Near To You *Completed*

By WritersUnblock

79.7K 2.3K 295

Harry Styles, dealing with a painful breakup, must try to learn to open his heart again. But he feels no one... More

Near To You (a Narry fanfic)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Author's Note(it'll be quick)
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Just a last Note......

Chapter 14

2.6K 108 7
By WritersUnblock

I returned home from our week at the cabin.  I had a really good time with the boys.  It was great hanging around them again.  I really missed it.  There is still two weeks before we return to school and as of yet I have no plans.  I have been trying to get a hold of Josh, but I feel like he might be avoiding me.  Maybe I’m just being paranoid.  He said he wanted to see me as soon as I got back.  He said he missed me.  He was being extra sweet the last time we talk and it was nice.

I still think about Niall often.  During the week at the cabin, the boys relentlessly talked to me about trying to win Niall back and if I’m being honest, I really think that I might just do that.  I am enjoying time with Josh again, but it’s no longer the same.  I just have to figure out how I am going to do it and what I will say to Josh.

I am lying in my room listening to one of my Pandora stations, just looking up at the ceiling getting lost in my thoughts.  I began to hear lyrics to a song that pretty much sum up my entire life over the past six months.  I run over to my computer to see the song and the artist.  “Near To You” by A Fine Frenzie. 

I quickly write down the song title and band and make a note to download the song.  I need to hear it again.  Just when I completed writing down the song, there was a knock at my door.

“Louis?”  I asked as he is standing in front of my house.  “We just spent a week together, was that not enough?!” I joked and invited him in.

“Ha ha.  Very funny” he responded.  “Actually, I came to show you something” he said with a sorry look in his eyes.

“Ok, sit down.  Whats up?” I asked as we sat on the sofa.

“Here” he said and handed me his phone.  I looked at him puzzled and he motioned for me just to take the phone and look at the screen.

I took the phone from his hands and my stomach dropped when I saw the picture on his phone.  It was of Josh getting very cozy with some female.

“Where did you get this?” I asked not taking my eyes off the picture almost trying to convince myself that it wasn’t Josh, but there was no denying it.

“Actually, Niall just sent it to me.”

“What?” I exclaimed.  “When did he get it and why send it to you and not to me?” I asked getting kind of upset.

“He said that he took it the other night while he was out with James.” My face fell when I heard that.  Louis continued.  “He said that he wasn’t sure what to do with it.  He didn’t want to send it to you because he didn’t want to hurt you but he felt that you have the right to know and that something like this would be better coming from me.” Louis finished and then slid closer to me and put an arm around my shoulders.  “I’m really sorry, Harry.”

“What have I done, Louis?”  I said with a tear falling from my eye.  “I didn’t commit to a great guy because I was still hung up on my ex and made the decision to get back with him and he does this to me?  I let an amazing guy go and now it’s too late to do anything because he is happy with someone else.  I’m such an idiot.”

“Well, yes you are an idiot Harry, I won’t disagree with you on that. “ Louis said trying to get me to smile, but no smile came.  “But you what else Niall told me?  He said that he broke things off with James.” My smile finally made an appearance. 

“That makes me hopeful but I basically led Niall on for months and ended up with another guy.  Who is to say that he would even want me back.”  I said.

“Well there is no harm in trying.” Louis replied.  “Now get up, stop moping around, and start planning on how to get your man back!” He said and walked towards my door.  “I will help in any way that I can.  I’ll talk to you later Harry.”

“Bye, Louis.  Thanks”

I now have to plan how I am going to win Niall back, but I guess first I have to deal with Josh.

I called Josh later that evening and he agreed to come over.  Louis sent the picture to my phone so I could confront him with it.  Not that I was really mad that he was out with someone else, because I guess I had really and truly gotten over him, but because he led me to believe that he really wanted to make our relationship work and that he would make me happier than before.  I guess I shouldn’t have been so naïve.

As soon as Josh arrived he gave me a big hug which I half returned.  He tried to kiss me but I turned my head.

“What’s wrong, babe?” He asked.  “I haven’t seen you in a week and I don’t even get a kiss.  I missed you so much, Love.” He continued and tried leaning in for a kiss again.  I pushed him away and he got irritated.

“What’s wrong, Harry.” He said firmly.

I pulled out my phone and showed him the picture without even saying a word to him.  I saw his face and knew that was the face of a guilty man.  He began to rub the back of his neck and he sighed.  He looked up at me and tried to pull me in for a hug.

“Um, I don’t think so Josh.”  I said.  “Not that I really want an explanation, but I will allow you to tell me why you are in this picture sucking on the neck of some girl when you continually said over the past couple of months how committed you are to me and to making this relationship work and that you are so in love with me and only want me and you forever.  Now, you can speak.” I said and waited for him to reply.

“Babe” he began.

“No.  Don’t call me that.” I stated firmly.

“Harry.” He said.  “She is nothing.  She means nothing to me. I only want you.  I was so lonely without you here and I had a moment of weakness.  I am so sorry.  Please forgive me, I want to be with you.”

He was laying it on really thick and sounding very convincing, but I wasn’t going to fall for it.  His phone started to go off in his pocket.  He just let it ring.

“Aren’t you going to answer that?” I asked.

“N-no” he stuttered.

“Give me your phone now, Josh” I demanded

“Harry, we are talking.  Whoever it is can wait.”

“No.” I said.  “Give me your phone.” His phone started ringing again.  I felt bold and backed him up to the wall and held his hands down and reached into his pocket and grabbed his phone with him struggling the entire time.  I was surprised at my newly found strength.

I pressed the call button to answer the call.  Josh looked down and sighed and stopped fighting it.  He knew he was caught.  There wasn’t much else he could do.

“Hey baby. Where are you?” she said without waiting for a hello.  I guess she knew the phone had been answered.

“Who is this?” I asked

“huh?” she said.  “Who is this and why do you have my boyfriend’s phone?” She demanded.

“Your boyfriend.  Really.” I repeated.  “Well I am really sorry to tell you this but Josh has been playing us both.”

“What?” She exclaimed  “You sound like a guy.”

“I am a guy.  Josh and I dated for 2 years and broke up six months ago and we started dating again two months ago.  He is standing right next to me if you want to talk to him.”

“Josh and I have been dating for five months.  But you can tell him we are done.  What is your name by the way?” She asked.

“I’m Harry.  And what’s yours?” I asked

“I’m Jenny. And thank you for letting me know Harry.  Goodbye.”

“You’re Welcome, Jenny.  Goodbye”  I then ended the call and handed the phone back to Josh.

“Well” I said.  “Your girlfriend of FIVE months just dumped you. And you certainly won’t have me anymore either.  I just can’t believe I was so stupid to believe in anything you said to me.”

“But Har-“ he began but I stopped him.

“Just leave Josh.  You have wasted enough of my time. “ and I opened up my door and watched him leave.

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