What Am I?

By littlelady02

426 71 6

Let me tell you right now, I'm not normal. Normal people sleep in a bed at night, I don't. Normal people don'... More

Good Luck?
New Scene
New trip
Prisonment or Torture?
Person I Know
Where Am I?
Return to a Normal Life

Who's he?

19 4 0
By littlelady02

I noticed him watching me during the flight but I didn't say anything. The handcuffs were a bit uncomfortable but bearable. The other agents talked and messed around with each like some of the boys at the schools I've been to. Annoying but I didn't say anything, I couldn't, I mean, these guys had guns and darts and I was strapped to the seat not to mention we were up in the air 10,000 feet above ground level. And I don't think the beast could help me fly.

So I just sat silently looking at my lap, listening to them all. Well, I guess I wasn't all that quiet, I was talking to the beast some of the time.

Seriously Juna, I don't know why you put up with those....those....oh what's that word you people use? The beast said inside my head.

Idiot? I said back to her with an invisible roll of my eyes.

Yes, idiot. They are idiots. A bunch of idiots. You should just tear them to shreds when we land. It said, obviously getting pretty impatient with the length of time that we've been sitting.

No. I'm not doing that. I stay away from people so you won't target them. Not to mention that unlike you I don't kill people. I rolled my eyes again and went to ignoring her as she started to just ramble on and on about everything.

I looked up shyly and around at the agents. They didn't notice as they all were talking to each other. I then noticed someone beside officer Ma-Flimington, he didn't look like the agents and he was strapped just like I was and had handcuffs on too. He was looking at his lap so his sandish blond hair covered his eyes. I could tell he was muttering to himself though, I heard him, something that the beast allowed me to use.

I watched him for a while, listening to what he was muttering about.

"Its all your fault. You killed those people. You took me over without permission. Now look, we are strapped to a seat and handcuffed." He paused then continued, "I don't care if we can break these cuffs, you got us stuck in here and I'm a honest teenager that was trying to live on a farm." He went on and on to himself like that.

Hello!!! Anyone listening?!?! JUNA! I almost jumped as I heard her. I grumbled inside my head and rolled my eyes. What the hell do you want?

What have we talked about using the word hell? And you should stop staring at him, love bird. The beast said irrated. I rolled my eyes.

Ya. Ya. Blah. Blah. Whatever. I am trying to ignore you. I replied then went back to ignoring her again as she ranted about what I just said to her and about respecting each other.

I watched the boy again, taking a look at his clothes. He had very dirty and bloody jeans, a long sleeve shirt on that was black and boots on that were muddy. His skin was a good tan, like a farmers tan that I've seen going through the plains.

He obviously has been working hard. I wondered who he was muttering to and why he was in here. Then a thought came to me and I blinked to switch my eye sight. It wasn't normal eyesight now, all the normal stuff normal humans see was gone, instead it was all white then as I looked around I seen blue flames where all the agents were and guess what I saw where the boy was sitting. It was bloody and made of red flames, pure red flames, but in the mist of it all was a blue flame, it sparkled and gleamed at me and it glowed strong and powerfully.

My suspicion is correct, he had a beast inside of him too. It didn't glow as powerfully as I had seen my own but it was pretty powerful.

I blinked it away and watched the boy again. I must have dozed off because the next thing I knew was looking straight into the eyes of Flim, him bending down with his hands on my shoulders.

"Hey, wake up. Come on, we've landed finally." Flimington said.

I blinked at him and yawned then stood up. He was right, we had landed and the other agents were watching us as we walked out. The boy was watching me specifically and I looked back at him. We were both still in handcuffs but now we had something else, a bracelet, it was grey and had a flashing green light. I'm guessing it was so if one us were to escape then they could find us real easily. But it could be for our beast side and to keep them away.

How dare you think- The beast started to shout at me inside my head but I ignored it.

That crosses out my idea of them blocking out our beasts, so much for my luck. I looked around and found nothing that stood out, it was just a big cement room with a roof top door that was closed and a prison door that was much more restrained. It had, what I'm guessing, at least seven inch thick steel doors, lasers, and yes, a whole lot of guards and cameras. Flimington led me up to the group and got at the front, me behind him and the boy behind me, the agents all around us. They took us to the door and waited until it was opened before Flimington led us inside a room that had even thicker steel walls and doors. It was obvious that this was a switching room, to switch us into that place after taking the cuffs off without letting us all out. A good plan. Guns and lasers were pointed at us, that takes care of my next question.

I looked at Flimington as he stopped and turned around. He took my handcuffs off first then he moved around to the boy. He took the handcuffs off the boy and started putting the cuffs away when the boy started to reach out a hand that had growing nails that were sharp.

I don't know how it happened but I sped or just rather appeared next to Flimington and grabbed the boys wrist, looking him fiercely in the eyes.

His eyes were red but as they looked into mine they showed a bit of fear and recognition. I knew my eyes were red because the beast was helping me. We had that agreement that it'd help me and I wouldn't kill us, kinda blackmailed it by doing that but it's the only way to get it to listen. He backed down and his eyes returned to their normal color, a nice hazel.

I knew that all of the guys had gotten ready to shoot us down until they were stunned with what I had done. I glared at him and tossed his hand down. "You are not to hurt him. He's a special secret keeper of mine." Both me and the beast joined in with our voices to say it, making it echo off the walls. He nodded in fear and continued to stay to himself.

I nodded to him and looked at Flimington. He was looking at me stunned and shocked at what I had done. "For helping me." I whispered to him and he looked at me confused before he was called to leave the room.

Once he was out I turned to the new doors and glanced at the boy whom was huddling in the corner watching me. I rolled my eyes. "Get up. We have to go in to this place, whatever it is..."

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