Sh't About Relationships

By jonashale12

149 12 3

This is just a book full of relationship things. It's made to be funny. More

The First Phase
BDSM relationships
How to deal with cheating
How do you know your in love
how to know when enough is enough.

Cupcake Phase

31 2 1
By jonashale12

This is the part where you and your partner gave the cute nickname and you share and shit. This phase will only last about 6 months to 1 year. This phase is before the first fight,before the first "I don't give a fuck" has been thrown and before one of y'all say "fuck it find you a place to sleep tonight" (by the way if you have been told done fucked up). This phase don't last long. It all kinda depends on the people. If your girl/boy all ways on some bullshit then its a good chance you never had that phase...and if they still like that...why are you with them. Just asking. If you have had this phase or are currently in the phase then I suggest you read what's next.
How To Know When The Phase Is Over
1. She/He start calling you by your real name or just one nickname.
2. When movie weekend turn into once or twice a few weeks.
3. When she/He don't care where you going.
And finally
4. When she/he start hanging out with friends more often than not.
These are the 4 signs that you need to be looking out for. I am here to tell you so listen to me that phase will come and go but it won't last forever and if it does then the person that it last with is the one you need to marry. (Like on some real stuff)
This phase lasts between people who have common interests. Thatis what you look for but make sure there are some differences..cause you know.......shit will get annoying.
Comment and tell me what you feel about this please it would be greatly appreciated

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