A New Leaf

Oleh Cupcake_Mon5ster

70.7K 1.9K 490

A fan fiction about Naruto's daughter Saya NOT EDITED Lebih Banyak

A Ninja's Word!: Authors Note ;)
Chapter 1: Art
Chapter 2: A Mothers Love
Chapter 3: Training
Chapter 4: Time
Chapter 5: Off To The Acadamy!!
Chapter 7: A Wake Up Call
Chapter 8 : Snow
Chapter 9: A New Look
Chapter 10: How To Be A Lost Puppy
Chapter 11: A Test
Chapter 12: Teams
Chapter 13: Our First Mission!
Chapter 14: Mission part 1: Ren-san and Cuan-kun vs Saskue!
Chapter 15: Mission Part 2: Amy-chan Vs Saskue!
Chapter 16: Mission Part Three: Saya vs Saskue!
Chapter 17: Surpise
Chapter 18: Stupid Overprotective Dads
Chatper 19: A Date?!
Chapter 20: Memory lane
Chapter 21: A New Teacher && A Frantic Saya!
Chapter 22:A Night With Ren
Chapter 23: A Mothers Heart
Chapter 24: Crystal Chakra && The First Amazing Mission
Christmas!!!! XD
Chapter 25: tolerance
Chapter 26: The Plan
Chapter 27: The outside
Chapter 28: Kidnapped
Chapter 29: The Butterfly Queen
Chapter 30: Fresh Trail
Chapter 31: Inner Strength
Chapter 32: Ren To The Rescue
Chapter 33: The End Of Everything
Chapter 34: The Fox
Chapter 35: Goodbye
Chapter 36: Waking Up In Hell
Chapter 37: War
Chapter 38: Final Goodbye
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 50- The End
Authors note

Chapter 6: Bad Blood

1.9K 52 27
Oleh Cupcake_Mon5ster

|| P. O. V. Saya ||

My heart rate was probably dangerously high.

But could you blame me?! I was being dragged threw the acadamy halls by some crazed hall monitor! Literally.

The person dragging me around, lets call them Crazed-Hall-Person (CHP for short), had a gold star stuck to there right shoulder.

I quess I wasn't as ninja as I thought. getting caught by a hall monitor... Jeez.

The worse part was I couldn't even tell if the hall person was a boy or a girl! They were wearing baggy clothing from head to toe and had a hood up. Plus it was creepily dark in these halls. Like really would it kill someone to put in a light every here and there? The only thing I could see was the persons hand and that wasn't really much help since it was wrapped around my wrist. I could tell the person was around my age though they were only an inch or so taller.

"hay um where are we going?" I asked

"hn" the person replyed.

I felt an animie vien pop out of my forhead. Just hn?! This phyco shadow creature was basically kidnaping me!

I stopped walking and put my free hand on my hip.

There was no way in hell I was corroperating with someone like this... No damn way.

The person stopped and turned to look at me before trying to usher me forward again.

"nope" I said poping my "p", "I'm not moving from this spot untill I know where I'm going."

"would you quit being difficult? I'll pick you up and drag you if I have to... Let's go."

The voice was female. Great.

"where to, oh great kidnapper" I shot back.

And just like that I wasn't standing with my hand on my hip. I was being carried down the hall. Upside-friggin-down.

I felt anger boil up in my chest.

"WHAT THE HELL!" I yelled.

"shut up" CHP shot back.

I felt the rage flood threw my body.

"Put. Me. Down" I practically growled at the hallway chick.


At this point it was laughable how rediculous this situation was. My crazy kidnapper didn't put me down either.

"fine have it your way then..." I muttered and CHP eyes cut down to mine. There eyes were dark onyx.

"what are you...?"

With that I launched a kick that would have made my dad proud, right at the phycos stomach. CHP dropped me instantly and clutched her stomach.

My hands shot out and I landed it a crouch. My landing was a lot more graceful then I thought it would be.

I met CHP's gaze and smirked sticking my tougue out. Take that.

Without a second thought I shot back down the hallway. I didn't know where I was going, but I couldn't have been that hard to find my way back outside. I'd bail out the window if we weren't three stories up. That and I didn't have enough time to get the window open.

CHP ran after me, her eyes ablaze with fury.

"get back here!" she damanded.

I barked a laugh. Where had I heard that before?

Suddenly I caught movement to my left.

CHP apeared in front of me. She leaned against the wall a couple feet before the hallway forked off in a 'T', a kunia held in her outstretched hand, blocking my path.

I dropped onto my knees and slid under the wepon, bearly making it down in time. I didn't stop and in one fluid motion I was up again and rounding the next corner.

She could have killed me!

I heard an angry growl following me down the corridor. Taking another sharp left I almost slipped and landed on my butt, a small laugh escaped my lips.

"do you think this is funny?!" CHP demanded.

Man was that an opening! I kept my mouth shut though. I need to focus, I told myself.

Suddenly I was forced to skid to a stop. The hallway was a dead end, a locked classroom door stood in my way.

"oh no. Looks like your trapped." CHP practically purred at me.

What was with this school anyway? It's like a maze!!

My eyes caught light reflecting off a kunia she was spinning around her finger.

I raised my fists and readied myself. I wasn't going anywhere with this chick, and I sure as hell wasn't going down without a fight!

The kid took a step forward and I saw her face for the first time.

Only... She was a he...

I felt myself jump in surpise. He/she smirked at me.

He.... Was hot! His face was oval shaped and his features stood out like he was carved from stone. His eyes were dark onyx and screamed danger. At leaste in the light I could make out where the colored part of his eye met his pupil. His hair was black and fell over his eyes in messy, steight strands, casting shadows across his face. His hair came down to about the middle of his neck.

"you look surpised, Baka..." about half way threw his sentance the female tone faded and his voice became much deeper... And a hell of a lot darker. A small chuckle escaped threw his lips.

He stood up strieght and I felt my eyes widen a bit. He wasn't my age... He was two or three years older then me, and about six inches taller. His cloths changed morphing themselfs into a tighter outfit, and from what I could see the boy wasn't out of shape...

"you were pretending to be a girl and I'm the idiot?" my voice snapped back.

Shut up mouth! I quietly screamed to myself.

"well I didn't know who you were. You could have been a threat to the school... Now state your business before I deal with you myself." he threatened.

I felt an animie vein sticking out of my forhead.

" you could tell me your name ya know" I glared back at him.

With a flash I was suddenly pushed up against the classrooms door the kunia pressed against my neck.

"State. Your. Business." he hissed. His breath washed over my face and I was surpised to find it smelled like honey.

What the hell? The adrenile was messing with my head... Focus Saya focus! There's a crazy shadow thing with a knife to your throat now isn't the time to daydream about honey!

"Who. Are. You." I hissed back narrowing my eyes in a glare.

The boy glared back his onyx eyes practically danced in the shadows a fire burned deep inside them, it was almost as bright as mine. Almost.

The starring contest ended after a long moment. He looked away first! I won!

I felt a smirk play along my lips he scowled at me.

"Aki Uchiha... Who are you?"

If I'd have been drinking something I would have spit it across the room. It took every ounce of will power to keep my jaw from dropping. The suposive Uchiha smirked.

"that's... Not possable... Sasuke doesn't have any kids!" the words were out of my mouth before I could catch them. Damn mouth...

Almost to prove his point the sharingan suddenly spun to life, over taking the oynx. Two small circles decorated the blood red eyes.

He hadn't fully activated it yet.

But man was he pissed....Aki grabbed hold of the front of my shirt and slammed me into the door. Hard. I felt the breath leave my lungs as my back crashed into the hard wood. The kids grip tightened and I hovered above the ground. Well he sure had the Uchiha temper.

"don't ever compare me to my filthy uncle" he growled, "I'm going to ask you one more time. Who. Are. You. What's your business?"

"y-your uncle?" I studdered. My fists tightened at my sides. "but that would mean you-" I was cut off my a fist embedding itself into my stomach.

'Calm down Saya...' I told myself.

But it was hard to stay calm with this Aki kid towering over me like this. His eyes burned into mine with nothing but hatred. Cold angry hatred.

He pulled me closer to him and I could see my blue eyes reflected in his red.

Aki's fist tightened on my shirt and he lifted me a little higher. I felt my air supply dwindling down slowly.

"Saya Uzumaki..." I chocked out and his grip relaxed enough so I could breath.

"hn" he released my shirt and I fell to the floor, landing on my butt. Jeez he had the Uchiha grunt to... Not to mention the sharingun.

I glared up at his from my spot on the floor.

"so your the great Narutos daughter. What happened did the 'great' skip a generation?" he smirked again glaring down at me.

I felt my cheeks heat up as anger flooded my system again.

Aki chuckled darkly, " what the matter? Did I hurt your feeling?"

"no" I growled back. Two could play at this game, "Sask- I mean Aki..."

The boy glared at me again, but he didn't respond further then that.

"what's the matter?" I mimicked his dark purr, "did I hurt your feelings?"

The boy glared at me again before shaking his head. "your a waste of my time. Go run home to Daddy."

I rolled my eyes at Aki, shaking my head.

"oh how original" a muttered as I stood up brushing my pants off.

At that point my anger was at an all time high, I mean the kid new how to get under someone's skin I'd give him that much. The anger had spred threw my body like poison and my skin was starting to tingle. I could feel my chakra levels rising as my blood continued to boil.

But there was no way I was stooping down to his level. No damn way. My mother had taught me better then that.

Or at leaste I thought I was going to walk away, but as I went to turn the corner to leave Aki smirked. That's all it took to throw me over the edge, a stupid little smirk.

"what the hell are you grinning about, Uchiha?!" I growled.

"nothing... Just can't say I blame your father for hiding you from the rest of the village... I mean your so weak"

My body reacted instantly and within a millisecond I was about two centimeters from Aki's face.

"You don't no anything about me, jerk. Just shut up and walk away." I threatened threw my clenched teeth.

"or what" Aki laughted lightly.

"or I'm going to make you" I told him. I could feel the fire raging in my eyes and honestly I ment it. Nothing would have pleased me more then to break a couple of the phyco hall monitors teeth.

Aki chuckled his hand grabbed the front of my shirt again brining me closer to him.

"bring it" a small smirk twisted on his lips.


|| P.O.V. Amy||

I signed and layed my head down on the table in front of me. I liked going to the Acadamy, but sometimes it was just so boring!

I turned my head and stared out the classroom window. It was a beautiful spring day... I wondered quietly if I should train later today. Or maybe I'd take one of my new books and find a nice shady tree.

I felt a smile pull at my lips. Ya that souned a lot better then training.

"Itami Amy!" I heard Lee-sensei's voice call out.

I felt a blush rise onto my cheeks as the class stared at me expectantly.

I tapped my fingers together and looked at my sensei with a sheepish grin, "I'm sorry what were we talking about?"

My voice was quiet and I felt my blush deepen. Lee-sensei sweatdroped.

"Amy your one of my best students!" he cried before glaring at the rest of the class. "well seeing as you all want to daydream instead of-"

But Lee-sensei was interrupted by the classroom door suddenly smashing open.

We all watched as Aki Uchiha walked into the room.

"Oh here we go" I mummbled quietly.

Aki was one of the students in my year, even though he's three years older. For some reason he's sensei's refuse to allow him to graduate. Lee-sensei was teaching Aki, and the rest of us by default, what responsibly was by making Aki a hall monitor. If Aki ever slack on his duties he was forced into three hours of training for every minute he slacked off.

Not that I really cared, he was a raging jerk.

"what is it Aki?" Lee-sensei looked at the Uchiha a bit irritated.

"I caught a rat" Aki answered simply.... A rat?

I turned and looked at Aki, I mean really looked at him.

He.... Looked beaten up. He was panting slightly and there where scratches and marks all over his body and cloths that indicated he'd been in a fight. His shirt was even torn! Not to mention his eyes. Aki always had a dirty look on his face, but the look on his face now was more of a death glare, and his sharingun was still activated.

What had happened? I'd never seen anyone beat up Aki unless they were of higher rank then a chunin.

"a rat?" Lee-sensei questioned.

Aki nodded stepped to the side, reaching down he picked up an unconscious girl I'd never seen before.

She looked in about the same shape as Aki was, scratches and cuts littered her body. The girl looked about a year younger or two then us, but she was extremely small... It looked like any of us could have taken her on easily. Her blonde hair was pulled back into two ponytails and she was wearing a tight white shirt and shorts.

This girl... Had she done this to Aki?

Lee-sensei seemed to recognize the girl instantly and a strange look crossed his face.

"class I'm letting you out early today gather your things and leave"

And with that Lee-sensei grabbed the girl into his arms and led Aki away, his hand clenched down on Aki's shoulder.

I stared after them in disbelief. Who was that girl?


Hay guys !

So there you have it another chapter down xD what did you think? Did you quess who grabbed Saya correctly? If you did quess that it was Itachi Uchiha's son you deserve a cookie 0.0 lol although alot of you probably quessed it was gonna have something to do with Saskue since ya know I was sorta asking about him in the last chapter xS

Ok so shout of to AdventureGirley!! (plz plz plzzz tell me I wrote that correctly >_< ) she's wicked sweet and I honestly like her so you should cheak her out :p (she's also Amy so I wanted to thank her again for being a character in this insanity I have going here so THANKS!!!!! )

You should also jump over to Brooke Simmons page and read her stuff to because without it there would be no Saya (<\3) she's my insperation for this story so go get inspired!!

And I hope you guys don't get mad at me for like giving them shout outs (Adventure Girley and Brooke Simmons) because there both really nice people and good writers so if you have a problem with it go lick a lizard unicorns butt :/

But as always I'd love to hear what you guys thought about the chapter so please comment any critique or opinion would be greatly apreshated (as stated before I'm verrrryyy dyslexic so go easy on the name calling I already know my spelling and grammar are much to be desired lol)

That a picture I edited on my iPod of Aki (in multimedia) !! Saya is the girl on the front cover sooo :p

Vote- if you like that chapter and want to read more :p four votes and I'll upload again

**hugs **to everyone who added this to there library's and have been reading along it really means a lot to me <33

And ya that's about it :p so untill next time!!! Love you guys byee

Also I'm in a really good mood tonight sooo

** gives everyone reading a cupcake**

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