A Wish On A Star

By Soul2155

85 6 4

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star Wherever You Are Please Set Me Free... Let Me Finally Find What I'm Supposed To B... More


Chapter One

35 1 0
By Soul2155

Nova's POV

Bee beep beep. I opened my eyes quickly, again my clock scared me. I sighed as I slapped my hand on top of the black monstrosity. They just had to give us the loudest and most annoying alarm clock on the market. I looked over at the bed on the opposite side of the room, a mess of dark pink hair was sitting atop of a plain white pillow. Her soft snores were audible from the 3 and a half foot space between our beds.

"Sybil." I said ripping the dark grey blanket from my legs, revealing my scar covered body. Every day I took a moment to look at everyone that covered my lower body, yet I can never remember where they all came from. Sighing I slowly slid out of my bed letting my toes easily touch the green carpeted floor. When I was sitting in the middle of my bed my feet still couldn't touch the floor. What a drag, I thought to myself walking to the large dresser that held both mine and Sybil's belongings. I reached in the middle drawer and grabbed out a simple uniform, a grey blazer, a black skirt, a white short sleeved button up, and white thigh high socks. I looked over at Sybil again who was still sound asleep. God how can she sleep on a day like this? I slid my simple light blue night dress off and quickly put on my uniform before Sybil got up. I tugged the socks up before yanking Sybil's white pillow from underneath her head. Quicker that you can say 'Up' Sybil was sitting up in her bed, her blue-green eyes wide. She looked over at me and smiled lazily.

"Good morning Novey did you sleep well?" She asked moving a strand of pink hair from her face. I rolled my eyes at her, she always was like this in the morning.

"I did Sybil now get ready." I said to my pink haired friend. She nodded quickly standing up, she was wearing a long yellow night gown that went to her calves. I looked over at the alarm clock that sat on our window sill, 7:45.

"We have 15 minutes to be downstairs." I said watching her brushing the long pink hair that fell just past her chest.

"I know, I know." She sighed tying them both in black elastics into her famous pigtails. I raised an eyebrow at her as she quickly grabbed her uniform. I closed my eyes for a minutes as she pulled in her clothes.

"Nova we're best friends and you still close your eyes when I change. We're not 10 anymore." She said as I opened my eyes. What else am I supposed to do?

"So, You make it seem like you see me half naked all the time." I said as she puffed her tan cheeks. I hated how we're both so different. Sybil was the tallest person I knew, she was tan, and had a healthy looking body. I on the other hand was short for my age, as white as a piece of paper, and I was sickly thin. Yet we still got along better than anyone at Plasma Academy.

"Well... I haven't but we're 14 now and we should be acting our age." She pouted looking at herself in the mirror that was attached to the wall. Again I glanced at the green numbers on the alarm clock, 7:50.

"We have to go." I simply stated grabbing the two dark brown pairs of loafers off of the floor throwing the bigger pair at Sybil. She picked them up and stuffed them on her black socked feet. Her odd colored eyes studied me as I slipped on my small pair.

"Nova why do you always wear do much?" She asked looking at my attire. I blinked a few times. Why this question now? I looked up at her and noticed she wasn't wearing the blazer, but the white button up with the credit on the chest pocket. Neither was she wearing long socks, hers were just barely visible above her shoes. I shrugged at her standing up. I cringed at our heigh difference, she was 5'7... And I was 5'1. Only today did I notice our differences were so drastic. I realized that we were almost late for roll call which made me open our oak door, we both ran out. No one was in the long female dorm hallways, not even the latest people. I gulped knowing today was the wrong day to be late. What was so special about today? Today the man that we call our ruler is visiting our school. I can't even say his name, if I do I might vomit. I puffed my cheeks and let out a large breath as we opened the large double doors that led to the stairs. We practically jumped down the flight of stairs that led to the first floor. Hearing a voice on the other side I quietly opened the single white door that read 'Quiet Please'

"Nova, Sybil it is nice of you two to join us." An instructor snapped looking up from his clip board. I fought the urge to say some witty comeback that would earn us both detention. We both squeezed into the 9th year student's line. The instructors purple eyes stared us down before he continued. That's what they always do stare you into submission before scaring your piers with some speech about behavior.

"As I was saying before the interruption." He stopped to look up at Sybil and me with a glare. "Lord N is scheduled to be here any second and I want all of you to follow the orderly conduct." He sneered looking down the line of students. I raised an eyebrow at this. What 'Orderly Conduct'? I clenched my teeth as the door opened. I fought the urge to scream as every person in the room but Sybil and me looked at him. I heard the pink haired girl sigh as the man's shoes clacked on the marble flooring. Every time he comes the same sounds repeat, but the worst is the menacing sound of his leather shoes on the black and white checkered floor. I felt the quick jab of Sybil's face elbow to my side when I noticed that everyone but me was bowing. I quickly dropped on one knee but fell face first on the black and white floor. A quick shock of pain made me wince as I bit my lip hoping that I wasn't bleeding. I can hear the instructors yelling at me for tarnishing their beautiful floor already. The obnoxious sound of giggling students took over the leather booted clacking. I pushed myself up and kept bowing and tried to ignore every single pair of eyes that were locked on me.

"Excuse me?" I heard a voice say as the giggles ceased and the last two steps ended right in front of me. I looked up to see him standing above me. My breathing quickened as I balled my fists up. I blinked my blue orbs before they met his pale green ones.

"Are you okay?" He asked reaching a hand out. My eyes widened as I looked at his large skinny hand then at him. The so called King nodded, He wanted me to touch his hand. I would rather touch a thousand Muks before ever thing about touching him. I fought the obsessively strong urge of screaming every word to describe this man. Foul was the first one I could think of. I felt Sybil's glare as the "King" waited patiently. I took his hand trying to have the least amount of my body touch him. He helped me to my feet, I felt like running. The man I hate more that Team Plasma itself touched my hand.

"What is your name?" He asked smiling a bit. The urge to bite my tongue came, a large lump was in my throat

"Nova." I said. My voice came out stronger than I expected. That horrible man blinked a few times before nodding.

"It is a pleasure to meet you Nova." He said, his pearly white teeth were showing.

"And to you." I muttered turning my head, I felt a light blush creep it's way onto my face. Why does he have to talk to me? Why can't he just walk away? Is he always this nice? Wait... Did I just call him nice? I heard him walk away slowly, this procedure was common. He would just walk and look at every student smiling like he just won the lottery. This man is so fake it just so... so aggravating! How can someone look so polite but be a tyrant?! Does he know how many lives he's ruined? I sighed trying to calm myself down.

"Nova are you okay?" Sybil asked nudging my elbow. I quickly nodded scowling as that man started to speak to his head advisor, a tall man with long green hair and a red eyepatch. His name started with a G but I never quite remembered it. The man whose name I can't remember looked down the row of students then looked at the purple eyes instructor. The man whispered something in his ear, the instructor then looked down at a 12th year. The student was tall and blonde a bulky guy... I felt bad for him as he looked down at the floor. He always did that whenever those chose someone to become one of the "Grunts". It's like he felt bad for a moment.

"Mr. Alexander Light please step forward." The instructor ordered. I felt a cringe of guilt for the older boy, he out of the few hundred of us were chosen. Yet I was kind of happy that it wasn't me... As selfish as it sounds I don't think I could ever be one of those monsters. Alexander looked around at everyone then took a step forward, a terrified look was plastered on his face.

"You have been chosen by your piers to become a member of Team Plasma to fight against those who oppose us." The green haired man said staring down Alexander with his red eye. I saw the older boy shrink down at the unnerving voice of the older man. I heard a sob escape someone from our row. My blue eyes darted to the girl next to Sybil... Kiki Light. Kiki was a tall girl who resembled her older brother, they both had these soft blue eyes and blonde hair that marked you. Unlike her brother Kiki was quiet and refrained from speaking much... It's a shame that her brother was forced to leave

"You are to leave with us to the Castle to start your training in an hour please come." The man said beckoning Alexander to come closer. He nodded taking a few uneasy steps, his steps echoing on the marble floor but they weren't as loud as his. I heard the choked sobs of Kiki next to Sybil as the pink haired girl whispered easing words to her. Yet it didn't work... The instructor looked up at Kiki and glared, his purple eyes gaze even gave me the chills. I sucked in a breath as Alexander left with him and the green haired man. He kept looking back at his weeping sister unable to say anything as he was taken to the living hell of Unova. The instructor drew in a breath as he looked at all of the students.

"Please go to your second period classes." He barked clenching his teeth as all 267 of the children ran out of the hall. The usual noise of children yelling was back as they took the stairs to the classrooms. All of those students but 3. 

"Sybil Moore, Katherine Light come here!" The Administrator yelled pointing in front of himself. The two girls walked over to the man with their heads down. I on the other hand was hiding in between the space where a trash can and the wall are. Hey it's great being small right?

"Do you know how disrespectful that was?!" He spat at them. Sybil's face was twisted into a scowl as she looked at her loafers, rule number one about getting displined was always show you're scared. How do I know this? It's pure fact if you show that you're scared you get an easier punishment, but Sybil on the other hand never showed fear when faced with anything... My focus went to the blonde Kiki, tears were running down her pale face as she looked at the floor. An occasional sniffle came from her as she held onto the edge of her skirt. Either she knew that rule or she was a total cry baby... I think it's number two though...

"Katherine two hours desk work!" He yelled at Kiki before she looked up at him. He pointed to the door and she jogged off crying, her waves of blonde hair followed close behind her. I watched her open the large door quickly trying to catch up with her fellow classmates. The door shut with a loud thud. 

"Sybil... For Arceus' sake can't you mind your own buisness?" The instructor asked in a dissaproving tone. He satrted tapping his foot awaiting an answer but I didn't think Sybil was going to give one. She just looked up and raised an eyebrow. I wanted to burst out laughing but the mature part of me just sat there with a frown. 

"Tomorrow you can head to the abandon swimming building in Pinwheel and retrieve a bag of mine from there." He said. The swimming building?! We stopped going there about 3 years ago because of the wild Pokemon! 

" What?!" She yelled. She just broke two of the disciplinary rules. 1. Don't talk back and 2. She talked above a quivering whisper. "That's an hour walk from here!"

"Yes go and I expect you to finish the job tomorrow... since you have a day off." He said a devilish smirk made it's way onto his face as Sybil held back an insult. You could tell by the angry expression on her face she wanted to scream some not so lady like words at him.

"Now head to class." He said making a sweeping motion with his hand before turning around and heading to the faculty room. Sybil watched as he walked out before she stomped her foot.

"Asshole." She hissed as she spun around. I squeezed my way out of the small space and stood by the white door. She sighed heavily as she came next to me. The instructor didn't say a thing, just ignored it as he watched us leave.

"I'll help you." I said shrugging my shoulders. Sybil's eyes darted towards me, her face was twisted up in a scowl.

"Whatever you want." She said pushing the door open. I followed behind her like a lost puppy as she started to jog up the stairs.

Words: 2510

Okay okay this was a boring chapter... But hey it was a filler chapter *Flashes smile* The fun stuff starts the next chapter!! :3
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