The Girl With a Rose on Her F...

By FlowerFiction1994

107K 2.6K 264

A lose modern version of the Grimm tale fairy tale story "The Girl With a Rose on Her Forehead" thrown into t... More

Season 1: Episode 1: Pilot
Season 1: Episode 2: The Thing You Love Most
Season 1: Episode 3: Snow Falls
Season 1: Episode 4 :The Price of Gold
Season 1: Episode 5: That Still Small Voice
Season 1: Episode 6 : The Shepard
Season 1: Episode 7 : The Heart is a Lonely Hunter
Season 1: Episode 8: Desperate Souls
Season 1: Episode 9: True North
Season 1: Episode 10: 7:15 AM
Season 1: Episode 11: Fruit of the Poisonous Tree
Season 1: Episode 12: Skin Deep
Season 1: Episode 13: What Happened to Frederick
Season 1: Episode 14: Dreamy
Season 1: Episode 15: Red-Handed
Season 1: Episode 16: Heart of Darkness
Season 1: Episode 17: Hat Trick
Season 1: Episode 18: The Stable Boy
Season 1: episode 19: The Return
Season 1: Episode 20: The Stranger
Season 1: Episode 21: An Apple Red as Blood
Season 1 Episode 22: A Land Without Magic
Season 2: Episode 1: Broken
Season 2: Episode 3: Lady of the Lake
Season 2: Episode 4: The Crocodile
Season 2: Episode 5: The Doctor
Season 2: Episode 7: Child of the Moon
Season 2: Episode 8: Into The Deep
Season 2: Episode 9: Queen of Hearts
Season 2: Episode 10: The Cricket Game
Season 2: Episode 11: The Outsider
Season 2: Episode 12: In the Name of the Brother
Season 2: Episode 13: Tiny
Season 2: Episode 14: Manhattan
Season 2: Episode 15: The Queen is Dead
Season 2: Episode 16: The Millers Daughter
Season 2: Episode 17: Welcome to Storybrooke
Season 2: Episode 18: Selfless, Brave, and True
Season 2: Episode 19: Lacey
Season 2: Episode 20: The Evil Queen
Season 2: Episode 21: Second Star to the Right
Season 2: Episode 22: And straight on till morning
Season 3: Episode 1: The Heart of the Truest Believer
Season 3: Episode 2: Lost Girl
Season 3: Episode 3: Quite a Common Fairy
Season 3: Episode 4: Nasty Habits
Season 3: Episode 5: Good Form
Season 3: Episode 6: Ariel
Season 3: Episode 7: Dark Hollow
Season 3: Episode 8: Think Lovely Thoughts
Season 3: Episode 9: Save Henry
Season 3: Episode 10: The New Neverland
Season 3: Episode 11: Going Home
Season 3: Episode 12: New York City Serenade
Season 3: Episode 13: Witch Hunt
Season 3: Episode 14: The Tower
Season 3: Episode 15: Quite Minds
Season 3: Episode 16: It's not easy being Green
Season 3: Episode 17: The Jolly Rodger
Season 3: Episode 18: Bleeding Through
Season 3: Episode 19: A Curious Thing
Season 3: Episode 20: Kansas
Season 3: Episode 21: Snow Drifts
Season 3: Episode 22: There's No Place Like Home
Season 4:Episode 1: A Tale of Two Sisters
Season 4: Episode 2: White Out
Season 4: Episode 3: Rocky Road
Season 4: Episode 4: The Apprentice
Season 4: Episode 5: Breaking Glass
Season 4: Episode 6: Family Business
Season 4: Episode 7: The Snow Queen
Season 4: Episode 8: Smash the mirror - Part 1
Season 4: Episode 9: Smash the mirror Part 2
Season 4: Episode 10: Fall
Season 4 episode 11: Shattered Sight
Season 4: Episode 12: Heroes and Villains
Season 4 Episode 13: Darkness on the edge of town
Season 4 : Episode 14 : Unforgiving
Season 4 Episode 15: Enter The Dragon
Season 4: Episode 16: Poor Unfortunate Soul
Season 4: Episode 17: Best Laid Plans
Season 4: Episode 18: Heart of Gold
Season 4: Episode 19: Sympathy for the De Vil
Season 4: Episode 20: Lily
Season 4: Episode 21: Mother
Season 4: Episode 22: Operation Mongoose Part 1
Season 4: Episode 23: Operation Mongoose Part 2
Season 5: Episode 1: The Dark Swan
Season 5: Episode 2: The Price
Season 5: Episode 3: Siege Perilous
Season 5: Episode 4: The Broken Kingdom
Season 5: episode 5: Dream-catcher
Season 5: Episode 6: The Bear and the Bow
Season 5: Episode 7: Nimue
Season 5: Episode 8: Birth
Season 5: Episode 10: Broken Heart
Season 5: Episode 11: Swan Song
Season 5: Episode 12: Souls of the Departed
Season 5: Episode 13: Labor of Love
Season 5: Episode 14: Devil's Due
Season 5: Episode 15: The Brothers Jones
Season 5: Episode 16, 17, & 18: Our Decay, Her Handsome Hero, & Ruby Slippers

Season 2: Episode 2: We are Both

1.8K 37 3
By FlowerFiction1994

(Azalea's Outfit^^^)

-Storybrooke, Town Hall-

Azalea walked through the town, it was a mess. Cars wrecked on the side of the road, trash everywhere, broken windows and torn up buildings. People were going on riot, trying to escape the town, and just down right panicking.  The teen held her notebook and pen to her chest as she walked up to the Town Hall where everyone was ordered to come to by David. "If you are looking for a family member, come to the front table where Azalea will be taking names. If you need emotional help Dr.Hopper has a sign up sheet." Ruby called out over the muttering of the crowd as she walked through the people, carrying blankets around the crowd of people that had gathered after the attack of the wraith. "If the attack damaged your homes there is a place set up in the high school for everyone to stay." Azalea zoned out Ruby's talking to the crowd as she found the table where a dozen people were waiting for her. She quickly set up, "Who's first?" She asked looking up to see Geppetto. "Please, my son. His name is Pinocchio...I don't know his name in this world. I haven't seen him at all." The fathers eyes started to water and Azalea took his hand into hers. "If he is here, I will find him. My location spell never fails." She said, hoping to give some hope to Geppetto. "I can only pray that he is here..." Geppetto said before walking away. Azalea sighed and wrote the boys name down on her sheet of paper before calling, "Next!" The list of missing people only got longer, hours later Dr.Hopper joined her at her table. "This is getting out of hand, people are in a panic and don't know what to do." Dr.Hopper said as he looked over the list of missing people. "It's okay. We just need everyone to remain calm." Azalea said turning to face him. "And are you sure that you will be able to find some of these people with your location spell?" He asked. Azalea bit her lip and stood from her table bringing Dr.Hopper close to her so prying ears couldn't overhear. "They need some kind of hope, I'll try my best but I'm not sure." Azalea whispered in his ear. He nodded, agreeing before walking away. Azalea turned back to the line of people who had missing family members or friends and took a deep breath, adjusting her flower crown before getting back to work. Hopefully Charming was getting more results in his search for answers about Mary and Emma then she was here.

-Regina's house-

Regina heard a loud banging on her door. She hesitantly pulled it open and Charming marched through into her home. "Tell me about this." He said holding out the torn magic hat in his hands. "Surprised you didn't bring the dwarfs with you." Regina said. "Don't need them, we both know that if you take one step outside there is line a mile long of people wanting your head." He said. "Who's going to risk coming at me?" She asked, threateningly. "Take your chances then. But I think that the little 'sticking me to the wall trick' you pulled at City Hall was an anomaly. If you had your magic back this town would be burned down by now. Azalea said she was only able to open the portal through the hat when Emma touched her, she thinks that Emma inherited magic through Mary and I's true love. Azalea say's that if she doesn't have a good grasp on the magic in this world then you definitely don' she wrong?" Charming asked with a smirk. When Regina didn't answer Charming continued. "The only thing that is keeping you live right now is that Henry wishes let's talk about the hat." He said holding it up for Regina to see. "It's the thing that pulled your family away." Regina said stepping past the prince into the kitchen. "Where did you get it?" Charming asked. "It's been so long, I forget...Maybe you should be less concerned with hats and more concerned with taking care of my son." She said as he followed her. "Oh because you took such great care of him." Charming challenged. "I will not take child care lectures from a man who put his daughter in a box and sent her to another world." Regina spat back. "Look there is magic here now. There has to be a way to follow them, to find them." Charming said. "Follow them where? Into an airless sucking void? And good luck with trying to get magic to work. Because right now the only person who is even able to begin comprehending magic in this land is all run out. The hat took every last bit of Azalea's magic. She will need a few days to fully recover after using the magical hat twice in two days. And when she does she won't even be able to help. If she gets the hat to work again you will just be jumping into an empty void like your precious daughter and wife did." Regina said. David didn't let the Evil Queens words get to him, he took a steady breath and smirked. "Ah, frustrated aren't you? That Azalea can have control of magic here and you can't? You earned every bit of this." He said. "Keep on baiting me Charming, right now I don't have magic and I don't have my son. But when I get one, I get the other. You don't want to be around when that happens." Regina threatened. "If you have to use magic to keep your son, then you don't really have him...before I go, I believe you have something that belongs to Azalea." Charming said. Regina looked confused for a few seconds before a smirk grew. She walked over to her living room and stood in front of her bookshelf. She pulled out a book from it and walked back to David, shoving the book into his hands. "Not like I have any use for it anyway. Only she can use the potions from this book." Regina said as David stormed out of the house, the torn hat, and Azalea's flower book in his hands.

-Town Hall-

"How is the list coming along?" Ruby asked as Azalea finally started to take down the table. The crowd had thinned, the day getting late. "Three pages long." She said handing the list to Ruby for her to look over. Ruby looked more and more distressed as she looked over the list. "This is a lot of people." Ruby said looking at the teen. "Are you sure you can take this on? It's a lot to handle, we could get some people to help you." She suggested. "I'm the only person who can perform a location spell...It will be a few days before I can even begin to use the location spell anyway. We can take the list and start looking for people the old fashion way while I connect with the nature here." She said taking the list back. "TERRIBLE NEWS!" Everyone at Town Hall turned as the dwarfs came running up to the crowd with Charming and Blue running behind them. "We were out at the town limits." Grumpy said as he pulled Sneezy up to the front of the group. "Tell 'em who you think you are Sneezy." Grumpy told the dwarf. "Will you stop calling me that? You know who I am. I'm Tom Clark I own the Dark Star Pharmacy in town." He said, looking both annoyed and confused at everyone's reaction. "Whats going on here?" He asked looking at everyone. "If you cross the town line you lose your memory all over again." Grumpy said. "Coming back didn't fix it?" Dr.Hopper asked. "If it did would I have come here yelling terrible news?!" Grumpy asked sarcastically. "If we leave Storybrooke our cursed selves become our only selves." the whole crowd was silent, before panic settled in. Everyone was asking questions, some started to cry. Azalea looked around her as the madness unfolded. Charming was crowded by people asking him questions, not giving him time to answer, as were Ruby, Dr.Hopper, and Blue. A few people even started to gather around Azalea like she would have any answer to fix all this. "PEOPLE!" Charming shouted quietening the crowd. "Everyone come back in two hours I'll tell you my plan to fix everything." He shouted to everyone before walking away. Ruby and Azalea ran up behind him as the rest of the crowd stayed behind. "What's the plan?" Ruby asked. "I don't know, but I got two hours to figure it out." David said.

-Mr.Gold Pawn Shop-

The bell rang as Mr.Gold stood at his desk. "It seems that when I bought the closed sign I was throwing away my money." He said before turning to see Charming standing at the door. "Looks like it." David said before walking inside. "Sorry to hear about your wife and daughter. If your looking for a retrieval I'm sorry to say that portal jumping is out of my range." Mr.Gold said. "Of course it is." Charming said, sounding annoyed. "What's the commotion outside about" Mr.Gold asked, hearing the murmuring from the streets. "A little stir at the border of the town, having trouble crossing the line." Charming said. "Do tell," Mr.Gold said sounding interested. "Actually I'm here to buy something. A way to find someone. Azalea can't right now because of the magical hat taking all of her magic." Charming said. "What like a map?" Mr.Gold asked. "Something with a bit more kick." Charming said. "Who are you following?" Mr.Gold asked. "Not telling." Charming said, almost challenging the man to ask him. But Mr.Gold didn't bite the bate, "So do you have something that belongs to this person?" He asked. Charming nodded yes, "Can I see it?" Mr.Gold asked. "No." Charming said folding his hands together. Mr.Gold chuckled before turning behind his desk and pulling out a box, he opened it and pulled out a jar with sparkling blue powder. "Pour this on the object then follow it." Mr.Gold said handing the bottle over. "What do you want in return?" David asked. "Peace," Mr.Gold said. "After you spent most of your existence trying to murder Azalea? Someone whom the royal family considers their own?" David asked. "I had a chance when she was able to break the curse on herself to get her heart and use it for my own gain. But I didn't." Mr.Gold said with a shrug of his shoulders. "Because Regina got to her first. Who knows what you would have done to her." David spat. "This is a whole new world Charming, I want a guarantee that we stay out of each others way. And I'll even keep a good distance between the flower enchantress and I at all times to make you feel better." Mr.Gold looked at the bottle with a raised eyebrow before Charming nodded, taking the bottle from him. He went to leave when Mr.Gold asked him one final question. "What happens when you cross the border?" Charming turned to face him. "You lose your memory all over again, looks like were stuck here." He said before leaving the shop. Moments passed as Mr.Gold felt the anger burn in him. He threw his cane, the sounds of glass breaking went unheard in his burning ears. All of his hard work, and now he was stuck here?! "Poor delusional Charming. If you think I'm done with Azalea, you've got a big storm coming." 

-Storybrooke Forest-

Azalea sat crossed legged in the middle of the forest, she could hear the plants growing around her. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes. She needed to get the magic back. There was magic here before Mr.Gold brought it. She needed to be in balance with both, the magic of the far away land that Mr.Gold pulled through and the magic from this planet. She knew that she could do it, she had before. Now the town needed her to. If Regina got her magic back there was no way to protect anyone, unless she had magic of her own. So she started to meditate, her fingers running through the grass under her. Connecting with mother nature.

-Enchanted Forest, Years ago-

"How come you wont help those people who came the other day?" Azalea asked as mother pulled some kind of yellow flowers from the ground. The family was all together in their hidden home. The mother and daughter out in the garden like usual."Because they wanted me to help them win a war between them and another kingdom." She said not looking up at her child, her focus on the flowers in front of her. "Why wouldn't you help? You could have stopped a war."  Azalea said very confused. Her mom stopped picking the flowers and looked up at Azalea, the child was standing behind her mom, holding the basket of flowers she had gathered. Her mom sighed and dusted her hands, before pulling Azalea into her lap. "Do you know the kind of magic we use?" She asked the child. "Yes, it's the earths magic." Azalea said by memory. "That's right, and it is a very rare magic. It can only come from someone who has an enchantress's heart. And you also have to have the magic of a pure heart because of your father and I's love. People with pure hearts do not have the darkness in their hearts to fight in wars. To keep our magic pure we must never use our magic to hurt others or the nature around us. It must always be for good." Azalea though about it for a few seconds before smiling. That made since. "BOO haha!" Alex, Azalea's brother, jumped up from behind the two. Azalea jumped and her mother laughed as Azalea got up from her lap to chase her brother across the flower field. Azalea learned an important lesson that day, and she vowed later on to never use her magic to hurt anyone, or anything.

"Azalea!" The teen felt herself getting pulled out of her meditative state and opened her eyes. Ruby was standing above her, looking worried. "We need to hurry, David needs our help. People are panicking and trying to leave Storybrooke. Azalea nodded and stood from the ground. The memory of her family before they were all killed stayed in her head as she and Ruby ran through the forest. Now Azalea's decision was clear. She would protect the people of Storybrooke the best she could with her magic. But she would never hurt anyone with her magic either. She was better than that, she was better than Regina and Mr.Gold.

-Storybrooke Town Line-

Charming honked his horn as he sped past the line of cars headed to the town line. Azalea and Ruby held onto the car seat as he swerved in front of the line of cars leaving Storybrooke. The tires screeching as he blocked the road. The three got out of his car. "Get out of the way! We have a right to go." Someone yelled as the people got out of their cars. "If you cross that line you are going to be lost. Everyone who loves you will lose you. But there is something even worse than that. You will lose yourself." Charming stepped onto the back of his truck so that everyone could see him. Everyone got out of their cars and listened. Some looking angry for being blocked, others just looked scared. "Look I get wanting to leave here, I do! I get that it is easier to let go of bad memories but even bad memories are apart of us...David, Storybrooke David weak, confused. And he hurt the woman I love. I wouldn't give up Charming just to be him. But I wouldn't make the other trade either. Because that David reminds me of not only who I've lost, but of who I want to be. My weaknesses and my strengths." Everyone was listening to him, Azalea looked down the road to see everyone in the crowd smiling to him, looking at his with hope. "David and Prince Charming. I am both. Just like you all, you are both. The town is both and we are both. Stay here and every choice is up to you. Live in the woods, hell live in a shoe if you want...let's open back the schools and the shops and get back to work. I will protect you, Regina will never hurt any of us. Not as long as I'm alive. As long as we come together. As we did before the curse and as we will do again." Everyone was still, Azalea looked at Ruby as she smiled up at Charming nervously. People started to get in their cars. If they went past the town line it was no longer up to Charming-or David to stop them. But none of them did. Every car turned around and went back to town.

(Azalea Outfit^^^)

-Flower Shop-

A few days later Azalea twisted the key into her door, it slowly opened and she walked inside. The aroma of flowers making her smile wide. She walked by each plant, making sure that they weren't to dehydrated before going behind her counter and digging through her stuff. She held her mothers book tightly in her hands. David had gone by Regina's house to get Henry, and Regina had surprisingly returned the book to him to give to Azalea. Now that she knew what she was doing. She could really start to work on the flowers in her shop, grow them to work on spells and potions. She could start on location spells to look for missing people, hopefully finding them all. She was ready now, to put her all into protecting this town and helping Charming any way she could to get Mary and Emma back.

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