My Best Friend's Boyfriend

By charyzac

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What will be your reaction if your best friend and the man of your dreams gets into a relationship? Skye and... More

Chapter 1: Home Sweet Home
Chapter 3: Not Feeling Well
Chapter 4: Stupid Girl
Chapter 5: Lab Partners
Chapter 6: Cupcake
Chapter 7: Detention
Chapter 8: Picnic
Chapter 9: V
Chapter 10: Ice Cream
Chapter 11: Birthday Party
Chapter 12: Sick Day
Chapter 13: Pom Poms and Cheers
Chapter 14: Unexpected
Chapter 15: Beware of Snakes
Chapter 16: BFF talk
Chapter 17: Avoiding Game
Chapter 18: Dreams and Reality
Chapter 19: Shopping
Chapter 20: Children's Party
Chapter 21: Drunk
Chapter 22: Dinner
Chapter 23: Youngest Walters
Chapter 24: Lake House
Chapter 25: Bonfire
Chapter 26: Backstreet
Chapter 27: Rain Rain (don't) Go Away
Chapter 28: Start of Something New?
Chapter 29: Pool
Chapter 30: Stiles From Teen Wolf
Chapter 31: This is Skye
Chapter 32: Kyle
Chapter 33: It's Official
Chapter 34: Angry Birds
Chapter 35: Cheesy Ideas
Chapter 36: Daddy Problems
Chapter 37: Positive
Chapter 38: Broken
Chapter 39: Secrets
Chapter 40: Don't Let Me Let You Go
Chapter 41: Happy Together

Chapter 2: What the Fudge?

21.1K 490 179
By charyzac

I stretched my arms and legs on my bed. I really missed being comforrable not like my bunk at the camp, such a total nightmare. I stretch my body one last time before walking to my bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face.

In 2 days school will start. Arg!

I patted my face with a clean towel then fix my hair into a top bun. As I jog down the stairs, I heard laughter coming from the kitchen. I made my way to the room and saw mom cooking, while Dad and Nate are palying around.

"I'm a Monster! I will eat you!" Dad speaking with a monster voice trying to scare Nate with a ridiculous looking hat that covers his face.

"No, you're not." says the giggling 5 year old.

"Good Morning!" I said sitting down next to Nate, grabbing a bacon.

"Good Morning. Breakfast is ready." Mom putting the  scrambled eggs on a serving plate.

Dad turn to me, he growls. "I will eat you!" He tries to scare me, but clearly I won't fall for it. Though it used to really scare me when I was little.

I shook my head in his effort. "Dad, I'm 17." I told him holding a sliced bacon.

"Hey, you're no fun." Dad comments. I only shrug my shoulder as response.

"That's enough Chris. Let's eat." Mom taking the hat off his face leaving Nate chuckle.

"Honeeeyyyy." Dad pouts towards my mother.

"I don't know why I even married you." Mom rolling her eyes at my father.

"Because I'm super sweet" Dad plants a kiss on my mom's cheek. "Super-" Dad pointing at me to continue.

"Loving." I say.

"Daddy?" He now asks Nate.

"Makes delicious cookies!" The boy clapping his hands proud of what he said, making all of us laugh appreciating his adorable character.

"You see." Dad snaps his finger as he points out his defense. "And may I add, super handsome!" Dad winking at Mom. Mom only shook her head as she tries to hide her growing smile, which by the way she was totally failing at. "Right?" Dad gesturing a finger heart symbol towards mom.

Mom couldn't help but display a wide smile. "Okay, fine." Mom finally gives in. "You are handsome." She giggles as she playfully hit dad on his arms.

I love how they still act sweet towards each other even though they've been married for so long. I am so lucky with my family, I can see how much they love and adore each other.

"Do you want to help out at the bake shop?" My mom pulled me out of my thoughts. "We can have some baking bonding. I also wanted to try something new to add at the menu." Mom said before sipping her coffee.

"Yeah sure, no problem." I said smiling. I am always happy to help out the Bake shop. There is always something sweet to eat.


"Good Morning Rena." Says Mrs. Vilma, the oldest helper in the shop. She was already here even when the shop was still being manage and owned by my Dad's parents. He inherited the shop when my grandparents died. Dad wanted to sell it at first for he cannot manage the shop and his job at the same time.

Dad was introduced to a young baker without hesitation he asked the baker to help him manage the shop in order to save it. The young baker did not only save the bake shop but also my dad's lonely heart (as told by him) Dad even said that it was love at first sight for him.

"Good Morning Vilma." Mom greets her with a smile as we closed the door behind us.

"Hi Vilma!" I waved at her happily.

"Hi Skye! Welcome back." Vilma said while mixing some eggs on a bowl. "Hi there, Nate." She also greets my brother who quickly run towards her to look at what she's preparing.

"I brought Skye to help out and Nate... well to eat?" Mom said chuckling. Miguel entered from the kitchen with the first batch of baked cupcakes. Nate shifted to Miguel almost knocking him, glad that Miguel was careful enough not to. "Slow down." Mom said to Nate, which was clearly already busy drooling on the cupcakes.

"No, no." Miguel shaking his head slowly at Nate that made the little boy frown.

"Hi Miguel!" I greeted him. He raises his hand for me to give him a high five after he place the tray near the glass display.

"What's up, kiddo." Miguel gesturing a punk sign. If I don't know Miguel, I would probably assume that he's one of those biker dudes with his rocker appearance.

"Just good." I nodded at him.

"Can I have one?" Nate said as he points on the displayed cupcakes.

"I can't give them to you yet, you're mom's going to be mad." Miguel pointing at mom that was now talking with Vilma.

"You promised last time." Nate crossing his arms disappointed.

"How about you help me get the other cupcakes for display and i'll sneak you one, but just one." Miguel telling Nate in a lower voice.

"Okay!" My brother eagerly nodding his head.

"How about you?" Miguel asks me.

"I'll pass." I said taking an apron and tying it on my waist. "We'll be baking something later, so I'm emptying my tummy for samples later." Tapping my stomach.

"Save me some." Miguel wiggling his brow at me. I only nodded at him and the two went on to get the other cupcakes.

I walk towards Mom and Vilma. "I'll do the supply inventory." I told mom as I take the checklist that is hanging near the soda fridge.

"After we can start with the baking." Mom said.


Customers came in and out of the Bake shop - ordering coffee, cakes and other pastries. The bell of the door rings indicating new costumers coming. Just automatically my head snap towards the door. My eyes slowly widens in surprise as Heather entered the shop holding hands with a guy that definitely doesn't look like Dylan. I rubbed my eyes for clarity and I was seeing right, he isn't Dylan.

Our gaze somehow caught each other, like she doesn't know me at all. Heather is like the Queen B of our school and is very popular. Vanessa and I had several classes with her but the two of us never really converse,  though I know Vanessa usually do.

She diverts her gaze to the guy she is with as he probably ask her what could she like. Me on the other hand, I continue to clean the table but my thoughts didn't stop just there.

Are they dating? What about Dylan?

I wonder what happened to their relationship and who is the guy Heather's with. The guy was all smoochy on her, I didn't know a guy could be that clingy.

Heather and Dylan broke up.

A magical light bulb was lit inside my head. I quickly took out my phone and stalk Dylan's profile on facebook. There isn't anything posted about a break up or about Heather, but as I scroll down and saw the relationship status that read the most wonderful word that ever made, Single.

"Oh my god!" I squealed like a crazy rubber ducky. My sudden outburst of joy earned some glances from other customers. I purse my lips together and immediately lifted the tray of used plates, utensils and cups. I entered the kitchen to place the tray near the sink.

"What is it?" Mom ask. I didn't know she followed me inside the kitchen.

"Mom! Mom!" Jumping up and down holding my phone on my hand.

"What is it, Skye?" She asks again.

"Remember the guy I told you. The one that I have a huge crush on but has a girlfriend." happily slured the words out. She nodded. "They broke up!" I announce while making a happy dance. "Mom! They broke up!" I repeat once again.

"Is that good?" Mom furrowing her eyebrows.

"Yes! Yes! Absolutely Yes!" I eagerly nodded. "I should text Vanessa." I quickly tap on her number and started typing.

To Vanessa:
I have good, I mean GREAT NEWS!!!!! Talk to you later! #EXCITED!

"Mom, this is the happiest day of my life." I said happily smiling like I won a lottery.


I am watching Grimm on my laptop when someone knocked on the door then opens it, revealing my mom. "Skye, you have a visitor." She told me.

I sat up. "Who is it?" I asks for I wasn't expecting anyone.

"Just come down." Mom said smiling then left. I groan as I lifted myself to leave the bed. I followed mom descend the stairs and saw two blonds sitting on the sofa, a boy and a girl.

Vanessa is arriving tomorrow.

"Hi." I said politely though I wasn't sure who it was. The girl turned after hearing my greeting, my mouth fell into a gape as it was Vanessa "Gosh!" I stride to her and gave her a longing hug.

"Miss me that much?" She jokingly said.

"Of course." I nod before pulling away still smiling.

"I know!" Vanessa pinching my cheeks.

"I thought you'll arrive tomorrow." I said with disbelief.

"I wanted to surprise you... well, Surprise!" She said with jazz hands.

"I was surprised indeed." I held my hand on my heart.

"You definitely were." A guys voice echoed. I looked at the guy that is now standing and for a second I was totally dumdfounded. I was frozen to where I was standing, blinking 3 times for I couldn't believe my eyes. Dylan -The love of my life is standing in front of me with his ever perfect hair, eyes, nose, temple, cheeks and of course, smile.

"Hi I'm-"

"Dylan, I know." I sounded like a love sick puppy, smiling widely as I cut his introduction.

"And this is my bestfriend Skye." Vanessa elbowed me back to my senses but I was clearly still smiling so hard that I might strain my cheeks.

"Why is he here?" I ask her but not taking my eyes off Dylan's Godly face. "Not that I don't want you here." I told Dylan, I don't want him to get offended or I'll blew my one shot at love.

"Oh right!" Vanessa shift to Dylan's side intertwining their hands, making me confused. "I would like you to officially meet my boyfriend, Dylan." Vanessa smiling looking at Dylan.

I might have heard it wrong.

"Your what?" I smiled wanting her to repeat what she just said.

"My boyfriend." She said again.

"Is this a joke?" I nervously chuckles. "She's such a kidder sometimes." I informed Dylan.

"No." Dylan was the one who answered. "I'm her boyfriend." He rest his arms on her shoulders. My smile quickly faded as my heart felt like it dropped straight onto the floor.

"What the fudge! I need some air, wait!" I exclaim and immediately walk out of the back door, with heart rapidly beating on my chest that I started to find it hard to breathe.

Dylan and Vanessa? What?

"Skye, you alright?" Vanessa now standing beside me her hand on my shoulder. I have this yearning that I wanted to yell and be angry at her for I feel betrayed. She knows that I like him so much but why come back and announce that My Dylan is her boyfriend. "Skye?"

It hurts, it hurts like hell. I want to slap her for making me feel like this, but even though she's still my bestfriend and what if they do like each other. I lowered my head and some strands of hair covers my face.

"I'm fine." I lied. I rub my chest in circular motion to soothe my pounding heart.

"You sure?" She asks.

"Yeah." I turn to look at her.

"You look terribly pale." She raises a brow at me.

"It might be the sweets that I was eating earlier. I probably had too much. History of Diabetes runs in the family, remember?" I lied again trying to compose myself to smile.

"Really?" I nodded in response. "It isn't because of Dylan?"

"No." I shook my head.

"Okay hear me out, I know that you have a huge crush on Dylan which I know I can't blame you for because he's really hot." She tries to explain. "We somehow gotten into the same vacation spot amd resort then we started to hangout. Dylan and I just clicked." She smirks at me. "Can you just be happy for me?"

"I-i'm happy." I faked a smile.

"But you have a crush on him." She added.

"It's fine, It was just a crush. It was not like I love him or anything." I bite my lower lip, I don't know if crushes supposed to hurt like this.

"Great then!" She happily claps. "Well, I still brought you gifts from Hawaii, it's still wrapped. Why don't we go back now so you can unwrap it."

"Okay." I nodded.

"And just to be honest, we both know that Dylan doesn't know you existed except now." She gave me a toothy grin and went back to the living room. I was taken aback from what she said but i know that what she said was true. I am just a pauper who wishes to be noticed by a prince.

I followed Vanessa inside the house. We saw Dylan talking to Nate, they seem to quickly get comfortable with each other. I felt envious which I usually hate feeling but I just couldn't help it.

"Here." She handed me a paper bag. "Those are pretty expensive!" She informs intertwining her fingers with Dylan's.

"Thank you." I said trying to avert my gaze anywhere except their hands.

"So that's mostly it! We should probably go now. I'm still feeling tired from the long trip." Vanessa resting her head on Dylan's shoulder.

"You should rest then." putting up a fixed grin.

"Okay. Let's go, baby?" Vanessa tugging Dylan to the door. Dylan bid his goodbye to Nate that my little brother responded with a wave.

"Bye Skye, It was nice officially meeting you." He smiles that beautiful smile. I could have melted if we were in a different situation and not him being introduced as my best friend's boyfriend.

"Bye." I force a faint smile at him and Vanessa. I asher them both to the door.

"See you at school, S."  Vanessa said. When I finally close the door behind them, my knees felt weak that I had to lean my back on the door still tightly gripping on the knob. I know deep inside that it wasn't just a silly crush.

"Look Skye, Vanessa bought me this!" Nate showing me his newly black bracelet.

I took a deep breath and try to straighten my posture. "It's pretty." I commented.

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