The Boys Next Door

By angelina_ho

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Two best friends, Jaelyn and Jenna move to New York , to live out their dreams together. When they move in to... More

Leaving home
New York
New Kids
The First Day of School
Central Park and Next Door Nightmares
Advice and Sleepovers
Lunch Encounters and Friendly Invites?
False Hope
Wheel Chair Races
Surprise Visits
The Party
New Friends and Mischievous Plans
The War Begins
Late Nights
Girls Night
Arcade Fun

Truth or Dare

59 2 0
By angelina_ho

Jace's POV
I wake up to a clean apartment. This is really weird, it actually smells good for once. There is not trash on the floor, and for some reason we are all still sleeping in the living room. I start to walk around the apartment.

The kitchen is spotless, there is not rotten food in the fridge. I head over to my room, it is also spotless. They even did my laundry. Wow, I didn't they would actually do this well. They are the first girls who have made us angry. Usually girls just fall head over heels for us.

I was really shocked, when Jaelyn socked me in the jaw. Boy does that girl have a good right jab. There is a purse sat on my bed. One of the girls must have left it here. I grab it and look through it. I am invading her privacy but why should I care?

Her diary is in here. I flip it open, and start to read through it. Looks like this is Jaelyn's bag. She just talks about her old life, and things her and Jenna do etc. Nothing too interesting. Then I get to the juicy stuff. Her worst fears, and she talks about how well she and Jenna know each other. We'll see about that.

The boys and I talked about, how we will make them play a game of our "extreme" truth or dare. They are required to play or "else". I will use this page to my advantage. I will also add a get to know each other game. I mean we will have to see them almost everyday for a month. Might as well!

I will test just how well they know each other. They can't know that much about each other. I will ask the most random questions that no one knows about each other. Everyone they get wrong adds a day to their slavery.

The boys finally wake up. It's 11:00, we already missed 2 periods. Oh well, we always come late anyways. We all change and get ready. I drive my motorcycle to school. I really don't want to be here, but I don't want to get held back. Going to school for an extra year sounds horrible.

I burst right into third period. Everyone turns to stare at me, but once they see its me they quickly look away. "Mr. Carter late once again I see," the grumpy old teacher Mr. Fallon says.

"Yup," I say.

"Take a seat," he said annoyed. I walk over to sit down next to Sam. We have this class period together. I don't even pay attention the whole class period. Once the bell rings, I go to fourth period. Just one more period to go.

Finally after what feels like centuries, school is over. The boys and I head over to the girls lockers. They are standing there, chatting with Emily, and Abby. "Hey ladies," Chris says, flashing them one of his signature smiles. I expect them to smile back, or blush, but they don't.

"Boys," Emily says.

"So Jaelyn and Jenna you have to come over to our apartment again. You have to play a "extreme" game of truth or dare with us," Sam says.

"While we're at it, why don't Emily and Abby come too," Alex says.

"Oh um... Okay," Jaelyn replies.

"Cool see you then," I say. We start to walk away.

"Sorry we dragged you guys into this," Jenna says.

"It's okay, we saw it coming besides we have your guy's backs," Abby says. Emily starts to talk but I can't hear them now. We are too far away. I can't wait for this night.

Once I get home I don't even bother doing my homework. I watch tv for a while. At around four o'clock there's a knock on the door. Chris walks over to answer the door. "Ladies, welcome to our household," Chris says. They walk in.

"Let's get started. First we are going to play a get to know each other game. Only Jaelyn and Jenna have to know each other's answers," I say.

"Okay, I forgot my bag here the other day," Jaelyn replies.  I hand her bag to her.

"He forgot to mention that if you guys get one wrong, another day is added to your slavery," Sam says.

"What?!" the girls reply at the same time.

"Yup, you heard us right," I say smirking. I love getting under people's skin.

"Maybe that's a little too harsh," Alex says.

"Don't be a pussy cat Alex," Chris says.

"Okay now let's begin," I say.

"First question, who's your celebrity crush?" Sam asks.

"I'll go first, Jennifer Lawrence," Alex says.

"Blake Lively," Chris says.

"Scarlett Johansson," Sam says.

"Don't have one, that's lame," I say.

"Party pooper," Chris says. I glare at him, he puts his hands up in defense.

"Steph Curry," Abby says.

"Zach Efron," Emily says.

"Here's some whiteboards to write it on. Write down your answer then their answer," I tell Jenna and Jaelyn smirking. Surely they'll get this wrong. I mean who knows each other's celebrity crushes?

The girls start writing down their answers. "Now show us your answers," I say. They show us their boards. They had the same answers! Jaelyn's was Liam Hemsworth, Jenna's was Chris Hemsworth. I see where this was going.

"Okay, never mind let's end this game. Let's just play truth or dare now," I say. I guess they do know each other well.

"I'll go first. Chris, truth or dare?" asks Emily.

"Dare," Chris replies.

"I dare you to shove a handful of ice cubes down your pants," Emily says smirking.

"Dang it," He replies grumpily. We all start walking over to the now spotless kitchen.

"Ready?" Alex asks as he swung open the freezer.

"Yeah, now let's just get this over with," Chris replies gloomily. He grabs a handful of ice cubes.

"3,2,1!" We all count down. He shoves them all down his pants.

"Cold! Cold! Cold!" Chris shouts jumping around. We all burst out laughing. His pants are now soaking wet. I guess Emily has a grudge against him.

"While we're at it, you might as well get completely wet," Emily says.

"Wait wha--" Chris says, but then Emily dumped a pitcher of water over his head. We all start laughing.

After Chris finally settles down it was now his turn. "Abby, truth or dare?" Chris asks.

"Truth," Abby replies.

"Out of all the people in this room who would you date?" asks Chris smirking.

"Alex, because he is the nicest out of all of you," Abby replies. Chris' smirk dropped. He probably thought she would choose him, I held back a laugh. Alex started blushing, wimp.

"Speaking of Alex, truth or dare?" Abby asks.

"Dare," Alex replies.

"I dare you to let us girls put makeup on you," Abby says.

"Ugh, do I have to?" asks Alex.

"Yup," everyone says at the same time.

"Fine, lets get this done and over with," Alex says. The girls start digging through their bags for makeup. Once they have a pile of makeup, they began. After ten minutes they finish. Everyone started laughing.

"Why are you guys laughing?" Alex asks.

"See for yourself," Jaelyn says handing him a mirror.

"Ahh, I look horrible!" Alex says.

"You look gorgeous," Abby says laughing.

"Oh shut up," Alex replies. He grabs one of the lipsticks and scribbles all over Abby's face.

"Hey!" Abby yells.

"Moving on," Chris says.

"Emily, truth or dare?" Alex asks.

"Dare," she replies

"Since we're in the kitchen, I dare you to crack an egg on your head," Alex replies

"Ew," Emily replies. Chris grabs an egg out of an egg carton.

"Here you go Emily," Chris says smirking while handing her the egg.

"3,2,1!" We yell. She smashes the egg on her head. The yolk starts to drip down her hair into her face.

"Ew, gross!" Emily shouts. She quickly gets the kitchen towel and wipes her face. After she gets cleaned up we head to the living room.

"Guess I get to go twice. Sam, truth or dare?" asks Emily.

"Dare," Sam replies.

"I dare you to tape your hands together with duct tape. For the rest of the game," Emily says.

"Okay, fine," Sam replies. We get a roll of duct tape, and wrap it around his now stuck together hands.

"Jenna, truth or dare?" Sam asks.

"Truth," Jenna replies.

"On a scale from one to ten what do you rate everyone in the room?" Sam asks

"All tens," Jenna replies.

"Yeah right," I say scoffing.

"I'm not kidding. I genuinely believe that," Jenna replies. Everyone tools their eyes.

"Jace, truth or dare?" Jenna asks me.

"Dare," I reply.

"How about since like no one is doing that many truths, let's just make it dare or dare," Jaelyn suggests.

"Okay," everyone agrees. I was actually having fun, which is weird. These girls aren't all that bad.

"I dare you to switch clothes with the person on your left," Jenna says. I look to my left, it's Jaelyn shoot.

"Crap, I am not wearing that skirt though, come on," I say getting up, while dragging Jaelyn with me. We get to my room. I tell her to go to the bathroom across the hall. I strip, then throw my clothes outside. She then grabs them, and throws her clothes out.

I pick up her clothes. She hands me a pair of leggings she had in her purse instead of the skirt. Why does she have pants in her purse? That I will never know. I squeeze them on. Man these are tight. Then I put on her sweater. It was so small on me.

I look in the mirror. I look ridiculous! I slowly walk out. Jaelyn is wearing my shirt, which looks like a dress on her. She is also wearing my jeans, which are slipping off. She actually looked hot. She laughed at the sight of me. I was suddenly embarrassed by what I was wearing.

We walk back to the living room. Everyone burst into a fit of laughter. "Yeah, yeah, now can it be my turn?" I ask.

"Yup," everyone replies.

"Before you do that, I have to do something. Everyone here looks ridiculous right now. Except for Jenna, so I want to draw on her face with makeup," Jaelyn says.

"Yeah!" everyone replies.

"Wait no!" Jenna says.

"Come on, do it for me," Jaelyn says giving her a pouty face.

"Fine," Jenna replies. Jaelyn got an eyeliner, and draws a mustache on Jenna's face. She adds a unibrow, and a couple moles.

"Done," Jaelyn says.

"Jaelyn, I dare you to walk on the ledge outside the apartment," I reply. Her whole face turned white. I knew this would get to her. She after all does have a fear of heights.

"Do I have to?!" Jaelyn asks fear evident in her voice.

"Yes, or a week will be added to your slavery," I reply.

"Okay," she says her voice shaking. She walks over to the window and opens it. She slowly steps on to the ledge. She looks down, and screams. It all happens so quick. She falls backwards, back into the apartment window. She hits her head on a table edge.

"Jaelyn!" Jenna shouts. We all rush over to her. Blood is leaking down her head. We shake her, she won't wake up she's unconscious!

"Let's get her to a hospital!" I shout.

Here's a somewhat long chapter, hope you like it. Also random Jace point of view I will be doing the other character's point of view every one in awhile.

P.S. The boys aren't as mean as everyone thinks.


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