
By billiejayy

429K 12.4K 3.8K

This story is about....well you'll have to read it to find out. Happy reading!(NOT A FAN-FICTION) If you're n... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chaper 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Author's Note!
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33 Part 1
Chapter 34 Part 2
Chapter 35 Final Part

Chapter 11

10.2K 334 118
By billiejayy

Nelly's POV

Right now in sitting at our lunch table eating my lunch and all I could think of is 'where is Grayson?' I hope he's okay. God I'm so worried I can't even finish eating, cause I just feel like something is wrong. I get up and go look around the halls for him..

Grayson's POV
I look around the unknown dark room I was pushed in and I can't see anything so I say,"WHO ARE YOU!! SHOW YOURSELF NOW!!" Suddenly a dark figure comes running to me scaring the crap out of me. He pulls his hand back about to punch me but I grab it and twist it around making him scream in pain. Then I get on top of him and start repeatedly punching him, when he yells,"KEVIN GET HIM OFF ME NOW!!" Some guy come up be hide me too quick for me to react and knocks me upside the head with a bat, making me scream loudly in pain. Then he saids,"Shut up!" And swings it again making everything go black.............


Nelly's POV

As I'm walking around looking for Grayson I hear a loud shrieking scream coming from the schools basement. It sounded like Grayson! I immediately run toward the sound, then slow down when I hear someone screaming at him then bang. It sounded like a baseball bat! I bursted threw the doors and saw my baby on the floor unconscious, and I quickly kneel down next to him and put his head in my lap saying,"Wake up baby please! If you can hear me wake up. Please!" I then look around the room and say,"WHO ARE YOU AND WHY DID YOU DO THIS?!" Suddenly a figure that I know all too well appeared and I instantly stand up ready to pounce at any moment and he saids,"I see you've noticed your unconscious ex." He laughs making me even more furious, so I say,"Cut to the chase Peter! Eww it feels terrible saying your disgusting name." He starts coming closer to me, looking crazier and crazier with every step he takes. I try my best not to show my fear as he gets closer and saids,"If you don't cooperate with me then I will make you scream it, and not in a pleasant way.." I can feel the tears burning my nose, so I try to keep the dam in my eyes from flooding. He then comes closer to me with his nose almost touching mine and say,"The first thing you need to know is that you two are already broken up got it? That's why I said your ex," he smirks and kisses my cheek making me want to vomit,"and now," he kisses my other cheek,"your mine." I was about to scream when he pushed his lips up against mine forcefully kissing me. And it burned. I push him away really hard and he tumbled back and I started to run but he grabbed my wrist and took me into another room and tossed me against the wall. Grayson please wake up. Peter comes up to me and slaps me across my face real hard, and I mean really hard. I yell out in pain and he saids,"You better not put your hands on me again or I will do WORSE!!" Can't anybody hear all this yelling! He grabs my back and pulls me closer to him, then he smashed his lips against mine then pulls back and say,"Kiss me back!!" He continues to kiss me and growls in the kiss when I don't kiss back, then shoves his tongue down my throat! I immediately pull him off of me and slap the sh- shazz outta him and kick him down there but much more harder than I ever did before making him scream exaggeratedly. I run as fast as I can out of the room and find a door and position it on there so that he can't get out, then I go over to Grayson and he's still unconscious so I kiss his cheek and say,"Hang in there baby. I'm gonna get help." Then I quickly run out of the basement and see the halls completely clear. Weird. I go to my locker and grab all my things and immediately call 911.

15 minutes later....

The police and ambulance finally arrive and they burst through the basement doors where I'm holding Grayson who's trying to wake up but his eyes are closed. I say to the officers,"He's in there!" They immediately go in there and try getting him to cooperate. I say,"Can somebody please help him he's trying to wake up! He's been unconscious for an hour!" They immediately pull him onto the girdle and I never leave his side.

As they were putting him on the to the truck they guy looks at me and saids,"Mam who are you? Are you a family member?"

"I'm his girlfriend." I say. Then he saids,"We can only let family members on mam." I look up at him and say,"Please let me go with him. I need to stay with him." He sighs then saids,"Fine. You can come." I jump in the truck and go up to Grayson and hold his hand while stroking his cheek. All I could think is of is how could I let this happen. I shouldn't have let Grayson in my life with Peter still on my case. God I feel so terrible. All I could do was pray that everything would be okay...

1 hour later

I am now in the waiting room with my mom and dad. I'm waiting on his mom and Ethan to finish there time so I can go in there and see Grayson. I know I look a mess right now. My mascaras probably smudged, my hair is probably a catastrophe-,"Nelly Grayson saids he wants to see you now." His mom said. I nod and hug her then walk to his room down the hall. I hate hospitals. I push open the door and look at his pale body. Oh boy

I jog to him and hug him tight and say,"Hey Grayson! How are you feeling." I pull back while wiping a tear away from my cheek. He look at me smiling then say,"I'm good now baby girl. I heard what you did and I want you to know that I'm so proud of you. Thank you for everything baby." He try's to kiss my cheek but I move my head away and say,"You don't wanna do that. He kissed me so I'm gonna go and wash my face and brush my teeth." He look mad at first at the fact that he kissed me but then nods.

Once I'm finished washing my mouth and face 10 times, I go back over to him and say,"All better now." He grins and say,"Good now come here." I laugh, laying beside him and he goes,"You know where I want you." I laugh even harder and say,"Yeah I know." I position myself so that I'm straddling his lap and he saids,"Much better," we both laugh and then just stare at each other with so much admiration and he saids,"You know I love you right." I say,"Of course I do." He smiles and grabs my hand and starts playing with my fingers saying,"And you know one day I'm going ask you to be my wife and we'll get married and have tons of children." All I could do was smile and let at tear fall at the fact that he's already thinking about our future. I then say,"An you know one day I'm gonna say yes and we get married and start a family." He smiles and saids,"Yep we'll have at least 10 bambinos and I'm going to teach everyone of them Italian at birth." My eyes grow wide and I say,"No way I'm not poppin 10 children outta me. At Least 6?" He nods and saids,"That's fine with me princess. Now come here." He gently pulls me down into a deep kiss while rubbing my back, sending chills down my spine. I pull away and started trailing kisses from his jawline to his neck, making him groan. I continue to do this until I find his sweet spot and suck on it marking my territory. He moans deeply and low making me rub his chest. He then lifts up my face, making me look at him and he saids,"Don't start something you can't finish baby girl." I blush and lay beside him with my leg wrapped around his and my arms around his waist. He grabs the remote and starts flipping through channels and say,"When are you gonna get me out of her baby. I think I can leave now. I feel pretty good." I say,"The doctors said you can leave tomorrow since you responded well with the tests they took on you." He saids,"Good cause I wanna take you out again, but first I have to pay Peter a little visit." I say,"Gray when you 'visit' him don't get in an altercation with him please. I don't want you going to juvy too okay?" He doesn't say anything so I grab his face so he could look at me and I say,"Did you hear what I said Gray?" He sighs and agrees so I let his face go and trace circles around his chest until he falls asleep and I quietly get out of the bed and quietly leave the room and walk over to our parents and say,"He's sleeping so I think we should leave now and get the cars from our school."I tell Ethan and he nods his head and we all leave out.

After we get the cars from the school Ethan parks Grayson's car in the hospitals parking lot and I drop him off at his house than head home. What a day..

In the morning

I couldn't get any sleep last night.. All I could think about was how horrible yesterday was. And I know your probably like 'get over it' but honestly it's not that easy. I don't want to go into details about it so I'm just gonna leave it alone.

I get up and do my hygiene then go to Tino's room so we could talk for a while. He told me about how it was in Germany and that he doesn't want to go back, cause he wants to go to Italy and learn more about his culture. I told him that if he went he better take me. We winded up playing video games for about an hour or so then I left his room and went to mines to get dressed. Today I decided to wear(outfit at the top) Tino bought the shoes for me from as a gift, with some bangles and studded earrings. Then I grab my bag and head downstairs and tell my parents I'm going to the hospital to check on Grayson. I know he's flippin out, cause his mom just informed me that he had to stay another day.

As I'm driving, I suddenly get the urge to get some donuts. So I turn into Dunckin Donuts and go pull up to the drive through. I order 2 glazed donuts, 2 chocolate donuts, 2 frosted donuts, and 1 sour cream donut oh and 2 cups of water cause that's a lot of sugar.

Once I get to the hospital, I grab the donuts and my bag, then lock my car and walk in and sign up then walk to Gray's room. I peep threw the window and see Ethan also in there on his phone. That boy is always on his phone. I walk in and they turn to me and smile. I say,"Look what I brought.." Their eyes immediately lighten up and Ethan rushes over to me and saids,"Ooo I call 4." I say,"Don't get chocolate those are mine." He nods and Grayson saids,"Aw but I like chocolate." I say,"Oh I didn't know you liked chocolate." He smirks and saids,"I like em how I like my women." My eyes widen and Ethan saids,"What about Ashley? She was vanilla." I turn to Grayson, who threw his pillow at Ethan, and lift my eyebrow and say,"Yeah Grayson. What about Ashley?" He glares at Ethan, then turns to me and say,"Um nobody. S-She's just and ex." I squint my eyes at him then say,"Okay. You didn't tell me you had an ex?" He saids,"You never asked. And plus she's the past and your my future." He pulls me close and pecks my lips. I say,"Well alright then.", and pull back and he saids,"Can you lay with me and eat these donuts with me. After all, you did leave me here yesterday." I nod and lay on the hospital bed with him and say,"Can you give us the box Ethan. You do know those weren't really for you right?" He gives me the box and say,"By the way, there's no more sour cream donuts." I groan an open the box, grabbing a chocolate coated donut and taking a bite. Grayson grabs the last chocolate donut and say,"We can just share this donut." I say,"Oh no you good. You can have it babe." He goes,"No. I want us to share it." I say,"You can have it Grayson. Plus I already have on-" he grabs the donut out of my hand and chucks it in the trash can, then say,"Now you don't. So let's share this one." I yell,"Are you freakin kidding me! That was a good donut that you just wasted! Do you know how much that costed me? 99 cents Grayson! 99 cents that's now gone in the trash can!!" He laughs at me, making me squint my eyes at him and say,"What is so funny?" He saids, while laughing,"You, it's just 99 cents baby." I yell,"Just 99 cents! To you that my be nothing but to me 99 cents is a ban!" Then I quickly calm down and remember his condition. My mind was filled with blame. I sigh and say,"You know what it's not a big deal. I'm sorry for yelling." He saids,"It's fine princess. Can we please share this donut now?" I nod while smiling and he feeds it to me and I take a bite, then he bites the same spot I bite off of and I'm quite shocked. Not even my dad will eat after me. My mouth isn't dirty they just are neat freaks I guess. Grayson noticed my shocked face and saids,"What's the problem?" I say,"There's no problem, I'm just shocked you ate after me." He saids,"I mean why wouldn't I. We do kiss each other so it's not that much of a difference. And plus I like doing it, eating after you." I just smile and we continue to eat the donuts an cuddle until we're done. Grayson positions my body so that I'm on top of him and saids,"Lay down princess." And I do just that. He start rubbing my back and saids,"What's wrong baby? You seem tense and frustrated, like your thinking too much." I say,"I'm fine baby." He saids,"No your not. Somethings bothering you and I want to know what it is." I sigh in defeat and say,"Well I have just been blaming myself about what happened yesterday. I think that it's my fault your in here because I let you into my life with Peter still on my case. An I know it's dumb I-I just can't help but to feel that way Gray. It's a feeling of guilt and it keeps coming back." I silently cry and Grayson signals for Ethan to leave for a while. Once the door closes Grayson lifts my head up and saids,"It's okay baby girl. It's not your fault at all, so please stop blaming yourself. I hate seeing you like this baby, it hurts me deeply. I'm in this hospital because of Peter, not you baby. Blaming yourself isn't gonna do anything but tear you down okay?" I nod and he saids,"Okay now where's my beautiful smile at?" I giggle then smile at him making him say,"There's my smile." I chuckle and kiss his then say,"Thanks Gray. I really needed that." He saids,"That's what I'm here for princess. To build you up when you are weak, to love you greatly and to please you heavenly." I blush deeply and he only bites his lower lip making me say,"That's until marriage boy." He chuckles and say,"I can please you in many other ways baby girl. Believe that." He leans in and grabs the side of my face pulling me closer to him and brushes his lips softly against mine. I kiss back and he moves his hands to my waist and starts massaging them, then breaks the kiss and starts kissing my neck saying,"I'm gonna help you get rid of all that stress baby girl," he starts softly biting down on my sweet spot making me try and hold back my moan,"Does that feel good baby?" I say,"Y-Yes." He continues to leave trails of kisses down my neck, then he sucks on my sweet spot making me unable to hold my moan back...

Grayson's POV
As she moans I watch her throw her head back in pleaser making me groan and slowly bring my hands down to her butt and massage it while continuing to leave love marks down her neck. Her beautiful voice gets louder and louder as I continue. It's taking a lot out of me not to just have her right here and now but I keep it together for her. She pulls back and say,"Now it's my turn." Oh boy. She kisses my lips the makes her way down to my neck slowly. I grunt as she nibbles on my sweet spot, then she starts sucking on it surely leaving a mark. I moan deeply and grip her butt for support making her moan softly and rub my chest while capturing my lips again with hers. I pull her, gently, by her head in deeper and our tongues flow in perfect sync as we continue to make out. A couple minutes later we pull back for air and all I could say was woah! I say to her,"That was amazing baby girl..." She smiles catching her breath and says,"Yes it was Gray..I feel so much better now. Thank you baby." She pecks my lips and I say,"Any time princess."

Next chapter coming soon loves!

QOTD? Where are my readers from?✈️

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