The Lunar Chronicles: Cresswe...

By lunarticath21

26.7K 654 151

After Luna's revolution led by the lost princess, Selene, Cress and Thorne go on adventures to hand out the a... More

Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven

Chapter One

4.3K 89 27
By lunarticath21

Cress watched Thorne as he loaded the antidote crates into the storage unit of the Rampion, counting them off. The vials of clear liquid looked so fragile that it seemed as if they could shatter if mishandled. She had no idea if they were durable enough to survive the trip to Earth, especially with Thorne's rocky take-offs.

"A hundred cases for the American Republic, one twenty-five for the Eastern Commonwealth, ninety for Australia." Thorne muttered to himself as he paced between the rows of crates, paper in hand. "Uh, Cress, how many for the European Federation?"

She scanned her paper on her lap. "One-fifty. And one twenty for the United Kingdom. Queen Camilla is anxious to receive these as soon as possible. More people have been infected there than any other area."

"Better send the antidotes there first then."

"I thought you wanted to go home to the American Republic first?"

He shrugged. "Queen Camilla sounds pretty desperate."

Cress smiled to herself. Thorne has really been trying to make amends for his past and criminal history. She began to lower herself from an empty crate, and inhaled sharply. The pain in her stomach had not fully subsided yet, though it had been nearly two months. Thorne quickly came over to gently lift her off the crate and put her down.

"Hey, take it easy. Don't over do it." He smiled, though Cress could see guilt in his eyes. She knew he still blamed himself for what had happened to her, though it was all under Levana's manipulation.

She stood on her toes and pecked him on his cheek. "How do you think I got on there?"

"With unrealistic super strength." Thorne took her hand and led her to the exit. "Let's go say our goodbyes to Queen Cinder and Iko before we leave."

"I'm right here." Cinder's voice carried from the galley of the Rampion.

"Where are they?" Iko's voice was more muffled.

Cress heard approaching footsteps until a dark face with vibrant blue hair appeared around the entrance to the storage unit.

"Found them!" Iko ran up to Cress and hugged her. "I'm going to miss you two so much! I wish I could come, but Cinder needs all the help she can get."

"Actually, Iko, you chose to stay with me," Cinder replied, leaning against the doorway. She, too, went to embrace Cress and Thorne. "Cress, you're going to love everything. I miss Earth a lot, so send pictures to my portscreen."

Thorne faked a bow. "Anything for you, Your Lunar Majesty."

Cinder groaned. "Quit calling me that. I'm still not used to it."

"You know you're going to miss me and my charm, especially without Kai around anymore."

Cress saw Cinder's smile disappear for a moment. Ever since Kai had gone back to the Eastern Commonwealth, she knew Cinder missed him greatly, though more often than not, she tried to act like it didn't bother her.

"Thorne," Cress murmured to him, "don't say that."

He immediately realized what he had done. "Cinder, I didn't mean it like that. I'm sorry I brought him up. I know you miss him."

Cinder bit her lip, and gave a small shake with her head. "No, it's fine. It's just-" she sighed. "He's going to be so busy with the Commonwealth, restoring order after Levana's wrath. I already know I'm hardly ever going to see him. I have no idea how this queen thing works, even with all these people around to help me out. I just wish they were Kai. He has a lot of experience, after all."

"Maybe when you've abdicated Luna, you can come back home with us," Cress suggested.

Cinder gave a wry smile. "That might take a little while. I don't know if these lunar people are ready to be subjected to a new government. Anyways, you two should be heading off. Queen Camilla keeps asking about those antidotes."

"Yeah, we know." Cress gave Iko and Cinder one last hug. "We'll see you in a couple months."


"Aces, Cress, that's the third time you've beaten me." Thorne slapped his cards on the table and ruffled his hair. "How did you get so good at it? No one has ever beaten me at a game of cards before."

Cress grinned at him and set her own cards down. "It gets awfully lonely up there for years with no companion except for a mutual programmed computer. I learned how to pass the time."

Thorne chuckled as he went over to sit by her. "So are you excited to finally get what you're asking for? To see the world with yours truly, Captain Carswell Thorne?"

"Couldn't imagine doing it with anybody else. I just hope everyone won't mind a lunar shell coming to visit their country."

His bright blue eyes hardened. "I'll make sure no one thinks that, or they'll regret it."

"Let's hope so." Cress's heartbeat increased as Thorne planted a kiss on her head. Every time. He got up and went to the cockpit, then paused to look at her.

"We're almost close to landing. I really hope this is everything you wish for, Cress. You deserve it."

He left, and Cress whispered, "With you by my side, it will be." All her life up in the satellite, she had never imagined that she would ever walk the face of the Earth, only being allowed to view it from a couple hundred miles away. And that was only for a couple hours at a time. Now, she was on a ship heading to the blue planet, ready to go for an adventure of a lifetime, with someone she loved.

It was a dream come true.

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