
By SkeletonReaper663

155K 5.6K 1.7K

Hello, my name is Suzu. Just Suzu. I am one of the experiments of orochimaru's wife. And yes, wife. Shocking... More

Please remember before You start reading the story
6-Half truth
7-Sister conflict
14-Ravenhaired boy
16-A random day
17-Killing instincts
18-Meeting someone new
19-Meeting someone new part2
21-Sleep over
21-Fast truth uncovered
23-Violet's and Leo's pov
26-Team Hebi
28-Hotsprings -_-
30-The monster inside
31-The aftermath

27-Short Unlucky reunion

1.7K 69 9
By SkeletonReaper663

Suzu/Kira pov
We were in a middle of a forest, looking here and there for any akatsuki hideouts near by, while searching, Old hag spotted a faint chakra signature nearby, and Ducky decided to check it out, and of course, the others had no choice.

As we headed to the north, my sensitive hearing caught familiar yellings 3 kilometers infront of us.

"Come on we better hurry!!!" Sakura's voice said.

"I know I know but I have to pee!!" Naruto's voice whined.

"Oh Naruto...wait..I smell it! Her scent, and she's not far from here, and there are also three different scents with her-" I didn't bother to listen as I told Ducky who the chakra signatures are and alert him and the others.

"Ducky, about 3 kilometers north away from here where Old hag has sensed the faint chakra signatures are Naruto and the others who seem to be for some reason I don't know." I spoke.

"Hn. Then we better go." Ducky informed, going east as me and the others followed.

"Sasuke, they are catching up and are..around us?!" Old hag yelled.

"Oy oy oy, I had enough fighting for today man, give me a break!" Sui whined, as he readied his sword but Ducky stopped him.


"Su-I mean Kira make your ice destroy those clones and go to human form, Karin, be on a look out for any traps or ambush, Suigetsu, protect Kira and Jugo protect Karin." Ducky informed quickly.

"How about you?" Orange asked Ducky.

"No need, now in your positions."


I made ice shards and threw them to different directions, making sure that I don't hit Ducky or the other three, stopping myself from desperately hitting Old hag and instead focused on what I was assigned for.

Finishing the task, we came to a full stop to a grassy terrain, where no trees where hiding us, making us fully open.

"Are they still onto us?" Ducky asked.

Suddenly I sensed slight movement, and knowing it was too late, I encased Karin and the others in an ice dome, but failed to keep Ducky also as the people behind the tall grass revealed themselves, showing Naruto and the others making me growl, sharp fangs growing on my teeth, horns growing on my head as I crouched like a cat.

"Kira!What are you doing?!" Violet asked.

"Just..just go away and leave me alone!" I roared.

'Oh no way in hell would I leave you alone, especially to butthead!'' Leo roared also, as both of us had a growling competition.

I didn't know what happened next, but suddenly, I felt my eyes glow, and red came to my vision, and before I know it, I lost control of myself.

Third person pov
Sasuke and the others looked at Suzu/Kira who was emitting a dark, powerful chakra, ice began to form and spread quickly below them, turning the terrain from grassy to an icy one.

"Shoot she lost control!" Violet yelled.

"Come on this way!" Kiba yelled.

"Arf arf!!!" Akamaru barked, carrying Kiba and Sakura on his back, dashing to the forest.

Everyone went to the forest except for Naruto and Sasuke, Karin and the others already got out of the dome as they found a place to hide, awaiting the mass destruction that would come.

"I'll kill you all!!!" Suzu/Kira roared, small ice towers began to form everywhere around the area as she roared, Sasuke and Naruto dodging and sometimes attacking the ice with either Chidori or Rasengan.

"Suzu! Get a hold of yourself and don't let hate get you!!!" Naruto yelled through the soaring icy winds, keeping him and Sasuke away from her.

"Shut..SHUT UP!!!!" Suzu/Kira yelled, as ice spikes began to appear fron the ice towers, going horizontally.

Suzu/Kira didn't notice Sasuke gettibg closer and closer, but only noticed him when he has trapped her in his arms, not even wincing at the water snakes that appeared and bit him.

"Kira..No Suzu, come back, you don't want to hurt anyone right?" Sasuke whispered to her ear, as she thrashed around his hold.

"Come back...for everyone..for me." He whispered, and before anyone knew it, everything that became ice all came back to the way it was in a flash, Sasuke and the others disappearing as well.

"Damn it damn it! I lost them again!!" Naruto yelled in frustration, punching the ground over and over again, when he suddenly felt someone wrap their arms on his neck.

"Naruto stop..I know we had a chance but we failed..and no one can change that.." Sakura said.

"It's all my fault.." Naruto whispered to himself, making everyone frown.

"Anyways, we need to go back and report to Lady Tsunade, this is the second to the last day till our deadline, and we have a day to gp back to the hidden leaf." Kiba informed.

'Now..come on Naruto, we have to go.' Leo spoke, going back to his human form.

"Yeah. Stand up blonde, we still have next time." Violet stated, trying to cheer the mood.


Suzu/Kira pov
I woke up from that control the darkness made me, and everything that happened came to me in a flash, as I dropped to my knees.

"I'm sorry I hurt you..everyone..I'm sorry.." I mumbled.

"Agh! Oy don't go dropping to your knees like that! doesn't fit you." Old hag said, looking to the side.

"Yeah sweetcheeks, Sasuke wouldn't like his girlfriend going all gloomy now would we?" Sui grinned.

"Wha?! I'm going to be his girlfriend not her!!!" Old hag shouted, then started a fight once again with Sui.

"Suigetsu is right, right Sasuke?" Orange asked Ducky.

"Hn. Now get up, we have to keep moving." He stated.

"...un.." I mumbled, standing up abd dusting myself, before dashing with Ducky and the others, who began to jump through the branches of the trees.

"Ducky?" I asked, he hnned in reply.

I looked at Old hag who was busy arguing with Sui, so as quickly as I could I pecked a kiss on his cheek, making his cheek have a small tint of pink on his cheek as he held it, looking at me, eyes asking why I did that.

"It's a thank you for pulling me back with the words you whispered to me." I informed, giving him a full on smile, him smiling back, as he held my hand and I held his, continuing to jump through the trees.

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