Stuck Between My Arch Enemy a...

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Brook is a young girl, born into privileged unlike others could ever imagine. Attending Embory High, for "wea... Daha Fazla

Stuck Between My Arch Enemy and My Best Friend - Chapter One: Impressions
Stuck Between My Arch Enemy and My Best Friend - Chapter Three: Home Sweet Home

Stuck Between My Arch Enemy and My Best Friend - Chapter Two: Class Swop

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School was completely usual for the rest of the day. The two friends stayed out of trouble, and avoided Luke, because that was honestly the only way the three of them were going to get along. The class before lunch found both Brook and Jorden chilling in the back of their History classroom.

"I love your shoes, Brook!" one of their classmates, and short bubbly girl, whose name was Jen, said. Jen loved to gossip. When she says a comment, it is normally because she is trying to work out how to spin it to make it news worthy for the whole school to care. Half the fights this place is apart of, was all because of her. It was quite impressive.

"I know, right! They are totally cute!" declared Brooklyn, who was trying to hide her suspisions about the girl before her. Apparently, that was not the answer Jen was looking for, so she turned to Jorden.

"What's your thoughts?" she asked him. His eyes grew wide, as though he was caught in the headlight. Jorden knew that he was stuck. If he agreed, it was practically begging for Jen to say that he was gay, if he ignored the question completely, Jen would tell everyone how he has fallen in unrequited Love with Brook, and thus could no longer have an objective opinion about her. Either way, he wouldn't hear the end of it for months.

With that in mind, Jorden gave the biggest, uncommittal shrug he could possibly master, and got back to scratching doodles in the back of his maths book with a pencil that needed to have either been sharpened, or replaced, weeks ago.

Jen frowned, flicking her luxurious hair over her shoulders with her painstakingly manicured fingernails. Brooklyn noticed her gucci handbag, and smiled at her.

"That's beautiful Jen!" She smiled back, but the happiness wasn't within her eyes. They seemed rather cool.

"It cost me 12." she said simply. But by that she meant $1,200. And the numbers games has begun. Everything was about having the money to afford things, within this school. If you had no money, you really were not going to get anywhere! Brook smiled at her classmate, barely noticing how Jen had shrugged at the price of her bag, acting as though that money meant nothing at all. For that was really just how this school was.

The teacher eventually strolled into our History class, and everyone reluctantly took our seats. Jorden had found a place beside Brook, so that he could sneak her some lollies he had brought to class. She was so grateful for that; History was practically impossible to stay awake in, no matter how hard you try; Sugar was bound to prolong the arrival of sleep, even if it was only for a short while.

As he handed Brook the first bundle in preparation for the class, the teacher called out her name. She looked up, guilt plastered all over her face. The teacher was holding a note in his hand, and looking slightly confused.

"You have been transferred to another History class. Your new class is V714."

"I'm sorry sir?"

He shrugged, and motioned for her to gather her things together. "Why?" Brook called out as she did so.

"The note said there has been some re arrangement to the classes." Brook smiled sadly at Jorden, who was frowning at the turn of events, and walked up to the front of the class. As her, now ex, teacher passed the note with the new class number written on it, she asked the most important question.

"But why me?" The teacher appeared to have little to tell her.

"Because the Powers Above sent a note informing me so," was the only response he had.

With a final look at her still very confused best friend, Brooklyn was hushed out of the door. It was cool in the Hallways, and she hurried to her new class; she did hate to be late. She also hated swopping classes midway through term; it was unavoidably awkward.

V block was on the other side of campus, so by the time Brook finally arrived, she was freaking out. Unfortunately, her best friend wasn't by her side, assuring her that it wasn't her fault. All she had left was her thoughts, and they weren't positive. She was so sure that the teacher was going to give her detention the moment she stepped inside, she actually hovered outside of the door for a few extra minuets. Eventually she got over her paranoia and knocked on the door.

The teacher, a frightenly stern looking lady, didn't seem to bothered by Brook, especially after the vague note appeared. Apparently it looked very legit. Her new teacher instructed Brook find a seat, and turned to continue scratching onto the board.

"Look who it is! Come to join our class? What, you so desperately want to be like us?"

Brook really should have stayed outside.

She did not need to turn around, to know who belonged to that voice, which had sent more than a few of her new peers off in fits of muffled chuckles. She already knew who it was. At that moment, Brook felt the most tremendous urge to walk out of her new class room, and just not return. However, she didn't. Instead, Brooklyn put on her most special smile, one she reserves for impressing the media, and mass murders, and turned to face a certain dusty blonde haired, lanky boy.

"Luke. I'm impressed to see you actually attend a class. I thought a thing such as this was far to below you..." That got a few chuckles from the class, and everyone turned to see how he would counter-react to that. The teacher looked to.

"Brook, are you having trouble finding a seat? Luke, unless you are offering yours to her, I suggest you sit back down." The two of them mumbled, and Brook found a seat that was out of arms reach of Luke. She'd learnt that he was easy to entertain in class, when he could reach her.

The class resumed, and everyone eventually settled down. This lesson appeared to be about personal History, and what our families do. More than a few eye's, including Brooks, flicked over in Luke's direction, when this wVas mentioned. It was rumoured that his father was part of the Mafia. It has never been confirmed, but he certainly doesn't deny it.

"Brook, why don't you discuss some of your family values?" She sat up a little straighter in her seat.

"Um... Could you possibly be more specific?"

"Well, how does your family deal with situations? Do they have family meetings, and discuss everything together?" Brook couldn't help but laugh at mental image of her family sitting down together to talk about their feelings.

"Nooooo. Never. My family seem to be big believes in avoiding the problem, and never discussing it. Ouch," Brook ended her sentence oddly, because something hit her in the back of her head. She didn't need to enquire as to who: Luke was whistling as he looked away, when she glared in his direction. She chose to ignore him.

"What about yourself. Do you deal with problems like your parents do?"

"Do I ignore them until they are no longer a problem?" Brook thought about her biggest problem, her enemy sitting only a few rows away.

"Yeah. Sometimes. But then sometimes, I become full of action."

"Why is that?" her teacher asked her, and Brook started to receive the feeling that she was speaking to a shrink, not a history teacher.

"Ummmm... I don't know? Maybe subconsciously I want to be better than my parents?"

"Or you are just craaaazy..." Still, Brook stared at him, but had enough control not to snap back. The teacher shot him a look too, and he feel silent again.

"Finally, why do you think your parents resolve their problems this way? Was there something that happened to make this so?"

"I don't know. Since they both do it, maybe it was a joint-decision? Or a response to something... My folks are strange..."

"And your not? You're just like your parents!" Luke called out, and this time he actually got some laughs. Brook had reached her boiling point.

"YOU can talk! Is it true?! Does your Father really belong to the Mafia. Make sense, would explain how you became such a jerk," she spun around in her seat to stare at the blonde boy.

"Brook!" gasped her new teacher.

"You know nothing about my Father!" Luke growled, leaning so far over that he looked on the verge of pouncing on her, but she was too angry to be afraid of him. "You think you're so PERFECT? So much BETTER than ME?!"

"Obviously I'm NOT. But YOU apparently think you are!" Brook screamed back.

"THAT'S ENOUGH!" the teacher screeched at the two students, who completely ignored her. That was, until she said those dreaded words. "DETENTION!!!!"

With that, Luke officially went from enemy, to arch-enemy.

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