Up In Smoke → Liam Dunbar [1]

By ummhiya

262K 5.5K 4.3K

"I saw! I saw you, and I saw how scared you were. I saw how terrified you were about hurting anyone. I know h... More

Chapter One
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Two

18.8K 341 460
By ummhiya

"So you've thought about it, and...?" Liam asked, scaring the crap out of Addy. She walked in the empty – at least, she thought it was empty – hallway, towards the lacrosse field. The whole school day she was distracted. She wanted to make her family proud, but she also didn't want to a) embarrass herself in front of a bunch of boys, or b) be the only girl on the team.

No girl ever really played lacrosse at Beacon Hills. Addy thought they were all just scared of Coach. He could be pretty intimidating if he tried. However, he never held problem with her before. She assumed it was because her brother was one of his favourite players on the team. 

It wasn't only that, though. Lacrosse was her brother's thing, and she didn't want to take that from him. She didn't get the opportunity to talk to him at lunch about it due to serving a lunch time detention she earned last week.

"Jesus fucking Christ, Liam! Don't sneak up on me like that!" Addy punched his arm. She hated being sneaked up on, it was just one of those things. She liked to know her surroundings, and she hated sneaky people. 

"Sorry," he murmured, rubbing the sore spot on his arm. That girl could really throw a punch. "But really, what have you decided?"

"I don't know. I kinda wanted to talk to Brayden about it, but I haven't seen him today, I had detention at lunch." Addy shrugged. She hated lunch detention, and unlike most people, would rather have after school detention. Most of the time she was stuck there anyways because of her brother.  "Either way, good luck at tryouts."

Liam nodded. He liked talking to Addy; she was pretty laid back about things. Not to mention she was absolutely beautiful. He could see them being friends in the future and the quickest way to make that happen would be for the two of them to play on the same team together. 

"And Liam?" Addy called out, as Liam ran down the hall. His footsteps stopped as he turned back around to the brunette. "If you take my brother's spot as captain, I might just have to kick your ass."

Just for fun, she threw a wink at the end, making the situation playful. She was deadly serious, but Liam didn't know that. He raised his two fingers in a mock salute as he rounded the corner, still not sure if she was joking or not.

Addy made her way to the lacrosse field. There wasn't much time left to decide if she really wanted to play. Her brother was already out on the field, tossing a few balls into the net. She remembered him saying something about skipping last class just so he could get a little extra practice. Brayden really wanted to be captain.

"Hey Ads!" Brayden waved her over to where he stood. She quickly dropped her bag on the bleacher before jogging over. "So, rumor is you wanna play on the team."

Addison glared at his smirk. Truth be told, Brayden knew she would want to play lacrosse one year, either because she would admit she actually liked the sport or because of boys.It was the latter reason this time, but he didn't know that.

"Rumor is that I was thinking about wanting to play. It still isn't a yes," Addy snapped. She hated the arrogant side of Brayden because most of the time he was right when he was confident. Except once, but that's a totally different story.

"Hey," his voice got soft. He placed a hand on her shoulder and looked down to her. He wanted her to play but didn't want to pressure her into doing it. If she was going to join then it needed to be on her own behalf. "I think you should play. It'll be fun. Besides you can always quit the team if you don't like it. There's a lot of pressure sometimes."

"I don't know. I just don't want to embarrass myself," Addy muttered, twisting the toe of her boot into the grass. She was nervous and self concious. It was normal to feel that way when trying something new but she just wasn't used to the feeling. Brayden squeezed her shoulder where his hand was already resting. 

"You're not going to embarrass yourself, kiddo. Hell, I bet you're better than some of the guys trying out." Her brother slapped her shoulder and pulled her in a hug. "Definitely better than that Stilinski kid," just then the two best friends walked onto the field, both eyeing up the Ryder siblings.

"You really think I should?"

"Yes! Look, you can even use my lacrosse stick. The ones here suck." Addy scrunched her eyebrows together; he never let anyone use his lucky stick. "Mom made me get a new one. It's just not the same as my good one."

He showed her the newer stick. It wasn't nearly as worn as the one he got in freshman year. Brayden claimed it was lucky considering it hadn't broken in three years' worth of games. Addy chuckled as he gestured to the worn-out stick next to his bag.

"Now, go change." Brayden shoved the new lacrosse stick in her hands and pushed her towards the change room. Most of the boys were out on the field by now, tossing around a few balls.

Unfortunately, since no girl ever really tried out, the girls' locker room was locked up for the night. Addy let out a sigh as she saw that no one was in the change room. She quickly shoved on some shorts and one of Brayden's tank tops with a neon sports bra underneath.

She didn't really have any sports clothes, and this would have to do until she got some. Thankfully, she did have a pair of orange Nike's for her early morning runs, which she had planned to start up again. High school had drained what ever parts left of what made her a morning person but she was determined to pick up the habit once more. 

Addison Ryder took a deep breath before exiting the sweaty change room. This was it: her last chance to back down. It was time to start doing things besides staying in the house all the time, and this happened to be the perfect opportunity to start something with her life.

"Ads!" Brayden yelled as soon as she walked on the field. She felt embarrassed, as all eyes were on her. She had a lacrosse stick in one hand, the cheap gloves she took from the supply room in the other. A burgundy helmet tucked under her upper arm as she walked onto the field, ignoring the stares.

"God, this is so embarrassing," Addy muttered as soon as she was beside her brother's side. "I'm the only girl here. What the hell was I thinking? This is a terrible idea. I should just–"

"I see you made up your mind."

Addy's eyes widened as she heard the voice behind her. Brayden's smirk quickly turned into a glare as he noticed the young freshman's eyes trail down from the back of his sister's head to her legs. Addy was blessed with long, tan legs, something she really liked about herself.

She spun around on her heels facing Liam. "I guess so, but I'm still having second thoughts," she rushed out so quickly Brayden even had trouble understanding what she said. Liam chuckled, pointing towards the lacrosse stick.

"That yours?"

"Mine actually," Brayden interrupted. He was glad Addy finally had made a friend her age, but he wasn't ecstatic it was a boy. All of her friends were boys, and Addy liked that. She glared up at him, it was not the time to be a protective older brother. "But, uh, I wanted her to have it."

"Alright boys!" Coach Finstock yelled. He blew his whistle, gathering all the players in. Addy's cheeks flushed red. He hadn't noticed her standing there.

"Actually, Coach," Brayden started. He looked over at his younger sister, grinning, "Adster is here too."

Liam nudged Addy's side as she stayed silent. She did a little wave with her lacrosse stick, and for the second time in five minutes, all eyes were on her. She was really starting to wish she had a longer pair of shorts.

"Ryder?" Coach questioned. She wasn't in any of his classes, as he never really taught freshman.

"Yeah?" She was scared of what he was going to say. Probably something along the lines of girls not being able to play lacrosse. It would have just saved her the embarrassment if she never agreed to this idea.

"Good luck." Coach had the faintest smile on his face, which didn't happen very often unless he was laughing at one of his own jokes, of course. Someone had to laugh at them. His smile quickly turned back to a scowl as he started shouting at everyone on the field.

Addison was surprised at his reaction. She guessed that he was happy a girl finally had the balls to try out.

"Alright! Five laps!"

)(          *          )(

Addy definitely needed to start running again.

After the five laps, she was so out of breath. But she didn't do that badly. She made it to the end before Coach started throwing insults at everyone who passed after a certain time. Her shirt was soaked from sweat and water. She missed her mouth when trying to hydrate her dry throat, and it was becoming sticky.

"That was terrible," Addy panted. She laid on the grass, her hands on her head. The sun blared down, making it hotter than it already needed to be.

"You did good," Brayden commented. He laid beside her in the exact same way. He had beaten Addy by just over a minute, coming in second behind Liam.

Liam wasn't out of breath at all, and did a few push ups to cool down. The Ryders were envious of him and his stamina. He would've had to work pretty hard to be able to do that.

"This was a horrible idea. Why did I agree to it?"

"Because you love me." Brayden scrunched up his nose, facing towards her. Addy chuckled at his face. She stood up and held a hand out for him to grab. With a quick tug, the six foot one teen was up and ready to continue with tryouts.

Addison survived warm up. Now it was time for the hard stuff.

All the players stood in line, gloves on and a stick in hand, except for one person Addy didn't recognize, who stood in goal. Liam was first, followed by her brother. Addy stood in front of Scott and Stiles, who made it hard not to overhear their conversation.

"Maybe he's only good in goal. You know, just useless on the rest of the field." It took her a moment to realize Stiles was talking about Liam. He was amazing in goal, and Addy never really had the time to ask if that was the only position he played.

Liam took a shot, easily making it in the goal. She smiled a little, partly because she was happy he doing well, and partly because Stiles' assumption was wrong. "Maybe he's just perfect at everything. I hate this kid!"

"You don't have to hate him. The team needs new players." Addy liked Scott, she really did. He was a good guy with a big heart, and she didn't have to talk to him to know that. Just the way he acts around his friends and even strangers, always kind-hearted. The world needed more people like him.

"What about a new team captain?"

That was the only thing Addy didn't like about Scott McCall; he was captain of the team. She wanted her brother to win that title, because he deserved it.

The short line got shorter as her brother made the shot, and up next was Addison. Her brother gave her a reassuring nod as he walked by. This was her chance, and she did not want to embarrass herself being the only girl. As soon as the ball left the netting of her stick, she knew it was going to end badly. Until she opened her eyes.

The rubber ball sat in the corner of the net, and the goalie had a look of shame on his face. Addy grinned as she walked to the back of the line. A few of the player stuck their sticks out, like a high five, Addy knocked hers against them as she walked by.

"Told you you'd do fine." Brayden rubbed her head with his glove. She could practically feel the static coming off of her hair from the helmet. She didn't really care about her hair at the moment. She just wanted to do well.

"Nice, Addy," Liam commented, giving her a fist bump. She felt her cheeks heat up. She never really got any compliments.

The rest of the activity went well, until Coach put Scott and Stiles on long sticks as defense. The two were doing really badly. Well, Stiles was at his usual par of game, but not Scott. Scott was either having a really off day or lost all his skills from last season. He was best on the team last year, yet he hasn't made a single goal at tryouts.

They picked up their game with the two-on-ones. The first three people hadn't made it past the two best friends, making Addy even more nervous as it reached her turn. She adjusted the helmet on her head, and rolled her shoulders.

Scott looked at her weird as she finally started going forward. Her footsteps were light as she trekked along, moving side to side to get any possible way between the two. Addy let out a huge sigh of relief as she spun around Stiles. He slipped, and landed right on his face.

The tough part was getting past Scott. She tried doing the same move on Scott, but failed as he shoulder checked her. The force sent her to the ground.

"What are you?" he asked in a quiet voice. He kneeled over her, keeping her down with a hand on her arm.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Addy snapped she tried to pull her arm away, but he kept a tight grip. "Let go of me. I don't know what the hell you're talking about!"

"You okay, Ads?" Brayden asked. His helmet was ripped off and tossed to the side, all his concern on his sister. He wasn't worried about the fall as much as he was worried about Scott holding her down. Although his grip was subtle, there was still confusion as too what he was doing with her. 

"Yeah, I'm good, just landed hard," she muttered. Addy didn't need her brother threatening the former captain. Brayden helped her up, keeping his hand on her lower back. She cracked her neck, and joined the back of the line, glaring at Scott.

"What did Scott ask you?" Brayden asked as they reached the back of the line. Addy bit the inside of her cheek. She hated lying to her brother, but sometimes is had to be done.

"He was just wondering if I was okay."

Liam was up next, and with the nervous look in Scott's eyes, Addy had a feeling he was worried if he was going to make it. 

"Come on, Liam. You can do it," she muttered to herself. Scott's eyes flickered to hers. She wondered for a second if he heard her. The thought was rejected immediately. Brayden hadn't even heard her, and he was right next to her.

Liam dodged the two juniors, and shot the lacrosse ball straight into the net. Addy grinned. He was the first one to make it past them, Addy being a close second. It was something she was proud of.

"Whoo! Go Liam!" she shouted. He grinned back at her.

A girl from the stands, Malia Tate, stood up. Everyone around knew her; she lived in the woods for eight years, and that kind of thing makes you stand out. "That was luck!" she shouted. Addy rolled her eyes. If she had been paying attention, she would have noticed how good Liam really is. "Do-over!"

"Sweetheart, there's no do-overs. This is practice," Coach scoffed.

"Ten bucks on Scott and Stiles," Malia tried again. She wasn't going to give up until Scott and Stiles had blocked Liam off.

"I'll take that action. Hey! Get back in there, Liam."

Liam quickly ran back to the front of the line. Addy had total confidence that he would make the shot again. She moved out of the line to get a better view of the scene. Liam ran around Stiles for the second time, but when he reached Scott, he was flipped over onto his back and a loud crack echoed around the field. He groaned in pain as he tried to sit up.

"Don't move! Don't touch him!" Coach yelled as the players surrounded Liam, including Addy and her brother. If this kid was as good as he looked then he didn't want any injuries happening to him. The team needed players like Liam, even if most of them didn't want to admit it. 

"I'm alright, Coach," Liam groaned as Scott and Stiles pulled him up to his feet.
"I think it's my leg."

"I think we should take him to the nurse." Coach nodded at Stilinski. They hobbled off the field, not even struggling with Liam's weight. Though he wasn't super tall, it was obvious that he made up for it in muscle. 

"Ryder!" Both Addy and Brayden's heads turned towards their coach.

"Yes, Coach?" they asked at the same time. Addy held back her laugh. She was worried about her new friend.

"Younger one. Go make sure they don't kill the kid!" Coach pointed towards Addy. He tried not to be disturbed that the two siblings replied at the same time. They did that quite bit, actually. Their mom thought it was entertaining while the two found it frustrating.

"What about tryouts?" Addison was worried about Liam, but she really wanted to make the team considering she's come this far.

"You've made the team. It's about time to get a damn girl on this team!" Coach yelled. He was angry that he may have possibly lost one of the best players he's seen in years.

Addy nodded her head, jogging off the field as Coach yelled at everyone to start a lap. She was quick to find the three down an empty hall. All the students had either gone home or stayed to watch tryouts.

"Hey! Nimwads!" Addy yelled. She ran down the hall to catch up to the boys. She looked at Liam, who was being held up by the juniors "How're you feeling?"

"It, uh, hurts." Liam winced. Addy bent down to take a look at his ankle. She wasn't anywhere near a doctor, but Liam was going to need a little more than the school nurse.

"Guys, I think we should take him to the hospital. It looks pretty bad." Addy cringed as she stood. Liam's foot was already swollen and bruised. There was a pretty good chance Scott may have broken his foot.

"We? There isn't a we," Stiles started. "Just because you–"

"No, she's right," Scott cut Stiles off. Addy's eyes widened at the Stilinski. She wondered why he was so worked up. Not to mention that she was still confused with her interaction with Scott during the trials, she had never seen him act like that before. 

It wasn't that Stiles didn't like her; he didn't trust her. After what Scott told him about her not being human, his defensive mode kicked in, and his curiosity of her grew. Both she and her brother were now on his list of people to dislike, just like Liam. Stiles' list of hatred seemed to grow each week 

"We should probably take him to the hospital," Scott agreed. He eyed Addison, debating whether or not he could trust her. She seemed utterly confused when he confronted her on the lacrosse field. It made him believe that she really didn't know what she was herself. There was a distinct sent on Addy, and it certainly wasn't werewolf.

"I should probably go change and text my brother." Addy started running off towards the change room. "Don't leave without me!"

It was the fastest she had ever changed: thirty seconds tops. Addy claimed an empty locker, and shoved her clothing and equipment in it before throwing on a lock she had in her bag. She had planned to change the one she had on her locker, but this was just easier. She figured the girls would generally be locked so it was easier to just stay in the guy's locker room, also she wouldn't miss anything important.

'Going to the hospital with Liam. Just want to make sure he's alright'

She shoved her phone in her pocket, and was about to walk out of the change room when she heard two voices getting closer.

"I don't even think she's knows she's something, so right now, we're going to treat her like she is human." That was definitely Scott's voice. She tucked the loose hairs behind her ears, and pressed closer to the door.

"Fine! But that doesn't mean I trust her." Addy shook her head, and pretended she never overheard the conversation as she walked out the door. "Jesus!"

Stiles jumped about a foot in the air as she walked out of the change room. She raised an eyebrow at the two.

"Where's Liam?" Addy asked. She kept her fidgeting fingers in her pockets on the leather jacket. She knew the two boys were talking about her. She just didn't understand what the hell they were talking about. Everything that had gone on that afternoon had confused her and she was wanting some answers. 

"Wha-what the hell were you doing in there?" Stiles breathed heavily. Addy grinned as she noticed his struggles.

"The girls is locked so..." she trailed off, gesturing with her hands around to show the lack of open female change rooms. "Hurry up."

With that, she walked out to the main doors. Addy knew her brother wouldn't answer her text until tryouts were over. She never really comprehended what Coach had told her about making the team until now. A huge grin slid on her face as she contained herself from doing a little victory dance. Brayden's going to be so proud of her.

She made the team.

Addy found Liam sitting in the passenger seat of Stiles' jeep. She jogged over to him, and hopped in the driver's side.

"I made the team!" It was the first thing she said. Addy had to tell someone, otherwise she was going to burst. She had been the first female lacrosse player at Beacon Hills High School in a long time, and she took pride in it.

"Good job." Liam smiled at her. He was happy for her, but couldn't help but feel sorry for himself. He had been so excited to play lacrosse, and now he couldn't because of his foot.

"Hey." Addy's fingers wrapped around his wrist. "I'm sure it's just a sprain, and you'll be back up and playing in no time."

"I hope so," he muttered. Addy saw the front doors open with Scott and Stiles running out. She quickly hopped in the back seat. The more time they wasted there, the more damage was being done to Liam's ankle. 

"Oh my god!" Stiles shouted as he saw the brunette sitting in the back seat. "Where the hell do you come from?"

Addy rolled her eyes and checked her phone again. Her brother hadn't replied yet, but practice had only gone on for just about an hour. There was still time left before they could leave.

The car ride was silent with the three of them lost in their own thoughts. Scott had taken his dirt bike to the hospital, but Addy wanted to ask him a few questions, starting with what he meant by 'what are you?'

Beacon Hills Memorial Hospital came into view from the tension filled car. Stiles didn't even have any music playing, so the only sounds were Liam's winces whenever they hit a bump. Addy felt really sorry for the guy. He was really hoping to play, and she was excited to be working with him.

Scott and Stiles carry him into the reception area as Addy went to the front desk to get help. Before she could even open her mouth, Scott spoke up.

"Uh, hi, mom," he smiled cheekily at her, dimples popping out and all. Melissa McCall rolled her eyes at her son as she pulled up a wheel chair for Liam to sit down on. She took a quick look at his ankle. He kept his eyes down at his lap.

"Don't worry, Liam. We'll take good care of you," Melissa said. She could sense his worries, like a mother's sixth sense. Addy's mother was much the same way, it was like she knew there was something wrong before she even told her. 

She began rolling him away when he yelled out, "Wait!" He turned slightly looking back towards Addy. Though they barely knew each other, he felt a sense of comfort with her. She was the kind of person that he clicked with the moment that they met. Addy felt much the same way but couldn't bring herself to admit it. "Come with me?"

She smirked a little. "Why? Want me to hold your hand 'cause you're scared of the big, bad doctors?"

"Something like that," Liam muttered. Addy didn't catch what he said, but it probably wasn't important if he was that quiet. She trailed behind the two until they ended up in the empty room. Her pocket vibrated, and she pulled out her phone. As expected, it was her brother. 

'K. Do you need a ride home after?'

Brayden had answered her text. She wasn't sure how long she was going to be, so maybe Scott or even Stiles could give her a ride home if they were still there. Either way, she was sure that she would be able to get a ride back to her house from someone.

'Idk maybe. I'll text you if I do'

"Brayden?" Liam asked. His foot was propped up on a pillow. The swelling hadn't gone down any on the way here. If anything, it had gotten worse. It looked bad, and as much as they didn't want to say it, there was a chance that he was going to be out for most of the season. It hadn't even started yet and he was benched. 

"Yeah," Addison mumbled. She sat down in the plastic chair and swung her feet up on the side of the bed. The seat was uncomfortable but she was going to have to deal with it. 

"He seems cool," Liam continued on. A smile spread across Addy's cheeks.

"He's the best. I couldn't ask for a better brother." She was lucky she got such an amazing brother. She joked that it was the best thing that came out of their parents' relationship was how well the two were paired. Not long after Alex's birth, their father had left them. Her mother never said why he left, just that things never worked out between them. 

The doctor walked into the room, and Addy instantly brought her feet down, the speed almost knocking her out of the chair. The man looked friendly, with a bright white smile contrasting his tanned skin. Liam seemed to recognize the man, she couldn't tell if it was just because he was there lots or of something else.

"Hey, Liam," Addy read the name on his tag and was surprised that it read Dunbar. She hadn't expected Liam's dad to be a doctor. He smiled over at Addy, waiting for her to introduce herself. The last thing he was expecting was a girl to be waiting with his step son to be checked out. 

"Addison. I like to go by Addy." She shook the doctor's hand, and he immediately started looking at Liam's swollen ankle. He grimaced as pressure was put on the bruised skin. Liam's fingers curled around the bed sheet to suppress his sounds of discomfort.

Addy took his hand in her own and intertwined their fingers. "What?" she responded to Liam's questioning look. He enjoyed the interaction but didn't expect her to initiate it. "I told you I would hold your hand when the scary doctor arrived."

Dr. Dunbar chuckled at Addy's comment. He pulled away from the young Dunbar, his smile fading into a frown.

"It's broken, isn't it?"

"It's definitely going to need an x-ray." Addy rubbed circles into Liam's wrist. She could feel his pulse quicken, and she knew he was scared. She could tell that he desperately wanted to play lacrosse and that his season was over before it began. 

"It's broken and it's all my fault," Liam muttered. He was ashamed of himself. Part of the reason he followed Coach's orders was because he wanted to impress Addy. He wanted to be friends with her, and he wanted her to look up to him like she does with her brother.

"No it's not, Liam. Coach told you to get back in line." Addy sighed. She knew it wasn't Liam's fault, and it wasn't Scott's fault. It just was a mistake that happened. Lacrosse is a dangerous sport, and Liam just got the short end of the stick.

"I went up against two juniors, one of them is captain of the team." Addy wanted to correct him and say was, but it wasn't the right time.

"Remember what we always say? Play smart, not hard."

Addy smiled at the two. She really envied their relationship. The closest thing to a father she ever really had was Brayden.

"Are you mad at me?" Liam asked. He looked scared, like a little puppy even. Addy thought it was cute.

"No, of course not. Your mom might be mad at me for getting you into lacrosse, but maybe we should both wait for the x-ray before we panic. And trust me, I have more reason to panic than you." Addy chuckled at the doctor. She liked how he had a sense of humor rather than being so serious like the rest of the doctors she's met.

Dr. Dunbar exited, leaving the two freshman by themselves. Addy was quick to set her feet up on the bed again. She hated sitting normally; it was uncomfortable, and the plastic chairs were bad enough as it was.

Addy had never realized that her and Liam's hands were still together. Liam was the one to draw little shapes on the top of her hand. It was sweet. Addison never really held hands with anyone, unless you count her brother when they were little, or when their friends were trying to embarrass her. But holding hands with Liam was nice.

"You know, I'm glad you decided to play lacrosse," Liam finally said. He hated awkward silences, or really any silence at all. Addy was the same. She always had to have some sort of noise if she was by herself. Whether it was music or the TV, she just hated complete silence.

"I actually am too," Addy admitted. "I just hate how you got hurt. I was looking forward to playing on the team with you." She pouted. Liam thought it was extremely cute, and it made him really, really want to kiss her. He shook his head at the thought, they had just met that day. 

"You'll do great without me. Besides, I'll still come to every game." Liam shrugged. His hand was starting to get really sweaty, and if Addy noticed, she didn't say anything. She felt the same way. The moisture on her hand was getting noticeable, but she didn't want to pull away.

"You make it sound like you're out for the whole season." Addison chuckled. There was a loud crash from downstairs, making her jump up and fall to the floor. Addy groaned as she sat up. Her foot was caught on the side of the bed, making it an awkward fall.

"What the hell was that?" Liam asked. He sat upright in his bed, and swung his legs over, careful not to hit his foot or Addy.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" she questioned as Liam's feet touched the ground. He shouldn't be walking on his foot, especially if he ever wanted to play lacrosse this season. She knew he wasn't going to get back in the bed, so she swung his arm around her shoulder to help him walk.

"Hey! Anyone hear that? I thought I heard someone..." Liam trailed off as Addy turned the two around. A boy, a few years older than them, stood there. It would've been a normal situation except his white shirt was soaked in blood, probably the same blood that surrounded his mouth. That wasn't the only thing off about him. He had rows of razor-sharp teeth, and milky white eyes. Whatever he was, it wasn't normal.

The boy quickly shoved Addy to the ground. She managed to push Liam away before he could fall with her. She hit her head against the floor, the force making a large banging noise that echoed down the hall. She groaned as the boy pulled her up to her feet. Everything was blurry, and she could feel blood trickle town her neck.

Addy vaguely remembered being dragged up the stairs alongside Liam. The three of them ended up at the roof. She was scared, terrified actually. God knows what this guy is going to do to them. No one knew they were up there. At least, Addy didn't think so.

But someone did.

Just as the boy threw Addy to the ground, her head bouncing off the ground yet again, the door flew open. Her vison was still blurry, but she swore she could see red eyes. She tried crawling away from everyone, even Liam – which she didn't really know where he was though – but she was just so tired.

Then, Addison Ryder passed out, blood dripping from her head onto the gravelly ground.


Word count: 5775
February 8, 2016

Hope you guys enjoyed chapter two :)

Lots of love 😘

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