Dark Times


345K 13.5K 5.4K

[complete]When agent Katerina Wild is hired to kill the most vicious criminal of the time, she meets the noto... Еще

Character Aesthetics
I: Angioletto
II: Cretino
III: Trapped
IV: Birds
VI: Hand, Head, Heart
VII: Stuck
VIII: Scissors
IX: Eloise
X: Fuckarella
XI: Hallucinate
XII: Kiss with a Fist
XIII: Stockholm
XIV: Red Light
XV: The Orphanage
XVI: Forest
XVII: Unspoken
XIX: Niall
XIX(ii): Heat
XX: Noon
XXI: Two Ghosts
XXII: Stella
XXIII: Dinner
XXIV: Wonderland
XXV: Walk Alone
XXVI: Ready
XXVII: Gasoline
XXVIII: Arrival
XXIX: Arthur
XXX: Katerina
XXXI: Nervous
XXXII: Amore
XXXIII: Before the Storm
XXXIV: Sì, Yes
XXXV: Silence
XXXVI: Crash
XXXVII: Control
Epilogue: Bright Times

V: Chamber

11.7K 465 72

Dark Times

Chapter Five

Song: Prisoner - The Weeknd ft. Lana Del Rey

Katerina L. Wild

"What's your name!?"

Katerina Wild.

"Your name!? Who are you? Why are you here?!!"

Kat.. Katerina Wild

I couldn't speak.. All I could feel was the cold sweat on my forehead, all I could hear were the screams.. Why so many screams... So many different voices, yet only two stood out.

"Kat! Run! Kat run!"


"Tell me your fucking name!"

Green eyes.. My head..

The birds...

. . .

My eyes slowly opened, the cold feel of the chains on my arms immediately registering in my head, the room dim lit, and out of the corner of my eyes all I could see was a small window almost next to the ceiling the chains were attacked too.

My arms were both up, and tiredly relying on the ropes to keep them up, while my conscious held on the fact that there was a dim pain in the back of my head.

And then I heard it again, the groan, followed by another much.. Much more louder, and my eyes finally seemed to work and take in everything in front of me. I was in a dark room, very dark, only lit by the small window I had seen before, and the floor - which my bare feet were barely touching - was slightly wet with red liquid I surely recognized was blood.. And maybe some water.

Along the walls, coming from the ceiling and down to the floor were bars... Many bars that held back the people who's groans I heard.

I've been here before..

Was all I could think, but I couldn't properly connect the memories with this place. My eyes were glued to the people behind the bars. Some lay on the floor, dirty clothes placed on them while others against the bars.. The groaners.. And then there were empty bars.

There were only about four people.

What kind of place is this..

I looked up at my arms, which were tied to the chains and a pain quickly registered on them. I was hanging from the ceiling..

I moved my arms, in a pathetic attempt to rip my arm from the chains but I was too weak.. Too weak to even move. My head slumped back down in the same minute the groans became words, shouts, and I looked up.

Someone was approaching.

"Harry! Harry please!" Someone yelled, and that's when I saw him.

He was dressed in a button down dark grey shirt, tucked under his dark jeans, with a faceless expression as he ignored the people who eagerly called his name and approached me.

I wasn't behind bars.. This was much worse, my arms hurt.

"Angioletto.." He whispered right away, his eyes holding some sort of hidden regret and his hand coming in contact with my chin. His voice then turned slightly dark. "You're awake."

I moved my head away from his hand, which was now wrapping around my neck softly.. I could barely keep my eyes open.. I was so tired..

And then he squeezed, and my eyes snapped open again, the regret in his eyes was gone and replaced by something else.

"You have been... A very.. Very bad kitten." He growled, while I struggled to move away from him. I couldn't speak, protest.. Scream.. A handkerchief was wrapped tightly around my mouth, and all I could do was try and move my head back.

My feet were also both in chains..

Was he going to kill me?

His thumbs pressed tightly against my neck and all I could feel were the hot tears in my eyes that begged his to stop. And then his thumbs stopped, and I could finally catch a breath again.

My gaze fell to the dirty floors.. I was so exhausted.

His thumbs moved to the hem of the tightly wrapped handkerchief and pulled it down, making it fall down to my neck, and freeing my lips but I didn't make a sound.

What else could I say?

He waited for a few seconds.. Perhaps minutes for me to speak.. But got nothing in return. My eyes were glued to the floor.

"Have you got anything to say for yourself?" He asked with authority, and I felt the tears build in my eyes again. I wanted to go home and the fact that I failed at achieving that was a horrid blow.

I actually did have something to say, and when I looked up from the floor and into his eyes with rage I knew it wasn't something nice. "I hope you burn in hell you cruel, psychotic bastard!" I yelled at him, and he was stunned.

The groans stopped and we were joined by silence.

But that didn't last long, what followed was the splitting echoing sound of his hand meeting my cheek, and a surprised, pained whimper from myself.

"Would've though after what you've done you'd beg for your life or at least show a bit of respect." He angrily spat out.

"If your chances of leaving were slim before you can consider them done now." He spat, and turned to leave, but I wouldn't let him have the last word... Leave me here.

"You'll pay for this you fücking âsshole! God dammit I swear you'll pay!" I screamed, screwing around the chains that held me from running after his sorry ass.

But I could still hear him speak, I don't know to who, but all I was able to catch on was "Take her out of the chamber, and to my room." Before he left.

And the groans resumed.

• • •

It wasn't until after a few hours that I once again heard the sound of footsteps approaching. I had spent the whole time down there trying to free myself or.. I don't know, die, but the pain on my arms from holding them up so long had made me wish nothing but death itself.

I was expecting Harry to be the one who'd come along and visit, but I was strangely surprised to see it was one of his men. Particularly, the man who had tried to shoot me when I held Styles sort of hostage.. Peter or... Something like that.

He had the same face as before.. Hard.. And unforgiving.

"Harry sent for you to go upstairs." He said when he approached me, his eyes barely looking at me before his hands touched my wrist.

I was drained, in another case I would've honestly tried something but I was exhausted, and thirsty and starved..

When one of my hands was freed, he held on to it before freeing the chains on the others and I slumped down on the floor immediately. It felt like I hadn't had any water in years and I was honestly dizzy.

I could barely hear the words Peter was saying.. But I think he cussed, and freed my feet before I felt him lift me from the ground in bridal style.

And then we were moving, and as much as I tried to keep my eyes open it was getting harder and harder..

I couldn't keep up to where we were or what was happening.. But when I heard his voice my eyes once again opened slightly.

"Bloody hell, what happened to her Paul?" He exclaimed.. I felt another pair of arms hold on to me.. And the smell... Felt like spring again.

"She must be dehydrated and hungry.. Not to mention those bruises on her wrist probably got infected."

He grunted and we were once again moving.. "I made sure the chains weren't too tight."

"I think she was trying to free herself or something."

I felt his arms leave me and the comfort of a bed surrounded me instead, I was feeling sort of dizzy.. "Call the doctor up." Styles commanded angrily, and placed a warm duvet on me.

"I honestly don't know why you care so much, Harry, she did try to kill you..... Multiple times." Another voice said in a bored tone.

"Shut up Niall."

I felt warm hands touch my cheek gently.. "Fück." He groaned. "Fück."

"What's got your head in a twist mate?"

His thumbs pressed against my lips, not as gently as before, but they ran back and forth as I felt his gaze on me. "Everything." He whispered, and I was once again wrapped around the ropes of oblivion.

• • •

Why do I keep falling asleep in places where I honestly shouldn't? I was growing extremely tired of passing out in front of that egocentric jerk Styles, but I had woken up in a better state the next day.

I was in a chair, a rope tied tightly around me, but I couldn't complain, it was a comfortable chair.. And I wasn't hanging from the ceiling.

My arm was, though, connected to something.. An IV.

Probably because I had passed out, but this all wasn't making sense. From what I heard last night, I was more confused than ever. I had indeed tried to kill the man for the third time and he hasn't really done anything to end my life yet... Apart from yesterday but ..

Completely the opposite now.

He was trying to help me now..

I knew I wasn't in the room that I was when I first realized I was here because this one was much different.. Darker, with black leather couches and a grey wallpaper. While the light was barely let in by the closed stills.

The door opened slightly and my eyes traveled from the window to Styles, who held a tray in his arms and closed the door with his foot.

"You're awake." He acknowledged
In monotone, eyes meeting mine. He still looked pretty angry.

I didn't want to speak, I wanted answers, not a conversation with the man.

"You should probably eat something." He said, placing the tray down on a coffee table in front of me.

"I want answers Styles." I said very calmly. I hadn't tried this approach and this was my last shot.

"After you eat we'll talk."

I sighed, and leaned my head back on the chair while my eyes studied him.

He was so attractive..

But he was also a big fat ässhole and that overpowered everything else.

"I can't eat with my hands tied up." I explained, looking down at the ropes around me and he nodded.

"I will untie you in a bit, just want you to know there are armed guards outside if you try anything." He warned, and approached me.

I smiled, I wasn't going to try anything, but the fact that they had tied me up and had guards outside the room and even more guards around the house to prevent me from escaping meant they really didn't want me out.

His hands untied the knot behind the chair and the ropes came apart around my arms, and slowly he took them off me.

He backed off right away after, and I reached for one of the items on the tray while his eyes were on me the whole time. It was a bowl of oatmeal. I took a spoon and tried some.

"You can speak now." I said, and he rolled his eyes.

"We need you to bribe your company into letting us do something."

"Do what?" I pressed.

He leaned back against the wall. "That's a secret."

I rolled my eyes, that didn't make sense at all. "My company doesn't care about something happening to me, well, they do, but part of our contract is to let us go if it compromises something bigger and if this is a secret then it must be important."

"Smart one aren't you, well, let's just say you aren't just an agent.. You're well, way more valuable to them.. To us .. To anyone really."

I scrunched my eyebrows. "What do you mean?"

But he didn't reply, actually he didn't speak for a while, he just stared at me with this weird look in his green eyes. "So beautiful..." I heard him murmur, and I stood up, I was still slightly dizzy but nothing I couldn't manage.

I took the IV from my arm and slowly took it out and tossed it aside.

His eyes followed the action. "Why can't you just.. Relax.. Enjoy being here. I could offer you so much for your time here." He said, studying my every move.

I gave my back to him and approached the window, my hands pushed the blinds aside and the light entered the room at last.

"Like what?" I asked, looking out at the front of the house. It was honestly breathtaking.

But the over excessive amount of men in suits took the beauty out of it..

I felt him shuffle behind me.. "Money.. Power.. Pleasure..."

I held my breath when I felt him press behind me, his hand wrapping slowly around my waist and his breathing slow on my neck.

"You aren't stupid Katerina.. You can tell how badly I want you, legs spread on my bed..you've been using that against me since the first day we met.."

"Then wouldn't that be pleasuring you... Not me." I whispered, I was breathless, barely able to speak.

"Oh I can promise you once you give in you'll feel nothing but." He smirked and I grabbed his hand from my navel.

His nose met my jaw, and he moved along it while I found the courage to turn around.

He was slightly taller than me, but when his head leaned a bit down his lips were just inches from mine.

"Harry," I whispered, taking him aback. I had not said his first name since I've been here. "I'm not sleeping with you." My eyes were on his, and they hardened.

He took a step forward, not that there was any more space, but we were on a whole new level of close now, and his hand which was on my waist lowered down..

And lower..

And into my thigh..

Until I felt him.. I felt him touch me slowly, and I lost my balance from the shock.. Or perhaps the tinge of pleasure from his action..

And into him, but he kept his hand there for only a few seconds before letting go. "Don't say something you'll regret." He darkly whispered, and backed off, walking towards the door.

"Finished eating and get dressed; we're going out." He said, as if nothing had happened at all while I was left there shock and breathless.. And definitely more dizzy than I had ever been before.

The bad thing was that I actually like every one of those feelings.


Longer chapter for the lateness. Sorry, have a lot going on rn, and will update again tomorrow.

Please don't forget to share your thoughts and vote.

Every vote & comment counts!

Please share with your friends.

Delilah xo

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