Photographer ( One Direction )

By findingfireflies

181 4 0

Marissa is a 18 year old who works for a photography company. She meets all kinds of celebertys but will this... More

Photographer ( One Direction )

Chapter 1 -

63 2 0
By findingfireflies

"Marissa get out of bed" I hear my brother say bluntly from my doorway.

"Go away Brad" I whisper, not bothering to argue with him and snuggle into my comforter.

"Noooooooooooooo! Common coza! You said you'd help me interview all the people to find a roomate!" Brad whines coming closer to my bed & jumping on it.

"Aw fuck. Thats today?" I ask opening my eyes only to get blinded my the amount of sunlight pouring through the drapes..

"Uh yeah.. Now common and get your lazy ass up!" He yells in my ear and exits my room.

I lazily get up & walk to my bathroom, I take a look at myself in the mirror "gross" I mutter & walk to the shower to begin my morning routine..


"About time, dude I thought you had drowned inside that shower or something" Brad spoke as I walked into the kitchen

"Oh shutup, I didn't take thaaaaaat long!" I argued as I went to make a vanilla latte "Want one?" I asked Brad

"Coza, I went to wake you up at 8:20.. It's five till ten! And yes please!" He patted my head as he walked to the living room

I finished up the lattes & poured them into some mugs & walked out to the breakfast table. I took a sip & pulled my phone out to find a couple texts & an email from Kelly my boss.

"Brad your lattes ready" I call as I open the email.

' From:


Subject: New assignment!

Hey coza!

We've got a massive photoshoot this friday! It's for 5 very important guys, guess who it is? Well I am going to need your help on this photoshoot since Hailey is out of town & won't be able to make it.

Heres the info to the photoshoot please be there on time & ready!

Address: 19126 woodville st. W11 2BQ

Time: 7:45 AM


Customers number: ***.***.****

Call me if you have any questions!


- Kelly x '

I read the email & thought about who the 5 guys would be, she said it was a huge photoshoot or how she says 'massive' oh brits.. Well maybe The Wanted? Oh my god Nathan Skyes is like heaven in a human!

"Coza?" I snap out of my thoughts to look at Brad standing by the coat rack.

"Huh?" I ask confused

"You ready? We're going to interview everyone at the coffee shop down the street?" He explains slowly

I nod & pull on my coffee colored UGGS & throw on my white winter coat, grab my phone & head out the house to Brads car.


"Hello you must be Brad & Marissa?" A guy with a black quiff & blue eyes comes up to us with a girl by his side.

"Erm yeah, you guys are here for the roommate thing?" I question them.

So far we've interviewed about a dozen people & none of them seem to fit in for us.

"Oh, he is I'm not.." The girl standing next to the guy says giving me a warm smile, I return it.

"Alrighty, take a seat & we'll see how this goes." Brad says awkwardly

Oh Brad your so stupid sometimes..


"So your our new roommate Nick!" We say & stand up to give Nick a hug.

Turns out Nicks' a college student, he's 21 & studying to be in criminal justice. Overall he's a pretty cool guy.

"Thanks guys! It was nice to meet both of you. So um when can I move in?" He asks scratching the back of his neck.

"Whenever ya want" I tell him & pat him on the head

He laughs & nods.

Well this shall be fun


"Hey Nick! Welcome home! Gotta run bye!" I yell grabbing my camera bag & the latte Brad made me, running past Nick on his way in

I was in a rush to get to the photoshoot considering I only have

20 minutes to get there. I jump into my grey 350z & speed off to the photo shoot location.


"Hey Kelly sorry I'm late" I say walking in to find 5 guys starring at me, okay definitely not The Wanted but uh One Direction? Wait wheres Kelly?

"Um Hello I'm Marissa.. You can call me coza but uh do you know where Kelly is?" I ask to no one in particular

"Hi and um yeah she called and said she couldn't make it but said someone would be coming.. I guess thats you?" The one with the Light brown quiff said.

Don't get me wrong I know who they are, I've listened to a couple of their songs I just don't know much about them including their names..

"Shit." I mumble under my breath only loud enough for me to hear "um alright, well let me just set up and we can get this started, yeah?"

They nod & begin to walk away "Where are you lot going?" I ask

"Um wardrobe.. Hair & make up?" Blondie says

I mentally face palm myself "oh yeah, okay make it quick pleasee" I wave them off & start to fiddle with my lighting & camera.

A while later they showed back up

"Helloo" Blondie waved as he passed by me

"Hey um okay well lets get started shall we?" I input & we began to take the pictures


"Alright now for the Individuals, okay so it's gonna be you curly your gonna be first, then blondie, then tattoo dude, then the hyper one & lastly the normal one! Okay common" I clap my hands together signaling them to follow me, but they just stood there "um hello?"

"We have names ya know.." Blondie smirked at me, oh god here we go..

"Erm yeah but I uh.." I scratched the back of my neck nervously well this is embarrassing ..

"Ah she doesn't know our names" tattoos finally spoke up, I nodded quickly & looked at my camera..

"It's okay love! We can introduce ourselves" the overly hyper one yelled. Jesus what is with this kid & why do brits always have to call you love or babe? Somethings the world may never know

"Well Im Louis" hyper boy- I mean Louis said & shook my hand

"Liam" Liam the only normal one smiled & shook my hand

"Harry" curly implied his real name & gave me a hug

"Im Zayn" tattoos mumbled & waved at me

"And I am Niall!" Blondie grinned at me

"Okay Hi um Marissa you already know that but uh yeaah! Anyways common we have work to do!" I smiled at them & we began with the individual pictures.

"Hi Marissa" Niall came up as I was about to leave

I smiled at him "Hey whatssup? Oh and you can call me coza"

He laughed "okay coza but hey do you wanna catch a late lunch with me and the lads?" He asked me

I looked at my watch it read '4:48'

"Shit" I mumbled there was no way I could go to lunch with them I have a dinner to go to for some company with my brother in about an hour

"I'm so sorry but I can't I have somewhere to be! But hey heres my number" I said writing it on a piece of paper "Call me anytime and we can go to lunch another day, yeah?" He nodded & gave me a quick hug before I ran off to my car.


"Brad? Nick?" I yelled walking into the house looking for them

"Up here!" I hear Brad yell, I run up to his room to find him laying on his bed

"Uh Brad shouldn't you be getting dressed for the dinner? It's at 6 no? And its 5:30" I ask him confused

"No." he simply says turning to look at me "It's at 7:30 stupid" he says shaking his head

Are you serious? Now I feel bad for not going to lunch with the lot.

"Ugh okay" I mumble as I plop myself onto Brads water bed "I hate your bed! But I just love it!" I yell rolling around in it

"Yeah, how old are you?" He chuckled looking down at me

"18.." I say quietly looking down sheepishly

"Immature ass" Brad smirks at me, I pout at him "It's okay I still love my wittle baby sister" Brad coos while pinching my cheeks

"Dude I'm like 3 years younger than you! I'm not a baby!" I look at him dully

"Yeah yeah whatever you say coza" He says returning to his phone

'Red cups & sweaty bodies everywhere , hands in the air like we don't care'

My ringtone blasted through the quiet room

I picked it up not knowing who's number it was

"Helloo charlies whore house you got the dough we got the hoe!" I exclaimed into my phone trying to hold back a laugh

"Uh I think I got the wrong number sorry.." The irish accent rang through the phone, ah Niall

I busted out laughing receiving a weird look from my brother "Hi Niall, you don't have the wrong number I was messing with ya"

"Wow Marissa" I heard him chuckle "I actually almost fell for it, anywho so I was calling to see if you were busy tomorrow, maybe we can go to lunch with us?" He asked

Well tomorrows wednesday so no school & Kelly hasn't sent me a new assignment yet so I'm free

"Um yeah sure that'd be great" I smiled

"Alright so I'll pick you up at 12:30?"

"Yeah I'll text you my address, alright see you then byeeeee" With that I hung up

"Who was that? Why are you giving them our address? Is it a guy? Are you going on a date? You have a boyfriend & didin't tell me? Common coza why didn't you tell me!" Brad fired all the questions at me

I looked at him & raised an eyebrow "It was Niall, He's picking me up for dinner tomorrow, no it's not a date and he's not my boyfriend I barely met him today now chill." I breathed out all in one sentence

He shook his head at me "Please don't get a boyfriend your my little sister you can't date anyone"

Sometimes Brad gets overprotective but I know he does it with good intentions. He's like a second father to me, but he has to understand that I'm going to grow up. Im not dating Niall cause I don't like him like that

I smiled at my worried older brother "love you Brad" I kissed his cheek & walked out of the room. I heard him mumble a love you too & a go get ready

I did as I was told & jumped into the shower


"Common coza!" Brad yelled from down the stairs

I rushed to the living room to find my brother dressed nicely "Fancy" I winked at him "same to you dude" he laughed

I looked at my brother he was a 6'3 guy pretty tall for me he had brown hair & gray eyes just like mine. He was dressed in a white dress shirt , black skinnies with some black converse. I honestly loved my brothers style its simple but cute.

As for I was wearing A black high low dress with some black wedges. Somehow we always match but we don't mind.

 Marissa's outfit : (  )

Brad outfit : ( )

We get into Brads black Audi & drive down to the restaurant.

"So who are we meeting up with?" I ask him

"Modest" he states simply

My eyes widen Modest is a very successful management

"Serious?" I ask him shocked

He chuckled & nodded

Whoah thats crazy!

Holy shit I'm having dinner with Modest Management..


A/N hello everyone ! I hope yall liked the first chapter if yall did please tell your friends or followers or somebody to read this ! please !

well goooodbyeee !

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