A$ADA| Kiss Me

由 luxezone4

4.9K 243 14

One day we took a drive--it seems as though that's how everything started with us. We were complete strangers... 更多

Say It..Do It|02
Part II|Prove It
Part III|show it.
Love On The Brain|06
Take Kare|08
$ister'$ Keeper|09
We Grown..|010
'Say Goodnight..'|011
only us..
Keÿ To..
Key II|015
Fix It|016
been that way|017
open your eyes|018
you were right|019
tore up|021
stay with me..|023
024|stay with me too..
026|Me & U
027|what you want
028|It's You..
029|Judgement Day
031|unsex me
032|always be tight
033|alone together
034|rockit steady..
035| C I R C U S

025|your first.

120 7 0
由 luxezone4

I just need a chick I can grind with and shine with and spend every dime with and ball 'til it's over.

Swear that ass you got behind, you got me standing at attention like a soldier..

Now tell me what I gotta do to make you mine for a lifetime?
We could make money all day, making love 'til the nighttime, yeah

If we ever fell in love, girl, I'd do it right the first time
In one try..

Mama Te

"Another one?"

I went to the precinct to file a missing persons report on Seoul. Also to get Sada out.

This wouldn't be the first time for Seoul and it'll probably be the last if she goes to jail.

Lord, be a fence.

I can't help anyone that doesn't want to help themselves; but Seoul's my child, my first born, and I don't understand where I went wrong.

She is my child, first.

Although she's 35 years old, she'll always be my baby, even if we don't see eye to eye on her choices.

"Yup, Sheriff please find her. I wouldn't want her to wound up somewhere.."

The thought shook me up.

It's been two weeks and Seoul still hasn't been home. Malaia's been left without breast milk therefore we had to get formula—which was our last resort.

Damion and Sada practically lived here because they visited her so much.

As did Seoul's friends, Bobby and Rose.

They were very peculiar characters.

The young lady, Rose—moved suspiciously. She'd never respond to her name automatically, she seemed to always snoop around, and I didn't like the way she stared at Roland and Damion.

Roland is my man and I will pound down on her young ass.

And Damion is my future son-in-law whether anyone knew it or not but Mama Te always peeps.

I'd have to tell both Asada and Damion my opinion on those scaly wags in my baby's house.

The Bobby boy, was unexaggerately weird.

"I've made breakfast!"

I don't understand why they were still staying here to be quite frank—they've overstayed their welcome.

I didn't want to seem like an asshole.

"So when are you guys leaving?"

They looked at each other and nodded then suddenly the doorbell rang, "I'll be back.."


"What the hell?"

Out of all fucking people.
No—out of all fucking weeks!

My week is jam packed!

I'm going back to work, I'm planning a surprise party for Dam', and Seoul's court bullshit!

Hell I've been to jail!

Then I've been checking on Malaia everyday and so has Damion.

He loved her so much.

Seoul's freeloaders had to get out of my house.. as well.

And..I'm ranting—again.

"Hey Asada.."

"Xavier. What do you want?"

"I came to warn you.."

"If this is about Damion you're wasting your time."

"No, it's about those two people in your house—the house that used to be our home—"

I raised my hand to stop it, right there.

"Until you finally broke me.. Get whatever you have to say out now.."

"Not now. Later, at—Lincoln Park. You and Damion both need to be there."

"Why should I trust a man that won't even take care of his own flesh and blood?"

"Because.. it's me, a man you once loved. I was sick, and I'm slowly healing and changing. Please."

You're a weak bitch, if you agree.

Don't even hesitate, Asada.

"Fine..what time?"


"Three o'clock today, by the red bench."

Consequently, that's Damion and I's spot.

"You better not be lying or else I'm going to kill you. That's a fucking promise Xavier."

His head dropped shamefully, "I understand."



I was asleep and I recognized Asada's voice.

She had my key,
so it couldn't be anyone else.

Maybe if I closed my eyes tighter she'd either go away or come lay in my bed and let me hold her..

As unmanly it sounded; being with Asada was and is where I feel most  safe..

Soon I felt Asada straddle me,

"Damiooon wake up."

I wasn't going to wake up until she started to rock back and forth on my lower half.

"I can feel you babe.."

I gripped her hips, my eyes fluttered open and what I witnessed was—unrealistic, blissful, and unbelievable.

Waking up to Asada was the number one thing that I want to get used to.

"Hey Baby.."

I ran my hand through her hair, she cut it short again—I loved it.

She kissed me deeply, "I have something to talk to you about.."

I sat up letting her body move closer to my own.


"Uh—um, Xavier came by today which is very odd. He said he had to warn me about something and I don't know if I can trust myself around him. I need you to be there for me Dam."

I'm perplexed as to why she couldn't trust herself around him until it finally clicked, "You still got feelings for him?"

She hesitated.

Why'd she hesitate?

There was no need to—it's either yes or no.

"It's an easy yes or no, Asada."

"No--no, it's not about that—it can't be. It's just that..when he appeared my heart stopped. I felt flutters. However, they're not the same flutters that I get with you."

"Why is that?" I rubbed her cheek.

I wouldn't mind but I'd be hurt.

I didn't want our relationship to become complicated because we had sex.

I don't want her to feel obligated to this--whatever we have--if she's not one hundred percent— all in.

Though we aren't official—we both knew that we loved each other dearly—we're in love.

"I know that I don't love him
Damion.. And it sounds very delusional but I think I've loved you since the moment we met and I didn't know how to admit it."

It was clear that she was hiding something from me—to spare me.

I wiped her tears, "Do you want this—what we have? Because if you want to, we can slow down, we can do what ever you want and we can make a mutual agreement. I'm in love you--Asada Ko'Ryn, I won't mind taking it slow but I'm not gonna wait forever."

I could tell, I left her mind jumbled but in my heart I knew that she was mine already.

Who would've thought that I'd fall in love with a beautiful, hazel-eyed goofball , whose complexity turns me on.

One thing I know that myself and Sada need to work on is; expressing our feelings instead of drowning in bad habits.

"Think about it—I can only try to love you right the first time around. And get it right." I winked at her..

She kissed me and whispered, "Sparks.."

"Damion, do you feel anything when—"

I kissed her—she moaned slightly,
I left her breathless.

"Every time you look at me, touch me, kiss me, smile, cry, and all the things you do—make me feel."

Shockingly, she didn't shy away from me.

She smiled with a flushed face and nodded.

I loved that I could make her blush. It gave me satisfaction.

"I told you baby, we're never ever keeping our feelings to ourselves again.."

"I love you for that and I feel the same way ten times as much. You've always been there."

She rested her forehead onto mine,

"Will you go with me to meet up with him?"

"Of course."

She rested her forehead against mine once more ,

"Damion, I'll never leave your side as long as you stick with me for the long run."

For the first time, I felt as though I could love someone again.

I've been back Miami for a week and the city seemed to change.

I've done somethings and to me it's for a good cause.

The sun didn't shine, it always rains nowadays—for me at least.

I've had contact with Robert and Rosali they haven't been able to get anything on either Damion or Asada.

That's not dissatisfying.

Like I said.

I've changed and that's what I wanted to warn Asada about.

There's no changing Robert and Rosali's plans though. I don't know exactly what they are doing but I'm sure they're capable of murda'.

I've murdered a lot of people however—Asada was one death I couldn't live with.

Her nigga—maybe.


Robert and Ros have been the only two sticking to the—game.

Seoul, she just went ballistic.

Damon, is a gay ass drug feign that smokes his own product.

Adaley, went missing in action.

Finally, me.

I'm done with the old Xavier.

I want to start with a clean slate and rekindle Asada and I's relationship.

I don't know how I'll handle rejection from the love of my life but I'd understand—I guess.

I could not love her right the first time but since I entered rehab, visited a psychologist,and was willing to take care of Malaia—Asada'll love me.

You should've seen the way she looked at me.

No doubt that she still loves me.


Every time I was around this Rose, I felt an uneasy yet vaguely familiar feeling.

She's the exact reason why I never come over to Asada's.

I told her they freeloading asses needed to stay in a hotel if they were going to stay until Thursday, August 30.

As I was proofreading my argument, I felt hands rubbing on my shoulders. They were to frail to be Asada's therefore I quickly moved away.

"Aye. Back the fuck up. Why are you all up on me?" I yelled,

She walked toward me, "Oh Damion, I see the way that you look at me. You don't want Asada.."

I pushed her dirty ass finger off of me,

"That's none of your business Rose. I don't want you. Never would."

She looked like she wanted to say something but instead she turned her back away from me and kept it moving once she saw Sada walk in.

I smiled as soon as I smelled her Orchid Perfume. She opened her arms immediately and jumped onto me.

"Woah. Hey there." I caught her as her legs wrapped around my waist.

I kissed her, "Hey."

She was whispering in my ear—it was too explicit to even--Jesus.

I walked around carrying her and telling her what I wanted in this relationship.

I was planning on making this official but after the chaotic mess is over. I have to let her know that when I'm handling big cases, I go into shutdown mode.

Soon that Bobby dude walked into the living room and he stood their and stared at us.

Fucking weido, bruh I swear.

Xavier patiently waited at the bench.

While people watching, he people-watched couples with children and he wished he'd never passed that up.

Seoul's roaming the streets. She hasn't eaten in a week—nor showered, had contact with anyone, and she could've cared less about anything or anyone for the moment.

"Can I get some food, money, or something. Please."

"No, all I have is credit card..sorry."

"I've used that line before lady, you ain't fooling nobody."

Seoul's body shook and she couldn't stop the voices in he head.

She just screamed, "Ahhh!"
And crawled into a corner cursing out random strangersfor coming near her personal fence.

Meanwhile Robert and Rosali, have been trying to figure out what their next move was.

They've overstayed their welcome and Rosali knew that Damion was getting suspicious. In addition, she couldn't handle seeing those two together any longer. Of course, she knew they were getting close but she felt as though she knew Damion well enough.

"I think they fucked Ros."

"Rob, shut the fuck up. He wouldn't fuck her. He still loves me."

Rosali said putting back on her nose. The thought of their bodies coming together was depressing as hell.

"Whatever you say but we have to move fast.."

Robert rolled his eyes. He didn't like the fact that they were getting closer and he seen the glow on Asada's face.

It was undeniable.

Too bad it wouldn't last long.

Shaking in my socks, I had to mentally prepare for this meet up.

"Dam' I don't think I can go through with this.."

He came out the bathroom shirtless with a toothbrush in his mouth.

"Damion, why aren't you dressed!"

He raised his eyebrow at me and walked back into that bathroom.

Once he came back out, I felt his hands wrap around me, he laughed,

"Baby, you're not even dressed yet."

I noticed that I was sitting on the bed in only underwear and a white tee and one sock.

I was the definition of struggle—right now.

"Sada, think about it as apart of the healing' process. Isn't that what you'a tell me? You got this. I'll be there fa' you."

"You make me complete..What would I do without you?"

I took a deep breath in content and continued to get dressed.


"As I'll ever be.."

I knew that I'd have to keep my cool, because I was there when he did what he did to her.

I ran over to the other side to open her door. I grabbed her hand and she held on tight.

She was nervous—the emotion showed greatly on her face.

We saw Xavier sitting down—waiting.


He looked up and smiled at the sound of Sada's voice.

He seen us together and his smile slightly dropped—he's the one that asked  for the both of us. He can't be salty because either way I was coming.

"Thanks for coming."

He shook my hand and tried to shake Asada's but she turned it down.

We sat down next to him and waited for him to speak.

It was already starting off as awkward as I thought it would.

It's hard to admit but I was scared shitless.

Asada wouldn't even come near me, let alone look at me—she sat on the other side of the bench farthest away from me.

I cleared my throat, "Um. First, I'll say I'm sorry fa'  whatever pain I caused you--you both. I wanted to let you, Asada, know that—even though it didn't seem like it..I loved you. I--"

"Xavier stop. You don't love with your fist. You clearly didn't love me enough to tell me that you impregnated my sister,to take care of your child, you put ecstasy in my birth control, had the audacity to put your hands on me, and tried to keep me away from the person who loved me the most but I was too fucking blind to see it. "


"I lost my child—our child because of your ass. That's not fucking love—that's hate and I hope that you can live long enough to feel and see hurt like I did. Like, seriously I've had friends commit suicide along time ago cause of the type of shit you did to me.."

Damn, I messed her up pretty badly and I didn't mean to being those old feelings back.

I was just honestly, dodging my own demons—I still am.

"I did Asada but you're right I couldn't love you. I'll just get to what we came here for.."

I felt my hand being grabbed and twisted.

"You might wanna put that down B."

I dropped the knife and instead grabbed the files.

"You got it bro."

He let go and picked up the knife.

"Look at these pictures and I'll explain as we go on."

The first picture was a picture of Rosali sitting in the truck in the moments before Robert shot Asada.

"What's this shit?" Asada asked clearly heated.

"Baby, calm down."

"Look closely.."

No. It can't be.

"What is this? That looks like the same truck. Damion, that's the same truck!"

"What the hell is this man?"

"That's the two people that shot Asada. Robert Saphney and Rosali Porter."


What's really going on?

That man has been in my house and I didn't even know. He looked so different. He's bald now, had no neck.

I have to tell Trishaun once she come back from her deployment in Rome—she's the one that set us up back in high school.

I should've known that the Robert in my house was the actual Robert because they did have the same mannerisms but I thought I was set tripping outchea.

"Rosali Porter? Are you sure?" Damion asked.

"Who is she? Damion? Who is she?"

"Ask your boyfriend."

"That's my ex.." He put his head down.

WHAT! The one with the fucking child?

"And the person who you thought was Rose. " 

Xavier, thanks caption fucking obvious!

"And she's been in my house! Damion!"

Here comes the storm. Xavier pulled out pictures of Seoul, Damon, Adaley, Robert, and Rosali in the same room.

"They were all apart of this?"

He nodded, this shit was sick.

And all I can truly think about is baby Malaia.

Out of all of this.

"What caused this? Why'd people have to get hurt?"

"Love. That's the only motive. You have to get out of hea' man. It's not safe. Take the baby."

"Who shot me Xavier. Who! We can't leave. Our life is here."

Damion and I've been courting, for about a month and a half.

It felt like a year but in actuality it's  just been half a year of friendship.

"Robert shot but that bullet wasn't meant for you...",

"It was for you." He pointed to Damion

"Except, Se gave Robert the wrong time signal on purpose and I didn't mean for you to walk out when you did."

"The texts?"

"That was Se and I."

"Dammit." I pushed my hair back and tried not to let my tear but I couldn't hold back these tears.

This was frustrating—not being able to trust the people around you.

I feel so betrayed and very stupid.

Even my own blood wasn't worth shit.

Damion let me cry on his shoulder however I was done with being so  dependent on him—I felt like I was a burden.

It's like he never got to cry.

'Cause to be honest I'd be a wreck if I knew someone was trying to kill me —make no mistake people, are trying to kill the both of us.

"We gotta go Xavier.."

He nodded, "I hope you know you have some warrants coming  your way."

He nodded shamefully and we left today's been hectic but better days are near.

Se's trial is soon they've pushed it back because she pleaded insanity.

I can't wait to take the ungrateful bitch down.


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