Paige's Miracle

KateJamesBooks tarafından

36.6K 2.1K 95

PAIGE'S MIRACLE is the short story that my award-winning Heartwarming novel, A CHILD'S CHRISTMAS, is based on... Daha Fazla

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

Chapter 2

5.6K 392 7
KateJamesBooks tarafından

IT MIGHT HAVE been a blessing, Paige mused as she unlocked her door that evening. Nearly every call she'd made at work had ended with the recipients arguing that they didn't owe the money. In a few cases, they'd turned their anger on her. Although unpleasant, it kept her mind—at least briefly—off her own troubles. She'd worked late but was grateful for the extra hours. She could barely make ends meet, even without factoring in Jason's medical expenses not covered by her insurance or any indulgences for Christmas.

Despite her worries, she smiled as she entered her living room. Louise Bennett had been true to her word. A teapot covered in a quilted cozy sat on the coffee table. Mrs. Bennett reclined on the sofa, her hands folded tidily on her lap, her head drooping forward in sleep. She snored softly.

Paige nudged her gently. "Mrs. Bennett. I'm home."

Mrs. Bennett's head jerked up, and a hand flew to her chest. "Oh, my goodness. I must've fallen asleep." She smoothed her short, wavy hair. "Sit down, honey. I've made our tea." She lifted the cozy and tested the temperature of the pot to make sure the tea was still warm.

"I appreciate it, but it's quite late. You should go home."

"Nonsense!" She waved dismissively. "I said we'd talk when you got home, and we will. You shouldn't keep things bottled up inside."

"Mrs. Bennett . . ."

"We're going to talk," Mrs. Bennett declared emphatically.

Paige realized it would be useless to argue. "All right. Let me check on Jason first."

She opened his bedroom door quietly. In the glow of the nightlight, she could see her little boy snuggled in his blanket. His arms were wrapped around his teddy bear, his eyes closed and his mouth slightly parted. She heard his even breathing. Satisfied that he was sleeping peacefully, she closed his door.

Mrs. Bennett was pouring their tea when Paige walked into the living room. "Go ahead, dear. Tell me what happened," she said.

"Oh, Mrs. Bennett. It's awful," Paige began. "Jason's tumor has recurred. His oncologist, he . . . he believes Jason has less than a year left. He . . ." Paige dropped her head into her hands and struggled to hold back the tears. Mrs. Bennett folded Paige in her arms and held her tightly as she cried.

When the tears turned into dry, hitching gasps, Paige pulled back and wiped her eyes with her fingertips. Accepting the tissue Mrs. Bennett offered, she blew her nose and fought to collect herself. "The doctor . . . he feels Jason's only chance now is surgery to remove the tumor. But even if I could afford it . . ." She choked back a sob. "The risks are significant. His chances of survival are . . . low."

Mrs. Bennett's eyes filled with tears, too. "I know it's hard. But think about all the challenges he's already overcome."

Paige raised anguished eyes to Mrs. Bennett's.

"Wasn't Jason just three when he was first diagnosed? And didn't you both get through it, despite his father deserting you?" When Paige was about to interrupt, Mrs. Bennett raised her hand. "I know what you're going to say in his defense. 'It wasn't that simple.' But let's face it. He abandoned you. You and Jason were both strong and determined, and you made it through. Then the tumor came back."

The horrific day when Paige learned the tumor had reappeared the first time was indelibly etched in her mind. As today would be. "Yes, it came back five months later."


"And . . ." Paige said in a whisper, "Jason underwent treatment and made it through again."

"Twice you've beaten it. Twice. Can't you believe you can beat it again? And this time for good?"

"I'd like to think so, but I don't know." Paige shook her head. "I just don't know."

"What did the doctor say about treatment?"

"Jason has to undergo aggressive treatment again, to shrink the tumor before he can have the surgery." She tried to stay composed, but the tears welled up in her eyes and spilled down her cheeks. "The drugs are going to make Jason very sick, just like the last time. How much can he take?" Paige broke down again.

"There, there," Mrs. Bennett soothed. "As much as he needs to."

"But Christmas . . . He'll be going through the worst of it at Christmas. And this might be his last . . ." Her voice trailed off, and she glanced at his bedroom door. "With the limitations on my healthcare plan, I have no idea how I'll handle the medical expenses, let alone give him a special Christmas."

"If you need to work more hours, it's no trouble for me to watch Jason. And what about one of those charities that helps people with sick kids?"

Things might have been tight, but Paige had always managed to make ends meet—just barely. She knew there were many needy, deserving people who relied on the generosity of the more fortunate, but she didn't feel comfortable with receiving charity. It was pride speaking as she said, "Jason is my responsibility."

"But there are organizations that help parents make sick kids' Christmas wishes come true. That's all I'm talking about."

Paige relented a little. "Oh, yes, of course. But I've also heard they have long waiting lists. This close to Christmas, they probably have more families than they can handle."

Mrs. Bennett patted Paige's hand. "Leave it with me. Let me look into it for you."

                                                                                   * * * * *

THE DOCTORS' APPOINTMENTS weren't easy for Jason, but he was very brave. The strain was wearing on Paige, though. She let herself into their apartment after a long day at work. She was tired and worried.

Mrs. Bennett greeted her excitedly. "Go say hello to Jason and hurry back, dear. I have good news for you."

Paige thought she could use some good news as she checked on Jason doing his homework. She spent a few minutes chatting with him, then went back to the living room.

"I've found an organization that should be able to help," Mrs. Bennett announced.

"Sorry. What?"

"A charitable organization that can help you and Jason."

With so much else on her mind, Paige had forgotten their conversation. Remembering now, she wasn't sure she wanted to pursue it. Not only because she didn't feel comfortable with charity, but because she knew there'd be an application process. It would mean more time and effort for her, with no guarantees. "What organization?" she asked hesitantly.

"The Wish I May Foundation. They make Christmas dreams come true for sick kids! Their mission is to help families in situations like yours."

Although not convinced, Paige agreed to speak to the organization's executive director.

"Her name is Laura Andrews. What harm is there in talking with her?" Mrs. Bennett asked.

It wasn't at the top of Paige's list of priorities, but since she'd promised Mrs. Bennett that she'd call Laura, she made time for it the next day.

Paige immediately liked Laura. She didn't cause her to feel inadequate or as if she was unable to care for her own child. Just the opposite. Laura gave her a sense of pride in what she'd accomplished as a single mother. Laura also shared stories of children who'd overcome equally dire illnesses, leaving Paige with a glimmer of hope.

"All you have to do is send me a picture of Jason and a list of the things he'd like for Christmas. I'll take care of the rest," Laura assured Paige. "But please do it quickly."

Shortly after they hung up, Paige emailed Laura a picture of Jason, with a promise to get his Christmas list to her soon. For the first time since Jason's diagnosis, Paige felt encouraged.

                                                                              * * * * *

LAURA WAS IMPRESSED by Paige's resilience and commitment to her son. She was deeply touched by the small family's plight. Despite the number of people Laura still had on her waiting list, she couldn't turn Paige down. Ignoring all the obstacles she knew she'd have to overcome, she promised Paige the Foundation would ensure that Jason's Christmas wishes were fulfilled.

It meant that Laura now faced a significant challenge—to find a sponsor for Jason so close to Christmas and with other families still needing them, too. She'd just have to work extra-hard. She sat at her desk, staring at the image of the tousle-haired little boy grinning at her from the computer screen when her phone rang.

"It's Daniel Kinsley, Laura. How are you?"

"Fine, Daniel." Laura felt a smile spread across her face. God works in mysterious ways, she thought, and gave silent thanks.

"We've raised enough money for everything on both kids' lists and then some."

"That's terrific, Daniel! Two very deserving families will be ecstatic."

"It's been my pleasure. It was no trouble shopping for the families."

Laura knew Daniel was a successful lawyer, a managing partner with his firm. She wouldn't have expected him to do the shopping himself. Her smile broadened. "The families will be grateful."

"I won't keep you, Laura. I just need to know where I should send the packages."

She gave him the address for the Foundation's warehouse, then tested the waters. "Ah, Daniel? I just received a last-minute request for a brave little boy in dire need. With our program already in full gear for Christmas, I don't have another company to turn to. I realize it's asking a lot, but would your firm be willing to sponsor one more child?"

                                                                                  * * * * *

DANIEL DIDN'T THINK his partners would be enthusiastic about contributing more money. He'd pushed their generosity to the limit with the two families they were already sponsoring, especially since he'd made sure they'd gone well above what was requested. No, he couldn't commit his firm to more.

"How about if I email you Jason's picture and his story?" Laura rushed on before he could decline. "Then decide."

He didn't see how he could refuse without sounding rude. Besides, if he'd learned one thing about Laura during their brief interactions, it was that she wouldn't take no for an answer. In fact, he could hear her nails tapping on the keyboard as they spoke. He remembered their initial meeting, and how she'd good-naturedly maneuvered him into sponsoring two families instead of one He sighed. She was good at her job, and he couldn't fault her for that. "Okay. Send it to me."

"Thanks again, Daniel. Please don't take too long to think about it. Time's running out . . . especially for Jason."

Daniel opened Laura's email and then the attachments. Reading Jason's story, he ached for both the boy and his mother. They lived in Camden Falls, a town he hadn't heard of. According to the report, it was just outside Springfield, Massachusetts, less than an hour from his office in Hartford. The brief overview told him that the mother was single and doing her best to take care of her very sick child. Daniel sat in front of his computer monitor, staring at the picture of the little boy who'd been through so much in his short life and—miraculously—was still able to grin. Jason's blue eyes seemed to gaze directly into his.

Daniel wasn't going back to his partners for more money. But little Jason would have everything he wanted for Christmas. Daniel would see to it—personally.

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