nebula :: [malik]

By charismatize

202K 13K 3.6K

"Zayn, the stars don't come out in a city that never sleeps." In which two people must help each other pass... More

[ p. :: nebula ]
[ i :: dark ]
[ ii :: alphabet ]
[ iii :: unlucky ]
[ iv :: portrait ]
[ v :: likes ]
[ vi :: lab ]
[ vii :: coffee ]
[ viii :: gazing ]
[ ix :: napkin ]
[ x :: party ]
[ xi :: drinking ]
[ xii :: sidekick ]
[ xiii :: constellations ]
[ xiv :: dating ]
[ xv :: bowling ]
[ xvi :: sunday ]
[ xvii :: sucking ]
[ xviii :: drinks ]
[ xix :: snapchat ]
[ xx :: third wheel ]
[ xxi :: single ]
[ xxii :: photography ]
[ xxiii :: friendship ]
[ xxiv :: bad boys ]
[ xxv :: matchmaker ]
[ xxvi :: weather ]
[ xxvii :: extra credit ]
[ xxviii :: games ]
[ xxix :: honesty ]
[ xxx :: ¡failure! ]
[ xxxi :: birthdays ]
[ xxxii :: his ]
[ xxxiii :: parenthood ]
[ xxxiv :: sunday (pt.2) ]
[ xxxv :: monday funday ]
[ xxxvi :: myths ]
[ xxxvii :: tequila ]
[ xxxviii :: seeing/believing ]
[ xxxix :: bitches (pt. 1) ]
[ xl :: bitches (pt. 2) ]
[ xli :: transition ]
[ xlii :: cold ]
[ xliii :: peanut gallery ]
[ xliv :: confrontation ]
[ xlv :: cheers ]
[ xlvi :: scone ]
[ xlvii :: almost ]
[ xlviii :: keys ]
[ xliv :: escape ]
[ xlv :: soeur ]
[ xlvi :: bubbly ]
[ xlvii :: nebula ]
[ xlviii :: hungry ]
[ xlix :: pillow talk ]
[ epilogue :: sunday (pt. 3) ]
[ epilogue (2.) :: full house ]

[ l :: bowling ]

2.2K 118 23
By charismatize

One way, driving in the middle of the night,

Speeding, demon, chasing light,

Found me a lady that I'll hold on tight,

Bright lights, King City...

- "King City" || Majid Jordan


"Please stop pretending like you're good at this, babe."

"Ana, I don't remember you beating me last time, love."

She rolls her eyes. "Remember the last time we bowled? You were kind of distracting."

"What can I say?" He shrugs. "Making bets'll do that to you."

"Oh! So, you were only flirting with me 'cause you were making bets. I get it," Anais nods, eyes turned to the pins at the end of the lane. "I see what it is, now."

"That's when I first liked you, yeah?" Zayn replies, rising from his seat to meet Anais at the ball dispenser. She grins, tongue in cheek as she looks up from her returning pink bowling ball.

"Zayn," she groans. "Lemme do this."

"What? I'm helping."

"You're not. You're being distracting. Like last time--"

"Shh," Zayn replies, pressing himself against her back and wrapping his arms around her waist. "That was like, kind of a secret."


And Anais rolls her eyes.

Zayn's eyes close, brows pinching. "Why did we invite them, again?"

"Guys, seriously? Like, stop being so lovey-fucking-dovey and bowl, already," Soo calls from her seat beside Louis. "I'm trying to kick some ass tonight!"

"Honestly," Lou calls, throwing out a hand. "Ana's been standing there for like, the past fifteen minutes, mate."

"Greatness takes time," Anais retorts. "And besides," she shoves a hand towards Magdalena and Jesse on the benches across from them. "I don't hear them complaining."

"That's 'cause Jesse's tongue is down Magda's throat!" Soo whines. "Bad example, Anais."

Louis wrinkles his nose. "They're obviously not playing."

And Zayn and Anais both grin, because Magdalena is actually straddling Jesse, whose tongue is actually kind of down his girl's throat, and the two of them continue to make out as they both lift their middle fingers into the air and flip off both Louis and Soo.

Louis crosses his leg at the knee. "I say win or lose, they buy drinks."

"I'm with it," Anais shrugs, still in Zayn's arms, her bowling ball still in hand. Losing couple was supposed to buy drinks for everyone else, but Cara and Niall were somewhere in the arcade and Jesse and Mags were half-playing and because Zach found out Jordan couldn't come he decided not to, either.

So that just left Zanais and LouJoo.

Magdalena pulls from Jesse, her lips red and full as she turns around to face her friends. "I heard that. And, for your information, we are playing."

Zayn laughs. "It's really not like we were tryin' to keep secrets anyway, Mags."

"Because we weren't," Anais grins. "Because. Well. You're literally right there."

"Hey, guys," Magdalena quips, "Remember when Anais and Zayn didn't cosign on everything each of them said? No? You can't? Yeah," she glares at Anais. "Me neither."

To that, Zayn laughs aloud, shaking against Anais.

Soo groans. "Would you bowl, already, Ana? Please? Like, pretty please with gumdrops on top?"

"Yeah, Ana," Jesse calls. "Bowl. Lemme live my goddamn life."

Magdalena snorts, wiping the lipstick from Jesse's lips. "Yeah, Ana. Bowl, already."

"If you're buying drinks," Anais replies smugly, still wrapped in Zayn's arms.

"As if I don't let you moochers gave free drinks anyway," Jesse snorts, his lips equally red and swollen. "When's the last time you paid for drinks at Mac's, anyway?"

Anais falters. "Well, there was that time--"

Zayn laughs.

She elbows him.

"Right," Jesse calls, laughing loudly. "S'what I thought."

Soo rolls her eyes, groaning loudly. "Bowl, Anais!"

But now, Zayn lifts a finger, "Hold that thought, Soo," he begins, before spinning Anais around.

She laughs. "Wheeee...."

"Okay, no," Zayn pulls a face, hands on her shoulder. "That was so weird, Ana -- Oh my god."

"Babe, please don't yuck my yum."

He cracks a smile at that. "Anyway," and his voice lowers and Anais can tell he's being serious. "Like, let's make a promise to each other," Zayn stares deep into Anais' eyes. "Right now, let's decide to do this more. Y'know, without our friends, yeah? We don't do this enough," he glances at Louis and Soo. "And I hate them."

"I can hear that, mate!"

Anais nods. "We really don't get to be alone enough."

"We can actually hear you two!"

Zayn kisses her quickly. "You're right about that, too."

"We're literally right here, guys!"

"And we're ignoring you," Zayn calls back, his voice loud in Anais' ear as he continues to leave kisses upon her face. "God, Ana. Tell 'em to fuck off."

"Wait, wait, whoa. Hey!" She jerks away. "Okay, so now I need you to stop trying to distract me."

"Distract you?" He whispers. "From what?"


"What, love?"

"Zayn, stop."

"Stop what?"

"Zayn Malik."

"Anais Mali."

"Zayn, oh my god."


"Go! Go sit."

"No. Bowl, love."

"I can't. Go sit down."

"I like being up here. With you. Bowl, Ana."



It's Louis, and even Magdalena jumps, startled, from Jesse's lap.

"Shit, dude," Jesse grunts. "What the fuck?"

But, Louis is smirking at Zayn and Anais.

"Could you like," he peers at his watch. "'Cause honestly," he motions towards Soo, "She'd really like a turn," he pauses, pointing upward, "today."

"Fine, fine," Anais sighs. "Jesus, you guys," she points between Soo and Louis, "you are the most dramatic people I think I know."

"And you love me," Soo smiles cutely. "Now bowl, bitch."



Anais looks up from her phone as Zayn slips his arm around her shoulder, both of them lounging in the chairs as Magdalena goes up for her turn to bowl.

She hums. "Yes?"

"Remember when they first got together," he whispers, motioning with his head toward Soo and Louis, as they laugh between themselves. "And you came over to my flat. And complained?"

She laughs. "More or less," and she pokes his side. "What's your point, Malik?"

"Oh, y'know," he chuckles. "Just seeing if you remembered, s'all."

"You used to bring me lunch, y'know. Why's that changed?"

"Well..." He muses, hands across his beard, "I guess I could start that again."

"You guess?"

"Depends on how nice you are to me, really."

"Remember when I first met you," Anais begins, "and you barely spoke?"

He lifts a brow. "Remember when you nearly fell off the roof?" He nods as Anais laughs, despite herself. "Me too."

"Actually I'd forgotten until just now," Anais replies. "I think I'd pretty much blocked that out."

Zayn laughs. "I think nearly dying might do that to you."

"Um, excuse me?" Jesse laughs, rising for his turn to bowl. "What? Someone died?"


"She nearly fell off a rooftop, mate, Zayn laughs. "Nearly actually died."

Jesse laughs softly, running a hand through his hair. "Ana, Jesus Christ..."

Magdalena peers over her shoulder. "She's a wild one, Anais."

Zayn nods. "Think I'd have to agree with that."

"Bowl, Magda," Anais scowls, and she pokes Zayn in his stomach.

"Ow--" He recoils, laughing. "What's all that for?"

"What's with the nostalgia?" She grins, poking him again.

"Hey! Quit it, would you?"

"What?" She smiles innocently. And she frowns slightly, "You're the one acting like I'll never see you again."

Zayn stares at her. Long and hard, his eyes search hers for what seems like ages.


"This year's been fun, yeah?" He asks quietly, his arm still slung around her shoulder. "It's been...I dunno. It's been good."

Anais is starting to smile. "Yeah," she nods. "It has."

"I guess I should kinda thank you, y'know," he begins, "for introducing me to all your friends."

Anais' eyebrows raise. "Really? All of them?"

"Fuck no," he replies, to which she laughs aloud. "No way. Just some," he grins. "Only some."

"Understood," Anais nods. "And I guess I owe you too for introducing me to Zach and Jesse..." Her eyes widen excitedly. "Remember that night we first met?"

"Of course," he nods. That was one of his favorite nights. "Y'sure you wanna thank me for that?"

"Free drinks, remember?"

"Says the girl who barely drinks."

"And I'm," Jesse interjects, "offended," he replies as he slides into the seat beside them. "Really, really offended."

"You know I'm only kidding," Anais laughs, reaching out to touch him.

"Uh uh," he replies, shying away from her touch. "No way, José. Fuck that. I can't wait to tell Zach we're just your alcohol mules."

Louis stands for his turn, nose wrinkled. "Since when?"

"Apparently since forever," Jesse shrugs. "Apparently my love for Anais means absolutely nothing."

Louis shakes his head, a disapproving look upon his face. "Damn you, Anais..."

She's laughing. "I hate you guys so much."

"Wow," Jesse exclaims. "Now, she hates me?"

"Anais," Magdalena sighs. "Really? Really?? How could you...?"

"Ugh," Anais groans, falling into Zayn's chest. "You all are so extra."

"What? Huh?" Magdalena calls. "I can't hear you over the sound of Jesse's hurt feelings."

Anais pushes herself from Zayn to shoot glares at everyone laughing.

"Hey, leave her alone," Zayn says, although Anais doesn't quite appreciate how hard he's chuckling. "Let off 'er."

She still appreciates the sentiment.

Kind of.

"Thanks, babe."

He runs his hand across her back. "Any time."

"Blehh--" Magdalena groans with rolled eyes. "Gag me."

"There they go being cute again," grins Soo.

"Will I ever get used to it?" Magdalena shrugs. "Never."

Anais literally cannot take her friends right now.

"I hate you all so much right now."

Louis shrugs. "At least you said it in English."

Anais rises from her seat. "That is my queue go pee," she says, because her friends are all laughing at her expense and Zayn can't even stand up for her anymore because he's laughing, too. "Goodbye."

"Oh my god," she can hear Soo exclaim as she strides away. "Please tell me you remember that time when..."

And Anais passes Cara and Niall at the air hockey table and grins to herself, because these really were her best friends. She hoped they'd be friends forever, and that was a sappy thought, but it was the truth. Like, college was supposed to do that, wasn't it? Because despite the changes and distance and time that would elapse after graduation, they'd always have this bond.

Wouldn't they?

She hoped.

Because there really was nothing worse than growing apart from someone and not knowing why.


And Anais freezes.

Her eyes widen instinctively at the sound of that voice -- that voice always made her freeze in her tracks and look up.


He smiles apprehensively, stepping away from the group he's entered Lucky Strikes with. His hand is on the back of his neck, bright blue eyes downcast as he walks tentatively towards her.

"Coming, Lucky?" Calls Adonis, with a quick wave towards Anais.

"Uh...Just a sec," Lucky replies, and Adonis nods knowingly, before following their friends inside.

Anais stands still as he approaches.

"Hi," she says.


She cocks her head, curly hair bouncing around her shoulders.

"You were great," he blurts. "I mean, like," he chuckles, "at the show, y'know. Your collection," he nods, "I loved it."

He clears his throat. "Feel like I didn't get to congratulate you."

"Thanks," she nods, because he was definitely there. He walked in the show, "You were great, too. But," she shrugs, "you always are."

"Thanks, Ana."

"Of course."

"That means a lot," he replies, "coming from you."

She smiles. "I don't know why, honestly."

To that, he can only shrug, despite his shy smile and lidded blue eyes.

And this moment makes Anais realize immediately just how oblivious she had been to Lucky. She really hasn't been able to tell that he'd been after her.

How hadn't she been able to tell?

Because she was working. Outside relationships seemed to really take a backseat to everything not related to design.

"Well," she inhales deeply, "It was nice seeing you."

"You too."

And Anais smiles, bidding him farewell with a quick wave.

And she lets out a breath -- one she hadn't realized that she was holding -- because that was alright. That was fine. Like, that wasn't bad, that conversation with Lucky. It wasn't as painful as she thought it might be...

"Anais, wait--?"

And apparently, it can't end there.

She turns, just as Lucky has crossed the floor. He takes two long strides her way and Anais feels herself instinctively backing up, with flashbacks to Soo's birthday party recurring in her mind.

"Uh, Lucky--?" She begins, but it's too late. Lucky Blue Smith has closed the gap between them, wrapping his arms around Anais and pulling her against him.

And she's taken aback in this hug.


"I'm sorry," he says softly in her hair.

Anais blinks.

"I'm really really sorry, Ana."

"Lucky..." she shakes her head as he pulls away, hands on her shoulders.

"No, I mean it. I really am sorry. I--" He looks away, "It was really hard watching you, seeing you with Zayn and," his jaw clenches, "and knowing you were so in love with him, I--"

And Anais laughs.

She's trying to hide a smile that she, evidently, cannot.

Lucky pauses. "What?"

She grins, tilting her head and tapping him on the nose. "You called him 'Zayn,'" she grins. "That's a first."

Lucky rolls his eyes, biting the inside of his cheek. "Ana, Jesus Christ..."

Anais smiles. She nods. "I'm sorry, too," she says, "but I meant what I said. I apologize for how it came out, though--And for slapping you," she shakes her head, hand over her mouth to hide her giggle. "I really am sorry for slapping you."

"Yeah..." He nods. "I guess I deserved that, didn't I?"

"You guess?"

Lucky grins, sighing. "I'm sorry. I really am, Ana."

And Anais nods. "I believe you."

"He loves you," Lucky's smile falls. "Zayn, I mean. And I hate it, but I don't hate him," Lucky shakes his head. "Not anymore, at least."

Anais' smile is pretty damn gigantic. "Lucky..."

"But, if he hurts you," Lucky threatens, eyes icy and cold all of a sudden, "I swear, Ana, if he ever ever hurts you I'm gonna--"

"And that's," she interjects, "enough,"  she grins. "But, it's appreciated," and Lucky's gaze softens. "Surprisingly."

And Lucky Blue Smith stares at her in  way that's got Anais feeling both uncomfortable and nostalgic. How she didn't realize this boy liked her previously, she's got no idea, because this look -- this lidded look -- he's sporting, is not new. Lucky always looks at her like this, it seems. Lucky's always seemed to look at her the way...

Well, the way Zayn does.

But, for better or worse, things happen for a reason.

"I missed you, Ana," he says.

And she nods. "Yeah, Lucky," is what she says. "I've missed you, too."


And Anais is in and out of the restroom before she traverses the path by which she'd come to slip back against Zayn in his seats at their lane.

"Hey, you," he grins, slipping his arm around her shoulder.

She quickly kisses his cheek. "Hi, babe. We winning?"

"Ana," he tuts. "It's really not whether we win or lose, love. S'all about having fun."

She rolls her eyes. "As if you believe that."

"I do," he deadpans. "I really do--"

"Lucky's here."

"Oh," and Anais nibbles her lip as Zayn's smile falters momentarily.


And he surprised her with the little sideways grin playing on his lips. "Well, were you nice? You said 'hello,' yeah? Or did you slap him again?"

Anais elbows him as he laughs. "You're so silly."

"Am I?" He asks. "'Cause I don't remember getting bitch-slapped at a puppy party."

Anais snorts. "I can't with you."

He's obviously amused himself about this one, about Lucky, but she's not only surprised that Zayn's acting rather cool about her running into him, but also Soo's puppy party is a night she just doesn't even really want to think about.

They'd been talking about good memories all night. Soo's party fell into a completely different category for Anais.

So, she watches him laugh.

"What?" He exclaims. "You were there, love."

Anais only nods.

She decides to leave that untouched.






This is crazy. I'll be done with the caps now. Phew.

Anyway, I'll save all my thank-you's for the epilogue, but seriously, I can't believe that this story became as popular as it did, and I love you all for enjoying this story and reading it and alsjflasj. Lowkey I had an idea for a new Zayn story that I'm only writing to help me out of writing this one and  ase errbody out of this ending. It's called 'When You Sleep' and it's gonna be short. Like, not more than 20 chapters I don't think, but yeah. All of my stories start out as short stories and look at nebula. Lol. Anyway Check that out if you wanna. :)



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