The House Next Door{DISCONTIN...

By DDEC_master

2.1K 160 18


Chapter 1: The House
Chapter 2: Sarafina
Chapter 3: The Hole
Chapter 4: Snapping Fingers
Chapter 5: Spells... typical.
Chapter 6: New Immortal?
Chapter 7: You- WHAT?!
Chapter 8: New Home
Chapter 9: The Twins
Chapter 10: They Know
Chapter 11: The Picture
Chapter 12: The Doll
Chapter 13: New Friends or Enemies?
Chapter 14: Someone's In Trouble
Chapter 15: The Tombs
Chapter 16: Acai
Chapter 17: Leo's Dead...
Chapter 18: How Did The Creepypastas Get In Here?!
Chapter 19: Which One Is It?
Chapter 20: Leia's Dead... Unbelievable...
Well well well
Chapter 21: Messed Up Info
You like???
You like???
Chapter 22: There's More Of Them?!
I really really really really really really really love you guys
Chapter 23: What In The World Is Going On In Here?!
Chapter 24: Jeff the Killer has a Daughter?!
Chapter 25: Her Story
Chapter 26: Amnesia. Or Was It?
Chapter 27: The Shadow Figure
please with marshmallow on top
Chapter 28: Curse You Charlie!
Chapter 29: That Bastard!
Chapter 30: Is Mythology The Right Terminology?
Chapter 31: Will You Be My Plus... *counting...* ...2?
Hi people

Chapter 32: Just a Dream

14 1 0
By DDEC_master

1:00 am Saturday

"Jess?" Jazz asked as she followed Matt's finger.

"Jess?" Jenn asked.

"Jess?" Jem asked.

"Jess?" Jul asked.

"Jess?" Yana asked

"Jess? I mean... me?" Jess asked as she pointed at herself.

Matt chuckled. "No. The girl behind her."

So They looked behind Jess.

"AHHHHHHH!!!" They screamed except for Jazz.

"Oh. Haha. That makes way more sense." Jazz said half sarcastic and half... normal? I don't know.

"Hey Leia." Matt waved.

"Hey." Leia waved back.

"Does that mean Leia is our sister?" Jem asked.

"Could be."

"What are you doing here?"

"What's it look like I'm doing?"

"I don't know. That's why I asked." Jess crossed her arms.

"I order you to remove this dome. NOW!" Leia screamed.

"Hey, it worked." Jill said coming out of nowhere.

"Sure did." Leia chuckled as she closed the spell book.

"I still don't get it."

"Guys did you know that we were-" Jill was rudely interrupted by Jul.

"We know Jill. We know." Jul said with a hand in front of Jill to stop her from speaking.

Jill growled.

"Where did you get that necklace?" Yana asked Leia suspiciously while pointing at the
"Oh this is my mom's emerald amulet."

"Who's her mom again?" Jazz asked.

"Lexi." Matt replied.



"Chill Leia. And yeah. She is."

"So this was hers and not Eva's? Uhh still hurts." Leia said then she clutched her left chest. Where the heart is (practically) located.

"Are you alright?" Matt asked.

"Yeah. It's just. The spell isn't working."

"What spell did you perform again?" Yana asked with her arms crossed.

"I don't really pay attention to names. But I used a dagger. Shhhhhhh-!!" Leia hissed in pain.

"Well does that dagger look anything like this?" Yana asked holding up the exact same dagger.

"Yeah. Oww!" Leia seemed in pain.

"That's the problem Leia. You're not allowed to perform such spell. You're too important. Plus you're too young." Yana said.

"Should've warned me sooner." Leia said quietly as she rolled her eyes.

Then she started melting again but this time it's a little bit slower than before. So that is good news.

"Lexi is still alive. Maybe we should get Leia to her." Jem suggested.

"I don't think that would be such a good." Jill said.

"Why not?"

"Maybe it's because Lexi is just their adopted mother."

"I thought their adopted mother was Eva."

"Lexi was their first... wait hold up a sec." Jill said then started thinking deep.


"The family tree and history you've search was edited." Jake told Sarafina.

"How would you know that?" Kaitlyn crossed her arms.

"It says here. Date edited: unknown." Jake said as he pointed at the computer Sarafina used to search 'infos' before.

"Let me guess. By Charlie." Sarafina crossed her arms.

"No. Charlie has no idea about computers and gadgets."

"Charles?" She asked, letting her arms fall to her sides.

"Hmmm. No I don't think so."







"Could be. Charlie did texted that he needed Leo to get his mom's laptop. So maybe Leo did."

"I didn't receive any." Sarafina said as she looked at her phone.

"Me neither." Everyone else said.

They looked at Kaitlyn.

"I can explain." She said quickly.

"Make it quick." DA demanded.

"Ok. Charlie and I might have been in touch lately but that doesn't mean anything."

"Who were you trying to find when we were in a dome?" Jess asked.

"I was looking for Leo. He kept following us. All of us. I don't know how he does it but he does. It's like he's teleporting."

"Wait. Jill is the only one who can teleport. The twins doesn't have powers. They don't have powers without the spell book." Sarafina said.

"Jill has powers?" KP asked.

"Unless..." Lucas started.

Lucas and Jake looked at each other then they said in unison, "uh oh."


"If only some of the things we knew now is true then that means..." Jill trailed off.

"This is just a dream." Yana continued.

"More like a nightmare." Jess commented.

"Of course! That's why nothing made sense. Charlie is just controlling us in our dreams or nightmares." Jazz said.

"But Charlie can't control us without any device of some sort." Matt said.

"No. There is a device. If there weren't any then how did I get that dagger? It just appeared out of nowhere." Leia said.

"Even if there is, she can't do it alone. She has to have a helper." Jem said.

"Leo." Leia said in realization.

"Don't even think about it sis." They all turned to see Leo.

"Leo. Please. Why did you betrayed me? Us?"

"It's complicated Leia so please stop putting your nose in my business."

"This isn't about you. This is about waking up."

"You don't get it do you?"

"I don't get what?"

"Teaming up with Charlie is the only way to keep you all safe from whatever she was talking about."

"You mean me."

"Maybe. But that's not the point. The point is we have to team up against Charlie and this is the only way to do it."

"You're not making any sense."

"Like I'm the only one who doesn't make any sense."

"Ok. Where is she hiding?"

"Over there." Leo said as he pointed up.

They all looked at where he is pointing. While they were distracted, Leo pulled out a gun and killed each and every single one of them.


Leia gasped as she jolted up awake. She looked around and she saw that she was in her own room. She looked out the window and saw Sarafina's house.

"It was a dream." Leia said.

Leia went down the stairs to see her mom cooking breakfast.

"Good morning honey. Can you wake your brother up? You'll be late for school."

"Mom. What date is it today?"

"It's Tuesday."

"Oh." Was all she said before going to her brother's room. She opened the door without permission and saw her brother sleeping on his bed. She went closer to him and woke him up.

"Wake up. We'll be late if you don't."

"Fine." He said as he finally sat up.

"Do you remember going to that house next door?" Leia asked curiously.


"How old are we?"


"Do you know who Sarafina is?"


"Are the Creepypastas real?"


"Do you know who the Sexplet are? The Boss Mafias?"

"Nope and nope."

"Are vampires real?"


"So it was just a dream." Leia thought, not knowing she said it out loud.

"What was a dream? And why are you asking me all of this questions?"

"No reason. The dream just felt real so yeah. Come on get ready for breakfast." Leia said before leaving his room.

"I don't understand anything." Leia thought. She just shook her head to shrug the thought off.


3 shadows watched from the window next door.

"That was a close one." Sarafina sighed in relief.

"Yeah. Too close." Yana agreed.

"Let's hope it stays like that from now on. We don't exist to them anymore." Lexi said.

"Right. Charlie's a pain in the ass. Let's not do it again." Yana said.


Sorry. The ending sucks. Anyway thank you for 1K plus reads. That really means a lot to me. I'm ending my story here. Hope you guys would read my other books.



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