” I asked, sweetly. I sat back in my seat between Zack and Gabriel.

“Um nothing but the island’s air.” Gabriel said, giving off a nervous laugh.

“Oh.”  I said.

“We should totally hit the arcade later.” Lyric said.

“Sweetness I’m ready to beat the crap outta you Bryan!” Gabriel said.

“Ha you are so on!”

At the arcade….

All the guys disappeared into the depths of the arcade, I didn’t want to leave Zack’s side but he left me anyway. I soon found Lyric holding a red plastic gun, hooked up to a large TV. The metallic clinking seemed to mean he was shooting insanely fast.

“Die you zombie bastards! Mauwhahahaha!!! Lyric shouted. I peered over his shoulder to see blood and zombie guts all splattered across the screen. I giggled, watching his little episode. He turned pointing the gun at me.

“What’s so funny?” He asked. “Oh nothing.” I said.

“Oh ok,” he said, turning back to his game but quickly turned back around. “Sike, really what is it?”

“You.” I said, teasingly. “I’ve never seen anyone get that hyped up over a video game.”

“You don’t have any siblings do you?”

“Nope.” I said, popping the p.

“You are sooo lucky. Try having four brothers and three sisters to deal with.”

“I wouldn’t mind having a brother. He could distract my mom from dressing me up so much.”

“I have that problem too.” I looked at him strangely.

“Sisters.” He said, simply like it explained everything. “I’ll be your brother.” He said, grinning. He got down on one knee and took my hand, placing a light kiss on it.

“What are you doing?” I asked.

“Becoming your brother, sherry.” He said in a perfect French accent.


“That’s how I have to greet my sisters everyday, their all stuck up snobs and force me to do that or they’ll blackmail me.”

“With what?”

“You don’t want to know.”

“Yes I do.” I said, smiling.

“Don’t make do this.”

“Pleaseeee.” I begged, in a whiny voice. He sighed, “Fine, they caught me making love to a pillow in my sleep.” I blushed then laughed at the thought, tears brimming my eyes.

“I knew I shouldn’t have told you.” He muttered.

“Aw I feel so bad for you. I’ll tell you one of my embarrassing moments.” I offered.

“And what would that be?”

“Do you know America’s funniest videos?”

“Yeah what about it?”

“Well my parents entered one of our home videos of me when I was little. I came in first for climbing on top of the counter and dancing with only a diaper.” It was his turn to laugh. “I believe this is the start of a great friendship.” He said.

“I do too, we should go find the others.” I suggested. He shrugged and followed my lead. We walked down the aisles crowded with serious gamers, music blared from the huge speakers hanging from the ceiling. As we walked past the prize counter, I spotted a calendar. A date was circled in bright red, written in pen, it stated ‘party 2nite!’. The date was the 7th of June. That was today but what paralyzed me with fear was what else it said. I froze where I stood. It said tonight was the full moon.

“Shit.” I mumbled.

“What?” Lyric asked. “You ok? You look as if you’ve seen a ghost.”

“I need to find Zack.”

“Ok we will.” I picked up my pace tenfold. I practically ran around the arcade. I found Zack with Gabriel. Lyric was panting behind me, out of breath. Zack had just beaten Gabriel in a racing game and he was bragging all about it.

“Zack we need to leave.” I said, quickly.

“But why? Your not enjoying yourself?”

“I am but we have to leave now.” I said insistent.

“Ok? Um I’ll see you guys.” He said. I took his hand, tugging him along. When we were outside of the arcade I realized we had been in there for hours. It was already night and the boardwalk and streetlights were already lit. He tried to get me to tell him what was wrong but I wanted to wait until we were far away from the arcade or anyone that might hear us. After reaching the halfway mark between the arcade and my house, Zack stopped walking.

“Kanti tell me what’s going on?” He asked.

“Tonight’s the full moon.”


“So?” I asked incredously. “This is the night I lust. I can’t be around you, I have to go home now.”

“Then why don’t you just kiss me? Isn’t that how it works?”

“Well yes but tonight I need a lot of that and if I do that with you, I’ll kill you that’s why I made a deal with Chris, so I wouldn’t have to hurt anyone.”

“But that won’t happen if we bond right?”

“What about you saying you didn’t want to hurt me?”

“….You heard that huh?” I nodded my head. “Kanti that’s the last thing I want to do…”

“I know, right now it’s best if I just go home ok? I still have to figure out this forged bond thing.”

“Ok I’ll take you home.”

Soon we made it back to my house. I said my goodbyes and stalked off to my room. I took a quick shower and dressed in a tank top and shorts. After all that had happened today, I don’t know what I might be in store for next. Chris might kidnap me in my sleep for all I knew. I shuddered about him touching me. That bastard, I hated him so much, bile rose in my throat when I thought of him. Maybe he wouldn’t be that bad if he hadn’t decided to try and kill Zack again. If he layed a single finger on him again, I would find a way to kill him. I didn’t care if he was a vampire, there had to be some way to kill them. I layed down on my bed. I felt the cool summer breeze blow through my widow, twirling my canopy bed curtains. Just when I was on the verge of sleep I heard my name being called.

“Kanti…” A voice said. I jerked upwards, my heart pounded against my rib cage. “Whoa! Jeez girl calm down it’s just me.”

“Oh you…” I hissed. I looked at him. He was dressed in all black, pale moonlight that filtered through my windows let me see his figure.

“Hey how’s it been for you this month?”

“Terrible after you tried to kill Zack and forged a bond with me.”

“What are you talking about?” He asked, clearly shocked. He sat down on my bed, looking into my eyes.

“You pushed Zack off a cliff and I had to go save him! I hate you and I want you to leave! Now.”

“Kanti I don’t know what your talking about.”

“Uh-huh sure you don’t.” I rolled my eyes. “If your so serious then I’m sure the bond mark will have just magically disappeared on your shoulder.” I pulled up his t-shirt sleeve but he didn’t have a single mark on him.

“What the fuck? Where is it?”

“Kanti I didn’t forge a bond with you, that’s impossible. I haven’t seen you all month and why would I want to kill Zack? Also was this during the day?”

“Yeah why?”

“I can’t go into sunlight, it’ll burn me to a smoldering pile of ash.”

“Then how were you….” It didn’t make any sense if he was at his home, then who was on the cliff with me and Zack?

“Can I see the bond mark?” He asked. I turned to show him my shoulder. His hand gripped my shoulder and he used his thumb to brush over the mark. I shivered from his touch. It felt like he was branding me with hot iron.

“Stop it!” I shrieked, pulling out of his hold.

“I know who did this.” His tone dark and serious.


“His name is Leon. He’s a shape shifter. He probably heard a siren moved into town and thought it’d be good to stake a claim on you. Most shape shifters do that, sometimes they’ll have more than five sirens at a time marked.”

“So I’m some toy to him?” I asked, my eyes wide.

“Nah you’re his first. I’ve known him for a while now and he hasn’t gotten a chance to get a hold of a siren.”

“What should I do?”

“I guess let it be, he probably showed up as me so he could get you to hate me. He found about you through me.”

“I’m sorry.”

“About what?”

“For yelling at you and having the wrong idea.”

“It’s ok, Leon’s had lots of practice, he’s been living here for a while.”

“Why do shape shifters mark sirens?”

“For sex.” I nearly fainted when I heard those words. Chris caught me. “Yeah maybe I should have brought that to you a little more gently.”

“I can’t be connected to him, isn’t there some way to break the bond?”

“He could release it, you could bond with someone else or burn the mark from your skin.”

“Is it possible to bond with someone without…having sex?”

“Nope unless you’re not bonded with anyone, which you are so your outta luck here.” I became silent not wanting to listen anymore. I just wanted sleep but that couldn’t happen, I needed to feed first.



“Will you bond with me?”

Chapter 9

“What? Why me?” He was completely shocked. “Don’t you want that with Zack?”

“He doesn’t want to hurt me and I’ve already put too much pressure on him. If I bond with him then I’d have to kiss him and he’d still be in endanger because I don’t know if he’s my true mate.”

“So your saying you might kill him even if you do bond with him? He doesn’t know does he?”

“Define doesn’t know.”

“Ok explain to me what he does know then.”

“That I’m a siren, our supposed bond and the deal I made with you.”

“How the hell did he find out?”

“That shape shifter that posed as you forced me to tell him.”

“Damn…” He muttered, laying me down on the bed. “Tell you the truth, I don’t want to hurt you either.”

“Oh…. I thought you didn’t care….” I whispered.

“That night I kidnapped you, I asked that you stay with me, you didn’t leave. I want to thank you….I’ve been alone for a long time.”

“How long?”

“Ten years, I fell in love with a vampire, she turned me and used me as a play toy then left the island. I thought I could return home but I realized, there was no way I could go back with my new form. It had been at least two months since I’d left home and my parents gave up searching for me, they thought I was dead and moved away.”

“Chris….I’m so sorry.” I sat up and hugged him. He started to cry. I’d never seen a guy cry before but it hurt to see him like this. Anyone brought with such a strong emotion made me feel for them. For him it was completely different. I thought I had it bad but I was wrong. Everyone always wishes for an easier life like someone else but no one ever truly realizes what their life is like until you live it. He stopped after a while then he placed both hands on the sides of my face. He pulled me forward and kissed me. I froze a little shocked about the sudden action. I was pressed against the headboard. All my thoughts on stopping disappeared in a flash. Something sharp pierced my neck and I looked over to see him drinking. It didn’t hurt as bad as it did last time, thank heavens for that. Why didn’t I think he was going to do that? I grew weak and I thought I was going to faint. I gripped the headboard but it didn’t help. He pulled away and I watched helplessly as his face blurred, my sight darkened. I heard my name being called faintly as I slipped into unconsciousness.


“Jon?” I called.

“Yeah? What is it?”

“I was just wondering where you were. I can’t see in this darkness.”

“I’m right here, don’t worry.”

“I still don’t see you.”

“Here I’ll fix that.” The darkness began to disappear and I saw our field. We always used to play here when we were little kids. It was large and open, tall grasses covered it. I lay on my back, watching the clouds. I took in his features. His messy brown hair strayed in front of his honey brown eyes. That face I had missed so much, my heart ached to see it.

“How am I here? Jon your dead.” I said, my voice filled with horror.

“I’m not I’m still alive in here.” He tapped his chest.

“But I want you to be real.” I cried, “Why did you leave me? Why didn’t you stay with me?”

“I knew we were being followed so I left, I wanted to protect you. I knew about the world you have just uncovered. I miss you.” He held up his hand. I placed mine against his.

“Don’t leave.”

“Kanti I have to.”

“No you don’t we can stay here just the two of us, no cares in the world.” I said, tears coming down my face.

“I’m sorry I left. Please don’t cry.” He wiped away the tears. “I want you to be happy. There are others waiting for you.”

“But I want to be with you. I don’t care about anyone else.”

“Kanti, that is why, I love you. You want to make others happy even if it means bringing a world of pain on yourself.” That darkness started to creep in my vision again. “No Jon! Don’t do this!”

“You don’t belong here, not yet. I’ll be waiting for you….for once worry about yourself.”


“Jon!” I woke up, sweat beading my forehead.

“Kanti? Is something wrong?” Chris asked. My eyes darted to him. 

“Kill me! Please!” I shrieked, tears rolling down my cheeks. “Why did Jon have to die? Why not me?” 

“Hey…hey calm down…” He whispered soothingly, holding and rocking me back and forth. “Who’s Jon?”

“An old friend…” I whispered which brought a new set of tears. “He was killed by a vampire….”

“I’m not going to kill you and I know that’s not what he would want you to do.”

“But I was with him I-I was and…he told me to care about myself.”

“He wants you to be self conscious.” He said.

“That’s being called selfish.”

“There’s a difference between the two, your brave.” He kissed my forehead. He was silent for a moment. “I’m sorry about Leon, I’m going to go have a talk with him.” He started to get up.

“Don’t leave, please.” I took hold of his arm. “I don’t want to be alone.”

“There’s a good girl, you just let yourself get what you want.” He layed back down next to me and kissed me on the lips. “But I will have to leave before the sun comes up.”


“I’m sorry about the bite too. I can’t help myself around you.” He murmured. “By the way did I help you with your little problem?”

“What problem?”

“Your lust.”

“Oh that, I don’t know.”

“Then how about this for just good measures.” He pressed his lips to mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck, my fingers playing with his hair. I felt something tugging my shorts. I looked down for a second to see his hand pulling my shorts down. I broke the kiss.

“Hey! What are you doing!” I shouted.

“Sorry, I thought you wanted more.”

“Not now!”

“But you said I could bond with you.”

“What happened to not hurting me?”

“That kiss of yours does things to guys if you didn’t know. At least I can control what I’m doing.” I thought about the times Zack kissed me. He wanted to do that so much, no wonder, I was tugging on the strings of his lust.

“Do you trust me?” He asked.

“I…don’t know.”

“Then I won’t bond with you.” I nodded slowly, understanding. “But I would like to try something.” I gulped. “God your so innocent.” He smirked, toying with the shorts strings. Suddenly he pulled them down and I didn’t have time to stop him. His fingers pushed aside the fold of my panties and he slid his fingers into me.

“Stop it! What are you-” I stopped talking and let out a moan, arching my back.

“Thought you’d like that.” He leaned back up to me and gave me a peck on the lips, keeping his fingers inside me. “This is to calm your lust ok? But I’m not lying when I say I enjoy this.” It felt like I wanted to move but he wouldn’t let me. “If you move anymore that’s going to hurt you.” I closed my eyes, trying to picture this as a dream. I felt so dirty letting him do this to me. A severe burning hit me in the shoulder and I cried out.

“Hey you alright?” He asked, a sincere look on his face.

“No, my bond mark hurts.” He pulled his fingers out of me and slid my shorts back up. The pain slowly ebbed away.

“I’m sorry I should have realized.”

“Realized what?”

“That if I mess with you, the mark will hurt because I’m not the one your bonded to. Now you might have to go to him on the full moon.” My eyes widened. I couldn’t do that, not if his goal was to have sex with me. There was no way.

“Then I’ll have to bond with you or Zack before the next full moon.”

“Are you sure?”

“I’m positive. I can’t be with him, that’s not happening. He’s not getting in my pants.”

“So that means I’m allowed to?” He asked eagerly. I sighed.

“I feel like such a slut, I’m not myself anymore.” I drew my knees up against my chest.

“Your not, Kanti, you’re the exact opposite.” He whispered in my ear.

“I’ve let you, someone I barely know touch me in such intimate ways it should be illegal.” He chuckled.

“That’s how all sirens have to live like after the change.” I became lost in thought, thinking about being human. The pain that this mark gave me wasn’t worth nothing.

“Something’s still not right.”


“It hurt before like I was getting whipped.” He paled more than I thought was possible.

“What’s wrong now?” I whined.

“He’s probably got into trouble.” He growled. “He either did something against human law or shape shifter law and their police found out. He got punished for it. I’ve got to go find him. Sorry that my visit has been cut short.”

“It’s ok, you go.” I said, quietly. He kissed me on the forehead and he left through the window. I fall back onto the bed, falling into a restless sleep.

Chapter 10

“Kanti…” Someone whispered in my ear. I blinked a couple times, the sun was in my eyes. They landed on Zack who happened to be standing over me.

“Oh, good morning, I didn’t mean to wake you.” He said.

“It’s ok, what’s up?”

“The guys were wondering if you’d want to come with us to the beach today. We have our own secret spot.”

“That sounds like fun.” I said, sitting up and I stretched my arms upwards. He stared at me, looking disgusted.

“What’s with the face?” I asked.

“You have a bite mark on your neck.” I had forgotten about Chris’ visit last night.

“Yeah…I know.”

“You went to him last night?” He asked.

“No actually he came to me, it’s not like I can control him.”

“Aren’t you even the slightest bit ticked about this?”

“No.” I said, casually then I remembered he didn’t know about the fake bond. “Oh Zack, Chris didn’t do that to you, he’s innocent.”

“You’re protecting him!?!” He asked, angrily.

“No it really wasn’t him, it was a shape shifter he knows, he shifted into Chris to make us think it was him.”

“Why should you believe him?”

“Because he doesn’t have the mark on him.”

“Couldn’t he just hide it with magic or whatever?”

“No, you can’t that’s impossible.” I heard my mom say. I turned to see her standing in the doorway.

“Hey mom.”

“Kanti, I need to talk to you.” She said, her tone deadly. She was never like this unless it was of dire importance.

“Ok.” I pushed the covers out of the way and walked into the hallway, closing the door behind me.

“I know that vampire came last night.”

“So? What’s wrong?”

“I found out why he’s so familiar. He was the son of the family who moved out of this house, ten years ago.”

“And is that so bad?”

“I don’t want you seeing him, I don’t want you near him, no contact with him what so ever.”

“But why mom? Even though he kidnapped me he still returned me, he’s not evil like I first thought he proved that to me.”

“It’s not safe for you to be around him, you should never trust a vampire.”

“But he hasn’t done anything wrong!”

“He nearly killed Zack! You think that’s not wrong!”

“Why are you like this all of a sudden? Huh? You didn’t care when you knew that one night.”

“Because I didn’t know that you would willingly bond with him.” My eyes went wide.

“What are you talking about?”

“You know exactly what I’m talking about, I heard you talking to him, do you know how dangerous that is? It’s against natural order and society.”

“Society? What freaking society!?!? Mom! You haven’t told me about anything! I’m so confused, I’m losing what makes me, me! You want me to bond with Zack and say it’s safe to be around him but I hurt him if I kiss him. You say Jon was killed by a vampire but never mention him knowing about the real world. You’re ok with me being with Chris up until now! Why?!?!” I was so angry, I felt every fiber in my being was about to burst with hate. I walked back into my room, slamming the door behind me.

“Whoa…I now know not to get on your bad side.” Zack said.

“Come on, we’re leaving.” I muttered.

“So your not going to bond with me?” He said, sounding heartbroken.

“Zack…listen I need to explain this more properly to you.” I patted the bedside next to me. He settled himself next to me. I leaned my head against his shoulder.

“I love you.” I said, “But if we bond the thing is, if your not my true mate, we still won’t be able to kiss and I can still kill you. I’m afraid I’ll lose you and I don’t think I can handle that.”

“So it’s like we’ll never truly be able to be together.” He said, staring out the window. “Why him then?” He asked.

“He told me I can break the forged bond if I bond with another, I chose him because I thought he didn’t care if he hurt me, yet he does so I’m now left with the shape shifter and they mark sirens for one thing and one thing only.”

“What’s that?”

“Sex.” He tensed next to me.

“Wow you really can’t get out of this one, can you?” I shook my head. “Damn Kanti I won’t force you into anything I promise.”

“So you were saying?”

“Our secret beach.”

“Secret beach?”

“Yep, I’m going to have to blindfold you.”



Water flowed around my ankles and I struggled to keep myself up. Zack still refused to remove the blindfold so I was walking blindly, wherever he was taking me.

“Come one Zack! Get this thing off of me!”

“Nope, calm down we’re almost there.” I groaned, thrashing around to try to get my hands free of his to remove the blindfold but he held me tight. Finally he rid my sight of it to reveal a white sand beach complete with crystal blue waters. The best part there was no one in sight to hog it.

“You know this place well.”

“You get a lot of free time to explore an island of this size.” He said.

“You said the guys would be here.”

“They are.”

“I don’t see them.” He chuckled.

“Yeah I know.” I looked around, still trying to spot them.

“Look up.” He pointed to the sky. My eyes scanned the tops of the trees and this revealed a magnificent treehouse. It was nestled in the v of a large tree, thick branches and lush leaves collected on it though it was a bit short.

“You got to be joking!” I dashed over towards it. “This is so cool!’ I said, admiring their work.

“Hey Kanti! What’s up?” Lyric said, leaning over the railing.

“Technically you guys are.” I answered. Gabriel appeared at his side.

“Haha very funny, come on up.” Gabriel said, throwing a rope ladder downwards. I latched onto it and climbed. The roof was thatched together with huge palm trees, all cleverly weaved. The floor was made of store bought planks glazed with sealant to keep the boards from rotting. An old circular rug was tossed carelessly across the floor and became hidden by a couple chairs and wooden tables. About three or four hammocks hung from the ceiling, filled with pillows and blankets. The entire treehouse was an enormous circle around the trunk of the tree, which was blocked by shelves. These held seashells while some held food or were bare. I also noticed there was bug netting latched onto the edges of the roof. I walked towards the railing looking out over the ocean.

“How long did it take you guys to build this?”

“All last summer, man was it worth it. We all chipped in and it was a complete success.” Gabriel said.

“Yeah it’s our sex pad.” Bryan joked. I didn’t laugh, it only made me think of the crap I already had to deal with. So I made a sickened face at him and the guys laughed.

“I can’t believe you guys did this, it’s incredible.”

“Eh, I guess it’s a second home to us.” I layed down on a hammock, snuggling into its blankets. Zack joined me, forcing me to curl against him. He trailed kisses down my neck.

“Zack…” I hissed. “What are you doing?”

“Showing you I love you.”

“Not now…” I said through gritted teeth. I glanced at the guys which were clearly amused about his little show of affection.

“Maybe we should give you two some alone time.”

“Haha uh no let’s go swimming.” I suggested.

“Sounds good to me.” Lyric said, starting down the ladder. I tried to sit up to follow but Zack held me to him.

“Why don’t you guys go on ahead, we’ll join you shortly.” Zack said with a grin.

“Yeah riiiight.” Bryan said and winked at me. I think I paled when he did so.

“But if I here any screaming I’m coming back here to join in.” I gulped and shivered at the thought. Gabriel gave me a saddened look and quickly followed Bryan.

“What?” I asked.

“How do you know if I’m your true mate or not?”

“You want to talk about this now?”

“Yes, yes I do.” He replied.

“I don’t know, my mom never told me.”

“Well after this little trip, we need to have a long talk with her. You should probably apologize to her.”

“Apologize to her? She never told me anything, she should be the one apologizing.”

“She’s just looking out for you remember that.” I sighed.

“Come on I want to join the guys before we let their imagination run wild about what we’re doing up here.”

“Hey why not let them have their fun and we have ours?”


“Ugh fine.”

“Good boy, now let me go.”

“No just let me try something, please.” He gave me a puppy dog pout. I couldn’t deny him when he did that.

“What?” He silenced me with a kiss. I tensed, scared of what might happen to him. I pulled back just as soon as he did that.


“Why not?”

“You know why!”

“I thought that I could see if I was your true mate or not.”

“What if I didn’t stop you? You could have died!”

“Hell it’d be a pretty awesome way to die.” That reminded me of Chris. He said something like that before. I felt a load of guilt struck me. I pulled out of his grip and as I looked down the ladder, I spotted Chris standing there.

“Chris?” I asked. That was impossible it was sunny outside so the only logical reason was….it wasn’t him.

“Hey what’s up?” I decided to play along.

“Nothing, what are you doing here?”

“I wanted to visit you, I missed you.” He said with a sad look in his eyes.

“Aw how sweet, now’s not the best time.” Zack stood behind me, staring Chris down. I turned back and faced Zack winking at him. I noticed he was hit with realization and his eyes went wide. He shook his head. I mouthed the words stay here and he nodded. I climbed down the ladder. “So how’d you find me?”

“I can track you, I know wherever you are. Why aren’t you mad at me?”

“Because I realized how wrong I was, humans are so overrated.” I whispered, pouting. His eyes grew dark with lust. I felt like shuddering but I knew if I did that, I’d blow my cover. “But you know what, I wanted to play with my food for a while can you meet me at my house tonight?” I said, breathing a husky giggle in his ear. He growled. “Anything for you sweetheart,” He said, “I’ll be waiting.” He blurred out of sight.

Chapter 11

 Zack quickly slid down the ladder.

“What are you going to do now?” He asked.

“I don’t know, Zack. I’m scared what if I can’t stop him? Should I even confront him? His real name is Leon and apparently he broke some law and was punished for it. That’s why I was in so much pain that other night.”

“You should get actual Chris, he’d probably be able to help you. I wish I could but after what happened last time, I don’t think I’m strong enough.” He looked at the ground, not able to meet my eyes. “I can’t protect you.”

“You did even if you don’t think so and now it’s my turn to protect you.” I said, “Let’s go join them.” I grabbed his hand and tugged him towards the ocean. I dipped my toes in to test the temperature. I was guessestimating around eighty degrees. I stripped my clothes off, revealing my bikini. I jumped in. I watched Zack take off his shirt and that’s when something struck me as odd. He swam over to me but I still kept my eyes on him carefully.



“What happened there?” I pointed to a large white scar, trailing across his chest from shoulder to hip bone.

“Oh that…I don’t remember, it’s like a memory’s slipped my mind.” He stood in front of me and I couldn’t help but trace it with my fingers. His face seemed to twitch as if in pain.

“Did I hurt you?” I asked, worried.

“No, it just ached. It’s weird that I wouldn’t remember something like that.” I nodded, wondering why I hadn’t noticed it before. I thought about when I’d seen him without his shirt off and it was only once and for a very short amount of time.

“Hey guys do you remember where I got this from?” He asked. They all looked over at us. “How could you forget?” Lyric said.

“Well I did, what’s it from?” Lyric looked at Gabriel for help.

“Your dad gave you that scar.” I looked at Zack to see his eyes darkened. They held fear, anger, hate and most of all sadness.

“So you decided to join us after all?” Bryan said.

“Duh I told you it’d be a just a second what do you think we were doing?” They were quiet and looked away, Lyric started whistling and Gabriel blushed. Oh my, did they really think that we’d….

“Oh come on guys seriously?!?” I shouted. I let out a frustrated sigh and dove underwater, letting lose all my worries. I swam all the way out towards the nearby reef, inspecting its inhabitants. Fish of all sorts swirled in a rainbow of colors all around me. I popped back up to the surface to see I’d drifted farther away from shore than I thought. I quickly swam back.

“Oh god Kanti! There you are! You didn’t come up for like five minutes.” Gabriel said.

“Um I’m fine?” I said, confused.

“We were so worried.” Lyric said.

“Guys I was gone for two measly seconds.” I said.

“Kanti you were underwater for an incredibly long time.” Zack said. The guys were doing flips off the rocks and I watched them from behind another rock. 

“Huh ok whatever.” I said, swimming towards them. Then I was shoved underwater and tackled, if I couldn’t breathe underwater, I might have choked. I opened my eyes to see Bryan on top of me? What the hell?!?! He kissed me and his hands roamed my body, groping. I gasped, bubbles coming out of my mouth. I kicked him off me.

“What the hell Bryan!?!?” I shrieked at him, coming to the surface.

“What are you talking about?” He said, innocently.

“You know what I’m freaking talking about!” I shouted.

“What’d he do?” Zack asked.

“He freaking kissed me!” I said.

“Bryan, if she’s telling the truth you better have one fucking good reason to touch my girl.”

“Dude I didn’t I swear.”

“Kanti are you messing with me?” Zack asked.

“I saw him do it.” Gabriel spoke up. I watched Bryan send Gabriel a death glare.

“Why dude?” Zack looked at him, hard.

“….I couldn’t help it, I’ve never met a girl that can resist me so I got jealous.” I walked towards Bryan, giving him an evil glare before slapping him across the face. He cupped his cheek, completely shocked.

“Look at me.” I said and he refused. “Look at me dammit!” His eyes traveled up my face to meet mine. “Whatever is going through your mind, I want you to know, girls aren’t play toys, we’re human beings and if you think for one second that we aren’t you will never, I mean never be loved, no matter how much status or money you have.” I trudged on to the beach, satisfied with myself. Lyric and Gabriel stood there, jaws hanging open. And when I thought they were just going to stand the rest of the day, they both fell backwards into laughter. Never had I seen such a spectacle, where others would laugh at their friends like that.

Zack walked over to me, looking pissed.

“I think I should go home.”

“You shouldn’t have to leave because of his actions.”

“Zack, I’m a siren, it wasn’t his fault that he’s under the spell, its mine.”

“Oh but it isn’t…I know this because he’s not human.”

“What?” I hissed, infuriated.

“He’s half vampire.”

“You got to be joking.” I muttered.

“Nope, he told me the night I walked you home from the boardwalk. He trusted me with that secret because he noticed the bite mark I got from Chris.”

“So he didn’t fall under my spell, he just thought he could get away with it.”

“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner.”

“It’s ok, I’m assuming Lyric and Gabriel don’t know?”

“Not yet, he’s planning on telling them at some point.”

“I’d just like to rest for a bit.” I climbed up the treehouse ladder. I settled myself in one of the hammocks, feeling the blankets warm me. Zack crawled in with me, cuddling close, I layed down on his chest.

“What happened to your dad?” I asked. “I want to understand why you hate him so much.” He sucked in a breath, when I traced his scar again. I felt like I could take away the pain by touching it.

“Kanti…I think you should stop doing that…your teasing me.”

“Oh…” I blushed. I mumbled an apology. I pressed my head to his chest to hear his steady heart beat. I felt comforted for the first time in a long time.

“I hated my dad because he hurt my mom many times. She loved him but he didn’t love her back, he just wanted money and sex. He didn’t care if he hurt her, he was selfish. Once I was born, he took his anger out on me. It started when I was about five. My mom started to stand up for herself and locked herself in their room. He’d drink till he was drunk then head to my room and beat me. I’d scream for my mom to come save me but she couldn’t hear me. I put up with the cuts, bruises and scars for years until he suddenly disappeared one day. He went missing and we never heard back from him again. So he’s dead to me.” I kissed his scar.

“I wish I could take that back.”

“You can’t, but thanks anyway.”

“If he was a good dad, he’d be proud of you.”

“And why’s that?”

“Because you’ve become a man, a sweet, loyal, caring, brave, not to mention handsome person.” I said, smiling. He grinned and kissed me on the forehead.

“Thanks.” We were quiet for a while then I decided to break the silence.

“What can’t life be easy?” 

“If it was then where’d all the adventures be?” He asked.

“Huh, I never thought of it that way.” I mumbled.

“I think I need to pull you out of that safe world you’ve built because that world’s gone, sweetheart.”

“I know.” I snuggled closer liking the feel of his skin against mine.

“What are you going to do about Leon?”

“I’m so lost with all the I don’t knows that I might explode.”

“Mm thought so.” He whispered into the crook of my neck.

“If I could contact Chris, then maybe I’d have at least some protection.”

“I don’t like sharing you.” He said.

“I don’t like sharing me either.” I murmured, “But if I don’t I won’t be able to hold myself back.”

“Maybe I wouldn’t mind it.” He said, huskily.

“Zack…” I warned.

“I know, I know no sex.”

“No sex?” I heard someone say. Bryan jumped over the railing.

“Aw and I thought you’d get married and all that shit.”

“So you’re a vampire is that why your so self centered?” I asked. His eyes flashed with anger.

“You told her?”


“Told her what?” Gabriel and Lyric clambered over the railing too,

“Err nothing.” Bryan mumbled. They gave him a glare that sent chills down my spine.

“Oh really?” Lyric asked. Gabriel gave me a sly smile and I knew I was in trouble. Without warning, Lyric and Gabriel dashed across the length of the treehouse, jumping into the hammock. They wrestled Zack for me and won after startling us. Gabriel grabbed my arms and legs while Lyric tickled me.

“Ha…ha…guys stop…what…are you…doing?” I barely managed to say through my laughter.

“Torturing our witness.” Lyric said.

“Guys stop.” I said.

“Lyric, Gabriel! Get off of her!” Zack shoved Lyric backwards, wrapping me protectively in his arms.

“What did he tell you?” Gabriel asked me.

“It’s not important guys.” I lied. I looked to Bryan for help. His face looked dark and was hidden by his hair. He sighed shaking his head.

“Listen I need to tell you, no more secrets.” I noticed he shook, looking weak. They nodded for him to continue.

“You probably won’t believe me so try to understand this isn’t easy for me.”

Gabriel and Lyric looked at each other then back to him.

“I’m half-vampire.”

“Run that by me again.” Lyric asked.

“I’m half vampire.”

“Your joking right?” Lyric asked.

“He is joking, right Zack?” Gabriel asked.

“Yeah keep telling yourself that.”

“Ok then prove it.” Lyric asked. Bryan looked up at him, a mischievous grin appearing on his face. Oh no he wouldn’t…..would he? Bryan pounced on Lyric. I could only watch as he bit down on his neck and started drinking. Lyric cried out in pain.

“Stop it!” I shrieked. “Stop it Bryan! Don’t do this! You’ll kill him!” I broke out of Zack’s hold and wrapped my arms around Bryan’s neck. I pulled him backwards, I didn’t know I was that strong but then again he was only half vampire. I wrenched him far away from Lyric and scrambled to the other side of the room. Zack and Gabriel rushed to Lyric’s side to help him.

“What have…I…done?” Bryan said, hands shaking.

“Hey, it’s ok, just keep calm alright?”

“How would you know what I’m supposed to do?” He asked, wiping blood away from his chin.

“Because…” I kneeled next to him, whispering in his ear. “I’m a siren and I know someone who can help you.”

Chapter 12

After a while Lyric finally calmed down without blurting out “he bit me!” he was in complete shock. Gabriel and Lyric were practically spazzing out when I helped Bryan and were frantically trying to talk me out of taking Bryan to my house. Zack decided to call it a day. I invited Bryan to stay at my house for a couple of hours until he too calmed down. He said “Yeah I do need help.” Now we were walking back.

“So Zack’s under your stupid spell and that’s why he’s following you around like a lost puppy.”

“No, he was but we got him out of it, he knows. Don’t tell the other guys yet, I don’t think they can handle anything new for a while.”

“Mhmm, who’s going to help me?”

“Well my mom might know a thing or two but in order for you to meet the person I have in mind I need you to help me. You see you’re not the only one in trouble.”

“What’s the shit you have to deal with?” I sighed, ready to tell my story all over again.

“Ok here it goes, I saved Zack from a vampire. The vampire kidnapped me and cut me a deal. I have to go to him every full moon so I don’t have to kill anyone and he calms my lust.” He burst out laughing.

“Oh go ahead laugh, but I have a forged bond with a shape shifter and tonight he’s going to pay me a visit for sex. There’s no freakin way that’s happening. And it’s a forged bond so the only way I can break it is if I bond with some else which is having sex with either Chris or Zack. The shapeshifter has been posing as Chris for a while.”

“Wow, why don’t you just give in?” He asked.

“To who?”

“Zack, he loves you, ya know. I’ve never seen him act like this before.”

“Heh, you don’t know how much I want that but I can’t.”

“Well why not?”

“He doesn’t want to hurt me and even if I bond with him I could still kill him if he’s not my true mate.”

“How do you kill someone?”

“If they kiss me too long like you did with your idiocy.”

“Hey I didn’t know!” He protested. I climbed up the porch steps.

“It’s ok.”

“Your not mad at me?”

“I should be but I won’t focus on you and your stupid acts.” He paused, absorbing the info I had given him.

“Chris is the vampire right?”

“Yeah and Leon’s the shapeshifter.”

“So how do you know who’s who?”

“Leon apparently doesn’t know vampires can’t go into sunlight.” I opened the door to come face to face with my mom.

“Where have you been?” She shrieked. “You just left without telling me?”

“Yeah, now’s really not the best time, that shape shifter is coming tonight and him,” I jutted a thumb towards Bryan behind me. “He needs help controlling his blood cravings.” She stood there fuming in the doorway then she sighed.

“You can’t stop making friends can you?” She asked.

“Nope.” I said, smirking. I pushed passed her and sat down on the couch in the den, eyeing Bryan who sat down on the opposing couch.

“I’m not dropping this.” Mom said.

“I know but can you please help Bryan?” She settled herself on the couch next to him.

“How did you know you were half vampire?” She asked him.

“I bit one of my girlfriends and nearly killed her. To an extent of the blood loss, she got amnesia, so I got off lucky.”

“Do you know how you came to be that way?” She questioned.

“No, it’s been a couple years since I found out.” He replied.

“Have you ever come in contact with vampires before?” He nodded his head but didn’t answer. “Well did they ever help you?”

“No, I don’t want to talk about it.”

“Kanti, I can’t help him, Chris might though.”

“I don’t know how to contact him.” I said, drearily.

“We’ll just have to wait until the next full moon then.” She left the room and went into the kitchen.

“Huh that’s weird.” He muttered.

“What?” I asked.

“Your mom left me alone with you. I’ve never had a girl’s mom allow me out of her sight.”

“Err….she’s the kind of mom who gives people space.” I said, quietly. I heard laughter from the kitchen. I smacked my forehead.

“What you do that for?”

“You’ll never understand…” I muttered. “Can you stay for a while?”


“I’m not….safe here.”

“Because of Leon?” He asked. I nodded, looking at the floor. “I’m not going to leave you, your trying to help me even when I kissed you, I’m sorry and thank you.”

“Your welcome, I’ll be right back, I need to get some air.” I opened the sliding glass door and walked out on to the porch. The ocean sparkled from the full moon’s light and I stared at it, fascinated.

“Hey sweetheart, enjoying the view?” I heard someone say. I whipped around to see supposed Chris, laying on the roof top.

“Mm yeah.” I said, wrapping my arms around myself.

“You sound sad, what’s wrong?” He leapt off the roof and landed beside me. He cupped my cheek and I thought this might be the real Chris but I couldn’t be sure.

“Your name is Leon right?”

“What are you talking about?”

“Your Leon and a shapeshifter.” His composure shattered. His appearance changed before my eyes. His former black hair turned silver, his skin turned less pale and he wore different clothes. His eyes turned a sea green and his face was marred by a claw mark on his cheek. A green bandana topped his head.


“Why would you pose as Chris?”

“To see how close you were to him but also wanted you to hate him so I could have you all to myself.” His hand reached out to touch my cheek.

“You nearly killed Zack, I won’t forgive you for that. Why the hell would I agree to be with you? Sever the bond.” I smacked his hand away.

“No way. A siren is a siren, I’m not releasing you.” My eyes shifted to the glass door. Bryan caught my glance and saw Leon with me. “I came here to get what was promised to me, earlier if I’m Chris or not. And you love, are just dying to be violated.” I backed away from him.

“Touch her and your dead.” Bryan said.

“And what would a weakling human do to me?”

“Kill you.” I watched Leon get pinned to the floor. Leon tried to break Bryan’s hold, he gripped his shoulders and rolled him so he was on top. Blood splattered on my face and I fell to me knees, cowering in fear. Leon had slit Bryan’s throat. He jumped off of him and came towards me. I whimpered, my eyes darting from him to Bryan. He took hold my wrist.

“If I didn’t know any better I’d say your outta luck.” He slammed me against the railing. I saw stars from the hard hit to my head. He pressed his lips to mine and it sent waves of electricity through my body. His tongue claimed my mouth and I struggled to pull away but he kept me still. I felt his hand my skim my bust and I whimpered. I was so terrified, that I couldn’t move. Frozen in fear.

“Why do you resist?” He hissed in my ear. “Enjoy it, I won’t hurt you.” He kissed my forehead and for a moment I believed him with the sincerity in his voice. Suddenly he was ripped off of me and sent hurtling down the stairs. His back smashed into the railing which in turn whipped my back and I became racked with pain. I was shocked to find Bryan standing over me.

“Did he hurt you?”

“Except for the part where he slammed me into the railing, no but when you threw him down the stairs, that hurt me.” I looked at his neck to see the wound healing on its own.


“The bond keeps us connected so whatever you do to him, gets down to me.”

“Now you tell me!” Bryan said, frustrated. “Guess that means I can’t kill him.”

“Guess not.” I peered down the steps and saw Leon had left.

“Dammit! He ran away! What a fucking coward!” He shouted, clearly pissed.

“He’ll be back.” I said.

“Are you ok?”

“I think so…” I muttered, trying to pull myself up. The pain was excruciating as I stood up, thankfully it ebbed away, leaving a numbing feeling in its place.

“Damn if I knew you’d get hurt if I hurt him I would have tied him up and locked him in the closet.” I chuckled.

“I don’t think that would hold back a shapeshifter.” I said.

“Eh your probably right, why don’t you get inside, I’ll go after Leon.”

“That’s not a good idea, he might not be alone, we’ll worry about him later.” He sighed then nodded his head in agreement.

“Do you want to head home now?”

“You think I should stay? What if he comes back in the middle of the night?”

“You can’t protect me twenty-four seven Bryan but I appreciate the offer.”

“I can try.”

“I don’t know…”

“Zack would sleep better at night if he knew you were safe.”


“Since its summer our parents allow us to stay over each others houses. He can never stay up as late as us so we always hear him talk in his sleep and he usually says your name. I’m suppose to stay at his house tonight, if I don’t head back he knows that your safe.”

“I guess you could stay the night, it’s not like my mom would care.” I muttered.

“What do you mean by that?”

“Nothing.” I said quickly.

“Whatever.” I walked inside, him following.

“Err…you can stay up in the guest room that ok with you?”

“Yeah sure.” When we reached the top of the stairs, Bryan fell to his knees.

“Bryan! What’s wrong?” I asked, falling beside him. His eyes were a blank stare, pupils dilated. 

“I…don’t know.” He held up his head with a hand, shaking it slightly. He leaned back against the hallway wall, looking pale. He froze, sniffing the air.

“Kanti…get away from me…it’s not safe, I’m craving blood.”

“Bryan, if you wanted some you just had to ask.” I was getting used to giving blood to Chris so why not Bryan too?

“But I’m afraid I won’t be able to stop.”

“Trust me, you will.” I assured him. He was half-vampire and if my knowledge was correct he wouldn’t need as much as a full one.

“It’s ok, really you won’t hurt me. Chris has drunk from me twice.” He still looked unsure, his eyes now seemed glazed. I pushed away the hair from my neck. His hand slid underneath my chin, his other arm pulled me into his lap. I felt awkward about this but he sure didn’t, he was in a daze and hardly noticed. I tilted my neck to give him better access and he lightly bit down. I didn’t hurt like the first time Chris had done it. He was so gentle I thought he was only kissing my neck. I sighed, feeling content. I heard footsteps coming from the stairs. My mom appeared on the top of the stairs, her jaw dropped when she saw this. She stared at me, her mouth forming an o. Bryan didn’t notice at all, only focusing on what I was giving him. I gave her a pleading look but she shut her mouth, smirking and mouthed the words, “Take care of him, Jon would be proud.” I was confused with her choice of words. She simply walked down the hall and turned around the corner to go to her bedroom. I felt weak, damn Bryan how much do you need? Then I thought of the blood he lost in the battle. He needed this to heal, that’s why he was craving. My body collapsed onto his chest and my eyes drifted closed. This wasn’t death but tiredness from the long day, I gave into it, ready for sleep.

*** dream…

We walked among the river bank, our overalls covered in mud. We both had mud caked

onto our faces but we simply ignored it, it wasn’t like it was important to be clean, after

all, this was the time of our freedom. After hiking through the creek, we finally settled

ourselves under the willow tree which we called Grandmother willow from the Disney

movie, Pocahontas. It always reminded us of how nature was free to do as it wishes here

and it was all to ourselves. We didn’t need to share it with the other kids for we were

outsiders. But we didn’t mind. We didn’t care what they thought, only about each other,

that’s what mattered. Why were we outsiders? Because we still believed in our

imaginations. We didn’t want to grow up, yet everyone else did. Why would we want to

go to work everyday and cook and clean? Why would we want to be on our own when

we had it so easy now? To me and Jon it remained a mystery.

“Jon, how many years do we have until we die?”

“I’d say a very long time but not forever, I suppose.”

“That’s sad…”

“What is?”

“We won’t see each other when we grow up, we’re…” I counted on my fingers. “Six now so that means we have….”

“Nine years before then, that gives us plenty of time.” He replied.

“Then let’s not waste it!” I said, triumphantly trudging into the creek again.

No we didn’t waste that day.

That hot August day, we spent every second, having the time of our lives, pledging we’d

enjoy all those years together. Something stopped us though, it broke our pledge.

Something unexpected.


Chapter 13

I stirred from my slumber, trying to rid my mind of my memory of Jon and myself. It hurt…to see him again, so happy and being with me. But I knew better. He was gone and that was old news, I needed to move on. For him.

“Hey sleepy head, sleep well?” I opened my eyes to see myself neatly tucked in bed, Bryan layed on top of the blankets, holding his head up with an arm.

“Mm yeah I guess, you?”

“Pretty good by my standards, I’ve never slept with a girl who would willingly gave their blood to me.” He said, grinning. I saw his fangs poking out.

“Why didn’t I notice you were a vampire before? If you keep your fangs out like that then everyone will know.”

“Huh I never really thought about that, maybe just it’s your blood or….body.” I wrenched out of bed and stormed into the closet, disgusted with him. Quickly dressing into usual summer attire, I went into the bathroom, looking at my sore neck. I rubbed it slowly, trying to make myself feel better. Tonight I would go try to find Chris so he could help Bryan but I’d also have to worry about Leon. Not to mention Zack would no doubt be waiting for us to come his house today to hang out. I feared for Bryan still, how would Gabriel and Lyric react to him after they’d had time to think about it? I also feared for myself, Bryan was lying on my bed, waiting for me to come back and right now I was unsure if he’d jump me and suck me dry. Though he hadn’t last night and he did protect me I did owe him some of my trust. I sighed, unlocking the closet door.

“So we’re heading over to Zack’s house?” He asked.

“Yeah, that’s the plan.”

“Then let’s get going.”

“You seem pretty eager…why?”

“No reason.” He said but his eyes never met mine, giving me the impression he was lying.

Zack’s house….

As we walked in the door, it became dead silence. Everyone had been enjoying breakfast in the kitchen. Zack’s mother was not around, thankfully, tending to her shop, downtown. Zack eyed me then I watched his eyes drift to my neck and the bite mark.

“Bryan I’m going to kill you!”

“Wh-why?” He was shocked by the sudden anger but I wasn’t.

“Zack! Get a grip he saved me from getting raped last night! You should be thanking him!”

“Thanking him!?!” He asked in disbelief. “He freaking bit you!”

“And he would have died if he didn’t.” Bryan looked at me wide eyed. “That’s right,” I said, answering his silent question. “If you didn’t get my blood you would have died from that injury.”

“I…didn’t know it was that bad…” He mumbled. Lyric and Gabriel looked at me, confused. Oh shit I can’t explain to them what happened! I can’t break the news to them, not after Bryan’s secret. Not yet anyways.

“He saved me from a drunk guy on the walk home last night.” I lied. Zack raised an eyebrow but Lyric and Gabriel seemed to be buying it. They were both eerily silent.

“Kanti why did you take Bryan home with you last night?” Lyric asked.

“I know someone who can help him.” I said, truthfully feeling better that I wasn’t telling all lies.

“How is that?” Gabriel questioned.

“I met him the day I moved here. He’s a vampire, well a full one.”

“So Bryan, what’s it like?” Lyric asked.

“What do you mean?”

“What’s it like being half-vampire?”

“It sucks.” He muttered. The room went silent but we all burst into laughter.

“You don’t have any cool powers or anything?” Bryan shook his head. I took Zack’s hand and pulled him into the other room.

“Hey, nice to see you too.” He said, confused.

“Leon gave me a visit last night, he nearly killed Bryan that’s why I let him bite me ok?”

“Oh well if it’s like that.”

“We need to ditch the guys and head over to my house so we can get my mom to tell us about true mates and stuff. You think we can lose ‘em?” I asked.

“Only if your willing to be embarrassed.”

“How embarrassed?”

“Unforgettable.” I shuddered.

“Sounds risky what the excuse?”

“I tell them I need some ‘alone’ time with you.” I blushed.

“I don’t know….” I said, unsure.

“They’ll be fine with it.”

“Bryan won’t believe it. I told him about my dilemma.”

“Then he’ll know we need space.” I sighed.

“Ok but this better work.” I said.

“You have to play along, remember that.” He whispered. I nodded in agreement. We held hands as we walked back into the kitchen.

“Hey guys, sorry to break this up but Kanti and I would like some alone time, is that ok with you guys?”

“Sure man but you can’t spend everyday with her you have to share.” Lyric said. “You better not hurt my sister.” Zack raised an eyebrow, confused. “Long story.” I mouthed. Gabriel simply nodded and Bryan…he didn’t look happy with it at all. He crossed his arms, giving me a hateful look. I would have to explain to him later.

“Define alone time.” Bryan said, refusing to leave. Lyric and Gabriel looked up from gathering their things to listen. I leaned up on my tip-toes and kissed Zack’s neck, wrapping my arms around him. Zack growled, trying to keep himself under control. Bryan gave me that hateful look again. I tried to explain with my eyes we were faking it but he just shook it off and started down the hallway. I heard the front door slam.

“What the hell was that about?” Gabriel asked.

“I think someone’s jealous.” Lyric muttered, picking up his duffel bag. “We’ll see you later dude.” Gabriel followed Lyric and I heard the front door open and close again.

“Well we can’t leave the house until they leave the neighborhood so what do you want to do?” I asked. He smirked. “Zack you weren’t serious about tha-” He picked me up bridal style. “Zack put me down!”

“Surely.” He set me down on the couch.

“What are you doing?”

“Just relax ok? I want to try something.” I was quiet, not knowing how to respond to that. He settled himself between my legs. It felt right to have him there so did that possibly mean….?

“Zack…” I whispered. He nibbled on my neck, caressing my cheek and brushed his thumb against it.

“Kanti if I can’t kiss you, please tell me you love me.”

“Zack of course I do.”

“Then say it.”

“I love you.” I said, kissing his cheek. His eyes got darker. “Shit I forgot about that.”

“Forgot about what?” He asked.

“That even if I don’t kiss you here.” I pressed a finger to his lips. “I can still effect you.”

“How? I like it when you kiss me.”

“Yes of course you do it messes with your….arousal.” He smirked at this. “Maybe we should stop this isn’t sa-” His hand slid underneath my shirt. “Zack!”

“If you say it isn’t safe one more time I’m not going to hold back.” I stared at him, incredously. I opened my mouth to say something but he put a finger to it. “I mean it.” He warned, sliding his hand higher. His warm fingers were making it so hard to concentrate. “But-”

“Don’t tempt me Kanti.” He mumbled then kissed my cheek. Finally I gave in.

“You’re safe with me.” I said. “For now.”

“I thought my skills of persuasion would win you over.” He said, triumphantly. I rolled my eyes. “Don’t act like you’ve won because you are very wrong.”

“You’ll see.” I simply ignored him, pushing him off of me. “I’m sorry but it’s the truth.”

“Come on we have a meeting with someone.”

My house….

“So what do you need to know?” Mom asked.

“I need to know why I’m safe with Zack.” I said.

“Well you see Zack’s mother has sprite blood in her, that’s why she can grow flowers and plants so well. Zack can ward off evil.”

“Huh I wonder why Bryan hasn’t run away yet.” He muttered, sarcastically. I giggled.

“But why didn’t it work when Leon was with us the day we were on the cliff?” I asked.

“That’s because it means Leon isn’t evil. I mean pure entities.”

“Yeah he is one.” I joked, Zack laughed with me.

“I assure you, it’s not a laughing matter, as you would say, it rids people of bad luck if you will.”

“Oh I see.” Zack said. “So does that mean I have magical powers?”

“You’ll have to find out for yourself to see if the vampire side of you beats out the sprite side.”

“WHAT!?!” We said, together. “What do you mean vampire side?!?!” Zack shouted.

“Your father was a vampire.”

“How would you know?” He asked, eyes burning.

“I can sense it off of you but because you haven’t shown any signs of your vampire side, I doubt you’ll start drinking blood any time soon.”

“But I have to be human, aren’t I?”

“You most certainly are just a bit a vampire and sprite in you.” He breathed a sigh of relief. I giggled. “What afraid you’ll go bite somebody?” I asked.

“I’m afraid I’d bite you.”

“Oh…” I said, blushing. He kissed me on the cheek. 

“Anything else?” She asked.

“I want to know how we know if we’re true mates, if we aren’t and still bond I could still kill him can’t I?”

“Unfornately yes.”

“So how do I know?”

“Your father and I found out through the bond, but if you weren’t bonded then….” She paused, thinking. “You’d have to wait for a blue moon.”

“Blue moon?”

“It’s an astrological event when there are two full moons within a month, sometimes taking on a blue tinge to it.”

“What happens from there?” Zack asked.

“A bond mark will appear on your body, but since your already bonded with someone else it won’t work. It’s a magical bond so, once it’s broken, it can’t be reforged.”

“When is it?”  I asked.

“In August.” She replied.

“That’s two months away.” I said.

“We don’t have that much time. We have to break the bond before then.”

“Leon said he’d never break it.” I whispered.

“We’ll think of something, don’t worry.”

“All right, I’ll leave you two to discuss this. I have a job to get to.”

“Where?” I asked.

“A cute little saloon, downtown.”

“Oh ok, have fun.”  I said, watching her walk the door. Zack turned to me, wide eyed.


“Um…about that saloon…” He pressed his lips to my ear and whispered.

“WHAT!?!”  I shook my head, depressed that my mom would do such a thing. It was a strip club. “I give up, Zack.”

“Give up on what?”

“On my mom, it’s not like I can control her.”

“Your dad isn’t here to err… calm her lust, doesn’t that seem reasonable?”  I sighed, not bothering to answer.

“Can I see your phone? I need to talk to Bryan.”

“He seemed pretty upset when he left what was that all about?” He asked.

“I told him about how we can’t…err…bond so he probably got upset, thinking I’d lied to him.”

“He’ll chill, just give him time to cool down.”


“You want to go to the beach? I’m sure the guys are there.”

“Yeah sure.”

Secret beach….

I watched the guys body surf on the rolling waves. The hammock swayed slightly from the breeze and I sighed, enjoying the small comfort it gave me. It reminded me of…Jon. We would sit in the hammock together, looking at the stars, and he would tell me stories about each and every one.

“You’re a curious creature, you know that?” I heard a voice whisper in my ear. I jumped, startled. Leon lay next to me on the hammock.

“How did you-” He covered my mouth with his hand.

“Shh make any noise or I will kill him.” He warned, eyeing Zack, who was lying on the beach, lazily. “Did you know how beautiful you are? You have an incredible body.” He whispered, tracing circles on my visible skin. I shivered, enjoying the feeling, no matter how much I hated it.

“You belong to me.” He picked me up and we disappeared into the forest.


I felt so tired that it seemed that I had been knocked out. I rolled over to come face to face with Leon.

“Hey sweetheart, you look tired, you ok?” He cooed, placing a hand against my cheek. I smacked it away.

“Harsh woman, I just wanted to spend some time with you, sheesh.”

“Well I sure as hell don’t. Take me back to the beach.”

“Sorry deary but that ain’t happening, you haven’t been claimed yet, have you?”


“Are you a virgin?”

“What the hell! You don’t need to know that.”

“Well I want to make sure I won’t hurt you if we get to it, that’s why I marked you.”

“Why me? Why not some other slut siren?”

“You’re the only one available.”

“But I-” He rolled on top of me, pinning me to the bed.

“Get off of me!” I shrieked.

“This is where I belong, just relax and get ready for the ride to come.” I struggled underneath him. His hand slid under my bikini top and I shivered.

“You like that don’t you?” I lifted up my leg and tried to kick him in his soft spot but he quickly moved and straddled my stomach. Fear struck me, he was really going to go through with this. His lips brushed against mine, his tongue tracing my bottom lip. I rolled my head to the side to avoiding being kissed but he simply improvised and kissed my neck. He bit down softly and my breath hissed out between my teeth. He chuckled.

“Found you…” He whispered.

“….Please don’t…” I begged. “I am a virgin I don’t want to loose it, not yet.” I felt a tear roll down my cheek. The smirk plastered on his face quickly vanished. 

“I don’t want to hurt you, it’d hurt me too if I did, I promise I’ll go easy on you. You’ll love it, trust me, it won’t hurt as bad since you’re not human.” I whimpered when I felt his hands trail behind my neck to undo my top. I heard the door open.

“Yo Leon I was wondering if-” Chris froze in the doorway, eyes wide. I looked at him with pleading eyes. 

“Hey Chris want to join in?” Leon asked.

“Get off of her.” Chris said.

“No way man, do you know what I had to do to get her?”

“I said get off of her!” Chris leapt from where he stood and tackled Leon to the floor.

“Dude! Come on! I marked her! What’s wrong with you?” He shouted, struggling against his grip.

“Like I care! Don’t you get it she hates you!”

“So what? She’ll learn to love me!” He hissed.

“Kanti get out of here!” Chris shouted. I couldn’t do as he commanded I was frozen in fear. Leon smirked.

“Aw see she wants to stay.”

“Kanti what are you doing? Get going!” That snapped me out of my trance and hurriedly pulled myself off the bed. I hadn’t noticed Leon had tugged the strings of my bikini loose and it came undone, showing Chris and Leon a clear view of my bust.

“Damn girl, your so sexy!” Leon growled. I blushed, covering myself and I ran out of the room. I quickly tied my top back up, rushing through the halls. Where the hell was I? I noticed that I wasn’t alone.

“Kanti get back here!” I heard Chris shout. I whipped around seeing Chris but was it really him?

“Your not Chris!” 

“Yes I am!” He whined.

“If you are then how long where you alone without your vampire lover?” He looked puzzled.

“Ten years.”

“What about the bond, who was I willing to bond to?” I asked.

“Zack.” I started running again but was halted by an arm wrapped around my waist.

“Tsk, tsk naughty girl, I’ll have to punish you.” Leon whispered in my ear and hoisted me over his shoulder.

“Put me down!” I pounded on his back and he laughed.

“Your mine now so don’t bother fighting it.”

“I have something to say about that, Leon you know that’s not true.” Chris said.

“Yes it is, I have the bond mark to prove it.” He replied. “And so does she.” I was wrenched out of his arms and into Chris’s. I felt cold air rush against my skin. I shivered, trying to warm myself up.

“You okay?” Chris asked.

“I’m fine.” I whispered. I opened my eyes to find us in a familiar room, the first place we’d met. “Is this your house?”

“Yeah it was abandoned a while ago.”

“I don’t know how to thank you. If you hadn’t been there, I don’t think I would ever be able to face Zack again.”

“I’m just glad you’re safe, Leon won’t be able to find you here.”

“But what if he goes after Zack again?”

“I’ll keep an eye on him.”

“Thanks…” I swayed slightly. It had been a long day. He pulled the blankets around me.

“I’ll go check on Zack and tell him your okay. Need anything else?”

“No I…Bryan…he’s a half vampire and he needs help controlling his blood cravings.”

“A half vampire eh? That’s pretty rare.”

“Did you know that Zack was part vampire? My mom told me it’s illegal to drink from your own kind.”

“Not unless he’s a mutt.”

“A mutt?”

“A human with two or more different species in him.”

“Oh but you knew.”

“I did, why? Was it important to know?”

“Not really, I was just curious…”

“I’ll be back shortly.” He said and disappeared. I fell back on the bed, tired as hell. Okay so let’s summarize what we’ve learned today Kanti. Bryan’s jealous of you and Zack. Leon isn’t going to stop until he gets in your pants. You have to break the bond before the blue moon which is two months from now and now you might have feelings for Chris.

“Damn it all.” I muttered, covering my face with a pillow.

“Zack knows, he’s all right, Bryan will keep an eye on him.” Chris whispered, lying beside me. He became silent and pulled the pillow away to eye him. He seemed deep in thought and I wondered what could possibly be bothering him. Without warning his lips met mine. I relaxed slightly, losing my train of thought. 

“Chris what are you-” His hands raked down my body, bringing waves of heat. His green eyes flickered to mine, practically glowing in the dark of the room.

“Chris….” I whispered.

“Kanti I’m worried about you, this is my last resort to protect you. I just want to let you know if I break this bond and form one with you, he won’t be able to forge another one.”

“But….I’m scared.”

“Me too, I’m afraid I’ll hurt you.” He whispered, pushing back a strand of my hair and tucking it behind my ear.

“I trust you.” I whispered back.


He pressed his lips to mine. He tasted sweet like chocolate. He kissed his way down my body, seeming to enjoy the taste of my skin. His tongue circled my bellybutton, sucking on my piercing there. “Ah…Chris…” He smirked against my skin.

“We haven’t even gotten to the best part yet and you’re ready falling apart.” He whispered, nibbling on my ear lobe. I could feel the slight points of his fangs. He kissed down my body again.

“Chris that….tickles…”  I giggled. He tugged at my bikini bottoms with his teeth. As he did so my hands slid downward to thread through his hair. He successfully pulled them down my legs. My innocence is going to be given to him…

He licked my inner thighs.

“Ah your-” I was cut off from him biting there. He was drawing blood and warmth flooded to my toes. “Chris stop teasing me.” I hissed.

“Where’s the fun in that?” He asked. He tugged at the top of my bikini and pulled it away, admiring me. His eyes glimmered again, lust present there.

“It’s not fair, you get to see me but I don’t get to see you.” I said, pouting.

“That can be arranged, love.” He tugged off his shirt. I marveled at his muscular chest. I hadn’t realized my hands had started to trail down to his belt. I blushed pulling them back.

“Hey it’s alright to be nervous…” He said. “I’ll teach you how to make your partner feel good.” He placed my hands back on his belt. “Undo it.” He ordered, placing a kiss on my breast. Slowly I fumbled with his belt and tugged his pants down, revealing black boxers. His hands slid behind me, pulling my waist to him. I could feel his erection press hard against my stomach. I distracted him by pulling him into a heated kiss, sliding my hand into his boxers. He gasped as I started to pump him.

“….Kanti…mmm….stop your gonna…” He groaned when I tugged his boxers down, feeling the cold air hit his heated skin. He was pretty big in that department and I blushed again. He chuckled.

“What? Never seen a guy naked before?” He asked, teasingly. I shook my head as a reply. He dipped his head down, taking my mouth again. I felt tightening in the pit of my stomach. What was that feeling?

“Now then, I’m gonna try something and I want you to follow my lead.” He flipped onto his back. “Come here girly.” I climbed on top of him, my skin being scorched by his. I let his hands guide me until my ass was in his face. “Chris what are you-ah!” His tongue dipped inside me. I moaned enjoying his tongue reveling in my taste. But I wanted to make him feel good like he was doing to me. I layed down on his chest, my breasts pressing up against his hips and he groaned from the skin contact. His cock stood up proudly, dying for attention. My head was filled with dirty thoughts and I felt my innocence start to slip away. I kissed it and took it into my mouth.

“Ugh Kanti!” I sucked long and hard, drawing moans from Chris who kept licking feminine part. I ran my tongue over it. He tasted very male and I could taste his arousal. I pulled back before he could come and he flipped me so I was back to facing him.

“Did you learn that all by yourself?” He whispered. I kissed his chest.

“Maybe.” I said, seductively. He growled and parted my legs, dipping a finger inside of me. I bit back a moan as I arched against him, pressing my chest to his.

“Damn your wet, I can’t believe I can bring this on from you.” He said, smirking. “Kanti….are you sure about this?” He plunged another finger into me and I pushed back towards him. “Chris if you don’t take me Leon will, I’d rather have someone who cares about me do this to me.” He flipped us, my back on the bedspread, the cool silk a reassuring feeling for me. He spread my legs even further and I wrapped them around his waist. I was scared for what would happen next, I could feel him proding at my entrance.

“I’ll be careful, I promise.” He whispered. I nodded, shutting my eyes tightly. Slowly he pushed into me. It felt foreign but tight, though if I moved I knew it would hurt. He did something unexpected and suckled my breast. I moaned, pushing myself into his eager mouth. He kept licking and toying with me until I felt myself tighten around him.

“Kanti, baby here I come.” He rolled his hips, pushing into me deeper. I felt something inside me tear and give way. He stilled, making sure I was okay. I was frozen, my body refusing to move. The pain spread further then ebbed away. He moved slightly and it ached. I bit my lip, trying to focus on some other pain. He pulled back out and moved into me again, a little rougher than last time. I couldn’t hold it in any longer and tears rolled down my cheeks.

“Kanti you want me to stop?”

“…No go on please.”

“But…your hurt.” He looked down at where we were connected and blood poured from my entrance. He pulled back out and leaned down, lapping at the blood. It felt a lot better and I sighed, liking the feeling. “Chris please go on! I can’t take it!” I said, almost moaning from his kisses to my vagina. He smirked, pulling himself back up. He nudged himself in again and started to set a pace. I rolled my hips with his and the friction started to melt my insides. I clung to him, letting him go deeper. He went incredibly fast all thanks to his vampire speed.  It felt natural to do this, it was instinct. He kissed me roughly on the mouth dipping his tongue into it. He pumped into me as much as he could until I tightened even harder around him, causing him to jolt. I clamped down on him and started to feel the warm pure bliss take over my body. I collapsed and he kept going, keeping me in that blissful state for what I thought to be an eternity.

“Chris!” “Kanti!” He came inside me. His hot fluid ran down the sides of my legs. My eyes lazily drifted closed and he tugged the blanket over us without disconnecting ourselves from each other. “I want to do that again.” I whispered. He chuckled softly in my ear. “Mm you got it babe.” He slid himself deeper than I thought possible and I jerked up causing him to hit something inside me. I gasped in pain but he took it for pleasure and starting kissing me again, ready for another round.


I stirred, feeling a pair of arms wrapped around my waist. Yawning, I turned around and smiled. “How do you feel?” He asked. I could only see his cat like eyes in the darkness.

“Pretty good, you?”

“Amazing, that was incredible.”

“Mm yeah…” I said, quietly.

“I didn’t hurt you did I?”

“No of course not you were careful.” I lied. I didn’t want him to get upset because he did. “Thank you for that.”

“Your welcome but you need to stop lying to me.” He said, his tone serious.

“No I’m not.”

“Kanti I can tell when people are lying, especially you, why didn’t you just tell me I would have stopped.”

“But I did like it Chris, I just didn’t want you to worry.”

“Lying makes others around you worry more, silly.” He kissed the top of my nose.

“Can I go back home?”

“If you want…I thought you’d want to stay longer.” His voice was tinged with hurt.

“Do you want me to stay?” I asked, a sly smile crept on my lips.

“…Yes.” He replied.

“Then I will.” I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him softly. After a while he started to get weak.

“Sorry.” I mumbled.

“No it’s ok, I liked it.” I placed my head to his chest.

“Are we bonded now?” I asked.

“I don’t know but the forged bond is broken, see?” He traced the spot where the mark had once been, its presence missing.

“Stand up for a second.”

“Why?” I asked.

“I want to look for a bond mark.”

“Okay.” I got up, wincing slightly but thankfully he didn’t notice and blindly found the front of the bed. I blushed, seeing his hungry gaze drift over my body. He laughed. “Aw still uncomfortable about this?” He asked. I nodded in reply.

“Sorry just turn around.” I did so, my back turned to him. Warm fingers caressed my back and I shivered in delight.

“What are you…” I stopped mid sentence. His lips pressed against my skin.

“We’re bonded sweetheart, the mark’s right here.” He said, tracing it leisurely with his fingers.

“Not good…”

“Why not?” He asked, curiously. I turned around and layed back down on the bed.

“Zack and I…we’re supposed to find out if we’re true mates and the only way to do that is-” He cut me off.

“To find the mark during the blue moon, Kanti why didn’t you tell me this sooner?”

“I thought you would have known….” He sighed and pressed his forehead against my stomach.

“Well the good thing is that you’re alright, but how you’re going to explain to Zack about the mark is beyond me.”

“I’ll have to tell him the first chance I get, he’ll be upset but he’ll sleep better at night knowing I’m safe.”

“He doesn’t like you being with me, does he?”

“No, I don’t like sharing myself either.” He tensed slightly.

“You’d rather have a bond with him?”

“If it’s safe for him, then yes.” He was silent. “Chris please talk to me, I don’t want anymore shit between us.”

“So you don’t….” His lips moved but no sound came out. He buried his face in my hair. “You don’t like me like I like you.”

“….That’s not….Chris I don’t know if I…like you like that…it’s complicated.”

“Yeah apparently everything in your life is.” He hissed.

“I’m caught in the middle, don’t make me choose please.”

“That’s kinda how it works, it’s either me or him.” 

“But…” I stopped myself, knowing it was hopeless to argue. He was right, I couldn’t be in the middle, I had to choose. I pulled myself off the bed and slipped my clothes on, a bit shaky.

“Where you going?” He asked.

“I don’t know.” I said.

“Kanti…I know what it’s like to lose someone…don’t do anything that could get you into trouble…” He stumbled on his words.

“I think I ready have.” I replied. I walked out of the bedroom and found the front door.

“Kanti wait.” I heard Chris say but I shut the front door behind me. Standing on the cliff, I had already chosen my destination. I jumped, ready to feel the warm waters welcome me. I was going back and I wasn’t going to be stopped.

Chapter 14


“You’re joking right?”

“No I’m not.”

“I think you should leave.”

“She left, I can’t find her anywhere.”

“What? You let her out of your sight! What about that damn shape shifter, doesn’t he have something to do with this?”

“Nah, he’s long gone, I made sure of it but, their not connected anymore.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Their not bonded anymore.”

“Then she’s safe isn’t she?”

“Yes but I can’t find her, she’s just….gone.”


My hair was tangled, my clothes soaking wet, my skin damp and sweaty but….I made it. I was relieved yet I knew I would have to bring up old memories which would tear at the very fabric of my soul. I trudged across their front lawn, pulling myself up the porch steps and collapsed, breathing hard.

“Made it.” I whispered and with all the strength I had, I tugged on the bell string that just barely reached my hand. It rang loud and clear just like my memory. The porch lights flickered on and the screen door swung open.

“Hi, miss Carol.” I barely managed to say and blacked out.


“Hey Jon.” I whispered. We were back in our field. I smiled, happy to see him again.

“Kanti! What are you doing here?!?! Go back!”

“Heh, I’d rather not, it’s not worth all the pain.”

“But Kanti…Zack’s waiting for you.”

“He’ll be better off without me.”

“I’m not letting you go with me.”

“But I made it, I wanted to go back with you.”

“Kanti get it through that head of yours. Your not coming here until it’s meant to be!” He said angrily.

“Jon…I don’t know if I can go…” I said, a tear falling down my cheek. “I’m pretty banged up, I don’t think my body can last…” I laughed. “I’m torn inside out.”

“Just go. I’ll be watching.”


“Kanti, wake up sweetie.” My eyes landed on Miss Carol, Jon’s mom. “What in the world are you doing here?”

“Yes you scared us, half to death.” And Mr. James. “What happened to you?” I simply smiled, remembering all the hot summer days of kicking back on the porch and sipping lemonade. I sat up, then had to lie back down, the dizziness was making me sick. Oh yeah the blood loss from…

“Shouldn’t you be in Florida?” Mr. James asked. I nodded, swiftly. 

“How did you get here?”

“I….swam.” I said. They looked at each other and then nodded.

“So you know now, I suppose you’ve changed, Johnny would have been so happy to see you, in your full form.” Miss Carol said.

“I…want to know what….happened that night.” I coughed up some water.

“You’ve pushed your limits of your new bodies form, you changed but your body still takes time to change. Your blood pressure is abnormally high, blood amount is low and you have lacerations around your thighs. What happened to you, dear?” Mr. James asked again. Now Jon’s parents where doctors for our small little town, right down in the Louisiana bayou. They would be able to fix me up. I laughed lightly and it was possible they thought I was delirious.

“I’m bonded to a vampire, we bonded a couple hours ago.” I whispered.

“But why a vampire? Why even bond your too young?” Miss Carol said.

“A shape-shifter forged a bond with me and I couldn’t stay with him…” I explained.

“But you went to a vampire to fix this problem and it’s become worse.” Mr. James said.

“I wanted to bond with the person I love.” I said, coughing up another mouthful of water.

“Kanti, you don’t understand, your bleeding internally.”

“So that’s what’s hurting me.” I said, laughing.

“Carol, you have the anesthesia ready?”  I heard Mr. James ask.

“Yes, ready when you are.” I felt a needle prick into my skin and a mask covered my face. I took in a breath and gave into a forced sleep.

2 days later…

“Kanti, how are you feeling?” I opened my eyes, taking in Miss Carol and Mr. James’s form. Miss Carol was a tanned blondie in her early thirties. So was Mr. James who had dark brown hair and slight stubble on his chin. They both had those honey brown eyes that Jon had.

“I feel pretty good, what happened?”

“We had to do surgery on you. You’re okay but…” Miss Carol simply turned to her husband unable to speak.

“Kanti, we’re sorry we’re the ones to tell you this but…you’ll never be able to have children.”

“What?” I choked.

“You were damaged so severely that we had to remove vital organs for you to heal, if you had kept them, you would have died.”

“I see…” I whispered.

“Kanti if there’s anything we can do….”

“I’d like you to tell me what happened the night Jon died.”

“We would if we could but Jon made us promise not to tell you.”


“He said it was for the best for you not to worry about him but about yourself.”

“He always said I should worry about my own being than others less….so there’s no way for me to find out then?”

“He left before-”

“He knew it was going to happen?” I asked incredously. They were silent, staring at me.

“We’ll leave you to rest, its best you don’t strain yourself.” Miss Carol said. Her curly golden hair hung in front of her face yet she didn’t brush it away. A tear slid down her cheek and she quickly wiped it away. She walked out of the room. Mr. James looked pale, that strong appearance that he usually gave off was weak.

“Kanti…I’m sorry.” He said and followed his wife out of the room.


“Where the hell could she have gone?”

“She wouldn’t….” She whispered.

“What do you mean she wouldn’t?” Zack asked.

“Kanti might have gone back home.” She said.

“What do you mean home? This is her home.” Zack hissed.

“She went back to her old home, didn’t she?” I asked. She nodded. “I’ll track her down.”

“I’m going with you.” Zack said.

“I don’t think that’s such a good idea.”

“I’m going with you no matter what.” He insisted.

“Listen, that’s probably not best, plus you couldn’t, there’s no way I’m carrying you there.”

“Hell no, fine go…” He said, waving me off. I was about to leave but his hand held me back. “Chris, bring her back, please.” If only he knew…


I had fallen asleep to the outside noise of the bayou. The windows were open so I could catch a light breeze. I forgot how peaceful it was. The crickets chirping, the nee-deeps busy making their night sounds. I had been on Dewey Island for at least two months and had already forgotten this place. I felt a twinge of pain when I moved my legs. My breath hissed out between my teeth. I heard the door creak open and I squeaked. Two green eyes glowed in the darkness.


“Hey, what the hell was going through your mind!? You scared the shit outta me!” I could feel the anger rising in me from our bond.

“I wanted…to go back…” I whispered.  He came closer and sat down on the bed next to me. I caught his eyes looking at the IV’s and the heart rate machine.

“Kanti are you okay? Is something wrong with you?” He asked worried.

“Chris I won’t lie to you, when we bonded you hurt me internally….”

“…I hurt you? But I thought it wasn’t that-”

“It wasn’t bad until I swam for who knows how many hours straight and made it worse. It wasn’t your fault, it was mine.”

“Why did you have to leave then?”

“Because I felt homesick, I’m sure you know what it’s like, that’s why you came to me, instead of dragging me back to your place.” Those green eyes became wider in the darkness. 

“Oh guess you found me out.” He said, quietly. “Kanti I came to get you but it doesn’t look like I can move you. Can you even move?”

“I don’t really know.” I said, honestly. I sat up and slowly moved my legs to the bedside. I felt a ripple of pain split through me and I cried out. Chris quickly supported me.

“Kanti…I’m so sorry…I thought I was careful…”

“It’s okay it was just an accident.” I mumbled into his chest.

“But you’re seriously hurt! I’m the one that caused that.” He said.

“But I didn’t feel it, if I did you would have felt it through the bond.”

“I did, just now but now that I’ve found you I don’t know what to do.”

“You just go back, tell my mom I’m fine then in a couple days come back to get me.”

“I promised Zack that I’d bring you back with me.”

“Did you tell him?” I asked.

“No, you’re going to have to but I think your mom knows.” He explained.


“She gave me this awful glare right before I left. At least the damage that’s been done will heal.”

“….About that….” I whispered.


“I’ll heal sure but…I won’t be the same…I can’t have children.”

“What!?! You have to be joking!”

“I’m not…”

“Kanti…..maybe it’s not best for me to be around you…”

“Don’t say that! You’ve protected me countless times.” I pointed out.

“…But not enough…”

“Stop being so dramatic! I know how you feel. Look doesn’t this prove enough to you?” I asked, pulling my shirt up to show him our mark. He twined his fingers with mine.

“I don’t know how long I’ll be able to stay.” He whispered. “The other two in this house are awake now, they heard us.”

“It’s okay they won’t hurt you.”

“Wasn’t their son killed by a vampire?”

“Yes but they wouldn’t do anything to you.” I explained. “They don’t have a reason.”

“I doubt that.” The door creaked open.

“Kanti? Are you alright?” Miss Carol asked. She peered through the opening and shrieked, seeing Chris.

“Wh-Who’s this?” She stammered, she had clearly paled.

“This is Chris, the one I’m bonded to.” I heard footsteps coming down the hall.

“What is it dear?” Mr. James asked, peering into the room as well.

“Kanti’s mate is here.” She said, hurriedly. He nodded slowly, seeming tense.

“Sorry but she was in pain and I had to know where she ran off to.” Chris said quickly.

“Oh that’s…fine stay as long as you want dear.” Miss Carol said softly. She closed the door. We were both silent, ready for the arguing to commence.

“Carol, are you sure it’s safe?”

“Honey, I doubt he would hurt her he’d end up hurting himself if he tried.”

“I know but…he’s a vampire how can we trust him? In our house?”

“What would he do? If we kicked him out we would have no reason to. Kanti needs to be comforted, especially when she’s healing. We’d be insulting Jon’s memory. You know he did it for her.” Mr. James remained silent. I heard padded footsteps become further and further away.

“What did they mean he did it for you?” Chris asked.

“I don’t know, but there’s a more important reason why I came back here.”

“What for?”

“I wanted to know what happened the night Jon was killed. Every single time I black out from your feeding I experience a memory with Jon, it’s almost haunting.”

“A memoir bond…I thought they were only a myth.” He mumbled.


“It’s when a person leaves a symbol on someone to remember them when they die. Whenever they experience something that relates to how they die, a memory of them is replayed in that person’s mind.” 

“I would never forget him. What could possibly make him think I would?”

“Unless…he wants you to see something that you’ve never noticed before. What if he wants you to find something that was hidden in your memories?”

“What?” I asked.

“Maybe he wants to show you something he was never able to tell you about before he died.” He said.

“It’s possible but what could it be?”

Chapter 15

I was in a dream like state. I curled closer Chris, trying to keep warm.

“…They are so cute together…” Someone murmured.

“If he touches her I’ll get my stake.”

“Honey, be nice.”

“She’s like a daughter to us. We’ve let a creature of the night into our home, I could be kicked out of the corporation if they knew.”

“Well if you want I’ll talk to Kanti tonight.”

“Good, I’ll be outside.” I opened my eyes just a crack eyeing Miss Carol. She stood in the doorway, smiling.

“….Young love.” I heard her whisper and she walked away. I felt a knife of guilt stab me in the heart. Did I even like Chris like that? I looked at Chris’s sleeping face. He was right, I would have to choose.

“I’m sorry.” I whispered. I gently lifted myself out of bed. It didn’t hurt at all which was incredibly strange. Slowly I set my feet on the floor and stood up perfectly fine. Could I leave now? I had rested for three days, that couldn’t seriously be enough time to heal. I pulled back the curtains, taking in the beautiful garden that I remembered from my childhood. There was a brick pathway that winded through arches of roses and flowering ivy. Butterfly bushes grew wildly with vibrant blue and purple hues, growing in neatly manicured areas of green grass. Hydrangeas surrounded the house in violet color. I sighed, breathing the floral aroma. I heard a yelp and hiss.

“Ah! Kanti close the fucking curtain!” I whirled around and saw Chris. He hid in the shadow of the room. His arm had caught fire. I quickly scrambled to close them.

“Chris, are you alright?”

“Yeah, yeah, damn that hurts.” He said, patting it out.

“I’m so sorry, I forgot all about that.”

“Hey it happens.” He said. “Look it’s already healing.” I watched his skin switch itself together. I shivered slightly at the sight. He chuckled.

“Sorry guess your stuck with me till night.” I said.

“I don’t have a problem with that.” He growled, giving me a lustful look.

“ Oh no you don’t.” I screeched. My back was to the bed.

“I mean it Chris! Stop it!” He started tickling me.

“Ha! Stop! Haha!” I laughed. The door whips open pouring light into the room. I looked at it, seeing Mr. James standing in the door way.

“Get off her now!” I could see this through his eyes. Chris on top of me on the bed probably didn’t look good.

Chris ripped himself off me.

“Your familiar, why?” Chris asked.

“Oh really?” Mr. James asked.

“…Your from the VTHR.”

“Interesting how do you know that?” Mr. James asked, curious.

“I do keep up on news, yours was an unsolved case.”

“…Yes. My son’s death.”

“I see.”

“Mr. James?” I asked.


“I’ll be staying until you guys tell me what happened that night.” I inquired. 


“If I have to, I’ll sleep in the swamp.”

“Kanti, we know nothing of that night.”

“He knew it was going to happen and so did you.” I said. He was speechless.

“I’ll tell Carol your awake, she has something to show you and in the meantime, I want him to stay in here.”

“Fine by me, I’m not getting burned to a crisp.” I followed Mr. James out of the room, wondering what Miss Carol would want to show me.

“Mr. James, what’s the VTHR?”

“Vampire to human relations corporation.”

“So you work for them? Are you guys like vampire slayers?”

“I do and no we’re not vampire slayers we are the police. We go after vampire and human criminals.”

“Cool, can I look at something out of the records?”

“Why? Do you know of someone?”

“Dunno that’s why I want to find out.”

“Is it that boy?”

“No, it’s someone’s father.” He opened the study door and I saw countless papers tacked on the tack board. It was all very well organized. A large filing cabinet was located behind an ebony wood desk which sharply contrasted the beige walls. Mr. James pulled out a sheet of paper out of the filing cabinet.

“This is a list of criminal names. If you have any information on any of them, it would be a great help.” I looked the sheet over. I glanced at random bits of data, pictures, blurs then I caught a name.

“Him.” I said.

“Are you serious? He’s one of the most wanted guys out there.”

“Mr. Balric, I’m going to find you.” I said, smirking. “I have to tell Zack, its best he knew.”

“Who is this Zack character?”

“He’s his son.”

“What!? He has a family?”

“Yeah well had. He disappeared a couple years ago.”

“Interesting, he was on Dewey Island?”

“Yep, he abused Zack and Emily, his wife.”

“That adds to his charges….and for a number of young women’s deaths.”

“Wait. You said Jon did it for me, why?”

“Kanti, I’m a terrible father. I let my son go and kept a daughter.”

“I don’t understand…if you’d explain-”

“No.” I walked out of the study, knowing he needed to be alone. I closed the door behind me. Jon what did you do for me? I found the sparkling clean kitchen, unoccupied and strode out the back door, finding Miss Carol drinking a cup of tea on her swing.

“Oh Kanti, are you feeling better?”

“Yeah strange really, does it have something do with my siren side?”

“Yes, your body is still changing, therefore if you did try to forge a bond you wouldn’t get pregnant then again it’s very rare a siren would with a vampire’s child. You will heal faster than a human now.”

“That makes sense…you wanted to show me something?”

“Yes you see before Jon died he told me something that he never got the chance of telling you. He loved you and if I fast forwarded into the future, I would have happily accepted you as a daughter in law.” I hugged her tight.

“And I would be incredibly happy to have you as a mother in law.”

“Also he placed a memoir bond on you so if you were split apart you would always remember each other.”

“I know, Chris told me about that. There’s something he wants to show me and I’ve seen him three times now.”

“I know he’d do something like that. He thought you would need to find out on your own.”

“Him and his silly games, didn’t he know this was important?”

“It’s possible there’s a reason to why he did this. You were there the night it happened and you don’t remember?”

“No, I woke up on the ground.”

“I suppose Jon had something to do with that.”

“What do you mean?”

“Kanti….Jon was a half vampire.”


“Yes, at the time of my pregnancy, a criminal had broken into the house, at the time, James was working late one night, I had no of knowledge of his true work until the criminal revealed he was a vampire. He bit me, trying to turn me, but my blood rejected the change, Jon becoming half-vampire.”

“Oh….” I whispered, covering my mouth in horror.

“But Jon was special, he needn’t any blood, he possessed no fangs but he was immune to disease, he healed quickly, his agility and strength matched a full grown man.”

“So that’s how he won all those track races…but why didn’t he fight back that night? If he had the-”

“He was no match for a real vampire.”

“I see…”

“Kanti, he did this for you, to protect you.”

“I don’t understand! Why won’t you tell me!?”

“He told me that night before you left the house specific instructions to tell you a year later, on his birthday, yet I am not sure why.”


“Yes, does it have some meaning to you?” I dashed off into the woods, scrambling over gnarled tree roots and swatting branches away.

“Kanti!” I heard her call but I was too focused on my destination to turn around now.

‘Jon, what did you want me to know?’ I thought, hurriedly racing through the swamp, brambles digging into my skin but I continued on. As I ran, a ghostly image appeared at my side, “Jon?” “Kanti…” “You’re a…” “I know, go.” He murmured pointing down the old path I used to play on so long ago. He gestured for me to go and vanished from my sight, I, skidding on the thick mud and moss. There, in the clearing was an island, an island formed from an enormous cypress tree, roots intertwined deeply in the brackish water and I skipped across the stream. I stood on the old roots and looked up through the Spanish moss and saw my fort. I climbed onto the rope ladder, pulling myself up. The huge platform was surrounded by the trees limbs and supported it from underneath, it rocking under my weight. I searched the shelves for anything that hadn’t been there before and sighed in despair when I found nothing and then I remembered the hidden entrance within the tree. I removed a gigantic piece of bark that looked like it wasn’t even there and behind it was a weathered old paper with a quartz rock on top of it. “Jonny boy this was yours...” I whispered to myself, clutching the rock to my chest and inspected the note.


It’s probably been at least a year since you’ve found this, if it’s been any longer, I have failed. I planned this all out with my mother and father and yours. I did this for you, I cannot tell you what happened but you will find out from the man who killed me. I wrote this for the sole purpose to tell you I love you. But there is more, this man visits his family at the place you are residing now, it is also possible you will meet his family before he arrives, he is connected to the shape-shifters group. And this must be said, I did this is protect you. I also left behind something I have treasured beyond limit, look at our hiding place at the house. I love you Kanti.


Tears streamed down my face as I read it through a third time and stashed it inside my jean shorts pocket. I climbed down the ladder and ran back, tears still staining my cheeks as I did. I ended up at the front of the house, checking under the stairs and spotting a moss covered cement block and wrenched it out, finding a dusty, glittering locket. 

“You didn’t!?” I squealed with utter happiness, hugging it close to my chest as Miss Carol came out of the porch. 

“Kanti! There you are! What is that?”

“Jon’s birthday present to me.” I whispered softly and opened the locket, it humming the tune of “hush little baby”. 

“Our lullaby…” I murmured. “Hush little baby don’t say a word, papa’s gonna buy you a mockingbird and if that mocking bird don’t sing, papa’s gonna buy you a diamond ring. And if that diamond ring turns brass, papa’s gonna buy you a looking glass, and if that looking glass gets broke, papa’s gonna buy you a billy goat, and if that billy goat don’t pull, papa’s gonna buy you a cart and bull, and if that cart and bull fall down, you’ll still be the sweetest little baby in town.” I sung softly and Miss Carol was in clear shock.

“That was beautiful Kanti.”

“Kanti?” I heard Chris ask and I spotted him on the porch on the edge of the sunlight.


“I….heard you singing and…I felt that I needed to be with you.” He mumbled softly and I rose up from the grass and secured the locket around my neck.

“I’m fine Chris, why don’t you go back to sleep?”

“I want to spend time with you.”

“I’ll be right in sweetie.” I murmured, holding the locket close and he nodded, turning back around to go inside.  I smiled, gazing at the locket once more, flipping it open once more. A tiny piece of paper was slipped inside and I carefully pulled it out and read it.

“My birthday, Sunset peak, midnight.”

“What does it say Kanti?”

“The place where I’ll meet his murderer I bet.”

Chapter 16

That night I prepared to leave, I said my goodbyes to Miss Carol and Mr. James. Hopefully I wouldn’t come across a lot of dangers before the blue moon, I needed this time to figure out what I was to do about this mess. First was to find Sunset peak and then…to tell Zack about Chris and I’s bond.

That I saved for last for I knew, it may just be the last days he will love me. Chris held out his hand for me and I took it, carrying me bridal style. As he ran, he held me tight, keeping me protected from the bitter wind. I noticed the change of ground as Chris ran on top of the watery path beneath his feet. “We’re almost home, Kanti, we have a couple days before the blue moon.”

“Which happens to be the same day as Jon’s birthday.”

“Yes…how curious.” He muttered.

“Do you know where sunset peak is?”

“I do, the place we first met.”

“Oh? Where you…attacked Zack?” I asked.

“Yeah, there, it’s a bit hidden from town, a perfect meeting place.”

“I see.”

“Do you have a plan Kanti?”

“Plan for what?”

“For taking down this criminal.”

“No, not yet, but I must tell Zack that his father is still alive….”

“You will tell him we’re bonded right?”


“I believe your lying again.”

“I-I will Chris, but not immediately.”

“Then when? I dislike the fact that you won’t tell him, I feel used!”

“Chris, I’m so sorry, please don’t be this way.”

“Then how should I feel? Act as if what we did never happened?”

“…..Please.” He stopped, us on the beach next to my house.

“Just go home. I’ll leave you to enjoy your time with him but if he ever turns his back on you, I’ll kill him.” He disappeared into the night and I slowly walked up the porch steps.

“Kanti! Darling!” My mother hugged me with such fierceness I thought my body might snap in half. “Hi….mom.” I choked breathlessly.

“I’m so glad you’re safe!”

“…Mom….I…have something to tell you…”

“What is it?”

“I….might not be able to have kids…”

“What!? Why!?”

“Miss Carol and Mr. James had to do surgery on me…Chris injured me…”

“He hurt you!? I’ll sing till his eardrums burst!” She shouted, angrily about to leave the house in search of him.

“No Mom, leave him be…I’m bonded with him…” I whispered. The look on her face was one of extreme displeasure.

“That’s not good Kanti…what have you done?”

“What I wanted to do, it was my decision, not his.”

“Oh really? What about the blue moon? How will you break your bond with him?”

“I don’t know…”

“For goodness sakes Kanti! This is horrible! I can’t believe you did something like this!”

“I’m sorry but it was so I could break away from Leon.”

“….I see…I suppose you had no choice in the matter….Alright, I’ll let it slide but it was wrong of you to do something like this without telling me.”

“I’m really sorry mom.” I hugged her and she did the same back, her sweet flowery scent welcoming me. “

“Where’s Zack?”

“He’s sleeping in the den, you want me to wake him up?” She asked.

“No, let him sleep, he must be exhausted.” I said, heading to the den. There he was collapsed on the leather couch, a fuzzy blanket on top of him. I sat beside him in his curled up position and kissed his forehead. I let go a soft sigh, gently stroking his cheek. 

“I’m so sorry Zack.” I whispered. My thoughts were scattered but as I glanced at the locket glittering against my breast, I felt utterly at peace. Zack nuzzled my thigh with his face, his blonde hair fell into his eyes. If I’d ever seen a sucker punch, that surely was one. I took it straight to the heart. 

“I had no choice…if there was any other way…I’d have taken it…” I shifted, placing his head in my lap and running my fingers through his hair. There was a knock at the door, I moved to get it, but my mother got to it first. “Ah, hello…and you are?” I tried to see who was there. “Mom? Who is it?”

“Do you really need to ask that?” Bryan strode in with Leon and my eyes were as wide as saucers. 

“What’s going on…?” I asked in a low voice.

“Did you lie to me Kanti?” He hissed. 

“You had sex when you said you couldn’t, you turned on Zack you little whore.”

My mom stood there, awestruck. “I think it’s time you two leave, you’ve overstayed your welcome.”

“Wait mom, let him speak, I want to hear what he has to say, I won’t be running from my problems any longer. Go ahead Bryan, get it off your chest.”

“You told me you couldn’t break a bond unless you had sex, you said you loved Zack, he’s practically given his heart to you and your going to crush him!”

“And Leon refused to break the bond he’d placed on me, I had little choice! Who knows what would have happened if I’d had sex with Zack! I could have hurt him if we did that, the bond placed on me would rebound if he’d touched in such a manner, it’s only a few days before the blue moon…I had to see if Zack was my true mate. And I’ll find a way to break it before then.”

Leon strode towards me and my mother blocked his path. He glared at her. “Step aside, I have personal business with her.” Her eyes seemed to be alit with a burning anger. 

“How dare you order me around like some lord.” She snarled, her tone sounded deadly. “You are only a pup, don’t act as if your anything special, shifter.” She flicked her wrist forward and pressed a single finger to his lips. Confused, Leon moved to smack her hand away, but it was already too late. I could feel the energy about the room charge up like lightning crackling before a summer storm. I felt almost exhilarated. Leon crumpled to the floor, groaning in pain. 

“Whoa…Mom, what was that?”

“That Kanti, is getting a meal through simple skin on skin contact.” She wobbled where she stood and managed to sit down before she fell over.

“Are you okay!?” I said, immediately concerned for my mother’s well-being.

“I’m alright, that is only to be used in life or death situations my darling, do you understand me?”

“Yes’m.” I mumbled. Bryan stood there, dumbfounded, studying Leon’s crumpled body. 

“Now then Bryan, I’m sorry you misunderstood, I never lied to you, I truly love Zack…Chris just offered what he could to help…I know you think it’s cruel and believe me if I had any other way, I would have done so, I promise.”

“I see…” Bryan muttered, he still seemed pissed. 

“I know your only looking out for him but-”

“You’re going to rip his heart out when you tell him. You think you know him so well huh? Did you ever think about how he might act? You didn’t grow up in the household he did, he gets depressed easily Kanti!”

Zack stirred in my lap, groaning. “Mm…huh? What’s going on? Kanti!” he hugged me tightly, “Your back, I’m so happy to see you.” I felt put on the spot as he awoke, hugging me. I felt a tingling down my spine as he touched me. I swallowed hard, Bryan gave me a hard look. 

“Where have you been? I was so worried.”

“Go ahead Kanti, tell him, I’m sure he can’t wait to hear your excuse.”

“Babe, what’s going on?” I felt the blood leave my face as I uttered the words.

“Zack…Chris and I bonded.” The look in his eyes was heartbreaking.


“I chose to be free of Leon’s bond…we didn’t expect to bond ourselves, we only hoped to break the forged bond…I’m so sorry Zack…I didn’t want to hurt you, I couldn’t bear the thought of risking it…”

“So you went to him…to protect me?”

“Yes…I understand if…you do not want to be with me anymore…maybe it’s for the best…so I don’t risk hurting you again.”

“I…see…” he moved swiftly through the den, brushing past Bryan.

“Zack! Whoa man! Wait!” Bryan quickly hurried after him. I felt my heart dissolve in the pit of my stomach. I hadn’t told him his father was a vampire murderer ready to strike once more and was somehow involved with the shape shifters here on the island. But I knew…what I had told him now was much, much worse.


The next morning my mother and I went out to town, mostly as a distraction for me. I’d spent all last night crying and we had taken Leon to the local jail. It wouldn’t hold him long, especially since the shifters here must have had some influence here. I knew Chris would visit tonight as well. I had one more day to prepare myself for the blue moon and to break the bond between Chris and I. Though I started to wonder if it was possible to have a relationship with Zack, I loved him dearly, we went together so well, like puzzle pieces…with completely different images however. 

“Kanti, are you listening to me?” My mother asked.

“Oh…sorry, I’m just worried about tomorrow night, something bad is going to happen…I just know it, I don’t know what to expect.”

“Don’t overwhelm yourself, find your inner peace, that is the most important part right now Kanti, to define your situation perfectly, the phrase “Shit has hit the fan” will suffice, I’m sorry this has been so hard on you sweetie. But we’ll figure it out. I promise you.” She gave me a heartwarming smile that almost made me believe her. Almost. I was running out of time and I wondered what Mr. Balric had in mind. I knew Jon had died for me…but why? Why was his death necessary?

“Mom…do you know why Jon died?”

She tensed. “Honey, it was a tragedy, no one could have prevented it.”

“You’re lying…why won’t you tell me the truth?” Fear reflected in her eyes for a brief moment.

“…Jon wouldn’t have wanted me to tell you.” She said softly.

“But he didn’t have the choice to hide it from me, it is my choice to know why.”

She let go a sigh. We settled ourselves in the open air atrium. She arranged herself on the ledge of the fountain and spoke softly.

“Jon traded his life for yours.”

“But why…”

“Because he loved you Kanti, unfortunately…this vampire had chosen you when you were so young, he intended to…do such horrible things to you…and Jon learned he was targeting you through his father’s work.”

“He shouldn’t have made that decision without me! Did he erase my memories somehow of that night?”

“Quite possibly. That is besides the point, that man is gone now, you won’t have to worry about him.”

“Your wrong…that man…no that monster is Zack’s father…and he’s here mom…on the island.”

“What…? No, Kanti, I promise you he’s gone, he hasn’t been seen for years.”

“He’s connected to the shifters. He’ll be meeting with them tomorrow night, Jon gave me the information! I have to go!”

“It doesn’t matter, you’re not going anywhere.”

“But…I have to see if Zack and I are well…”

“It won’t work, you’re bonded to someone else.”

“Well I have to see, I have to try…even if Zack is broken hearted.” I whispered. “C’mon let’s get lunch…I’m hungry.”


I was trying to get a plan together in my mind, but so many questions raged in my head. Why had that monster chosen me at such a young age? How was he involved with the shifters? Would Zack forgive me for what I’d done? My head thumped softly against the desk. The light went out. I turned abruptly and came face to face with Chris.

“Hey beautiful.” He offered me a bouquet of roses.

“Oh…they are lovely Chris.” I took them and inhaled their scent. “What are these for?”

“For you of course. I wanted to reward you for being so brave. I heard your mother kicked Leon’s ass.”

“She sure did, but how’d you hear about that?”

“I have connections, I know a lot about what goes on in town.”

“Really? Did you find out anything about Mr. Balric?”

“Nothing, not a peep. But don’t worry, he probably goes by a different name.”

“I see…well thanks anyways.”

“You’re worried…are you really gonna go tomorrow?”

“Of course. I need answers and I’m going to put him down.”

“Kanti…you know you can’t handle a vampire.”

“I have to try.”

“Well…let me back you up.”

“Are you sure? I don’t want to risk your life as well Chris.” He smiled at me. 

“And I don’t want you to risk yours, we’re in this together.” He took my hand pulling me to my feet, his fingers brushed against the base of my spine. Like a simple caress to my very soul. My heart thudded rapidly against my ribcage, as if time stopped and everything I worried about vanished.

“You okay?” He laughed, “I could feel you relax, it’s because of this.” His nimble fingers slid underneath my shirt, caressing the bond mark. I smiled at him, reveling in the delightful feeling. 

“Let’s go out tonight and enjoy ourselves. While we still got time, what do you say?”

I gripped his hand tighter in mine and we took off into the night.


I awoke in my bed, sighing. I felt so recharged. I stretched, feeling like a new me. Last night…was wonderful. Chris and I took on the town, we played on the beach till daybreak, seeming so enthralled with each other. I’d let go of my worries to feel alive again, having this happiness made me want to give it away to others. I viewed Chris in a completely different way now. I glanced at the clock, today was the day. Chris told me he’d be here as soon as the sun set. And then we’d put our plan into action.

I spent most of the day, swimming in the ocean, relaxing, mentally preparing myself for tonight. I had no idea what was in store for me. I settled at the bottom of the ocean, but was nudged unexpectedly by Bryan, who tugged me up to the surface. 

“Are you okay? Good god, are you trying to drown yourself?”

Annoyed, I dunked his head underwater and headed towards the beach.

“Hey! I save your butt-”

“Bryan, I’m a siren! I can breathe underwater.” I grumbled. “Besides what do you want?”

“Kanti, last night, the boys and I took Zack out to try and cheer him up but then we were ambushed by a bunch of big hulking guys, they all had this crazy look in their eyes, tiger eyes.”

“Shifters…? What else happened?”

“They asked for Zack, and he agreed to go with them.”

My face drained of color as I dropped to my knees. “Kanti, what is going on?”

“Zack is going to meet his father…he has ties to the shifters on the island…” I swallowed hard. “I think…Zack’s father wants to kill me like he failed to do one year ago and…Zack is the bait.”

“What!?” he hissed. “Look, I tried to convince Zack out of it but he wouldn’t listen, we were outnumbered, and I sure as hell couldn’t protect all of us at once.”

“I know Bryan…this is all my fault.” I hugged my knees to my chest. “After all I’ve done…to protect him…and now…it’s all gone to waste.” Tears escaped me. I gritted my teeth. “I will take this man down…even if it kills me.”

“Kanti, does this mean Zack’s father is willing to kill his own son to get to you? Did it ever occur to you how strange that sounds?”

“I…never thought of that, it does sound a bit ridiculous…unless he needs Zack for something specific…like…oh dear god.”


“He might turn Zack into a vampire.”

“That sounds a little far fetched.” I let go a sigh, “There must be a reason for all of this.”

“Of course there is, but we have to save Zack, that is the number one priority here!”

“I know, I know, there is a meeting on Sunset peak at midnight tonight. Chris and I planned to take him down there, I also seek answers, that man is responsible for killing Jon…and many unfortunate women.”

“I see…so…you got this covered? Should I join on this recovery mission?”

“It really just turned into one, I’d prefer to leave you out of this. I don’t want anyone else getting hurt.”

“Alright…Kanti, promise me you’ll bring him back.” I gave him a weak smile.

“If I don’t, I’ll be worse than dead Bryan.”


Finally, the night had arrived, the night of the blue moon. My heart was racing, the ocean felt cool against my skin. I knew I was running out of time, it would only be moments before they killed Zack. Swimming as fast as I could against the current, praying to whoever that may be the creator of this world "Don't make me lose another."

Chris had taken the land route, and having sided with the shifters for a long time. I washed up on shore, close to the cavern where Zack had shown me. I slowly managed to climb up the Cliffside and peered around. To my surprise, it was full of people, many men huddled around a bonfire. I spotted a man settled beside Zack, who had an arm braced around his shoulders. He wore a dark trenchcoat with a high collar, his face covered in black stubble. I could see the wild look in his eyes, like a riled dog might be…ready to snap. I wanted answers and so desperately to call out Zack’s name. He idly stared into the open flames, a look of pure depression. My heart sunk deep. I gathered my courage, rising up from the Cliffside, brushing myself off. As I walked forward, the crowd of men parted like the red sea. I glanced at them, confused.

“Ah, the lady of the hour finally joins us.” The man beside Zack said. His voice sounded gruff and guttural, like he smoked infinitely all day.  

“Kanti, what are you doing here?” Zack asked, a bit concerned.

“I…I came here to save you.”

“Save him?” The man barked. “Miss, welcome to the party, a bit late, but no worries, you’ve arrived just for the beginning festivities.”

“What are you talking about? I’m here to find out what you want with me, why you slaughtered my best friend in cold blood and why you kidnapped Zack tonight.”

He scoffed. “What? That is absurd, he came of his own accord, right son?”

“Yeah…dad.” Zack muttered. I noticed the hesitation in his voice. 

“We haven’t been properly introduced, I am William Balric.” He extended his hand to shake and I flinched away. 

“You are a despicable ball of slime.” I hissed. 

“Ah, well I see first impressions aren’t everything?” The crowd surrounding us laughed. I grew tense. Something wasn’t right. Had I walked into a trap? 

“Zack, your father is a killer! He killed Jon and murdered countless women! He’s a monster!” I cried. Zack shrugged. 

“And why should I believe you?” The look he gave me was icy cold. I stood petrified in place, my mouth agape. He hated me.

“Ah, there we are son.” William Balric strode towards me, intent in his gaze. “Good to know I have you on my side, now tell me Miss Kanti, how has life been? I hope it’s been good, I’ve finally found you, after all this time, we’ll have a wonderful life together.”

“What are you talking about?” I demanded, my rage starting to consume my thoughts.

“Right, of course, how could you possibly know?” He snapped his fingers and Leon was tossed out of the crowd and forced to his knees.

“Did you know why this boy chose you to bond with?” William said, tilting Leon’s chin up and forcing him to face me. “Yes, I gave him a job to do, what did he do? He failed, epically. I gave him plenty of time, but he not only failed me twice, he failed me three times in bringing you to me, along with disobeying. And failures deserve to be punished.” 

“…You punished him already didn’t you?” I whispered, “That’s why I felt the lick of the whip.”

“Oh, he managed to make the bond that strong did he? Ha, a little success.” He gripped Leon by the hair and he winced, William dragged him across the ground, towards the fire. 

“Kanti help me…” Leon begged, reaching out for me, his eyes full of terror. I put on my brave face and ignored him.

“What did you intend for him to do?” I asked.

“Ah, why is that important? You came here, and I have no intention of letting you leave.” William grinned, thrusting Leon’s face into the hot embers of the bonfire. I think his screams would forever be in my memory. 

“STOP!” I shrieked horrified. Zack, now terrified, rose from his spot. 

“Oh? You want me to stop?” William asked. 

“Dad! Please!” Zack pleaded. This made him hesitate and he wrenched him from the fire. Leon writhed on the ground in agony. Even after what he put me through…he didn’t deserve that. 

“Did I really raise my son to be someone so merciful?” William hissed. “This boy is a traitor and he deserves to die.”

A figure stepped out of the crowd and cleared his throat. 

“Ahem, sir, I shall take care of him for you.” Chris said. I felt relieved when I saw Chris, he gave me a sly wink and reached down to take Leon away.

“Ah…hmm, I haven’t seen you amongst our ranks before.” William noted. 

“Sir, he has helped us in many scuffles with different packs.” A shifter spoke up. Chris carried Leon through the crowd and I watched him disappear from sight.

“Alright, get rid of him.” William commanded and turned towards me. “Now then Miss Kanti, we are finally reunited. It’s time for us to begin.”

Zack’s eyes widened. “Dad what are you talking about?”

“Son, this siren, I claimed seventeen years ago, but she managed to elude me with a baited trap.”

“Claimed…” My face paled. “Wait, how-why?!”

“You and I shall create the most superior being on earth, our children claim the world as their own.” William exclaimed.

“That’s insane!” Zack growled. He quickly took my hand and held it tight. “Kanti won’t be taking any part of your sick schemes.” That icy stare from his father gave me chills, but Zack stood strong.

“Kanti is my girlfriend, I love her, and tonight we were supposed to find out if we were soul mates, but you, you and your plans made it so she had to make the hardest choices, and I’m an idiot for not trusting her, for not believing in her.” Tears welled in my eyes. “When I know she loves me as much as I love her.” My heart leapt against my ribcage and I hugged Zack tightly, burying my face into his chest happily.

“A blue moon hm? Kanti is mine, a siren young like her will be the most fertile and we will create a hybrid race capable of molding the world in the palms of their hand. Instead of the failure your mother gave me.”

Zack tensed. “…You married mom…because she was part sprite…you experimented with her!?”

“Of course, what little else could that fragile creature give me?” Zack flung himself at his father, ready to pummel him to a bloody pulp. 

“Zack!” His father, a bit surprised was tackled to the ground and they were fighting. Could Zack take on a full-fledged vampire? I swallowed hard as the crowd of shifters started cheering as father and son clashed. I tried to break through and attempt to pull Zack away but two shifters quickly pinned me, I yelped. I struggled against them as one was busy undoing my top. I focused on what my mother had taught me, absorbing energy through simple contact. I cleared my thoughts, sensing the energy all around me. With my eyes closed, I could see every source of energy from the physical beings around me and forced the energy from the two holding me down into myself. It was like the crackling of lightning striking the ground. I opened my eyes seeing both shifters lying on the ground, everyone stared at me. My body was glowing ethereally, a bright blue. I strode through the crowd just to find Zack crumpled and bloody beneath his father. Horrified, I reached out towards his father and grabbed him by the trench coat he wore, with all my might I flung him into the fire. He screamed in agony, but I didn’t spare him even that joy. This man was responsible of so much misery and he deserved to die and burn. I thrust a log through his stomach and pinned him to the fire, he burst into flames and the scent of burning flesh wafted in the cool summer air. I wrinkled my nose and wobbled. My legs gave out on me but Chris caught me before I could hit the ground.

“Help Zack, he needs help…please save him. I’m fine!” My eyes pooled with tears. He paused for a moment, looking conflicted.

“If…I save him…I’ll never have you as my own.” He whispered, “But if I do not…I could never face you again.” He kissed me once and he wrenched himself away. He quickly attended to Zack. I struggled to sit up and my heart immediately was conflicted.

“Kanti, I need your help!” Chris called. Zack with his remaining strength he had left, resisted Chris’ advances to feed him his blood.

“Zack, baby, you have to take his blood.”

“I…won’t…become…a monster.” He whispered, refusing, turning his head away.

“Zack, you will die without it…” I trembled above him. “I can’t lose you to…”

“You won’t…” He stroked my cheek, “I’ll always be with you.”

“Oh please, you stupid, sniveling whinny babies! Good grief, let me through!” Leon growled. He slit his wrist and pressed it Zack’s mouth. Zack struggled but calmed down and accepted it.

“Wh-where did you come from?” 

“Eh? You thought Chris killed me? You can’t get rid of me that easy.” He stuck his tongue out at me. Chris sighed. I glanced at Leon whose face was slowly repairing itself.

“This will heal him?” I asked worried.

“Yes, don’t worry you can thank me later.” He smirked and I gave him a smile. I cradled Zack’s head in my lap. The shifters immediately disbanded, running in a panicked frenzy after their leader had just been turned into ash. Chris rose, staring out over the ocean. For a brief moment, I glanced at him, but my eyes locked on the moon which had appeared from behind the cloud cover

“The blue moon.” I whispered softly, staring at it. I could feel a strange tingling sensation where my bond with Chris was. 

“Chris…do you-”

“Yes, it’s dissolving.”


“It’s going away, to reveal a new bond, to whomever your true mate is.” I quickly glanced to Zack, hopeful. I lifted up his shirt shyly and sat him up, but he bore no mark. Frustrated and a bit disheartened, I smiled weakly at Zack. 

“I’m sorry Zack…but…we…we were never meant to be it seems.” I felt an intense searing on my chest.

“Ah!” I gasped. 

“Kanti? Are you alright?” Chris darted towards me, watching me and he was studying me intensely. 

“What? I’m fine.”

“Whoa girl…” Leon murmured. I glanced down at myself, watching a wonderful intricate blue pattern unfold along my tanned skin. The marks weaved as Celtic bold lines, knots forming stars and right at the center, a fantastic crescent moon,

“Wow…” I breathed. I stared at the bond mark. “Who…?”

Chris slowly tugged off his shirt and there, adorning his chest was a similar one, except, instead of a crescent moon in the middle it was a new moon, colored in blue like mine.

“We…are soul mates.” He whispered. His eyes lit up and he reached out to hug me, I reluctantly hugged him. He noticed the tension in me.

“It’s okay…I know it’s not what you expected.” He whispered. “But we’ll make the most of it, won’t we?” I gave him a smile and he tucked my hair behind my ears. 

“Come on, let’s take Zack to the hospital, just to make sure it’s kicking in.” He gently carried him and Leon remained behind.

I followed after Chris, glad to have survived and now, my world finally could be at peace.


“Well good news. You’ll be getting out of this prison tomorrow.” I beamed at him. Zack gave a sigh of relief.

“Thank god, I didn’t think I was gonna last another day in this rat trap.”

“You were very brave last night Zack.” I kissed his cheek.

“No problem, I heard you took him out.”

“Yeah well, I did something I’m apparently not supposed to do, I dunno if you saw or not, but…I basically ended up draining two people at once of energy, I was glowing like a radioactive zombie.” I laughed. 

“Yeah, that was incredible. So…how are you and Chris?”

“Oh…we-we are okay, I…was shocked as all and my mom practically pumped us of every ounce of information when we got back. She wanted to document it and make sure she’d be able to get the information out to our kind. I mean the information we got was pretty ancient, who knew bonds can dissolve to show the real true one…” Zack had lost interest. “I’m sorry Zack…” I could tell from the look in his eyes how disappointed he was.

“Don’t worry about it…I mean…it was a pretty crazy plan right? Surely it wouldn’t have worked out. I’m sure there was something that would have made us incompatible…”

Heartache flashed across his features.

“Oh honey…” I took his hand, gripping it tight. “I still love you…and I’ll always be here for you, I promise.”

“It may take some time to get over you but...I understand, you guys are meant to be…”

“Yeah…besides you said you wanted kids…I couldn’t give you those.” 

“Huh? What do you mean?”

“It’s ironic your dad wanted to breed me, considering I’m infertile.”

“Y-you are? Kanti, I’m so sorry. When did you find that out?”

“I…literally tore every single reproductive organ in my body when I swam to Louisiana.”


“It was…the night…Chris and I bonded, we got into a fight…over you actually and I left.”

“Jesus…so…it’s my fault.” I flicked his forehead.

“You are ridiculous, I was a determined, stubborn mule, I was set on where I wanted to go, and nothing could stop me, Zack, none of this is your fault. I may…within years have them grow back, but it will take time. It’s what the doctor told me. Ahem, the siren physiologist told me so.”

He sighed in relief, “so it’s not permanent.”

“No, possibly not.” There was a knock on the door.

“Who is it?” Zack called. 

“Surprise!” Bryan burst through the door, carrying bags and bags of stuff, mostly candy and snack food. Lyric and Gabriel followed. 

“Hey there man, we heard you’re getting out tomorrow.” Lyric chirped. “Sherry.” He addressed me. Gabriel flopped on the hospital bed.

“Yep, so beach party tomorrow night? I’ve invited some hot babes.” Bryan waggled his eyebrows.

“Um sure.” He said weakly. He glanced at me and I shrugged.

“Hey Kanti, you and Chris want to come?” I was ultimately surprised by his offer. 

“I’d love to.” I grinned, “I’m sure Chris would be pleased with the invitation.” 

“Great, then it’s settled.” I stretched. “I’ll be going now Zack.” I kissed him on the head and gave him a longing look.

“Bye Kanti.” He waved. As I closed the hospital door behind me, tears ran down my face. I knew he’d be safer without me, I would only endanger him in being around him.

After a long walk, I had arrived at Chris’ house. I let myself in and headed for the bedroom. He slept soundly in the pitch black, he’d be awake soon and we’d start another night out on the town. I laced my fingers with his. I stared out at the moonlight ocean. I think what I regretted most about my situation is that I should have accepted right from the start I could never live normally again when I changed. Before I didn’t want to be myself but my life as a siren wasn’t so bad. It made me feel like a full person finally, like I had a place in my world. I was finally happy…to be myself.

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