[Harvest Moon: A New Beginnin...

By Corrisha

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A reluctant friendship starts to lead to something more, but hesitation and inexperience make it an emotional... More

Super Rio
The Boys
Bachelor Bake-off!
Water Fight
A Date?
Playing Doctor and Detective
Just Friends
Three Little Words pt. 1
Three Little Words pt. 2
Innocent Kisses
The Ghost from Rio's Past
Unfortunate Encounters
Hot Cocoa Kisses
Unexpected Visitor
Body Heat
Secrets, Secrets
Weekend Getaway
Will you?
Go Tell it on the Mountain
A Bachelor's Dream
A Helping Hand
A Bride & A Brother
As Long As We Both Shall Live
The Reception

It's a date!

246 4 0
By Corrisha

Neil woke up feeling more rested than usual; he slept in a comfortable bed and had a beautiful girl in his arms. 'Wait, what?!' he thought, 'Why is Rio here? Whoa, why am I in Rio's bed?!' Memories from the previous night began to flood his mind and soothed some of the tension he felt.

He glanced down at the woman that rested on his chest and was instantly captivated by the peaceful look on her face. She looked almost angelic lying there with a smile on her face. He brushed a few strands of hair off her forehead and softly laughed to himself at the fact that she even smiled in her sleep. After placing a light kiss on her head he held her close and envisioned what it would be like to wake up like this every morning. 'Maybe someday...' he thought.

Before his daydreams could take him anywhere too far away, Rio began to stir. She yawned and hid her face in Neil's chest to hide from the light that was shining through the window. She was drifting off to sleep again when she realized that she was snuggling into Neil...in her bed...which meant he spent the night. 'Oh right!' she remembered, 'we fell asleep here last night. I hope he isn't too upset...'

She peeked up at him to find gentle, red eyes looking down at her. "Oh, you're awake!"

He smirked down at her, "I'm always up early. You, on the other hand, slept in today. You must have been tired."

She yawned again and giggled, "Maybe just a little...hey, you aren't mad are you?"

A look of confusion crossed his face as he replied, "No, why would I be?"

She bit her lower lip and answered, "I dunno, I just thought that maybe you'd be upset that I didn't wake you. I wasn't sure if you'd be okay with sleeping here..."

He looked serious for a moment and then snickered. "You really think I'd be upset about falling asleep with my adorable girlfriend and getting to wake up to her beautiful face in the morning?"

"Well no...not when you put it like that." She suddenly smirked as she noticed his hair. It stuck out every which way, very unlike how he usually kept it for work. "You're still pretty good-looking in the morning yourself, but I can't say the same for your hair!"

He self-consciously started smoothing down the unruly pieces of his hair. "We can't all roll out of bed looking like Allen!"

Rio looked thoughtful at this. "I wonder what he looks like in the morning...I bet he still looks abnormally perfect. He probably has never suffered a bad hair day in his life."

"I'm sure. And he'd probably rub it in your face if you asked."

"Not probably, definitely."

The two chuckled at their jokes until Rio's stomach let out a noise similar to that of a whale. She flushed and put a finger to her lips, "Shhh! We're trying to have a conversation here, stomach."

Neil snorted, "Did you really just talk to your stomach? Wait, never mind. That doesn't actually surprise me."

"Shut up! I'm not that weird."

Neil gave her a pointed look, "I beg to differ. Anyway, shall I make you breakfast?"

"Yes please!"


Rio lay flat on her back in the coop, groaning in pain. "Too many pancakes...I think Neil is trying to make me fat." She opened an eye to glance at the baby chicks that were currently using her belly for a home, "What do you guys think?" One of the chicks turned towards her with a loud 'Peep!' then continued to run around with the others. "My thoughts exactly."

She heard Neil walk into the coop and smiled a greeting at him. "'Ello! Finished already?"

He rolled his eyes and joined her on the floor. "Yes, I am. I didn't eat my weight in pancakes so I can work just fine."

"Hey! It's not my fault you make such delicious breakfast foods! The blame is on your shoulders, my friend."

He picked one of the birds that was crawling on her leg and held it in his hands. "I think your lack of self control is to blame."

She sighed in defeat, "I'm way too full to argue, so you win."

Neil smirked, "So that's all I have to do to win an argument? Feed you until you burst?" He looked thoughtful, "Good to know!"

"If there weren't a billion adorable baby birds on my belly and I weren't so ungodly full of food I'd smack you. Just so you know."

"I'm terrified Rio, shaking in my boots."

She opened her eyes to glare at him but burst into laughter instead. She pointed to his head where a baby bird currently lay and asked, "Did you put it up there? What if it poops on you?"

He shrugged, "They like to nest in my hair. And it won't...at least I'm pretty sure."

She rolled her eyes, "Fine. But don't come crying to me when it happens."

After spending the day lounging by the goddess pond and walking around the forest together Rio asked, "Do you want to go to the foliage festival together?"

He squeezed her hand and smiled, "Do you even have to ask anymore? Of course I would."

She huffed, "Well, who knows! Maybe you wanted to take Allen!"

He raised a brow at her, which she returned with a smirk. "Now why would I want to take Allen to a festival on a day that marks one season since we've been dating? That just seems wrong!"

"Oh yeah, it will have been a whole season...wow!" She grinned, "This means I need to get you a present, yay!"

"I already have yours."

Rio looked to him in surprise, "Really?"

He wrapped an arm around her and pulled her close. After placing a kiss on her cheek he replied, "Really."

The girls held a sleepover at Rio's the night before the foliage festival. The first thing on the agenda was to plan outfits. Rio sat back, amused, as Felicity and Tina tore through her closet. Clothes and shoes were strewn everywhere, it looked like a department store tornado had flown mercilessly around the house.

Finally, after hours of debate, the girls had their ensembles laid out. Felicity chose a simple outfit of thick, black leggings, a jean button up shirt that covered her butt, a cream-colored hoody to layer underneath, a matching scarf, and a pair of Rio's brown cowboy boots. Tina chose black skinny jeans, a red flannel shirt, a grey scarf, brown combat boots, and a black pea coat in case it got cold. Finally, Rio decided on a black turtle necked sweater, a grey and white tribal patterned cardigan, distressed jean shorts with thick, black tights to wear underneath, her grey cowboy boots with a white lace pattern along the sides, and Neil's red leather jacket which had been left behind after their last date.


Rio sighed and leaned back further into the sofa. "Ugh, I don't know how Yuri does it every day. Picking out clothes can be so exhausting!"

Felicity nodded in agreement and added, "You should see Allen pick out his clothes. I thought women were bad, but I'm worn out just watching him fuss over his outfits!"

Tina smirked at the two, "Neither Rod or I care that much, honestly. But I will say I'm far too lazy to put this much thought into fashion every day."

Rio rubbed her temples; the last few hours had given her a headache. "I don't know about you guys, but I could seriously use some ice cream."

The two girls simultaneously replied, "Agreed!"

Tina rubbed her full stomach and sighed happily. "Nothing beats chocolate ice cream."

Felicity added, "Especially with hot fudge and whipped cream!"

"Don't forget the chocolate sprinkles," Rio set her bowl on the table in front of her, "those are the cherry on top."

"Uh Rio..." Tina said, smirking. "I think the cherries are actually the cherry on top."

Rio rolled her eyes, "Minor details Ti, minor details."

Felicity gathered all of the dishes and brought them into the kitchen. She put them in the sink and thought about washing them until Rio interjected from the other room, "Liss, I know you want to do those dishes, but don't. You're a guest! Now get your butt back in here and be lazy like you're supposed to be at a sleepover."

Felicity shook her head, "Whatever you say, Rio. But don't complain to me when you have to do those up tomorrow!"

"Okay, mom." Rio crossed her arms and huffed.

Tina clapped suddenly, nearly giving the other two a heart attack. "Let's talk about boys!"

Rio groaned, "Do we have to?"

Felicity flipped so that she was upside down with her feet hanging over the back of the couch, "What Rio said."

Tina pursed her lips and looked at them incredulously. "Nuh uh! You guys aren't getting out of this so easily. This is what we're supposed to do at these girly things! And I want some gossip!"

Rio moved to the floor and laid spread eagle on her stomach. "You know we won't tell you anything until you promise that it won't end up in the paper, right?"

She threw her hands in the air, "Well duh! Besides, I'm not always looking to publish this stuff, I happen to enjoy girl-talk as much as the next lady."

Felicity sighed, "Fine. What do you want to know?"

Tina grinned evilly, "I'm glad you asked, my dear friend. How far have you and Allen gone?"

"Uh, w-what?"

"Ya know...have you guys had sex?"

Felicity's face turned bright red as she played with the ends of her hair nervously. "I know what it means Ti...it's just embarrassing."

Tina smirked, obviously enjoying making her friend uncomfortable. "So...you haven't done it yet?"

"That's not what I meant!"

She grinned, "So you have done it! How scandalous!"

Felicity threw her hands up in the air, "No...I mean yes. Well, actually...ugh! You know what? You're frustrating!"

Tina laughed in delight, "Hahaha, you're always so easy to fluster!"

Rio watched the whole encounter silently. She wanted to know the answer too, but at the same time would rather not draw attention to herself. Hesitantly she asked, "Liss...I'd like to know too. But, I understand if you feel uncomfortable."

Felicity sighed and rested her head on her lap before mumbling out a quiet, 'yes.' Rio moved onto the couch next to her, rubbing comforting circles on her back. "You don't have to be embarrassed Lissy, we're not here to judge you." She glared at Tina, "Well, at least that's not why I'm here."

Tina huffed and plopped down on Felicity's other side. "I an not trying to judge! Besides, I can't really do that considering Rod and I go at it like bunnies."

Felicity giggled and lifted her head to stare at Tina. "Of course you do! Though I'd like to think Rod prefers it doggy style."

Rio tilted her head back and laughed loudly, "Oh my god, that's hilarious! Neil and I were just talking the other day about how Rod's like a cute golden retriever..." she turned to Tina with a smile, "so does he really like it doggy style? Or something other type of animal style of lovemaking?"

Tina rolled her eyes at the girl and smirked, "For your information, he does not like to do it that way. ...He prefers to look into my eyes!"

Now it was Felicity's turn to smirk, "That's so Rod! What a sappy romantic."

Tina smacked her arm, "Hey! At least my boyfriend is romantic at all! I bet Allen just holds a mirror in front of him as you two go at it, that way he can make love to himself."

Felicity looked thoughtful for a moment and said, "Well..."

Rio's mouth fell open in shock. "Please...please tell me he does not actually hold up a mirror. I will seriously lose it."

"He doesn't hold up a mirror but...well, he likes to look in the mirror on his closet while we, you know...he says it's a turn on for him."

Tina slapped her knee and cackled, "I knew it!! He is so predictable."

"Aren't all men?"

Tina nodded enthusiastically, "So true...hey!" She spotted Rio trying to sneak away to the kitchen, "You're not getting out of this missy!"

"Yeah!" Felicity pointed to the empty spot next to her, "Sit! We still have to discuss mister grouch."

Tina put a finger to her lip in thought, "Let me guess, Neil likes...cowgirl?"

Felicity snickered and placed a hand on Rio's shoulder, "No, no! Reverse cowgirl! Am I right? I'm totally right!!"

Bright pink speckled Rio's cheeks as the girls teased her. She looked down in embarrassment and said, "Neither, actually."

Tina squinted her eyes and crossed her arms, "Then tell us! What's his favorite position?"

Rio smirked, "Uh...abstinence? For now, anyway."

Tina's jaw dropped and Felicity's eyes widened. Tina was the first to break the silence, "...What? You mean you haven't done it yet?!"

"Uh no...is that weird? Do we have to?"

Felicity shook her head, "No it's just...the way you two act so comfortable around each other it just kind of seems like...well, like you two are already that close!"

"Nope! I think we were just comfortable around each other to begin with."

Tina tilted her head in curiosity, "So...what have you guys done exactly?"

"Well, we make out all the time. But that's pretty much as far as we've gone. The other day he took my shirt off then stopped. Which is pretty damn frustrating, but at the same time I'm glad we're taking it slow."

Felicity looked at Rio, "You know, I can actually see him taking it slow. It takes him an eternity to open up to people so I can't imagine him wanting to jump into bed right away!"

Rio shook her head, "He said it wasn't because of being afraid to open up or anything. He wants to...how did he put it? 'Cherish' the experience or something. It was sweet!"

"That's adorable, Ri!"

Tina stuck her tongue out in disgust, "Ick. That's even more sickly sweet than Rod. I didn't think Neil would be that boring! I assumed our local mister moody would be dark and mysterious in the bedroom."

Rio grabbed a pillow from the sofa and swung it into Tina's stomach. "Do you even know how stupid that sounds?! What would be 'dark and mysterious' in the bedroom?"

Tina grabbed a pillow as well and attempted to swing it at Rio. "I don't know! Don't call my ideas stupid!"

Rio laughed at Tina's frail attempt to hit her and retaliated by stealing her pillow and hitting her with both of them. "I won't call them stupid if they're good!"

Felicity, feeling left out, grabbed the remaining pillow from the couch and hit Tina over the head with it. "Yeah! What she said!"

Tina glared at Felicity and ripped a pillow from Rio's grasp, "You're gonna regret that!" She turned and flung the pillow directly at Felicity's chest.

Felicity shrieked and fought back, immediately swinging her pillow towards Tina, knocking her over onto the couch. "Payback's a bitch!"

The two girls turned to look at Rio who had burst into laughter. "Hahaha, you guys are great! Tina's always feisty but damn, Liss! Who knew you had that in you?!" She continued laughing and failed to notice the other two exchange a knowing look. They nodded at each other and launched an attack on Rio who screamed and attempted to fight back. "You traitors! How could you turn on me? I'm innocent!"

Tina scoffed and continued her assault, "Innocent my ass! You threw the first punch if I remember correctly!"

Felicity squealed as Rio tried to overtake her, "Noooo Rio! You won't win this time!"

Eventually, all of the girls collapsed in an exhausted heap on the floor, laughing breathlessly. A mess of pillows lay all around them, but they were too tired to care. Finally, Rio sat up and took a look around the room. "Ugh, why is it that my house only becomes a disaster when you guys are around?"

Tina looked at the mess around them and shrugged, "It just means you have more fun when we're here!"

She stood and helped Felicity up with one hand, "Well, it's all fun and games until we have to clean up. I don't know about you guys but...I'd rather not do this in the morning. I know Felicity will kill someone if we make her do anything substantial before ten tomorrow!"

Tina sighed and started picking up pillows, "Fine, but this better mean we get to sleep in tomorrow!"

Rio snorted, "As if! The weekend may be here for you, but a farmer's job never stops."

The beeping of the alarm sounded far too early for everyone's taste the next morning. Tina and Felicity turned back over; ignoring the wake-up call entirely while Rio dragged herself from her spot on the floor and started a pot of coffee.

After downing a mug of the caffeine she slipped on her work clothes and set out to start her daily chores. However, upon entering the barn, she was surprised to see Neil brushing the last of her animals. "Neil? Did...did you do all of this?"

Neil shrugged and turned to her with a gentle smile on his face. "It's no big deal really, I woke up earlier than normal and decided to do you a favor. Plus, I knew you'd stay up late with your friends and figured you'd appreciate an easier day."

She wrapped her arms around him tightly, savoring the smell of his hair mixed with hay. "You're the best! I don't know how I can ever repay you for all you do for me."

He pulled back from the embrace and kissed her lips softly, "You already have done more for me than I can ever thank you for. I smile again...and I feel happy. That's more than anyone has ever done!"

Rio blushed lightly and ruffled his hair, "Fine! I can't really argue with that, but I'm still going to make it up to you in a tangible way. How about I help you out at the stand sometime?"

Neil ran a hand threw his hair, flattening the strands that were out of place and smiled. "Sure! But it's boring!"

"Nothing is boring with you! Anyway, I still have other stuff to do. But I'll see you tonight?"

Neil nodded, "I'll pick you up around five, does that sound good?"


Rio squealed to herself in delight as she headed out to water her crops. She was definitely looking forward to the festival that evening, and couldn't wait to actually go with someone this year. 'I wonder if Neil will like my outfit,' she thought as she grabbed her watering can.

Whatever his reaction would be, she couldn't wait!

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