The girl is HOT and the only...

Autorstwa rummihop

47.4K 628 171


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 3

4.7K 54 5
Autorstwa rummihop

Chapter 3 

Beep. Beep. Beep. I tried snoozing the damn alarm clock but it is persistent that I wake up. I groaned and open my eyelids. I thought I was back home until everything flooded to me like a tidal wave. The divorce and Florida. I sighed.  

I cleaned up and dressed. I grab some white shorts and red t-shirt, grabbed my backpack and ran downstairs.  

"Hey, kiddo, there's some muffins on the table," Mom said. She was leaning on the kitchen island, reading a newspaper. 

I nibbled on a blueberry muffin and kiss my mom on the cheek.  

"Bye Mom." I grab my keys and ran for the door. 

"Bye Selene. Good luck!" she yelled at me. I rolled my eyes at that comment. Typical mom behavior. 

I climbed in my Audi and drove out to school. Last night, I MapQuest the school's address so I pretty much knew where to go. Sort of.  

Driving in this flashy car gave me a lot of unwanted attention. As I passed by a Toyota since it was so slow, the driver gave me a dirty look. I flipped him off as I drove past. Whatever. 

Miami Beach High was huge. It sort of resembles a college. I drove in the parking lot and found an empty space. But right as I was driving to it, a red Beemer also had the same idea. The driver was a blonde girl, sitting next to her was another blonde, and the one in the backseat was a redhead. They all gave me dirty looks and the driver flipped me off. She was about to drive in the parking space but I blocked her. No way was she getting it, I got here first, bitch. But damn, this girl is persistent. She wants it. Personal, I really don't, but bitches get on my nerves and she was one of the bitches. She finally gave up after trying to get in for the tenth time and drove away. However, before she drove she gave me a look that said this isn't over between us. That's fine. It's on, bitch. I drove in my winning space and walked out. I finally found the main office and entered. There was a woman behind the desk. Her nametag identified her as Ms. Riley. 

"How can I help you? '' she asked "I'm a new student here. My name is Selene Conell." I told her just as politely. 

She typed in my name in her computer and printed out a schedule. She handed it to me along with a map.  

"Thank you." I smiled and walked out the door. 

I found my assigned locker and opened the combination written on my schedule. To my surprised, it was clean, not even a speck in dust to be seen. 

The bell rang and I went to first period. As I walked in, everyone stared. The guys' eyes jaws dropped while some of the girls shot me daggers. Weird. I found seats near the back. Two girls were sitting next to it, though. As I sat down, one turn to me. She had strawberry blonde hair and a friendly smile.  

"Hi, I'm Tiffany Merley." She extended her hand to me. I shook it and said, "I'm Selene Conell."  

Tiffany pointed at the girl sitting next to her and said, "This is Kayla Summers." Kayla waved and smile at me and I returned the wave and smile. She had black hair and sort of a gothic look.  

"So how do you like Miami so far?" Tiffany asked. 

"I like it okay. Kind of hot, but I really like it somehow."I responded. 

Kayla asked, "Where were you from?" 

"California." I told her. 

She was about to say something when the bell rang and the teacher, a bald man in a suit (really?) stood up.  

"I'm Mr. Martin and welcome to Sophomore Honors English." 

He yammered on about famous literature and poems that we will be reading in class. Finally the bell rang. As it turns out, I have second period with Kayla. We waved at Tiffany, who told us she'll see us at lunch, and began walking to Algebra 2/Trig. Kayla and I talked about the bands we like and was almost there to the classroom when the bitch in the parking lot this morning blocked out path. She sneered at me. 

"So, you're the new girl right? The one who stole my parking space this morning?," blond bitch asked me. 

I gave her my sweet smile and said, "It's not stealing when you claim it first." 

The two girls behind her stared at me like I just killed their cat. I rolled my eyes. 

"Listen, bitch, you go to my school now and it's not a good idea for you if you piss me off," the bitch told me. 

Kayla gave her a glare and said, "Back off, Corin. It's not your school, even though you think you're the queen." 

Jessica directed her glare at Kayla and said, "Just so you know, I won homecoming queen and is voted on the most Beautiful Girl is school. That makes me queen." 

"Yeah, the Queen of Bitch and Stupid," I told her. 

"Don't test me, new girl," she threatened.  

"Ohh, I'm peeing in my pants. Good thing I know how to drown a blonde, just glue a mirror under a pool," I smirked. 

She narrowed her eyes and said, "You did not just say that." 

"I just did and if you excuse me, I have to go to class before I barf my food from seen your face for too long."  

Kayla and I tried to walk past them, but Corin's two entourage stopped us.  

"Cameron, Cassidy, move your skanky asses aside." Kayla glared her dark eyes at them. They moved away. 

"Wow. Your glare is really effective," I remarked. 

She laughed and said, "Yeah, I had practice. Tiffany and I are on the cheer squad with them and their crap really gets old." 

"Really?" I asked.  

"Yeah. They do that to almost everyone here. But I have never seen a student defend themselves like you can. That was really badass, right there." She sounded really impressed. 

I smiled. "Yeah, self defense and all that. I train it too." 

She laughed. We walked into class the same quietness occurred again. This is really getting old. Kayla and I found two empty seats next to each other and sat down. I turned toward her but stopped when I saw two big, jocks headed straight toward us. 

"Hey, Sam. Hey, Jake," Kayla greeted. 

"Hey, to you too. Who's your hot friend?"the dude with blonde hair, Sam, asked. 

Kayla rolled her eyes at them and said, "This is Selene. She's new." 

The other dude with black curly hair said, "Obviously she's new. Or I wouldn't have missed a chick as hot as her." 

"Umm, yeah, I'm sitting right here, you know," I told them and grinned.

They grinned back and I had a feeling that they were trying to flirt. They were cute, I suppose but somehow, I don't really think of them as perfect boyfriend material. 

The bell rang and they walked away. This teacher, a blonde woman named Ms. Walsh, gave us a boring introduction to Algebra 2/Trig. The next two period passed by in a blur and then, it was time for lunch. I grabbed my stuff and head to the cafeteria. As I passed by, I saw a lot of people were sitting and hanging out in the courtyard instead of the cafeteria. I got in line and grabbed a chicken salad and a fruit cup. I was about to pay for my food when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I stiffened and instincts kick in, getting ready to attack when I heard Tiffany said, "Chillax, Selene." 

I turned around and sighed in relief.  

"You scared the crap out of me," I told her. 

"Sorry. By the way, I heard you met the 3 C's," she said. 

I looked at her in confusion. 

Kayla clarified, "Corin, Cameron, and Cassidy." 

"Oh, yeah, the three bitches," I nodded. 

"Yeah, they are definitely bitches. I would be careful around them if I were you. Corin thinks she the queen of this school just because she is Cheer Captain and Blondy" Tiffany warned. 

I shrugged and said, " I don't really care about them. I mean, she's blonde and stupid, how easier can this get?" 

Kayla and Tiffany stared at me in admiration and well as if I'm stupid. Whatever.  

We walked out to the quad and headed towards the empty space by a big, shady tree. It was then when I noticed something moving towards us in my peripheral vision. I turned quickly and shoved Tiffany and Kayla down. I caught the moving thing, a basket ball as it turns out, in my hands. I bend down and helped Kayla and Tiffany up.  

"Are you guys okay?" I was worried that I knocked them down too hard. 

"Yeah, we're good," Kayla reassured me. 

"What kind of klutzy bastard would throw a ball directly at us?" I demanded out loud. 

It was when I noticed a really hot guy running towards us. He was broad, tall, and had a really great body. He had dark blonde hair, piercing brown eyes, and a perfect face.  

"I'm sorry about that. I was a total klutz," he said. No kidding. A really hot klutz, though.  

My friends reassured him that they were fine. They looked at the guy as if he was Adonis.

"You're new, aren't you?" He asked. 

"Technically, we're all new, dude," I said dryly. 

"Right. But you didn't come here last year, right? I'm Eric Stivens."  

He extended his hand to me and I shook it. His hand was big and warm, but that was it.

 I cleared my throat and said, "I'm Selene Conell." 

Eric then smiled at me, a crooked smile that showed a little dimple, and said, "How did you catch that? That was an amazing, by the way." 

I laughed and said, "I had practice over the years, I guess." 

"You're not on a team, are you?" 


"Well, if I were you, I would join because that catch was amazing. I'm not sure if the guys on my team are able to catch the ball that well." 

I shrugged and said, "We'll see. I doubt I'll make the team considering how I will tryout with other giant and tall guys that can squish me to death." 

He laughed and shook his head. 

"Well, if you change your mind, tryout is after school in the gym."  

"As I said, we'll see." 

Eric said goodbye to Tiffany and Kayla, gave me a wave and a smile, then ran back to his friends. His friends were all staring at me, including Jake and Sam. 

We sat down by the tree and Tiffany and Kayla turned to me with excited smiles. 

"Ohmygosh, that was Eric Stivens," Tiffany squealed. 

"So it is," I nodded nonchalantly. 

"He's the second hottest guy in school even though he's a sophomore," Kayla gushed.  

I smiled and said, "Yeah, he is pretty hot. But who is the first?" This school have guy more hot than Eric?! I have to see this.

" The hottest guy in the chool is Tristan Ryder. He is sophmore too and best friend with Eric." 

"You know he dated Corin last year," Kayla told me. 

" Really. What happened?" I was not supriesed. That cliché abaut the hottest guy in the school have to date with the captain of the cheer squad. This is totall bullshit.

"They broke up, because Tristan saw her to hooking up with another guy." Slut. I can bet she sleeps with different guy every night.

"How Corrin accepted this?" I asked the girls.

"Corin tried to win him back by saying she was high and didn't know what she was doing. But Tristan told her that it was over," Kayla affirmed. I nodded and returned to my lunch. Kyla and Tiffany too with their.

" How do you think should i tryout dor the basketball team?"Tiffany thought about it and said,

"You should. That save was amazing."

Tiffany tought about it and said " You should."

" Yeah. That catch was amazing."

 When I was little, I mean really little I, dad and Jason played really often. That was the first think dad taught us. First he taught us how to dribble. Then how to to shoot in the basket. Then he played he vs me and Jason. It was really funny and I love it. So my  decision is made.



 Oh Guys i need help. Can you tell some cool boy names??

Czytaj Dalej

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