The New Kid (A Korrasami Fanf...

By Airtempleavatar

514K 13.4K 24.6K

Asami Sato, Bolin, and Mako are three friends, wishing for someone different to come along. When they meet an... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Not an update
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Not an Update
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Not an update
Chapter 28
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33

Chapter 29

10.9K 301 464
By Airtempleavatar

Let me know what cha think :) Enjoy

Asami stared at Korra. She couldn't believe she was standing in front of her.

"Korra", she said, unsure what to say to her.

Then she remembered something. Korra had been standing on the ledge not even 10 minutes ago. What the heck??.

"Wait. What are you doing out here??", she asked.

Korra bit her lip, looking away. Asami looked at the guys. The three waited for her to answer.

"It's a long story", Korra said. "What are you guys doing here??".

Asami smiled. "Believe it or not, we just so happen to be driving by here when Bolin saw Naga".

Korra looked at her dog. Naga looked back at her, her tongue hanging out of her mouth. Korra looked at Asami.

"Well I'm very happy to see you again", she said. "You have no idea".

Asami took her in her arms. She smiled.

"How have you been??".

Korra's face fell. Her eyes flickered down to the ground.


Korra fiddled with her sleeve.

"Pretty good I guess".

Asami noticed her fiddling. Her eyes narrowed.


Korra looked at her. Korra sighed, her shoulders slumping.

"It's a long story".

"Hey", Bolin said. "Why aren't you wearing a jacket??. It's the middle of winter".

Asami looked at Korra. He was right. She was wearing shorts, a tank top, vans, and her signature unzipped blue hoodie. Asami watched her. Korra was obviously trying to come up with a lie.

"If you're going to lie, stop".

Korra closed her mouth. She looked at the concrete.

"It's a long story", she said quietly.

Korra folded her arms, rubbing them. She exhaled a misty breath. She looked over towards the lake, her lip trembling. She looked freezing cold. Asami immediately set on to protective girlfriend mode.

She took off the hat she was wearing, and placed it on Korra's head. She took off her coat and placed it on Korra's shoulders.

"Let's go to my house and get you two warm before you catch a cold", she said.

The teens, and dog, got into Asami's car. Mako drove with Bolin in the passenger seat. Asami and Korra sat in the back. Asami had an arm around her waist, letting her rest on her shoulder.

When they got to Asami's house, Asami immediately had Korra change clothes. She gave her a pair of gray sweatpants, fuzzy socks, and a blue long sleeve shirt.

The teens were now sitting in the living room. Korra had a mug of hot chocolate in her hands. She took a small sip.

Asami, Bolin, and Mako were looking at her, waiting. Korra put the mug down in the table. She looked at Asami.

"So I guess I have to tell my long story now, huh??".

Asami nodded. "Yeah. We'd like to know".

Korra looked at her hands.

"Well one thing's for sure", she said. "I didn't think I'd ever see you again. I miss you guys so much".

"Korra", Asami said. "Please stop stalling, baby. I need to know what you were doing out there".

Korra bit her lip. She sighed.

"Well. Let me just say that things haven't been getting better for me. At all".

Korra sighed.

"And he rushed out the door. He didn't even give me a chance to tell him".

"That's horrible", Asami said.

She held Korra's hand in hers. Korra sighed.

"It's okay. I got use to it. Sorta".

"That still doesn't explain why you and Naga were at the bridge", Mako said.

Korra sighed. She had to tell them. Even if she didn't want to, they had to know.

"I........I was uh....".

"Korra", Asami said gently.

Korra looked at her. Asami scooted over. She gently touched her shoulder.

"Be honest with me, okay??".

Korra hesitantly nodded. Asami knew.

"Were you going to jump??", Asami asked.

It was silent. Korra looked at her lap. She looked away and nodded.

"Yeah. I was going to kill myself".

Asami gasped, her eyes widening. She stared at Korra in disbelief.

"Oh my gosh".

Asami took Korra's hands, lifting the shorter girl up so that they were standing. Asami looked at her.

"We almost lost you??".

Korra sighed. She suddenly was crushed in a hug. Korra felt a bit weird. She hadn't had any physical affection in months so it was strange. Asami held on, not wanting to let go, afraid that Korra would dissappear again.

Korra buried her face in Asami's shirt, closing her eyes.

"I don't know what I was thinking", she said. "Actually".

Korra pulled away. She chuckled.

"I wasn't thinking at all. It was like..... my mind went numb to all emotion and I just walked to the bridge. The only think I knew at the time was that I was going to jump and.........".

Korra shrugged. Asami placed her hands on Korra's waist.

"Why didn't you tell me what was going on??", she asked. "We could've put a stop to it".

Korra sighed. "I just didn't want to bother anyone with my problems. I thought I'd be a burden to you guys. You three have done enough. I didn't want to bring you guys back into stupid drama".

"Stupid drama??", Bolin said, walking up to the couple.

"Korra, you're getting beaten up at school and basically the school's punching bag and your uncle doesn't care".

Korra looked at him. She looked away, crossing her arms.

"Thanks for reminding me".

Asami watched Korra. She saw a black eye and a bruise on her jaw.

"Follow me", she said. "I wanna talk to you alone".

Korra followed her down the hall to Asami's room. Walking in, Asami closed the door behind her. Korra turned to her, hands nervously fiddling.

"What??", she asked wearily.

Asami walked up to her.

"How bad is it??".

Korra looked at the floor, wordlessly. She was quiet. Asami waited for a reply but it was silent. She knew then it was bad.

"Korra", she said. "Can I see your wrist??".

Korra looked up at her.

"Why??",she said, her eyes slightly wider.

"Just show me your wrist", Asami said, taking a step foward. Korra took a step back.


"C'mon Korra. I just wanna see".

Korra was backed up against a wall. She pressed her back against it. Asami grabbed her wrist gently, her grip firm yet gentle. Korra looked nervous, her eyes flickered from Asami to her arm back to Asami.

Asami pulled the sleeve down. She gasped. She looked at the many new scars and recent cuts that marred her tan skin.

"Oh my gosh...... Korra".

Korra sighed and looked away.

"It helped. It's too much to handle and..... now I can't stop...... I......".

Korra sighed again.

"I'm sorry for letting you all down. I'm such a failure, I don't know why I try".

Asami shook her head.

"You didn't let anyone down. I'm just confused as to why you hid this from me and the others??. We could've helped you".

Korra shrugged. "There's nothing you could've done as far as I know. My uncle isn't hurting me so I can't be taken away from him as his property. Your don't go to my school so you can't stop the bullying".

Asami pulled her close. She tilted Korra's head up so she was looking at her.

"I refuse to let this happen again", she said seriously. "I won't let this continue, Korra. You know that".

Korra smiled a little. "I know".

Asami stared at her. She brought a hand up and caressed her cheek.

"I love you".

Korra was speechless. She hadn't heard that in years. Of coarse she heard the guys say it a million times but not in the same way. Someone actually loved her. Someone cared about her. Asami was in love with her.

"Korra??", Asami said, a concerned look on her face.

Korra snapped out of he thoughts and looked at her.

"Um sorry. I was just thinking. What did you say??"

"I asked if you were okay??. You got all quiet".

Korra nodded. "Yeah. I'm fine. I just never thought I'd hear someone say that to me ever again".

Asami tucked a lock ofbrown hair behind Korra's ear, touching her cheek again.

"Well, I do love you Korra. I really do and I can't believe that you were going through all this and I had no idea. You were about to kill yourself had we not saw you at the bridge".

"I just wanted to be free", Korra said. "Free from the pain, the people, their words. I thought that it's be best to kill myself. Noone would notice I was gone or care. You guys would get over me pretty fast. You'd find someone else-".

"That's a lie!!", Asami said. "There is noone else on this earth that I would want to date other than you. I love you".

Asami wrapped her arms around Korra's waist. She kissed her cheek.

"I love you and I promise you that all of this will end. I know just what to do. Let me handle this".

Korra felt like a huge weight was lifted off her shoulders. She was grateful to have Asami around. Korra looked at her.

"Thank you. I don't think I could thank you enough for everything you've done".

Asami smiled and kissed her forehead gently.

"No need. Just doing what I do best. Protect the one I love the most".

Korra blushed. Asami looked at her.

"You're staying with me. No buts".

Korra looked at her confused.

"I am??".

Asami nodded. "You need to come back. The others miss you. You need to get away from this town and I need you back in my arms".

Asami smiled and poked Korra's bottom lip.

"I can't live without my widdle teddy bear".

Korra giggled. "So I'm your teddy bear??".

Asami nodded. "Yup".

Asami scooped her up in her arms. Korra gasped in surprise. She wrapped her arms around Asami's neck. Asami smiled at the shorter, giving her an Eskimo kiss. Korra giggled.

The two locked eyes. Asami slowly sat down on the bed, Korra on her lap. She immediately leaned in, connecting their lips. Korra kissed back shyly. Asami held her by her shirt deepening the kiss.

Korra's lips were as soft and gentle as she remembered. She felt the spark she felt when they first kissed. The spark was still there.

Pulling apart, the two looked at eachother, smiling.

Korra's stomach suddenly growled. Korra blushed. Asami looked at her worriedly.

"You must be hungry. Did your uncle feed you at all??".

Korra shrugged. "Only when he remembered, which was rare".

Asami stood up, still holding Korra.

"Let's get you something to eat".

Korra looked out the window. Watching the snow fall outside. She sighed.

Korra couldn't help but think back to earlier. She was so glad the others showed up when they did. Korra sighed, a shiver running through her body. She rubbed her arms, curling up.

Suddenly she felt arms around her and something soft og her shoulders.

"Hey", she heard Asami's voice.

Korra looked back.


"You cold??", Asami asked.

Korra nodded. Asami encased her in a body hug. Her body heat felt nice against Korra's cold skin.

"What's wrong??".

Korra leaned back on Asami. She sighed.

"To think, I was gunna kill myself earlier. Asami??".


Korra bit her lip. "Remember a few months ago when we went to the carnival??".

Asami nodded. "Yeah".

"I was planning on hanging myself that day. I was about to, that's when you called. You saved me that day and I keep thinking about it. If I had done it and not answered your call, I'd be dead right now".

Asami kissed her cheek.

"Let's not think about it", she said.

Korea leaned back in Asami's chest, closing her eyes. Asami smiled. Shifting around, she scooped Korra up in her arms. Standing up, Asami realized something. Carrying Korra all the time gave her some muscle she didn't have before.

Asami walked over to the couch and laid Korra down. Resting her head on a pillow, Asami pulled the blanket over Korra's body. Korra was out like a light in no time.

The slow steady rise and fall of her chest indicated that she was asleep. Asami sat on the floor, watching her girlfriend, with adoration. Korra looked so cute and small.

Korra shifted, a whimper coming from her. Asami immediately took her hand, sitting on the edge of the couch.

"Shhhh. It's alright Korra. I'm here".

Asami rubbed her arm gently so she wouldn't wake her. The sleeping teen relaxed, holding Asami's hand.

Asami continued to whisper gently to her. After a few minutes, Korra was in a deep asleep. Asami managed to free her hand without waking her. She say there, just enjoying the sight of her girlfriend.

Suddenly she heard voices coming from the hallway. Looking up, she looked at the doorway. Suddenly her friends came in, loud as always, laughing.

Asami immediately hushed them.

"Guys, shhh".

Bolin, Mako, Jinora, Opal, Wu, and Wan stopped walking. They saw Korra sleeping on the couch.

"They told us Korra was back", Jinora whispered.

She, Opal, Wu, and Wan walked over to the girls. They knelt down, looking at Korra.

"She okay??", Wan asked.

Asami sighed. "Now she is".

Asami quietly explained all that Korra said to her and what she went through while living with her uncle. Well, she left out the cutting part. They didn't need to know that just yet. She'd let them find out on their own or if Korra told them herself.

"That's horrible", Opal said. "Poor Korra".

Asami looked back at the blue eyed girl. She reached a hand out and touched her hand.

"I know. But she'll be staying with me and I'll do whatever I can to get her back in our school, where she belongs".

Asami looked back at Korra. She mentally swore to herself right then and there that as long as she was around, Korra was going to be loved the way she deserved. 

Let me know what cha thought of this :) comment below and thanks!!

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