As Daughters in Christ

By sumwhitegirl

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A place for the Daughters of Christ to get encouragement! More

As Daughters in Christ
Princess Warriors
Praise through Pain
Prayer through Pain
You have been covered
Our Defender
His Promise
Take Courage
Break Out of Approval
His Light
Dream with Me
He Came to Serve
A Time of War
Driven by Eternity
His Holy Spirit
Walk the Road to Life...
You Will Know Everlasting Joy
Dress like Royalty
Dine with Me
Conquer Compromise
His Timing
Good Morning
Capture this Day
His Promise
Don't Walk Away
Rescue Mission
His Move
I am Your Peace
Open Your Gifts
Good Confidence
His Attention
I Have Always Been Here
Come to Me
His Blessing
I Want All of You
Powerless Apart From Me
His Perfect Gifts
I Will Show You Life
His Witness
Count the Cost
Don't Underestimate
Free to Love
All for You
Give Me Your Plans
You Are My Crown Jewel
His Protection
Become One With Me
You are Connected
Warrior Wisdom
You are Never Alone
Your Dream Home
His Preparation
Prayer and Warfare
Open Your Eyes
Get Ready
Untitled Part 72
Speak Life

Invisible War

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By sumwhitegirl

The Invisible War

My Princess Warrior,

There are unseen spiritual battles going on all around you. Darkness wars against My chosen ones every day. You, My Princess Warrior, must learn to fight in the power of My Spirit, not your human flesh. I will give you every weapon needed to be an effective warrior.

My Holy Spirit will be your sight when you cannot see the invisible attacks fired at you. My Word is your shield of wisdom when you feel confused by the enemy. Do not fear, My beloved; you are fully equipped to fight the good fight of your faith. I won't let My daughter live a life of defeat. I will give you the power to triumph over every trial.


Your King who has already won

For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. - Ephesians 6:12

Posted by Rebecca Carlson via Google+

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