Forbidden Human Mate

By ectopiic

1.4M 39.1K 5.5K

It is said that only the special humans get werewolf mates. Human mates aren't usually frowned upon in most p... More

1: New Town
2: School of Dogs
3: Breaking The Ice...Kinda
4: Home
6: Wait, What!?
7: Secrets
8: "Who did this?"
9: Not My Boyfriend
10: Torn
11: Lukas' POV
12: Like Hell
13: Night Howler
14: The Story Behind Her
15: Crumbling Down
16: Muted
17: Charlotte
18: Clarity
19: Mateless
20: End of It All
21: A Change of Heart
from me to you.

5: Luka's 'Battles'

80.1K 2.2K 307
By ectopiic


"Great now that I know your name, Luka, I suggest you not tell me what to do, and not expect me to think you're of importance over anyone else in this school. I know guys like you, the kind that are popular and have the whole school and school officials up your ass. Don't think I forgot about all the girls here." She said looking at Kelsey and Finny behind me. "All this girls must be either desperate for male attention or just too easy." She said and walked off.

I didn't know if I could keep up the act of not feeling anything any longer. She was my mate and I couldn't deny that. Let's just backtrack to earlier shall we?


"Hey man?" Grayson said slapping my back pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Oh, hey" I said clearing my throat. "What's up?"

"You alright? You look a little out of it?" He laughed. "Crazy night last night or what?" He said mentioning the crazy pack party that I hosted last night. I mean it wasn't a whole pack thing just people from here at school, and it wasn't even just one pack it was all the pack that go here. As for my behavior this morning it wasn't because of last night, it's something different, it's something that had my wolf Brody going stir crazy and alert.

"Nah man it's not that, it's something else. I don't know my wolf is just acting up. Hey I'll catch you later. " I bumped his fist and went to class.

I walked to my seat and was just about to ask the girl behind me for last night assignment then I was cut off buy the sweet smell of crisp apples and blossoms, it had my mouth watering and my wolf was searching for something.

"Everyone meet Ms. Dunn." Mr. Allington said making me along with everyone else look at the girl next to him in the front of the class.

"MATE! MATE!" Brody yelled in my head to me. "GO TO HER! GO TO OUR MATE!" He lowly growled. Maybe she wasn't my mate, maybe Brody was just acting up?

"Well...Charlotte..uh Charlie, yeah Charlie. Hi, I'm Charlie." She stuttered. Everyone chuckled at her misfortune and I just wanted to yell at all of them but rip their heads off at the same time.

"Take the empty seat right there in front of Mr. Pierce. Luka, raise you're hand." Mr. Allington instructed Charlotte making her look at me. Our eyes met and I couldn't deny that she was my mate. She was my mate and she was absolutely beautiful. I raised my hand a little and she walked to the desk in front of mine and sat down wafting her scent towards me with her hair causing me to straighten and clear my throat to not show what effect this had on me.

Brody was going crazy in my head, he wanted me to mark her right here right now. We all know that would be a bad idea because there could be some humans in this class. To ease him up a bit I reached over to touch her shoulder, I mean it sounded like a good idea. She probably already knew we were mates because she couldn't stop looking at me. I could also feel how uneasy she felt that was just probably her own wolf going crazy in her and Brody felt that.

I reached my hand over and lightly brushed her shoulder. I automatically felt sparks and I know she did too because her skin erupted with goosebumps. Something was different though. Naturally if a mate touched another mate their skin becomes warm at the touch and each other could feel it, at least that's what it's like for wolfs. Her skin didn't get warm, and neither did mine. That could only mean that she is a human. a Human!?

I could hear and feel Brody whimpering inside my head.

"What are we going to do?" Brody whimpered.

"I don't know, but we can't engage her. You know what that means in our pack. No human mates can ever be excepted." I sighed to him. It hurt to say that but with me being the next Alpha I couldn't put in jeopardy for some human girl.

"But I love her! And she's not just a human girl!" He yelled in my head then went silent.

*Flashback over*

"You're certainly not going to let her talk that way to and about us right?" Kelsey spat slithering her hand down my arm and linking her hand in mine. It all felt so wrong and it stung my hand.

"What does it mean to you?" I said yanking my hand away from hers. "I don't care what anyone says about you two unless it's not true." I winked and started to walk off.

"BUT IM YOUR MATE!" Kelsey yelled with force which caused me to whip back around.

"You are NOT my mate!" I yelled back, my wolf coming to again and coming out. "Don't you ever, EVER try to claim me or tell me what I should do! Got that?"

"Yes." She coward back into herself tapping Finny on the shoulder and walked away.

I took a deep breath and calmed my wolf down, happy that he came back to me. I walked out to the front of the school and I immediately saw Charlotte on the end of where the sidewalk stopped and the stretch of forest  started. I originally thought that she was waiting for someone till she started walking into the forest.

I got a deep gut feeling that made me sick, I didn't have a good feeling of her walking by herself. I jogged to my truck parked just in the front roundabout and started it up. I stayed a distance away from her. My intentions were that I would keep an eye on her and ,are sure nothing bad happened because Brody and I knew that, that would physically hurt us.

She started seeing up her pace and ducked her head lower than she had before. Next thing I k ew she was looking back.

"Shit!" I cursed.

I decided to get her attention now that I had her knowing that I was following her, maybe I could give her a ride home. That would also give me an advantage to know where I could find her due to this not being my packs territory, only where I go to school.

She just kept on walking so I decided to keep honking my horn. I knew that she had her earbuds in but of course she heard my honking. My horn is pretty loud, but I had to honk it more times than I thought before she actually turned to look inside the truck.

When she saw me I swear I saw the chocolate brown of her eyes and how her lips parted slightly due to the cold. I also couldn't miss the glare in her face when she got a good look at who I was.

"CHARLOTTE!" I yelled as I honked the horn since I had my windows down. She just kept walking despite my attempts to get her attention. Then she stopped walking and viciously yanked out her earbuds.

"Why are you following me!?" She said with the cutest confused face I'd ever seen. I had to keep this strictly non mate talk, of course Brody would be a challenge. This was just a friend trying to keep another friend safe. Right?

I turned off the truck and hopped out walking towards her as I heard faint growls in the distance.

"Well I had been trying to tell you if you wanted a ride!" I yelled back getting angry that she would yell at me for trying to help.

"Wait hold up, If someone is not paying attention to you or better yet trying to basically run from your truck, they most likely don't want a ride." She snapped back crossing her arms over her chest.

"Well do you want a ride?" I asked calmer from my wolf being around his mate. It's weird how this all works but it does.

"No." She said bluntly and continued on her way doesn't the forest stretch.

"Whatever then."I whispered walking back to my truck. Maybe being rejected by her wouldn't be the worst thing that could happen, of course she didn't tell me that she rejected be that would be different but I wanted to stay focused on becoming Alpha.

"Luka!" I heard my future beta mind link me frantic.

"What is it Travis?" I questioned stern.

"Rouges have come onto out territory! Your father knows and is with the fighters making sure that everyone is safe, but there is one thing that has to do with you."

"Well what is it Trav, spit it out!" I demanded.

"Vic, he knows that you have found a mate...he says he knows where she is and that he will kill her."

Immediately at his words I rushed back to Charlotte.

"No, get in the truck." I demanded. My wold was trying to take over but I was the one with more control.

"What!" She yelled louder. "I said no! I'm sorry I don't really like you, Christ I don't even know you. You don't know me! Why do you have the need to have me like you? I'm pretty sure your blond bimbos would love for you to show them attention right now, now if you would excuse me I'm trying to go home." She finished her speech, I could sense the unsureness in her voice.

"No get in the truck." I said stepping in her way each time she tried to go around me. "And if you don't get in the truck I'm going to make you."

"Who the he-"

"Luka, he's getting close!" Travis said in my head interrupting my thoughts.

"Charlotte!" My wolf yelled at her taking over. Before he could do anything else I took over again my senses were blaring as I heard several twigs snap and low growling filled my ears. I hoisted her up on my shoulder and walked toward my truck.

"What are you doing! Let. Me. Go! NOW!" She shouted as she simultaneously beat on my back trying to get me to drop her. I got closer to my truck and opened the passenger door.

"Fine." I replied tossing her in the front seat.

"Wow, what a mate you got there." Vic said emerging from the trees. "Quite a human mate." He smirked.

"Why are you here?" I growled at him.

"Oh, your know Luka just making your life hell." He said smiling bearing his teeth and charged at me.

The last thing I heard was Charlotte scream.

I liked it (: hope you did too💗
there is vics initial look

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