Lost in the Sea of Lies || Ky...

By EmberKilljoy

12.7K 495 124

•Short• You're currently in love with one of the most feared people in the galaxy: Kylo Ren. However, things... More

1.) Anger Consumes
2.) The Sensation of Hopelessness
3.) To Feel Entirely Empty
5.) Faith in Pain and Agony

4.) Imminent Betrayal

2K 84 23
By EmberKilljoy

You woke up to the sound of near-complete silence with the exception of the murmurs throughout the halls.

Crawling out of bed, you tried to listen through the door to hear the whispers, but they suddenly disappeared. You opened the door, leaving your room and causing gasps to arise. It was almost as if they'd thought you had heard them, but you hadn't understood anything they said.

They scrambled back to their posts, leaving you in complete confusion. You managed to catch an employee who'd straggled from the group. Your pace quickened as you pinned him against the wall. His eyes widened in fear as you tried to read his mind. He was weak, and his thoughts slipped quickly. You could read each one like pages from book with little effort.

The stormtrooper you had strangled yesterday had babbled; everyone knew you were trouble. They thought you were to become their new leader, under the control of Hux and Ren, of course. But you weren't, and you certainly wouldn't let yourself be controlled by the wonderful scumbag, Ren. He was hot, but he was trash; he hid so much from you. Secretly, you feared he would actually listen to what the creature in the hologram said, but you were in complete denial. He would never do that, right?

You exited the employees mind, watching him crumple on the ground. He was afraid you would hurt him for containing such information and judgement, but you spared him. You walked away, knowing everyone had such knowledge. Hopefully, Kylo was still unaware of these rumors, but certainly Hux would know. Whatever Hux knew, Kylo would eventually know too.

You didn't know what your next move was entirely, but you walked back into your room, hoping to find something in Kylo's books that would be of use. The halls you roamed began to resemble a ghost town. Certainly everyone would start avoiding you now, mostly out of fear.

The door to your room opened as you strutted in quickly. You ran straight for the bookshelf, skimming the titles for anything that would be helpful in your new journey into the Force.

You found one book that had no title and began to skim it. Inside appeared to be different techniques and powers. Each one had something different, whether it was useful or useless. You studied them and practiced them on different objects in the room. Certainly, the ones you would have to practice on people would come later; now was not the time. It was too soon to start practicing noticeable things; people needed to be caught off guard if you were to be attacked.

You rooted through Kylo's things, finding lightsabers. There wasn't anywhere you knew of to craft your own lightsaber at Starkiller base and, even if there was, you wouldn't know how. The one you picked up appeared to be the same as Kylo's. Until you turned it on. It showed a black blade and black crossguards. You'd never seen light that was, well, black... Isn't that counterproductive?

You took the lightsaber as your own, making sure it fit on your belt. Then, you took it off and began to fiddle with it. You admired the structure as you swung it. It didn't crackle in instability like Kylo's; only a deep tone emitted from it. You took a liking to every aspect of this lightsaber. Surely, Kylo wouldn't notice it missing.

You looked in the only mirror Kylo had not yet broken; the mirror in which he fixes his luscious hair. In it, you admired your outfit. The black clothing and cape looked wonderful on you. However, something was missing... Something so insignificant yet so important. You pulled up the hood on your cape, seeing if it would be the missing piece. It was. Your face looked slightly darker than usual, more evil, and your eyes, cold. Murderous was the closest word to describe such an image. It was a look to be feared, and you couldn't love it more. You felt power fill your own reflection as you stood proudly in your boots. In an attempt to decently hide the lightsaber, you covered it with your cloak and left the room.

You felt like you were walking on air, nothing could stop you. There was no particular direction in which your were traveling. Oh, wait, there was. You were headed straight for that room in which Kylo was speaking to the hologram. Something told you he would be in there again. As you approached the door, you could hear his voice. The last thing you wanted was to be caught again, so you tried to hide your presence optimally. You tuned into the conversation.

"She's getting stronger, I can feel it. There's something new in her, and I can't sense what it is." Kylo said.

"Your saber... I feel a new presence attached to it. The girl must be executed. She is too dangerous to be kept alive." The buzzing hologram spoke urgently.

"I cannot kill her; you know that."

"Do not let your personal interests interfere with you reign, Ren. Do what you must, and you will be rewarded with greater power than any other."

"She is the limit. I can't do this. Send Phasma after her... Or, even better, how about you go after her instead of sending me, you lazy piece of trash."

"Don't disrespect me. I will end you. Kill the girl or be killed. Oh, and also, if you do not, you will lose all of your power anyway. She will grow more powerful than you. Who will be Hux's favorite then? Oh, yeah, her."

"Shut up."

"Do it, Ren."

The hologram shut off from the sounds of it, and you panicked as you heard Kylo's footsteps approach the door. You quickly sprinted down the hall and down an adjacent corridor.

He walked out and down the hall. You watched him, assuming he was headed towards your room. If he notices his book is out of place and the lightsaber is missing, you were as good as dead... If not legitimately dead.

Nevertheless, you allow him to continue down the hall and, when he entered the room, you did not stop him. Shortly after the door closed, you heard the cries of rage. You could almost feel the sparks from the wall as the lightsaber thrashed at them in his tantrum.

You saw him exit the room and stop, closing his eyes. As soon as they opened, he came storming towards you. Suddenly, you realized he was stomping towards the room with the hologram, not you, luckily. The door slammed shut as he calmly reported that the lightsaber was indeed missing, and you were, indeed, learning more.

You decided the smartest idea was to get as far away as possible in case he suddenly stormed out again.

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