Diabolik Lovers Oneshots

By Damitra

41K 535 126

Just a bunch of oneshots, and I'll take requests. More

Sick Day at the Sakamaki's
Laito's Birthday
Kanato's Birthday
Ayato's Birthday
Tech Week Scenario
Happy Birthday Ruki
Kanato - Sleep
Shu - Snuggling
Yuma - Tutor


2.6K 39 5
By Damitra

You huffed as you opened the huge gate only to be greeted by the foreboding woods that surrounded the Sakamaki home. You looked around from a moment before continuing your escape, today only Ayato was home; the rest having left for some location that they wouldn't tell you about. But it was the middle of the day, so Ayato was sleeping now, or a least he should be. Trying to forget all the ways that this plan could go wrong you continued to run to the woods. You paused at the entrance, there was no light in there. You couldn't see that hand out infront of you at all. "Here goes nothing." You mumbled walking into the woods slowly.

As your eyes adjusted to the lack you f light you saw vines and roots everywhere. "Well there's no way to run around here." You mumbled grabbing on to a tree to help you pull yourself up from the ground. You used this to climb over some very large roots. You began to feel worried when you felt that you were being stalked. Not by Ayato, but by something else. You took a breath and continued to move foreward.

After about an hour or so you took a break by a nearby tree. "Ugh." you groaned climbing on to a tall root to sit on. You panted before you heard a low growling sound from the tree behind you. You froze, you were dead, for all intents and purposes you were going to die. You let out a yell as the creature pounced on your back. Pushing you down you heard it growl again as you went limp, hoping it would leave you alone. It placed a paw on your ankle and when the animal applied pressure the ankle snapped like a thousand twigs. You let out a strangled cry as it right after slashed your back.

Suddenly you heard a battle cry of sorts. But before you could see who's battle cry it was you passed out from blood loss.

Time skip

You opened you eyes to see that you were on your stomach. You looked around to see that your top was off and there were bandages wrapped around your entire torso. You urned your head only to see that Ayato was looking right at you with a frown. "Hi! Bye!" You said turning away and moving to get up out of the bed. As you raised yourself up a horrible stinging pain accoampied the motion. You yelled out and fell back down. Yelling as you landed on your back. "I don't think so Chichinashi." Ayato said smirking at your deterimination. You frowned at him still trying to get up and way. Ayato watched you silently chuckling at the faces you made every once and a while. "Chichinashi, you're not getting out that easy." He said when you finally got to sti upright on the edge of the bed. "There's still one thing I didn't mess with yet." He said as you stood up. As soon as you stood up you fell back down with a scream. You landed on your side, sending a shockwave of pain through your body. "So that's what I frogot. Well good to know now, ne Chichinashi?" Ayato said standing up and walking over to you. He picked you up are carried you back to the bed. He laid you on your stomach, you groaned still recovering from the schockwaves of pain that came from your ankle and back.

"So are you gonna try to run away again, now that you know what's in the forest?" He asked you you shook your head tears forming from the shockwaves of pain that went through your body. His espression softened slightly at your face. "Good now let's fix that ankle before it mends that way." Ayato said sitting next to your ankle. Grabbing it and checking to see what parts actually hurt. After that he grabbed a splint and fixed your ankle. You were biting onto the pillow as he fixed your ankle, trying to keep in your screams of pain. After Ayato was done he laid down next to you and pulled you on top of him. "So Chichimashi let's go eat!" Ayato said picking you up with one arm. You let out a yell as he touched one of the scratches.

He smirked before walking out of the bedroom and down to the kitchen. He walked into the kitchen and set you down on the counter. You kept yourself up grabbing onto the counter edge for security. Ayato ran around the kitchen and before you knew it he made both of you your (f/f). You had a small smile on your face as you went to grab it. "No." Ayato said smacking your hand harshly. "Say ah." He teased holding some of the food on a fork. "Ah." You groaned as he put it in your mouth. "That's right submit to ore-sama." You heard him mumble with a crazed look in his eye. "You're doing it again Ayato." You mumbled as he snapped out of it. "Shut up Chichinashi." He grumbled causing you to crack a smirk. "Whatever Oreo-sama." You teased causing him to groan before slamming a utensil full of (f/f) into your laughing mouth.

Word Count: 886
A/N sorry it's shorter than usual. I'm not really good at writing for Ayato-san....heh sorry Ayato fans! *runs away and hides under bed*

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