Conquest: My Vampire Lover Pa...

By VictoriaEmbers

296 7 4


Conquest: My Vampire Lover Part #1

296 7 4
By VictoriaEmbers

Caroline’s Awakening

I didn’t fight the urge to resist my lover when he came to me that night.  There was a tingling sensation in the pit of my stomach I couldn’t deny.  I wanted him now more than ever despite our differences.  I had grown to enjoy our nightly lovemaking over the many months of my imprisonment despite myself.  I did not want to return to my family or my pack.  They were all dead to me.  I wanted to be with my vampire lover forever.

Without words, he removed my chains from my wrists and ankles.  He had lined the cuffs with black fur, so the hard leather wouldn’t cut my flesh.  He tossed them into the corner and led me to the bed.


I nodded, standing at attention.  Long ago I had forgotten my embarrassment about being naked a lot of the time in his presence.  I watched as he opened the curtains to the only window in the room.

When he secured the locks on the door and returned to stand before me, his naked chest rose to and fro in front of me.  I could tell he was upset.

“They know where you are.  We have to get you out of here.”

“No.  That can’t be.  They think I’m dead.  How did they find me?”

“Some of our fang brethren have succumbed to your mother’s charms probably.”

“Turn me.  Turn me tonight,” I pleaded.

“You don’t know what you’re saying.”

“Yes, I do.”

Gently he ran his fingers across the side of my face.

I leaned into his large hand, unable to resist the sexual magnetism that made him so confident for a vampire.  My powers to fight him had steadily faded each night we made love.  I raised my chin, exposing the contours of my vulnerable neck to him, knowing it would please him if I finally surrendered.  “So be it,” I muttered.

“Even if you survive, they will kill us if I turn you.”  His fingers laced around strands of my blonde hair as it cascaded over the contours of my firm breasts.  He squeezed one of the nipples hard.

A low moan slipped past my lips.  “We could leave this place,” I whispered.  “Together.”

I immediately wrapped my hands around his cock.  He was hard as steel, yet smooth as velvet.  When he throbbed in my grasp, it sent me to my knees.

Slowly I took him in my mouth as I placed my hands behind my back, offering my complete obedience.  If it was to be my last night on earth, I wanted it to be perfect.  Surely the presence of the full moon would ensure a successful change.  But a vampire turning a werewolf?  Was it possible?

As I lavished the taste of him, moving up and down on his shaft, he spread his toned legs wider, slightly bending his knees.

I forced him further into my mouth, letting the tip of his head tickle the back of my throat.  With each long stroke of my sucking, I devoured him whole-heartedly.

“You are eager tonight.  Aren’t you?” he asked as he pulled me up off my knees, holding me firmly in his masculine arms.

He shoved me into the bed and pinned my body against his.  Letting his gaze penetrate mine, he stared at me and released his fangs.

A gasp escaped my lips.  “Yes,” I whispered.

He lowered his head and kissed the inside of my neck.  Quickly I felt the sharp edge of his fangs tracing the places where he had kissed me as his hands explored my breasts.  Gently he ran his fangs along the contours of my shoulders and chest.

Shivers of warm ecstasy rippled through me.  To be his forever.

“Take me please,” I demanded, glaring up at the ceiling.  I slammed my arms into the bed, grabbing the satin sheets tightly in my grasp.  I arched my back upwards to him.  “I want to be with you forever.”

“With all your heart?” he asked.

Wrenching my hands together, he held them before him.  His eyes glowed, fierce.

The palms of my flesh grew numb and I froze.  In his darkened bedroom where I spent my days alone and confined, I could only hear his threatening voice.  Being with him every night was what I lived for.  I longed to be his one true love.  It didn’t matter that I was different than him.

“Yes, I want to be yours forever.”  I pulled my body to his, forcing myself off the bed as difficult as it was to do.  His hands bit into my wrists, but the pain didn’t matter.  “I’ll forsake everything to be with you.  Have I not proven that to you time and time again?”

“You have no idea what you’re asking me to do.  Drinking my blood is one thing, but turning you…”  He released my hands and I sank down again into the soft bed.

Immediately I felt his touch return.  I closed my eyes, savoring the moment.

His touch was light and deliciously teasing.  He spread my legs and took his time sliding his fingers down my stomach.  Pausing at the entrance just above my sex, he ran a fingertip around the small triangle of hair.  Then he slid two fingers inside me, instantly finding my clit with his thumb.

“You’re so wet,” he whispered in my ear.  “Perhaps you speak the truth.”

“Yes.”  I groaned, grinding my hips against his hand, letting my body become his as he sent his fingers into me.  I was willing to do anything to please him.  I dug my fingernails into his strong back, feeling the skin loosen slightly under my fingertips.  The warm, wet stickiness of his blood covered them.

“Yes, that’s it,” he growled.  “You want more?”

He slapped me hard on the thigh, growing more aroused.

I fell into the sheets of the bed, feeling a delicious tinge of electricity radiate down my leg.

Crouching above me like a tiger, he immediately reclaimed me.  He pulled me from the bed, whirled me around, and wrapped his arms around me possessively.  His fangs brushed the side of my shoulder.

Momentarily I winced in shame when I realized my shoulders had dropped forward like a coward.  I was shaking.

Suddenly he grew very still.  “I’ll release you, if you like.  And this will all be over.  If I turn you, we’ll surely go to war.  Do you understand?”  His breath was hot on my shoulder.

Gathering my strength, I locked myself into his embrace.  My head fit perfectly in the hollow between his shoulder and neck.  I settled back, enjoying the feel of his strong arms around me.

He traced his fingers down the outer curves of my body.

I could feel his heavy breathing on the back of my neck, as he held me close.  Then putting a large hand to the front of my belly, he drew me to him.

“But I can’t lose you,” he whispered in my ear.

I shuddered beneath his touch.  To be his forever.

“Do you want this?”

Silently I took one of my fingers into my mouth while offering him the other hand.  I licked away his blood, drawing the flavor in deeply.  A taste of honey and salt radiated through my mouth.  It was warm and inviting.  He had to know I loved him.

He suckled my fingers and tasted his own blood.

Then something intense flared in his movements as another low growl rumbled in his chest.  He bent me over in front of him, lifting me slightly, and plunged his manhood fiercely, almost violently, into me.

“I don’t want to leave you.  I don’t,” I screamed as he pounded his hips against mine.

Throwing my head forwards, I pressed my body against his as I offered myself completely to his wonderfully, powerful thrusts.  His male scent, a dark, rich fragrance of spice merged with my own like leather and silk, enveloping me and igniting my wet pussy.

As he hastened his pace, lengthening his stride deeper and deeper in me, an orgasm shuddered uncontrollably through my body.  Two more followed.

He slowed his rhythm, but remained inside me.  Sweeping me up into his strong arms, he turned me around so that I sat on his lower hips, straddling him.  He lavished kisses along my breasts and neck.  “I knew you were the one, Caroline.”

I trembled, feeling the rush of passion race down my spine as I heard him say my name.  He held me in his arms and I knew I was safe with him.

“Summon the Moon Goddess.  She will guide you,” he said.

I did as he commanded.

Suddenly as clouds retreated into the northern sky, the moonlight flooded the room and illuminated him.  He was devastatingly handsome with raven black hair framing his rugged face, high cheek bones, a perfectly straight nose, square jaw, and his drop-dead turquoise blue bedroom eyes that blazed with passion.

I felt his cock pulsate against my inner walls.  They were swollen with lust and desire.  I was still burning with passion for him as my juices dripped down the inside of my thighs.

The thought of my vampire lover biting me made me wild with yearning.  A vampire biting another was an offering of blood love, he had said.  It was very sacred, very precious, and not to be broken or taken lightly.  We’d be bound together as husband and wife, for eternities.  I didn’t know if I could give myself to him like that, but I desperately wanted to.  I wanted to come again and again and again for him like this forever, for eternities.  Would my being a werewolf matter?

Seeing a glimpse of his fangs appear between his lush lips as he resumed his strides, holding me tenderly and kissing my cheek again, I moaned unable to stop an orgasm rising in me.  I clung to him.

“Don’t hold back this time.  I will bite you when the Wolf comes for you.  Just tell me when.  You’ll be okay.  I’m here.  Taste my blood again.”

I felt his warm, wet tongue dart in my mouth, sucklingly my bottom lip.  A sting of pain surfaced.

I shrieked, quickly pulling away from him.

He held me fast in his arms.  Again I tasted the sweetness of blood, but this time it was my own.  Carefully, I licked my bottom lip where he had bitten me.  Our eyes locked.

A surge of ecstasy rocked through me, similar to the feeling I had had when I first met him under our terrible beginning circumstances.  I recognized it then, just as I recognized it now.  He was the other part of my being, the other half of my heart.  A very unlikely find in a non-werewolf creature outside my pack and outside my realm, but there he was.  And I knew it as I met his gaze.  His gaze devoured me.  My vampire lover.  My soul mate.  La mia ragione di vita.  My reason for living.

“You complete me,” he said.

I traced the outline of his square jaw and rested the tip of my finger in his cleft of his chin.  “La mia ragione di vita,” I replied in the language of Fanged that he had taught me over the past few months, meaning ‘my reason for living.’

Another gleam from the moon shone upon his face, his bright eyes sparkled with a savage knowledge beyond lust and desire, one of sheer hunger.  He would be mine.

Before I could stop him, he slashed at his well-toned chest with his nails.  Lines of blood formed across his muscles.

“Drink of me.”

Then he resumed making love to me fiercely, refusing to stop.

I stared at the streams of blood rolling down his chest as I rode him.  With only a few thrusts from my vampire lover, the Wolf in me instantly awoke.  Warm rushes of power and hunger rose up in me.  The Wolf was coming for me and I wouldn’t be able to deny him.

“Let it go,” he whispered.  “Drink of me.”

The moon bathed him in its lush glow and I couldn’t resist marveling at his naked form.  He was exquisite.  His thick, muscular chest glistened with blood and sweat and I held on to his shoulders as I drove my hips down upon him, feeling his magnificent cock surge deep inside me.  Each stride I took sent me ever closer to him forever.  I took his mouth with a savage intensity I had never known and then I lavished my kisses upon his chest, licking his blood and sweat in long, broad laps.

We will be together.

I leaned my head back, exposing my neck completely.  “Do it.  Do it now.  He’s here!”

Answering my request, he pulled me into his embrace and sank his teeth into my neck.

I cried out, instantly thrusting myself upwards to meet his fanged kiss.  A flood of raw, electrifying sensations exploded inside me and multiple orgasms rocketed through my body.

He lifted me slightly off the bed and drank from me, holding me gently in his arms the whole time.

I pressed my back into his firm hands and focused on meeting his tempo as I rode him.  The room began to spin.  Blood trickled down my chest, running past my belly button and along the inside of my thighs.  A delightful shiver of fear passed through me as my vampire lover shuddered and came inside me.  I will be his.

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