Different Way of Tutoring ||...

By stylesfaris

403K 6K 1.5K

She was the popular girl. He was the nerd. She was the 'it' girl. He was the 'geek' guy. She showed him to l... More

Ch. 1: He's Marcel.
Ch. 2: Take a break*
Ch. 3: First time*
Ch. 3: In the Moment*
Ch. 5: It's A Date (Pt.2)
Ch. 6: Its Been A While
Ch. 7: New Friends
Chapter 8: Parties and Unexpected Happenings.
Chapter 9: No jealousy here.
Ch 10: Changes.
Chapter 11: You're Mine
Being Introuble And Found
He's Back.
You're in Danger.
Book Changes.
Protection and Accidents.
Last Moments(Pt.1)
1 Free Cover.
Last Moments (Pt.2)
Waking up to just live the nightmare.
There's no way..
Return to Me, Or Die.
What the hell is going on?
Im sorry..
Leaving Again..
Authors Note.
Why I left..

Ch. 4: Its A Date (Pt.1)

18.6K 300 49
By stylesfaris


OMG GUYS! 1.1k reads already. Gosh you make me feel so happy..And to think I was going to delete this story yesterday. Lol I'm not going to so don't worry. I'm going to update more. Thanks again, loves you allc;

Chapter 5: It's a Date(Pt.1)



Marcel's P.O.V

I walked out of her house, like it was nobody's business. I honestly can't believe I just lost my virginity. I didn't think it was going to be that amazing at first, I thought I'd mess up or something. It was extremely indescribable.

And then I finally realized something.

I am no longer a virgin, oh my god.

I felt absolutely happy, too. Hearing that I was the best out of all the guys that she has slept with. Which was only one, her ex-boyfriend, which she said. She even said that he wasn't close to good.

Today I needed to look good for our date. Did I mention I'm happy for that too? Probably not but who cares! I'm going out with a girl that I like.

Wait? Did I just say that?

Yeah, I guess, I did.

And I'm going to tell her that too. When the perfect moment comes.

I love how she accepts me for me. How I can be so comfortable with her. It's just amazing what a beautiful girl like her can do to my emotions. And hormones.

When I got home, I really needed to see if I had any good clothes to wear. I needed to impress her, especially after all she's done for me. I mostly have my school clothes that are so outdated but it makes my mother happy since she says I look like my dad.

"Hi Marcel, how was your hangout with Elizabeth today?" My mother asks.

"Incredible," I blurt out. "Uh, I mean good."

She looked at me weird before nodding slowly and walking away. Oh dear, that was close.

It's not like I haven't talked to my mom about sex before. It's just I've never talked about me having sex with someone.

That's gotta be weird to do.

I trudged over to my room and looked through my closet to see what to wear. I had emergency clothes that I was going to save up for next year for college. They we're basically black skinny jeans, and a black blazer with a white v-neck shirt. I decided to wear it tonight.

I wanted to smell good too. So, I took a quick shower and wrapped a towel around my waist once I got out. I then got a message on my phone.

Somehow, I ended up getting your number. Anyways, can't wait for tonight. - Elizabeth x

I smiled before replying back.

Can't wait til later too. I have a surprise for you. -Marcel x

I pressed send and instantly got a message back. I chuckled to myself as I read the text.

Hopefully It's a good surprise (; haha see you tonight. Bye x.

I just sent a quick goodbye and changed into my clothes. I went to my bathroom to fix my hair. In reality, I didn't want to sweep back my hair. Liza really likes my hair like this. So I just left it messy to the side.

I sprayed some cologne on and made my way downstairs. My mother had her back towards me as she was watching t.v.

"Bye mom, I'm leaving to hang out with Elizabeth." I said.

"Okay, be here before twelv-Marcel?" She said in shock as she turn to me. I saw her eye me up and down in surprise.

"You look different.." She quirks her eyebrow.

"Good or bad?" I rub the back of my neck anxiously.

"Good.. Have a good time." She smiled before turning back to the t.v.

I made my way to the door and started to walk to Elizabeth's house.


Elizabeth's P.O.V

I couldn't wait for tonight. Marcel just made me so happy on the inside and out. He was super kind and sweet. You never see those type of guys that much anymore. I was hoping to find a guy like him, but in high school majority of guys aren't mature enough.

All they want is to immediately get in your pants and Marcel didn't even get the idea to have sex with me, I did. It was refreshing to be in charge of my body and do stuff when I felt like it was right. I just ignored my thoughts and continued on with my day.

I took a shower and wore a nice white cut-out dress that had a black bow in the back and some heeled shoes. They fit perfectly together and I applied some make-up.

Not too much – just mascara, eyeliner, a rosy lipstick and brown eyeshadow. When I finished, I heard the front door open and close. I quickly sprayed some perfume and made my way downstairs. I saw Marcel waiting for me, well, I think it was him.

He wore some skinny jeans and a blazer over a white v-neck shirt and had his hair messy. I liked Marcel like this. Don't get me wrong, I like Marcel the way he is too but this Marcel looks absolutely handsome and bad boy-like.

"Hi, you ready?" He smiled.

"Yep and may I say, you look very handsome." I winked.

He blushed and nervously grabbed a hold of my hand.

"You look beautiful yourself." He whispered in my ear, causing shivers to go down my back.

Then we made our way out.


Thanks again guys. Loves you allc;


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