Stuck in the moment [Justin B...

By JustinAusBieber

295K 4.1K 192

Ashlee was just like any normal teenage girl. She had an amazing best friend and a boyfriend that she was hea... More

Chapter 1 - Stuck in the moment [Justin Bieber Love Story]
Chapter 2 - Stuck in the moment [Justin Bieber Love Story]
Chapter 3 - Stuck in the moment [Justin Bieber Love Story]
Chapter 4 - Stuck in the moment [Justin Bieber Love Story]
Chapter 5 - Stuck in the moment [Justin Bieber Love Story]
Chapter 6 - Stuck in the moment [Justin Bieber Love Story]
Chapter 7 - Stuck in the moment [Justin Bieber Love Story]
Chapter 8 - Stuck in the moment [Justin Bieber Love Story]
Chapter 9 -Stuck in the moment [Justin Bieber Love Story]
Chapter 10 - Stuck in the moment [Justin Bieber Love Story]
Chapter 11 - Stuck in the moment [Justin Bieber Love Story]
Chapter 12 - Stuck in the moment [Justin Bieber Love Story]
Chapter 14 - Stuck in the moment [Justin Bieber Love Story]
Chapter 15 - Stuck in the moment [Justin Bieber Love Story]
Chapter 16 - Stuck in the moment [Justin Bieber Love Story]
Chapter 17 - Stuck in the moment [Justin Bieber Love Story]
Chapter 18 - Stuck in the moment [Justin Bieber Love Story]
Chapter 19 - Stuck in the moment [Justin Bieber Love Story]
Chapter 20 - Stuck in the moment [Justin Bieber Love Story]
Chapter 21 - Stuck in the moment [Justin Bieber Love Story]
Chapter 22 - Stuck in the moment [Justin Bieber Love Story]
Chapter 23 - Stuck in the moment [Justin Bieber Love Story]
Chapter 24 - Stuck in the moment [Justin Bieber Love Story]
Chapter 25 - Stuck in the moment [Justin Bieber Love Story]
Chapter 26 - Stuck in the moment [Justin Bieber Love Story]
Chapter 27 - Stuck in the moment [Justin Bieber Love Story]
Chapter 28 - Stuck in the moment [Justin Bieber Love Story]
Chapter 29 - Stuck in the moment [Justin Bieber Love Story]
Chapter 30 - Stuck in the moment [Justin Bieber Love Story]

Chapter 13 - Stuck in the moment [Justin Bieber Love Story]

8.4K 118 1
By JustinAusBieber

- Justin’s Pov - 

She felt what I felt. 

Does this mean that were supposed to be together? 

What happens now? 

I shook away those thoughts and just thought about what had just happened. I smiled to myself and knocked on my mum’s hotel door. She answered the door with a smile and asked me how my day was. I told her about winning bowling and then about the hug. 

“Why don’t you ask her out then?”
I frowned, my eyebrows knitting together. 
“She has a boyfriend,” I told her.
“Oh. Have you met him?” 
I shook my head, “No. I sat outside his hospital room. He’s in a coma from a car accident.”
“Oh. I hope he’ll be okay.”
“I’m sure he will be.”

The last thing I wanted was for Matt to not recover, I wanted Ashlee to be happy, even if that meant not being with her.

“Does she love him?” Mum suddenly asked.
I sighed, “She doesn’t know.” 

- Ashlee’s Pov -

I looked at the clock, 9:39 pm. I climbed into my warm bed and pulled out my phone. I closed my eyes tightly at first, the bright screen shining in my eyes. I turned down the brightness and I let my eyes adjust. Much better. 

'Justin Bieber'

The sound of his name in my head made me get butterflies. I wanted to hug him again, feeling his muscular arms around my petite body. 

And that’s how I fell asleep on this cool spring night, thinking about a boy I wasn’t supposed to be liking.


“Get up Ashlee; you’re going to be late!” 
I groaned as someone bashed on my bedroom door. I presumed it was my mum so I got up out of bed and checked the time. 


I had to be at school in 25 minutes. I pulled on some black skinny jeans and a white jumper, once again not worrying about what I was wearing. I kept my hair natural and down today and applied little makeup. I brushed my teeth and made it downstairs with my things with an extra ten minutes to go. 

“That’s a record,” My brother, Jesse, told me, rolling his eyes.
“Whatever,” I mumbled, pulling an apple from the fridge and taking a bite.
“I’m ready mummy!” Lucy yelled, entering the kitchen and plonking herself down on a chair beside Jesse.

Jesse scrunched up his nose, “Do you have to take that doll everywhere?” 
“Yes,” Lucy said, as if it were obvious, which it was.
“Oh leave her alone Jesse,” I said, giving him a glare. 
“Who’s going to make me?” He shot back at me. 

What was he, 9?

“She’s 3 years old and your 19. GET. OVER. IT.”
“What are you yelling about Ashlee?” Mum groaned, walking in the room. 
“Nothing,” I mumbled, “I’ll drive myself to school, bye.”
“Oh, okay sweetie. Have a good day!”

I doubt I’ll have a good day, neither Matt or Justin are there. 

I turned on my truck and it roared to life, turning the radio on in the process. ‘Black and yellow,’ played loudly and I smiled. This song always got stuck in my head, but I didn’t mind, it was good. 

“Black and yellow, black and yellow, black and yellow!” I sung loudly as I drove down the road. 

- Justin’s Pov –

Tuesday Morning.

I wasn’t exactly looking forward to today, Ashlee was back at school and I was sitting alone in my hotel room. This is how I wanted it originally, but now all I want is to be with her. 

I decided to text her. 

‘Good morning, have a good day at school shawty.’
I got an instant reply, ‘Just got here. Wish you went to my high school would be alot better.’

That made me smile; she wanted to be with me as well. I really did wish I went to her school, but I couldn’t, especially with the kids at her school. 

I decided to text back, ‘Can I see you tonight then?’
She simply replied with, ‘Yes,’ and that was enough to make me happy for the day ahead. 

- Ashlee’s Pov –

I got stares as I walked in, not stares like after the accident, more like death stares. What did I do wrong? But there was one person I could see smiling at me, the last person I would expect to see smiling actually. 


The girl that thought she was going to marry Justin Bieber, the boy she won’t ever meet.


It finally clicked why everyone was staring at me and suddenly I felt insecure and I kept my head down. Had they seen the pictures of me and Justin? 

“Ashlee! How are you sweetie, I missed you so much over the weekend!” Jane spoke happily, blowing a kiss. 
“What?” I asked confused.

Was I being pranked? I waited for Ashton Kutcher to jump out at me with a megaphone any second now.

"How are you, how’s your love life? Meet anyone on a Ferris wheel?” 
“Are they’re pictures?” I choked out. 
She nodded, “Everywhere! The whole world knows about you sweetheart!” 

Tears lined my eyes, this couldn’t be happening. I had known him a few days, just as friends and the whole world thinks were dating now.

“Is he a good kisser?” Jane asked me, eager to know.
“We didn’t kiss. I’m dating Matt remember? Justin is just my friend.”
“You were leaning in for a kiss in the photos though.”
I shook my head, “I was leaning in for a hug.”
“Oh,” She simply said, scrunching up her nose.

I felt someone grab my arm, pulling me away from Jane. I squealed and they spun me around to face them.
“Oh, hey Mia,” I smiled relieved. 
“You’re all over every magazine!” Mia squealed, jumping up and down.
I didn’t join her; I just held my arm nervously. 
“I’m not too thrilled.”
“Why not?” She asked, looking at me as if were crazy.

- Mia’s Pov –

She just told me that she wasn’t thrilled that everyone all over the world was hearing about her as Justin Bieber’s girlfriend. Any other girl would be thrilled if they were in her shoes. Except it was my best friend who had this lucky chance, and she wasn’t thrilled?

“Because me and Justin are just friends. End of story.”
“Still, you’re in magazines with him. Relationship or not.”
“I don’t want to be in magazines. I want to be a girl from Atlanta that’s not world known, or country known or even city known for that matter.” She told me, tears lining her blue eyes.

I pulled her into a tight hug, comforting her. The bell rung for our first class and people shuffled around us, bumping into each other trying to rush to their classes. 
“What do you have first?” Ashlee asked me, pulling away from our hug.
“English, you?”
She sighed, “I have maths.” 
“Have fun,” I said as I started to walk down the corridor.
“I won’t!” She yelled back, making me giggle. 


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