The Assassin (Editing)

By HowlingSilvermoon

48.9K 2K 265

"A killer deserves to be punished. They deserved to be beat and scorned and unloved until their last breath f... More

Stealing is not nice
The New Mission
Meeting Him
Tears are Liquid Disgrace
My Little Dancer
Moving On
Pain and Pleasure
Back to Work
After Effect
Idiot Cops
The Walking Dead
Shrugging Things Off
Call to Action
A Gift?
All Alone
Legal Shit
Unstable Recovery


1.6K 68 14
By HowlingSilvermoon

Jadens p.o.v.

Twelve fifteen in the morning and I'm sitting in the kitchen of my mother's home, my ribs wrapped up nice and tight as to not hurt when I move, sharpening my knife as quietly as possible. My gun already checked and cleaned along with my emergency daggers. Heh my weapons all have their own names too. Pierce, my knife, was my first hand held weapon that Boss gave me when I was four. Emit was a gun I stole from a victim when I was seven, I still remember the way his blood spilled out of his head in an almost perfect circle. I always liked quick death better than torture. Chip and Snip, my twin daggers, were from a visiting ambassador that was in the wrong place at the wrong time along with his body guards.

These weapons have always helped me and have been my only form of back up since I started missions for Boss. A smile tugged at my lips when I recalled how easy it was for some people to trust a younger me only to die. One of my victims even tried to kidnap me when I was nine but that obviously backfired for him and I got to rob his house. That was a good day. Boss let me have a lollipop that day and gave me a hug because of the expensive items I found. I put Pierce down and stood up, grabbing some bread and putting it in the toaster.

Today would mark my one thousand nine hundred and ninety eighth completed mission after Charles is gone, not all of them involved a murder though but most did. Footsteps coming down the stairs made me straighten my back and take my weapons off the table and into their respective holsters. They were hidden in my jeans and jacket so no one could tell were they are but easy enough to grab and stab.

"Hello boss." I greeted but she ignored me as per usual and went for the coffee machine that already had coffee in it. Pooring herself a cup she leaned her hips against the counter before turning her tired eyes on me.

"Today it's done, yes?" She ask and I nodded. My toast popped out and I set myself to put some jelly on them while she kept her gaze on me, sipping her drink. "Good, come here immediately after your mission is complete and go down to the basement."

The butter knife fell from my fingers and clanked against the counter top, my body freezing along with my heart for a moment. "W-why?" I don't think I did anything wrong since I came back.

"You were slacking off at the beginning of your mission and I just want to make sure you remember to stay on task from now on." She said blankly before going back up stairs with me frozen in the kitchen. "Oh and don't mess up again J!"

I let out a shaky breath and sat down. Even though my last punishment was a couple weeks ago I'm still not ready for another one. I never was and never will be. She kept me down there for days at a time and only time will tell what she will do this time because it's always different from the last one. I should have know Boss would punish me for my actions, she taught me better than to slack off and disobey her orders but Drake just made me feel different. Like I didn't need to do something to make him happy or hide anything. That was a lie though, a glitch in my brain that actually led me to believe he cared for me. I sat in my seat for a while before pushing my thoughts away and finally getting up to leave, my toast forgotten and hunger gone.

Twelve forty-five am. I'm loitering on a bench across the street and a couple buildings down from Drake's club. He's in there now, they both are for sure. Charles was late to his shift today, I know because I followed him earlier to make sure he was here. I planned to play him into a trap. Waiting for him is a bother though because sometimes he sneaks out early thus my hour and fifteen minute in advance steak out.

I watch silently as man after man walks in and out of the loud club and the base from the sound system able to reach me from where I sat. Then a woman walked to the door and was going to go straight in if it wasn't for the boucer who stopped her. I watched as he stood tall and she yelled profanities at him, apparently demanding entrance. I found it amusing how that small woman tried to push past the wall of a man. She calmed and showed him her phone and to my surprise he left inside, the woman pacing around in front of the door.

Why is she so worked up?

Minutes later the man returned but with another man. He was young, maybe my age or younger and blond like the woman who spin around to face them. I giggled when she stormed over and grabbed him by the ear and hauled ass to a car near by, her mouth moving a mile a minute. Ah now I understand.... she's a mad momma bear. My mother never cared what I did, whether it be something good or bad.

You'd be amazed by what some of these people are willing to show in public. The people leaving are wearing the most revealing clothing I've ever seen and I'm glad I sat far away because I was openly staring at some of them.

Finally my waiting paid off and I spotted Charles leave the club wearing leather pants and a black vest to match. My plan is to pretend to be drunk and see where that goes. This is the easiest way to go considering Charles personality and physique. If he doesn't do anything then I'll drag him into an alley, it would be easy since this place is empty except for some vacant buildings and then the club. So I walk across the street and pretend to stumble into the wall of a building before sliding into an alley just as he is walking in my direction, my hood down. Well he saw me that much is certain.

I pressed my back to the wall and slid down until my butt hit the floor. Hanging my head down and letting my arms go limp at my sides, I payed attention to his footsteps slowly getting closer. "Hey you ok?" He asks uneasily while standing a few feet away. Huh I guess even Charles can be sympathetic.

I rolled my head back and gazed at him. "I'm f-ine." I told him, letting a fake hiccup surface. He looked back blankly before it finally clicked and a smirk took over his face.

I'm drunk, or at least that's what he's supposed to think.

"Can you h-elp me to the store? I want candy." I ask and hold out my arms like a child. My sweater was oversized and made me look small, I was wearing some nice fitting jeans though that compliment my legs. Charles seems weary of me from the fight at the bus stop so I whined and dropped my arms, letting my body lean to the side a little. "Please I just want somet-hing sweet to suck on." I said with another hiccup, goading him to thing dirty. It worked.

That being said, his face turned devilish and I continued looking lost. "Alright I'll help you get something to suck on shorty." He chuckled and walked over to pick me up. Only instead of take me somewhere else he pushed me against the wall and claimed my lips. I whimpered, for the act and because he tastes like strong alcohol too. It helps disguise the fact that I'm not drunk though so I don't complain. Just a little longer, until his full attention is on getting laid. His hands roam my body, rubbing my hips and sliding his hands back to squeeze my ass. What is with men and my ass! I turn my head away and gasp, not wanting to kiss him any longer but wanting to keep up my scheme. When his hand went to rub me I nearly gagged but managed to stay quiet. Charles went to unbutton my jeans and my hand twiched to my gun.

On the count of three. One. His hand unzipped my jeans the smile on his face wide. Two. His mouth moved to my neck sucking harshly but I didn't flinch. Three. My hand wrapped around the gun but before I could pull it out we were tackled to the ground. The force making me drop the gun on the floor and hit my head against the ground.

Besides the blood leaking from the cut on my head, the next thing I noticed was growling. My eyes widened when I saw Drake punch the now stunned Charles. Damn. I was so close to making a fast and easy kill!

"You fucker! Taking advantage of a fucking drunk person! Damn you!" He yells and sends a punch to his face again along with his stomach. Charles struggles from beneath him. I press a hand to my head and get up, grabbing my gun and just holding it. Where did Drake even come from? Shit, did he finally decide to suck me dry of blood or some crap like that?

"Stop being so damn dramatic! You used to do it too so why do you care so much motherfucker!" Charles yells back and finally lands a punch to Drake's jaw, but he just growls and bares his fangs. Its still shocks me but what shocks me even more is when Charles bares his fangs right back, both men snapping at each other. How many vampire people are there? This is so weird and I don't even know what to do. This is the first time I've dealt with super natural creature or whatever they are. This is taking too long, I need to be gone already.

"Because he's mine!" Drake snapped and struggled to pin Charles down. His form was all wrong, that's why he couldn't do it. Why would I be his? I walked closer and kicked both of them to get their attention. Boss would be even more pissed if i didn't finish this soon. Not to mention what would happen if I let Charles go today....

"I'm not an object and you need to leave Drake I was doing something important with him." I said and Drake looked at me like I was crazy, hurt and confusion swirling in his black eyes. I've learned that his eyes are like that when he's angry which he clearly was.

"Ha! You see Drake he doesn't want a freaking lunatic like you! What with your-"

"Shut up!" He roared and gripped Charles throat, squeezing. As much as I want to hear the rest of that sentence Drake's doing my job for me so I let it go. "Your bitch ass is fired! Don't come back or I will rip out your heart and shove it down your throat! Now go!"

Charles head was pushed into the ground before Drake finally got up and stocked over to me. "You and me have to talk, now." Drake demanded and rolled my eyes. He can't take a hint. Even though they both scare me a little because of the whole vampire thing I don't let my fear show.  

Charles got on his elbows before pushed himself to his feet and going to leave. Drake didn't seem like he was going anywhere any time soon though so with a sigh I dodged Drakes hamd and walked up to Charles, who's back was turned, and grabbed his arm, twisting my own arm to flip him onto his stomach while I pushed my foot into his back, still holding his arm so he couldn't move without it hurting. It was a simple technique that left my other hand to point my gun at Charles head.

"What are you doing Jaden? Put the gun down and let's go have a talk. Please calm down." Drake tries to reason but he doesn't understand. He thinks this is revenge. I shake my head and pull the arm I'm holding, making Charles yelp.

"Yeah do what the stuck up prick said and put down the damn gun!" Charles pleaded.

"Drake go away. I appreciate the help but I can deal with my own business." I said and glared at him, trying to get him to leave even though I shouldn't. I don't understand why I'm apposed to hurting Drake.

"Goddammit Jaden!" He cursed and then he wasn't where he was anymore. My head whipped around but he was nowhere in sight. I tightened my grip on Charles and the next thing I know the gun is snatched out of my hand and tossed away, further down the alley. Drake stood right in front of me, my eyes wide and I'm scared to say that I was actually frightened. He was able to move and do things without me even noticing. He just threw Emit....

"Drake leave before things get out of control." I said and he walked forward before freezing when I pulled out my knife at him instead. Honestly I don't want to kill him but he's seen too much. Drake raises his hands and moves forward again. "Jaden.... put the kni-"

"This is my job Drake. I kill people for a living and you know to much now, along with him." I say while nodding at Charles who is still struggling to free himself but the hold I have on him is strong. I dig my heel into his lower back and Charles stills, the pain finally getting to him. "So don't take this personally. Charles you deserve this you fucking bastard." I say darkly before lowering my hand and going to stab his throat but a hand jerks my wrist away and I use the leverage to push my arm out and stab Drake's upper arm. My eyes widened and a gasp escapes me when he stumbles back, clutching the gash in his arm and throwing the knife away too. "Dammit!" I yelp out when Charles gets out of my hold and scrambles to run away.

With Drake stunned I jump on Charles back and wrap and arm around his neck my other hand reaching to a dagger in my jeans before I flip it out and drive it into his throat. I twisted the handle and blood came pouring out, his body finally giving way and falling to the floor. My fear for vampires and little knowledge of them leading me to stab his heart as well. I did that quickly and turned around to face Drake. His eyes were wide and the blue color came back to them. There was blood splattered on my face and clothes, my hands covered in it but he didn't react like last time. I groaned at the remorse that traveled through my body at the thought of having to kill Drake now too. I walked over and Drake stayed still as I approached him. "Jaden I.... what?"

I didn't answer him and kneeled in front of him, my face blank. He was older, more experienced but he was completely lost in a situation like this where as I was trained from birth for this. His wide eyes proved as much so when my hand tightened on the daggers handle my heart tightened in my chest. I didn't know him for long and he kept secrets but so did I, he made me feel things other than blank emotions and fake reactions but I couldn't let him live and risk him telling anyone or worse, Boss finding out I let a witness go without a struggle.

Drake scooted back and I pitied him in this moment. Done delaying his death, I lunged forward but was met with Drake's feet coming up to hold my body back, then he pushed me back and I fell, landing on my back. My vision blurred when my head hit the floor again and the next thing I know Drake is over me, my arms pinned. "What the hell Jaden! Your trying to kill me?"

"Yes that's the point." I say and wrap my legs around his waist to flip us over but he rolled over again so that we were rolling around on the floor, wrestling. At one point something poked my back and I recognized the shape that pressed into my skin. I let go of his arm and he fell over, loosing his balance and I grabbed the gun and straddled his waist. "I'm sorry."

I closed my eyes and pulled the trigger so a bullet embedded itself in his heart. He yelled but it died into a gurgling noise and I watched his face twist before it finally stilled and I along with it. Tears came to my eyes but I don't understand. I just killed him but for the first time it feels like a shot myself. What did I do? He made me weak. This one man I knew for a small period of time, that let me cry, tried to get me to have fun, and took care of me when Boss hurt me, made me weak and spineless. I got up and put my gun away, my hand brushing something and I pulled it out of my pocket. The bracelet....

With a shaky breath I leaned down and grabbed his wrist, fastening it on his arm before turning and grabbing my knife. It just felt right to leave it with him, sorta like leaving flowers at someone's grave. I didn't want to leave but the tears still streaming down my face made it clear that I had too. The police would believe that this was a random murder case so I didn't bother with the bodies considering we were at the edge of town. So I trudged my way back to base hoping that for once my mother will take pity...

AN: So that happened...

Please note that in my story vampires don't have super strength. Only speed and smell along with the eye thing.

Until we next meet. Comment and vote! Also feel free to ask questions if your confused with anything.


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