Worth The Wait

By Rockygirl

21 0 1


Worth The Wait

21 0 1
By Rockygirl

She waited.

Not exactly for her prince in shining armor, no.

But for someone who would be there for her when the world came toppling down around her in a million tiny pieces.

A man who would be able to handle her at her best, yes, but also at her very worst and everything g in between.

She thought she'd found him, several times, still young and naive. She tried her hardest, but to no avail once again. Almost ready to give up, she finally realized that everything she ever wanted had been sitting in front of her the whole time and she had been completely oblivious.

First she wanted time to fly, she herself wanted to fly, run away from everything she ever was, and anything she'd ever known.

Now she wishes everything would slow to a stop so she could cherish her time before it ran out.

She wanted, craved, needed someone who'd be her best friend. Someone who would protect her like a brother and could put up with her random, pointless fights.

She wanted someone who shed someday want her son to look up to, who her parents would adore. Someone who would accept her for who she was, and not find fault with every little thing she did. She wanted someone who, in the future, she could marry and have a family with. Someone who respected her dreams just as much as she respected his. Someone who would love her unconditionally, through thick, thin, sickness, and health. Someone she'd grow old with...

And you know what?

Maybe she's got it right this time.

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