And They Call Me The Dragon.

By lovelyloki623

100K 2.1K 174

My name is Loki.. Well Lorena Kimberson but my friends call me Loki. Everyone else? Everyone else calls me a... More

My Name is Lorena Kimberson. Call me Loki
Last Day of Winter Break
What A Fine Mess
Oh my...
Beyond the Veil
Our Song
Wait and Bleed
Author's Note
Home is where the...Truth is?
Character Index
Don't kick my ass... i love you? :D
Meet The Dragon

Don't Let Me Get Me

5.1K 174 20
By lovelyloki623

One minute I was on the ground before Antoinette and the next thing i know I'm hyper aware of my physical body. My blood was on fire. I could feel every single cell ablaze. I could hear myself scream and sense my friends in panic around me. My mind went into overdrive and the rise and fall of my chest quickened as i panted. What the hell is happening to me.

I remembered that i had a hold on Andre and Kristoff. If the fire i felt under my skin was this intense, my friends could be burning up. I focused all my energy on letting them go, and it took a LOT out of me. I slowly felt my fingers uncurl from their hands. The pain was murderous. My bones felt like they were breaking over and over again. I let out a mental sigh of relief when i felt Andre move away from me. On my other side, i felt Kristoff being dragged away from me which made me panic a little.

My screams died down turning into shallow, labored breathing. I could hear commotion around me, quick movement and hushed tones. I realized i couldn't feel Svetlana anymore, physically or mentally. I couldn't determine whether or not that was a good thing and i so desperately want to see but no matter how hard i tried, i couldn't force my eyes open. Antoinette. I can still feel her inside my head. She's still holding me in that God forsaken room with her. I focus my consciousness back into my mind, picturing myself on the ground before her as i was.

"Welcome back, Lorena.", she sang in her sickly sweet voice.

"Let me go, Antoinette.", i say in a demanding tone as i stand to my feet, looking at her eye to eye. "I'm not finished with you y-." "Let. Me. Go. Antoinette." She looked somewhat annoyed. "Don't you want to know exact-." "No. I want to leave here. Let me go, Antoinette.", i say slowly and deliberately as if i was talking to a child. The look she gave me would scare small children. She did not like being taunted. I smirked to myself as i straightened up, lifting my chin a bit.

Her demeanor quickly changed from annoyed to arrogant as she began to circle me. "I think I'll just keep you here with me. Educate you a bit. Maybe teach you some manners?", she smirked as she flicked her arm out, her hand connecting with my chest causing me to fly into the far wall. I crash into the wall but land on my feet.

I felt something. Something terrifying and amazing at the same time. My heart was beating out of control and my breathing was too quick to keep up with. There was this....rage. This intense rage built up in my chest and it spread. I could feel it in my fingertips and my toes. It felt refreshingly cold. Cold rage. Ha. Who'd have thought that rage would feel cold.. It was so beautiful, i thought i would cry. I turned back to Antoinette and felt the rage build. "This is your last chance, bitch. Let me the fuck out of here!", her confidence faltered for a split second. She quickly recovered with a cocky smirk but it didn't quite touch her eyes. I took a step closer, still a few feet away from her yet she still took a step back.

"What if i say no? What will you do, Little Bird?" She cooed.

My vision became tinged with a light blue and i could feel my fangs elongate as i bared my teeth at her, a snarl ripping through my chest that almost scared the shit out of me. My nails becoming long, sharp and pointed. I could feel the rage under my skin. Such a funny statement to make but i could feel it. Cold and oh so lovely. It was refreshing to say the least. It made me feel powerful and i reveled in it. Before i knew what i was doing, i was standing before Antoinette with my hand around her throat. I lifted her off the ground, my grip on her throat tightening as i roared in her face. There was this force just beneath the surface of my consciousness that felt all-powerful and i let it take control.

The feeling was exhilarating. There was just so many fragments. All of them, including mine, was thoroughly done with being trapped inside my head. My grip on her neck got ever tighter, bringing her a few inches closer to my face. The voice that spoke wasn't just mine but many. " Let. Us. Go. Now!", We roared. She looked like she shat a brick house. I felt like i only twitched my arm and she went flying into the mantle above the fireplace.

I stood there looking at my hands as i felt the rage retreat, my skin no longer cold yet not on fire either. I stood there frowning as the blue tinge in my vision began to vanish. It was kind of disappointing not being all super sayain anymore. I looked up to see Antoinette not moving and i sensed her hold on me had weakened. All i could do is chuckle to myself and shake my head. I tried to keep my delirious laughs to myself as i clicked the heels of my red chucks together 3 times and thought ,"There's no place like home. There's no place like home."

I opened my eyes to see that i was still in the parlor. Dammit. As soon as i was about to start pacing.... Suddenly....



Hey you sexy beasts! I am so so so so so sorry that update took so long! I have been getting ready to move out of state. And I've been reading your comments and messages and i am so damn sorry for making you wait so long so i punished myself with missing True Blood to make sure i finish this chapter. I hope you love it! The next one will be up soon. Comment, Vote, Share and don't be afraid to Message me! I love you!

Loki out!

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